When Summer Ends (41 page)

Read When Summer Ends Online

Authors: Isabelle Rae

We pulled into the school, and Will got off first, standing
off to the side watching everyone file out. Nick was waiting just outside the
door for us with a euphoric I-got-to-shoot-people-with-paint smile on his face,
just like the rest of the boys that went.

I skipped off with them excitedly towards Amy’s car; I was
literally counting down the minutes until four o’clock when I would see Will
again. It felt like I was in some sort of dream, like I wasn’t properly in
control of myself or my actions, I was just moving around in some sort of
trance, blissfully happy.

Amy pulled up outside my house and looked at me pleadingly.
“So you’ll come round tomorrow and help me pick my outfit, right?” she asked,
chewing on her lip with either nerves or excitement, probably a mixture of

I nodded. “For definite, wouldn’t miss the chance to tart
you up for Ryan for the world!” I teased, hugging her as I got out of the car,
waving as she drove up the road.

I turned and practically ran into the house. My parents gave
me strange looks as I pelted past them at full speed, heading for my bedroom.
“Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad!” I chirped as I blurred past them.

“Hey, pumpkin. Have fun?” my dad called to my back as I
darted up the stairs.

“Lots!” I shouted from the top of the stairs, already
stripping out of my clothes so I had a precious few extra seconds in the

I showered as quick as humanly possible, being careful not
to wet my hair, then headed to my bedroom, picking out tight jeans that I knew
Will liked because the last time I wore them he’d barely been able to keep his
hands off of my derrière. I grabbed a black tank top and a grey loose knitted
sweater to go over the top. I ran a brush through my hair and put on fresh make-up,
but to be honest I didn’t really need much. My face was already alight with
excitement, my eyes shining. I sighed happily and headed downstairs to tell my
parents I was going out.

It was only just after twenty to four, I had managed to get
ready in record time. I was actually a little proud of myself. I went into the
kitchen; my dad was sitting there reading the newspaper, while my mom was
starting dinner for tonight.

“Hey,” I chirped, sitting on the spare stool next to my dad,
hoping that they wouldn’t ask me what I was so excited about.

“So you had fun at paintballing? I was expecting an irate
call from Amy telling me I needed to come and collect you two from hospital or
something,” my dad teased, bumping my shoulder with his.

I laughed and shook my head. “Surprisingly, I managed to go
the whole afternoon unscathed. Maybe my luck’s turning around?” I suggested. My
luck definitely seemed to feel as if it was turning around to me. I had my
dream guy, who was in love with me, great friends, great parents, and next
weekend I was off to see Daniel Masters in concert. What more could a seventeen
year old girl ask for?

My mom smiled happily. “You’ll always be a klutz, Chloe, you
were born one and you’ll die one,” she replied, sticking out her tongue at me.

I laughed and nodded in agreement. I looked at her chopping
up a mound of potatoes and suddenly realised she was probably cooking for me
tonight, as well. “Mom, I’m going out for dinner tonight, is that okay?” I
asked, praying she would say yes. My parents were pretty cool and easy going
most of the time; hopefully this wouldn’t be the only exception to the rule.

She shrugged. “Sure. Are you and Amy going somewhere nice?”
she asked.

Okay, so I don’t want to lie but I can’t tell them the
truth. Oh man, what do I say to that
? “Er… I’m not sure.” I winced, hoping
that my answer was acceptable. Apparently it was because she smiled and nodded,
continuing to chop up vegetables.

A couple of minutes later my phone started ringing in my
purse. I grabbed it out excitedly, knowing it would be Will. I jumped out of my
chair as I answered it, not wanting to be near my parents in case my face gave
something away that I was having an illegal relationship with my teacher.

“Hi,” I answered. I bit my lip when I realised how happy and
excited my voice sounded. Was I going to scare him away by coming on too
strong? Was he going to take one look at my flushed face and finally see me as
an over excited school girl?

“Hi, Cutie. I’m outside, shall I come and knock for you or…”
He trailed off and I felt my heart start to crash erratically at the sound of
his voice. Suddenly I realised what he’d said.
He wants to knock on the
door? Oh my days, my dad would literally kill him!

“No don’t, I’ll be right out,” I said quickly. My eyes were
firmly fixed on the back of my dad’s head in case he decided, at that exact
moment, to go outside and saw Will sitting there in his car waiting for me. I
disconnected the call and headed back over to the kitchen counter where I’d
left my purse; I shoved my cell phone in and kissed my dad on the cheek. “I’ll
see you both later.”

“Home before ten thirty, Chloe,” my dad said sternly.

I gave him my best puppy dog face; I wanted as much time
with Will as I could get tonight. I was actually considering the idea of
telling them I was staying at Amy’s for the night so I would get to stay with
Will, but I couldn’t exactly spring things like that on my parents. My parents liked
a little notice and were less likely to kick up a fuss if I told them before I
was just about to leave the house.

“Aww, can’t it be later? Eleven thirty, please?” I begged,
pouting at him. “It’s not a school night,” I added. He sighed and nodded and I
kissed his cheek again, before skipping off towards the door. “You guys are the
best, see you later!” I called over my shoulder.

As soon as I opened the front door I was overcome with
happiness. Just seeing Will’s silver jeep parked there made my skin feel like
it had burst into flames and my whole body started to tingle with nervous
excitement. He was watching me walk up the path, his eyes a little wide as he
raked them over my body. I grinned smugly.
Someone definitely still liked
the jeans!

Sliding into the passenger seat of his car, I smiled. He was
still raking his eyes down my body lustfully. My heart was beating so loud I’m
surprised he couldn’t hear it. He was still wearing the same clothes from
earlier, but he always just seemed so much sexier outside of school grounds.

“Hi,” I whispered, knowing my voice wouldn’t come out if I
tried to speak properly.

His eyes finally left my body and came back to meet mine.
“Hi,” he whispered back, grinning at me. His expression seemed to match mine,
happiness, nervousness, and a little shock. He leant through into the back seat,
and I frowned, wondering what he was doing - until he pulled his arm back into
the front, holding out a bunch of red tulips. “Got you these.”

So. Damn. Sweet!
I forgot how adorable he was, how
attentive he was as a boyfriend, how he always spoiled me and seemed to
remember every single little thing I told him. “Oh, Will, these are beautiful.
Thank you,” I mumbled, fighting a wave of happy tears because this was real and
he honestly wanted me and that the pain of the last six weeks was finally over.
Hopefully for good.

“You’re welcome, Cutie.” He smiled happily, and my heart
melted into a puddle when he called me Cutie.

He was moving closer to me, his luscious lips getting
dangerously close to mine and I could barely breathe.
This is where I wake
up with my alarm clock buzzing and realise I’ve slept in and am late for

But I wasn’t dreaming.

His lips pressed against mine, and I made a little squeak of
excitement as my hands gripped into the back of his hair, not letting him pull
away from me. I wanted him so much, no it wasn’t want, it was need. I needed
him. I drank him in greedily, kissing him as fiercely as he kissed me, feeling
the little sparks of electricity that seemed to run through my body whenever he
was close to me. I pulled myself closer to him, crushing my chest against his
as I kissed him passionately, showing him all of my feelings for him.

Way too soon he pulled away. I struggled to catch my breath,
but I still needed more. I pouted at him letting him know that I wasn’t done.
He smiled, pecking me on the lips again quickly before pulling all the way back
and starting the car.

I sighed happily and sat back in my seat too, trying to calm
my body down before I literally burned into flames - I didn’t want to ruin his
leather seats. I snapped on my seatbelt as he pulled away from my house.

“So what do you want to do? If you want to go for dinner or
something then we’ll need to go a little way out of town so no one sees us,” he
suggested, frowning.

I shrugged; I couldn’t care less what we did as long as I
got to spend a few hours with him. I would happily shovel manure as long as I
was doing it with him. “Whatever you want,” I murmured, tracing my fingers over
the waxy petals of one of the tulips, marvelling over their beauty.
Will to buy me my favourite flowers.

“Well, we need to talk, so how about we go to my place and
order takeout?”

Oh heck yeah I want to go to his place!
I loved his
place, and of course, a visit to his bed would pretty much make my night too.
“Chinese?” I suggested, trying not to let my dirty thoughts show on my face.

“Sounds good.” He held my hand as he drove to his place and
I couldn’t help but steal little glances at him every now and again. He was so
handsome and made my heart beat a little too fast in my chest. The whole car
journey my body was on edge, my palms were sweaty, and my stomach was fluttering

I just held his hand tightly, afraid to let go in case he
changed his mind or something and didn’t want to be with me after all. That
would crush me. When we broke up last time that was hard but this time it would
be even harder because we’d exchanged the ‘L’ word. I smiled and laughed
quietly to myself as I thought about him telling me he loved me; coming out of
his mouth they were the most beautiful words I had ever heard.

“What?” he asked, glancing at me from the corner of his eye
as he pulled into the spaces for his apartment building.

I shrugged. “Just thinking.”

He smiled and kissed the back of my hand before letting go
and climbing out of the car heading around to my side. I got out before he
could open the door for me, knowing he wouldn’t like that, he liked to behave
like a gentleman and do little things like open doors for me when we were

He sighed and looked at me knowingly as he snaked his arm
around my waist, pulling me against him. “Must we have this conversation again
about you letting me behave like a proper boyfriend?” he whispered, bending and
planting a soft kiss on my forehead. My heart stopped and then took off in
overdrive when he said the word boyfriend and I couldn’t help the excited
little squeal that came out of my mouth as I grabbed his T-shirt and pulled him
impossibly closer.

“Is that what you are?” I teased.

He grinned. “Unless you’d rather me behave like your
teacher,” he offered, shrugging and stepping back, narrowing his eyes at me

“You think you can teach me a few things upstairs in your
apartment?” I flirted, biting my lip and trying to look sexy, but my blush
probably ruined the effect.

“Sure, did you bring your textbook?” he answered, smirking
but looking a little uncomfortable at the same time.

“Damn it, I forgot to bring it. Looks like it’ll just have
to be a practical lesson,” I purred suggestively, watching as he gulped, his
eyes getting a little wider before he crashed his lips to mine, ending my
pitiful attempts at seduction.



Chapter Twenty-Seven



He kissed me hard, pushing me against the side of his car,
pressing his body to mine. I instantly wrapped my arms around him tightly so he
couldn’t pull away from me. His kissing was almost desperate, like he was
determined to make up for the whole six weeks of missing me, right now. Not
that I minded. I was pretty up for making up for lost time too, my body was on
a slow burn, and the only one that could help me out of my little frustrated
state was him.

However, it probably wasn’t a bright idea to have a full on
make out session outside his building though. He’d told me that Miss Teller
lived down his street. If she saw us it would be really bad for both of us.

As he sucked on my bottom lip asking for entrance I
reluctantly pulled my mouth away from his. But he obviously wasn’t happy about
that though because as I moved my head back, he just moved his forward and
kissed me again. I giggled against his lips and finally he sighed and pulled
away, pouting at me jokingly.

“Lesson one; you do everything a teacher wants, that includes
kissing on demand. None of this pulling away nonsense,” he teased, smirking at

I giggled again and rolled my eyes. “I just thought maybe we
should take this inside in case anyone sees,” I explained, shrugging.

He pressed his forehead to mine. “I guess. And we really,
really need to talk,” he said breathlessly, pulling away from me, taking my

I smiled and interlaced our fingers, letting him lead me
towards his apartment. With each step I got more and more excited because I
wanted to just lay in his arms forever.

He stopped outside his door and looked at me apologetically.
It dawned on me what the apologetic look was probably for. “Your place is a
mess, right?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

“In my defence, I didn’t know you were coming over,” he
replied, wincing.

I stepped closer to him and brushed my nose against his
lightly. “Will, I know you’re a slob. I like it actually; it proves you’re
human and not some super hot pod person. Everyone has flaws, and enjoying living
in a pig sty is obviously yours.”

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