Winning Her Love (17 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

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Lana missed her family. She had been gone two nights and that was two too many. She had no idea how Chad left for days at a time. She was missing Olivia and him like crazy. She sat in the airport shuttle bus and couldn’t wait to get home to her two favorite people.

When she walked into the house half an hour later she found it odd that it was quiet. She placed her luggage in the bedroom and went in search of Chad and Olivia. When she opened the door outside Chad and Olivia yelled “surprise!”

Lana stumbled back at the sight that greeted her. A huge sign was above Chad, who was on one knee with Olivia in his arm. The banner read
Marry me, Lana (Mummy)
. She looked down to see Olivia holding an open box, and inside was a beautiful diamond and blue amethyst ring. It was huge.

Lana could feel the tears running down her face. She let them fall freely. Helping her man up, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him before easing away and kissing her daughter’s cheek. “Yes. Yes. I’ll marry you a million times over.”

Olivia cheered and from inside the house Chad’s family poured out. Chad’s father picked up Olivia and snuggled her to him.

Chad took the ring and placed it on her finger. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Chad kissed her, and she sank into him, happy and eager to continue their life together.




Lana waddled down to the gym. Her husband and his friends were laughing and making so much noise she couldn’t sleep. Lana paused at the entry and watched. Olivia sat on Matt’s back as he did push-ups, squealing with joy, she then moved to Bob’s before lastly hopping on her father’s, and this time she demanded a ride.

Chad obeyed and even made horsey noises. Lana shook her head at the sight of her loved and very spoiled daughter. “You all spoil her rotten.”

Chad grabbed their daughter and sat up, placing her on the ground. She went straight to Bob and jumped on him then did the same to Matt.

Chad went over to her, concern in his big green eyes. He kissed her and then gently rubbed her tummy. Not long after he’d proposed they found out she was pregnant. They had organized a small family wedding two months later.

“How are you feeling? Is that boy of mine giving you trouble?”

Chad was so proud of their son. When they had seen the ultrasound there was no denying they were having a boy. Their son had his legs spread and was glad to show everyone what he was. The ultrasound technician had laughed as she measured everything and asked, “Would you like to know what you’re having?”

Chad had looked at the screen and a massive grin had spread across his face. “I don’t think you need to tell us. You can’t miss that.”

The woman had nodded and chuckled. She’d even taken a photo for them. Chad carried that around with him and showed everyone who wanted to see.

“Your son is fine,” Lana assured him. “I wish he would come out already. He’s a week late.”

“If he’s not ready in a couple of days, they’ll induce you.” Chad was worried, and she tried to tell him everything was okay, but she knew he would worry until their son was safely delivered.

Lana nodded. She was ready to have this baby. Her back was killing her. Since yesterday she felt like it was broken. Her backaches were almost unbearable, but today, if possible, they were even worse. This pregnancy was so different from Olivia’s.

“Everything will be fine. It has to be.”

As soon as Chad said that she groaned and peed her pants. As she looked down at the floor she couldn’t believe what she was seeing—she hadn’t peed herself, her water had broken. Chad looked at her in horror.

“My water just broke.”

Chad’s eyes widened, and he stared at her for a moment before he freaked out, turning to his friends and shouting, “Stay and look after Olivia.”

He leaned down and scooped her up in his arms and ran toward the garage. He grabbed his keys and his phone and went out to the car, gently placing her inside.

Once they were at the hospital he didn’t leave her side. He called to check on Olivia and called his family. He did everything she asked and didn’t cave when she yelled obscenities at him as she squeezed a big nine pound baby out.

When they placed Jr in her arms she gazed down at him and saw he looked just like Chad. Kissing his forehead, Lana gave a contented sigh and mumbled, “My two children are the spitting image of their father. At least he’s hot.”

Chad chuckled and kissed her. “You are amazing. If you want, we can keep trying until we get one that looks like you.”

Lana glared at him. “That isn’t even funny. You are so lucky I love you, because after what I’ve just been through I should kill you for even suggesting that.”

“I love you too, angel. Thanks for my beautiful daughter and my handsome son. Most of all, thanks for being mine. I love you more every day.”

Closing her eyes, she basked in the love she had. “I love you too, Chad, more than you’ll ever know. Thanks for never giving up and loving me.”

“Always. I will always love you. I fought hard to win your love.”

“There was no fight, you always had my heart.”

The rest of the family came in one by one. When Olivia came in and saw her brother she loved him on sight. Lana was the luckiest woman on earth. She got herself a winner.



About Hazel Gower


I’m a mother of four terrors between the ages of four and nine. In my spare time, the little I have, I write and take off into my own worlds. I started writing down my story ideas in high school, and never really stopped. Writing, I have to say, is my salvation. After I’ve gotten all the kids in bed and have cleaned up, I sit at my computer, or sometimes a notebook with a pencil, and relax, write, and escape. I decided to finally submit my work after a friend said I should stop being a coward and submit something, live the dream. So here I am.

I am a member Romance Writers of Australia and Romance Novel Center.

I love to hear from any of my readers, so feel free to send me an email and ‘like’ me on Facebook.


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8


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