With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 (14 page)

Read With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 Online

Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

“Well, I meant—”

“Okay, okay.” Remi intervened to keep Jake from strangling Sterling. The kid questioned
…to death. “How about two teams, one of four the other five?”

They wound up playing Remi, Sterling, Jake and Rhys against Dago, Gadget, Tank, Zack and Nick. It went pretty smoothly until the guys realized how good Sterling was and Zack tried to tackle him. Rhys planted Zack on his ass and winced before hobbling away.

Remi leaned into Jake. “He gonna be all right?”

Jake nodded. “Shhh… Don’t mention it.”

Sterling ran back after his second touchdown. He took one look at Rhys, who was trying to walk the pain off, and went right to him, grabbing his arm. “You okay? Will your leg be all right?”

It got eerily quiet. Remi couldn’t hear anything but the traffic a block away and a dog barking somewhere nearby.

After a few seconds Rhys stared at Sterling’s hand on his arm, then back at Sterling’s face and smiled. “It’s an old wound. I got into a shootout with a Mexican drug lord. I got wounded pretty bad…leg ain’t never been the same since.”

Remi walked over, knelt in front of Rhys and tapped his calf. “Off with the shoe.”

“It’s fine.” Rhys glared down at him.

“Fuck that. You’re as bad as Sterling. Lose the goddamned shoe.” Remi had seen his share of injuries, first in football and now as a fireman. Regardless what Dirk said, he’d make a good EMT.

Rhys grumbled and started cussing under his breath, but he didn’t say a thing when Remi untied his shoe and eased it and his sock off. He checked for mobility, moving Rhys’ ankle side to side, then watched for tenderness, massaging the leg. Rhys’ ankle was a little swollen, but there was no bruising.

Remi stood and tossed Rhys his shoe and sock. “Go put ice on it.”

Remi noticed all of the other guys staring at them. “What?”

No one said anything.

Sterling caught Rhys’ arm. “Come on, I’ll go with you. So, tell me about the shootout and how you caught them.”

Rhys grumbled some more, but let Sterling pull him along.

Jake’s hand landed on Remi’s shoulder. “I swear. Leave it to Sterling to be the only person ballsy enough to ask about the limp. It’s a sore subject. Rhys punched out the last guy who asked.”

Remi jerked his head around, looking at Jake. “What?” Remi spared his brother—who was chattering away to a very bewildered-looking Rhys—one last glance then leaned closer to Jake. “Umm, is he dangerous?”

Jake’s attention focused on Rhys and Sterling. “Very. But not to any of us.”


Chapter Ten


After pulling the SUV into a clearing near the woods, Jake turned off the headlights and the ignition and looked over at Remi. “You ready?”

“Yeah. Ready when you are.”

Jake gave a crisp nod and opened the door. “Let’s go.”

The buzz of several different conversations hit them at once. Quite a few pack members were here already. He shut the door and met Remi at the front of the Tahoe.

When they stepped into the clearing, the talking stopped. About thirty pack members stood near a big campfire in the middle of the small area, which was surrounded by trees. All of them were focused on Remi.

Jake got an eerie feeling, then dismissed it. This was Remi’s first time meeting most of the pack. Keaton and Chay had kept him sheltered, only introducing him to the pack alpha, while they taught him how to be a wolf. It made sense the members would be curious about him.

Remi stepped closer, brushing Jake’s arm with his shoulder. As though that were a sign, everyone turned back to their conversations.

Putting his hand in the middle of Remi’s back to let his mate know he was there, Jake kept walking.

Chay, a strange look on his face, waved from across the fire and immediately strode forward. He met Jake and Remi halfway with Keaton hurrying after him.

“Hey.” Keaton nodded to Jake.

Jake tipped his chin. “Hey.”

Chay didn’t say anything. He leaned close to Remi and sniffed.

“Cut it out, asshole.” Remi flicked Chay’s ear. The unease surrounding Remi seconds before had vanished. “God, this werewolf shit is hard to get used to.”

“Ow.” Chay slapped a hand to the side of his head and flicked Remi’s ear back.

“Ow.” Remi clutched his ear, glaring at Chay.

Shaking his head, Jake chuckled. At least Remi was no longer nervous.

Standing over near a group of trees, Rhys jerked his head, indicating he wanted Jake to come to him. Rhys’ glower was more pronounced than usual. Something must be up.

Jake nodded and turned to Remi. “When you and Chay are done assaulting one another, come find me. I’m going to see what Rhys wants.”

“Okay.” Remi glanced out past the fire and dipped his chin in greeting to Rhys.

Rhys returned the action.

As Jake walked off he heard Keaton say to Remi, “You smell different.”

Exchanging hellos here and there, Jake made his way to Rhys. “’Sup?”

Rhys’ brow furrowed. “Something strange is going on.”

Jake’s lip quirked, but he didn’t dare laugh. Rhys was serious. “How so?”

“I know damn well I sprained my ankle tackling Zack’s ass today, now it’s good as new. More to the point, my fucked-up leg isn’t aching. I can’t remember the last time this son of a bitch didn’t ache, especially after doing something stupid like trying to play football.”

Jake frowned. He’d noticed this afternoon after Remi examined Rhys’ foot that he was walking more evenly. How could Remi handling Rhys’ leg make it better? Remi hadn’t done anything but massage it a little. Jake stared back at Remi. He was still talking to his friends. Fuck, the man looked good. The firelight made his skin glow. He was something else, but he wasn’t a miracle worker.

Rhys inhaled audibly next to him. “What did you do to him? He smells fucking great.” Rhys shook his head as if to clear it.

“Man, I will kick your ass. You know that, right?”

The corner of Rhys’ mouth turned up. “You can try. But you know damn well you don’t have anything to worry about from me. It’s just weird as hell though. It’s strong. I noticed it as soon as y’all got here. Everyone did. Think it has something to do with him fixing my leg?”

Jake opened his mouth to tell Rhys that Remi could not have possibly healed his leg and all hell broke loose.

Men started yelling at once.

Tank, Dago, Gadget, Zack, Nick and Chay were in a circle, damn near fighting with several of the pack’s alpha wolves. They heaved people back, exchanging blows every few shoves. Fangs flashed and eyes glowed. The smell of blood, anger, arousal and sweat filled the air. Remi wasn’t in sight.

Heart racing, Jake ran toward the commotion. His fangs dropped and his hands balled into fists, preparing to defend his mate. He inhaled deeply, trying to find Remi. He was somewhere in the crowd, the smell of his fear was everywhere, but Jake couldn’t see him. “Where the fuck is Remi?”

Rhys kept pace beside him, his gait more even than normal. “He’s in the middle with Keaton.”

“Halt,” John Carter, the pack leader, yelled in a deep, booming voice that didn’t sound like his own. Everyone froze, except Jake, Rhys and Joe Winston.

Joe Winston, Chay’s father and the pack Beta, rushed forward, pushing through the crowd.

Jake shoved past Tank and Gadget, ignoring John Carter’s demand for everyone to stay back. He had to get to Remi and make certain he was all right. If it meant having to take on his own pack alpha to do it, he damn sure would.

Remi had his back to Jake, talking to Joe and Keaton.

Keaton argued with his mate’s father about something, his hands were claws—thanks to his ability to shift into a third wolf form—by his sides.

“Remi.” Jake touched Remi’s shoulder.

Remi turned and crouched into a fighting stance.

Claws raised, Keaton swung around and put himself in front of Remi.

Growling, Jake bared his teeth.

“Sorry, Jake.” Keaton stepped out of the way.

“Fuck. I thought this was only supposed to be a get together. No big deal. What the fuck is going on?” Remi’s voice climbed with each word he spoke until he was shouting at Jake.

Trying to keep it together, Jake took a deep breath. Remi was fine, pissed as hell, but unscathed. Jake grabbed Remi’s shoulder, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around his mate. “What happened?”

Remi shrugged his arms away, still madder than hell, and pointed through the crowd to a man standing in front of Gadget. “That fuckhead tried to bite me.” He looked around then pointed at Miles Crawford, who stood in front of Dago. “So did that asshole.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s calm down now.” Joe came forward and put his hand on Remi’s shoulder. “Jake, we need to talk.”

At that moment John Carter shoved through the crowd into the circle, and the members who’d been fighting with Jake’s friends all stepped back. “Jake, Keaton, Chay. Over there, now.” He pointed to a stand of trees about ten yards away.

Grabbing Remi’s hand, Jake began to follow.

John shook his head, glowering at Jake. “Not him. You. Do you trust your friends to protect him?”

Jake frowned and started to tell the alpha to go to hell, his mate was coming with him, but caught Rhys’ gaze. His best friend nodded and faced outward like the rest of the gang. They positioned themselves to defend Remi and Jake.

John, Joe, Chay and Keaton stood outside the circle waiting for them.

Remi tugged Jake’s hand, making him turn. “What the fuck, Jake?” Remi’s eyes widened and darted around.

It took everything Jake had not to pull Remi into his arms. “I don’t know. Stay here and let me go find out. I’ll be right back.” He tried his damnedest not to let Remi see how uneasy he felt, but he had no idea if he was successful. Then he remembered the calming effect he seemed to have over Remi. He took a deep breath and willed himself to relax. He knew the guys wouldn’t let anything happen to Remi.

Jake was relieved to see Remi’s fear had receded a little with Jake’s anger. He touched Remi’s cheek and as usual Remi nuzzled in, closing his eyes.

Jake kissed his forehead. “Let me go talk to John and see what’s going on and I’ll come right back.” Dropping his head, he stepped away from his mate and out of the loose circle his friends had made.

John led the way to the spot he’d indicated. Jake followed, listening intently for the slightest sound of distress from behind him. When he got to the trees, he turned so he could keep Remi in sight.

“First off. You”—John pointed a finger at Chay then Keaton—“and you, stay out of this. You’re part of my pack and as your alpha I’m telling you that you cannot help in this challenge.”

Chay started to protest, but Keaton caught Chay’s arm and pulled him back.

Jake bristled, stepping next to Chay. Chay and Keaton were defending Remi. Jake had no clue what the fuck John’s problem was, but Jake had no problem deciding whose side he was on. And what challenge? “Somebody better start talking. What the hell is going on?”

John pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down for a moment, then gave Jake his undivided attention. “Let’s take a walk, Jake.”

Jake shook his head, trying to find Remi in the crowd. So far everyone was behaving and no one had come near the circle, but—

“Go. We’re watching him,” Chay said.

Jake followed John. It was a tough thing to do, but he trusted his friends to protect Remi.

Once they were out of sight of the others, John spoke. “Remi is an omega.”

“Excuse me?” Jake frowned.

“He’s a true omega wolf. They are very rare and precious. You probably haven’t noticed because he’s also your mate.”

Jake felt like someone had slapped him. He had been a werewolf all his life and he’d never known an omega. But he had heard of them. Omegas were submissive by nature. Was that why Remi seemed to bring out all of Jake’s dominate tendencies? “Are you sure?” Omegas were the backbone of the pack, they enhanced an alpha’s power and had powers themselves.

John Carter nodded.

“What in the hell does Remi being one have to do with everyone losing their fucking minds and resorting to violence? How the hell does everyone else know when I didn’t?”

“They don’t know. It’s Remi’s scent. He didn’t smell this way before. He had to grow into it. It takes a couple shifts for turned wolves to mature into their powers. They’re just reacting to his scent.”

“Which is why I didn’t notice it, because of our mate bond?” Maybe Jake should have seen it. He had thought it odd that Remi acted so differently than other wolves.

“Yes.” John sighed. “Yet you haven’t claimed him, and this is why things are fucked up right now.”

But he
claimed Remi. He’d fucked Remi within an inch of both their lives.

“Listen, Jake, part of an omega’s power is his ability to calm his pack. Each individual omega has a different gift. Some can make things grow, some can put the pack in a trance, some can speak telepathically to their alpha. It’s very individual to the omega. In addition, you will develop new strengths due to his presence. It’s why they are very valuable and kept secret. But before they are claimed, their presence is easily detected and can start riots. All the alphas go on instinct, trying to make them submit and make them theirs. Even though they don’t realize why.” He hesitated and studied Jake for a moment. “Daniel is my omega. Only my betas know that.”

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