Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (182 page)

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Authors: Christiane Northrup

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Women's Health, #General, #Personal Health, #Professional & Technical, #Medical eBooks, #Specialties, #Obstetrics & Gynecology

Vaginal Dryness

A number of excellent natural lubricants are available to supplement vaginal moisture during times of hormonal shifts, such as postpartum and perimenopausally. See
chapter 14


Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.,
Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma
(Vanguard Publications, 1997).

Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.,
Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective
(Vanguard Publications, 1988).

Kristen O’Hara,
Sex as Nature Intended It
(Turning Point Publications, 2002).

Thomas J. Ritter,
Say No to Circumcision: 40 Compelling Reasons Why You
Should Respect His Birthright and Keep Your Son Whole
(Hourglass Book Publishing, 1996).

National Organization of Circumcision Information and Resource Centers

Doctors Opposing Circumcision
(DOC) (

A nonprofit organization providing publications, videos, and a newsletter in order to educate practitioners and parents on how to stop perpetuating the practice of circumcision.

Circumcision Resource Center

Focuses on circumcision as an American cultural practice and as a religious practice.


La Leche League International
(800-LALECHE or 847-519-7730;

This organization provides accurate information and grassroots practical support for successful breast-feeding.

International Lactation Consultant Association
(888-ILCA-IS-U or 919-861-5577;

This organization of health professionals specializes in promoting, protecting, and supporting breast-feeding worldwide.

Chapter 14: Menopause

See also General Resources for formulary pharmacies and chapter 5 resources, particularly for 2 percent progesterone cream.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.,
The Wisdom of Menopause
(Bantam Books, 2006).

Dr. Northrup’s interactive website (
) is the best place to find regularly updated information on her lectures and other resources. Dr. Northrup also welcomes questions from members of her Women’s Wisdom Circle.

Barbara Hand Clow,
The Liquid Light of Sex: Kundalini, Astrology, and the Key
Life Transitions
(Bear & Co., 1991).

Revival Soy Products.
See resources for chapter 17.

Individualized Hormonal Support

Many physicians and formulary pharmacists work in partnership with their patients to provide individualized hormone replacement solutions. Ask your physician about this kind of customized care; he or she can call a local formulary pharmacy to consult with a knowledgeable pharmacist.

Salivary Hormone Testing for Adrenal Function

Your doctor must order this testing and the result will be sent to your doctor. I recommend that you have your health care provider order a test known as the Adrenal Stress Index or the Temporal Adrenal Profile.

Diagnos-Techs, Inc.
(800-878-3787 or 425-251-0596;

This lab, established in 1987, was the first in the country to implement salivary-based hormone assessment into routine clinical practice. They offer a wide variety of salivary tests and panels, and the company website also offers a provider referral service.

Genova Diagnostics
(800-522-4762 or 828-253-0621;

Offers salivary and blood hormone testing as well as a wide range of other functional testing for bowel health, cardiovascular health, and more. Collection kits, articles, abstracts, and other publications regarding test methodology, clinical applications, and patient aids are available.

Vaginal Dryness

A number of excellent natural lubricants are available to supplement vaginal moisture during times of hormonal shifts, such as postpartum and perimenopausally. Over-the-counter options include K-Y jelly, Sylk, Probe, and Good Clean Love (available on

Crème de la Femme
is a carbohydrate-free, oil-based vaginal lubricant that can be used as a vehicle for delivery of natural hormones to vaginal tissue when necessary. (The hormones have to be placed in the cream by a formulary pharmacist.) Hormonal addition is appropriate for menopausal and perimenopausal women, but not postpartum women in most cases. Crème de la Femme is available through
as well as through Amazing Solutions (800-576-7616 or

Thinning Hair

Shou Wu Pian
is an effective supplement for supporting hair growth on the head for those experiencing perimenopausal or menopausal hair loss. Available through Quality Life Herbs (207-842-4929;

Chinese Herbal Nutritional Supplements

Joyful Change
is a Chinese herbal formula that helps alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, low back pain, hot palms and soles of feet, constipation, and breakthrough bleeding. Take three tablets twice per day before meals. Available through Quality Life Herbs (207-842-4929;

The Flax Council of Canada
) endeavors to provide general flax facts of interest to consumers, as well as more specialized information for nutritionists, dietitians, food producers, manufacturers, and flax growers.

(ground flax) is cold-milled by Health from the Sun from premium-quality flax with a high oil content, and is available from Emerson Ecologics (800-654-4432 or 603-656-9778;

Whole Flax Seed
from Cathy’s Country Store is organically grown golden flax. Available from Emerson Ecologics (800-654-4432 or 603-656-9778;

Dakota Flax Gold
is an organic flaxseed grown at Heintzman Farms in South Dakota (888-333-5813;
). A “starter kit” is available that consists of three one-pound bags of flaxseed and an electric grinder.

Chapter 15: Steps for Flourishing

Family Violence Prevention Fund

The FVPF’s website has research, statistics, and resources such as a detailed Personal Safety Plan.

National Center for Victims of Crime
(800-394-2255 or 202-467-8700;

This organization is the leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims in the United States. The center’s website offers a comprehensive collection of online resources for crime victims in addition to an extensive database of service providers for referrals.

Chapter 16: Getting the Most Out of Your Medical Care

Guidance for Alternative Medical Care

Institute for Health and Healing

Created in 1994 as part of California Pacific Medical Center Foundation, the Institute for Health and Healing is now a national leader in integrative medicine. This physician-led hospital department includes many Western-trained practitioners who are also experts in complementary therapies programs.

Preparing for Surgery

Jeanne Achterberg and Barbara Dossey,
Rituals of Healing
(Bantam Books, 1994).

Successful Surgery.
Guided-imagery audio program by Belleruth Naparstek. Available from Health Journeys (800-800-8661 or 330-633-3831;

Belleruth Naparstek’s audiobooks combine healing imagery, powerful music,
and the most current understanding of the mind-body connection to engage the imagination in the healing process. Topics include asthma, cancer, chemotherapy, depression, diabetes, general wellness, grief, headache, PMS, pain, stress, stroke, surgery, weight loss, and more.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster.
Book and relaxation/healing audio program by Peggy Huddleston (800-726-4173 or 303-487-4440;
), available separately or as a combination.

Chapter 17: Eat to Flourish

chapter 5
resources for information about full-spectrum lighting.

chapter 9
resources for information about NAET.

chapter 14
resources for information about hormone and nutritional testing.

Pharmaceutical-Grade Multivitamins

(888-950-9595 or 801-954-7200;

USANA offers state-of-the-art vitamins and mineral supplements. Their Essentials combined with Proflavanol compose an excellent basic nutritional program. I also recommend their convenient Health Pak, which is a combination of Essentials and Optimizers and includes an exclusive bioflavonoid complex.

Emerson Ecologics
(800-654-4432 or 603-656-9778;

Emerson Ecologics is a full-service distributor of high-quality nutritional and health products, with education support for health care practitioners.

Protein Supplements and Meal Replacement Options

(888-950-9595 or 801-954-7200;

USANA offers both meal replacement shakes and snack bars that are high in protein and balanced to avoid glycemic stress.

Revival Soy Products
(800-REVIVAL or 336-722-2337;

Revival is a delicious soy protein meal replacement drink that contains 1,490 mg of soy per serving (as well as 600 mg of calcium). Marketed through the medical profession, it was designed by a group of physicians who wanted to add to the clinical research database on the health benefits of soy. The chocolate variety tastes like Nesquik. Many women who have regularly used this product have experienced complete resolution of their menopausal symptoms. Revival’s meal replacement shake mixes contain 20 g of protein and approximately 160 mg of soy isoflavones per serving, the equivalent of six servings of soy. Gram for gram, Revival Soy contains more isoflavones than soy milk, for example, simply because it is formulated from whole, genetically pure soybeans to be six times more concentrated than most other soy products. Revival also carries soy bars in a number of flavors (including several low-carb varieties), as well as soy nuts, soy chips, soy pasta, and a coffee substitute made from soy.


Chapter 1

. Riane Eisler,
The Chalice and the Blade
(Cambridge, MA: Harper & Row, 1987); Marija Gimbutas,
The Civilization of the Goddess
(San Francisco, CA: Harper-SanFrancisco, 1991).
. Jamake Highwater,
Myth and Sexuality
(New York: Penguin, 1988), pp. 8–9.
. Anne Wilson Schaef and Diane Fassel,
The Addictive Organization
(HarperSan-Francisco, 1988), p. 58.
. S. Plichta and M. Falik, “Prevalence of Violence and Its Implications for Women’s Health,”
Women’s Health Issues,
vol. 11 (2001), pp. 244–58.
. National Consensus Guidelines on Identifying and Responding to Domestic Victimization in Health Care Settings, The Family Violence Prevention Fund, San Francisco (Sept. 2002).
. M. A. Rodriguez, H. M. Bauer, E. McLoughlin, and K. Grumbach, “Screening and Intervention for Intimate Partner Abuse: Practices and Attitudes of Primary Care Physicians,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 282 (1999), pp. 468–74.
. L. Heise, M. Ellsberg, and M. Gotemoeller, “Ending Violence Against Women,” Population Reports, Series L, no. 11, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Baltimore (Dec. 1999); H. M. Bauer, P. Gibson, M. Hernandez, et al., “Intimate Partner Violence and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Female Patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases,”
Transmitted Diseases,
vol. 29 (2002), pp. 411–16; N. Romero-Daza, M. Weeks, and M. Singer, “ ‘Nobody Gives a Damn If I Live or Die’: Violence, Drugs, and Street-Level Prostitution in Inner-City Hartford, Connecticut,”
Medical Anthropology,
vol. 22 (2003), pp. 233–59; R. M. Harris, P. W. Sharps, K. Allen, et al., “The Interrelationship Between Violence, HIV/AIDS, and Drug Use in Incarcerated Women,”
Journal of Associated Nurses AIDS Care,
vol. 14 (2003), pp. 27–40; P. Braitstein, K. Li, M. Tyndall, et al., “Sexual Violence Among a Cohort of Injection Drug Users,”
Social Science & Medicine,
vol. 57 (2003), pp. 561–69; R. J. Peters Jr., S. R. Tortolero, R. C. Addy, et al., “The Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Drug Use: Findings from Houston’s Safer Choices 2 Program,”
Journal of Drug Education,
vol. 33 (2003), pp. 49–59.

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