Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (200 page)

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Authors: Christiane Northrup

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Women's Health, #General, #Personal Health, #Professional & Technical, #Medical eBooks, #Specialties, #Obstetrics & Gynecology

. David Ehrenfeld,
The Arrogance of Humanism,
quoted in Richard Sandor, “The Attending Physician,”
vol. 4 (Sept. 1, 1991), p. 4.
. Quoted in Jerry Hicks and Esther Hicks,
A New Beginning,
parts I and II.
. Dogen Zenji, found in Shunryu u Suzuki,
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind,
ed. Trudy Dixon (Boston, MA: Shambhala, 2006), p. 30.

Chapter 16

. D. Riley, “Healthcare Reform,”
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,
vol. 15, no. 5 (Sept./Oct. 2009), p. 8.
. G. Null et al., “Death by Medicine,” Nutrition Institute of America (Oct. 2000); Ray D. Strand,
Death by Prescription
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2003).
. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, L. T. Kohn, J. M. Corrigan, and M. S. Donaldson, eds.,
To Err Is Human: Building a
Safer Health System
(Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000), also available online at
. Norman Cousins,
Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient
(New York: Bantam, 1979), pp. 49–50.
. H. Benson et al., “The Placebo Effect: A Neglected Asset in the Care of Patients,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 232, no. 12 (June 23, 1975); A. B. Carter, The Placebo: Its Use and Abuse,”
(Oct. 17, 1973), p. 823; B. Blackwell et al., “Demonstration to Medical Students of Placebo Responses and Non-Drug Factors,”
The Lancet,
vol. 2 (June 1972), p. 1279; S. Wolf, H. K. Beecher, “The Powerful Placebo,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 159 (1955), pp. 1602–6.
. J. B. Moseley et al., “A Controlled Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthri-tis of the Knee,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 347, no. 2 (July 11, 2002), pp. 81–88.
. These steps adapted from a supplement to C. Northrup’s
Health Wisdom for
. Irving Kirsch, Thomas J. Moore, et al., “The Emperor’s New Drugs: An Analysis of Antidepressant Medication Data Submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,”
Prevention & Treatment,
vol. 5, no. 1 (July 2002), p. 23.
. The sense of the word
in this context is from the philosophy of Susun Weed, a wise woman herbalist who associates the heroic tradition with allopathic medicine.
Gentle Visions: A Pre-Operative Relaxation Program,
1991, 1992. For more in-formation or to order, write to Healing Images, P.O. Box 2972, Framingham Center Station, Framingham, MA 01701.
. This entire section is adapted from an article in the April 1996 issue of C. Northrup’s
Health Wisdom for Women
newsletter. An extensive bibliography of the studies that support these steps can be found in Huddleston,
Prepare for
(see Resources for Chapter 16).
. One summer, while climbing Mount Katahdin, I ran a stick through my shin. Not only did it hurt, it left an ugly gash that I knew would leave a scar. I grieved for my leg, even as my brother joked, “What do you care? You’re not a model—you don’t need your legs to look good for anything.”

Chapter 17

. During medical school, one of the surgeons I studied with performed intestinal by-pass surgery on women (and men) who were morbidly obese. Though they lost weight quickly, postoperatively many were unable to adjust to their new size and continued to think and feel fat.
. All the statistics in this paragraph are from the National Organization on Women and Body Image, available online at
. L. Lissner et al., “Variability of Body Weight and Health Outcomes in the Framingham Population,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 324 (1991), pp. 1839–44.
. The scenario of the overachieving, driven adolescent girl is a setup for anorexia. It’s estimated that 50 percent of prep school girls are bulimic or anorexic to some extent. Marion Woodman’s
Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride
(Toronto: Inner City Press, 1982) is a beautiful exploration of the depth of issues represented by eating disorders.
. A. Tavani et al., “Consumption of Sweet Foods and Breast Cancer Risk in Italy,”
Annals of Oncology
(Oct. 25, 2005), [Epub ahead of print].
. To read this book online, see
www.seleneriverpress.com/media/pdf_docs/0_How_ to_Prevent_Heart_Attacks_BEN_SANDLER_MD_1958.pdf
. See the extensive bibliography of the medical literature in National Academy of Sciences,
Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer
(Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1982), pp. 73–105.
. B. MacMahan et al., “Urine Estrogen Profiles in Asian and North American Women,”
International Journal of Cancer,
vol. 14 (1974), pp. 161–67; L. E. Dickinson et al., “Estrogen Profiles of Oriental and Caucasian Women in Hawaii,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 291 (1974), pp. 1211–3; D. A. Snowden, letter to the editor,
Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 3, no. 254 (1985), pp. 356–57; D. W. Cramer et al., “Dietary Animal Fat and Relationship to Ovarian Cancer Risk,”
Obstetrics and Gynecology,
vol. 63, no. 6 (1984), pp. 833–38; T. McKenna, “Pathogenesis and Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 318 (1988), p. 558; D. Polson, “Polycystic Ovaries—A Common Finding in Normal Women,”
The Lancet,
vol. 1 (1988), p. 870.
. P. Hill, “Diet, Lifestyle, and Menstrual Activity,”
American Journal of Clinical
vol. 33 (1980), p. 1192.
. A. Sanchez, “A Hypothesis on the Etiologic Role of Diet on the Age of Menarche,”
Medical Hypotheses,
vol. 7 (1981), p. 1339; S. Schwartz, “Dietary Influences on Growth and Sexual Maturation in Premenarchal Rhesus Monkeys,”
Hormones and Behavior,
vol. 22 (1988), p. 231.
. C. Leigh Broadhurst, “Nutrition and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus from an Anthropological Perspective,”
Alternative Medicine Review,
vol. 2, no. 5 (1997), pp. 378–99.
. S. B. Eaton, S. B. Eaton III, M. J. Konner, and M. Shostak, “An Evolutionary Perspective Enhances Understanding of Human Nutritional Requirements,”
of Nutrition,
vol. 126, no. 6 (June 1996), pp. 1732–40; S. B. Eaton, S. B. Eaton III, and M. J. Konner, “Paleolithic Nutrition Revisited: A Twelve-Year Retrospective on Its Nature and Implications,”
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
vol. 51, no. 4 (April 1997), pp. 207–16; Michael Crawford and David Marsh,
and Evolution
(New Caanan, CT: Keats Publishing, 1995).
. Joseph Mercola,
The No-Grain Diet
(New York: Dutton, 2003), p. 3.
. J. F. Ludvigsson et al., “Small Intestinal Histopathology and Mortality Risk in Celiac Disease,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 302, no. 11 (September 16, 2009), pp.1171–8.
. R. J. Farrell and C. P. Kelly, “Celiac Sprue,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 346, no. 3 (January 17, 2002), pp. 180–88.
. Mark Hyman, “Gluten: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You,” Huffington Post (January 2, 2010), blog available online at
www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-markhyman/ gluten-what-you-dont-know_b_379089.html
. Studies cited in Philip Lipetz’s
The Good Calorie Diet
(New York: HarperCollins, 1994), p. 72. This book has more helpful, scientifically documented information on the differences between carbohydrates than anything else I’ve found.
. Raphael Melmed et al., “The Influence of Emotional State on the Mobilization of Marginal Pool Leukocytes and Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia: A Possible Role for Eicosanoids as Major Mediators of Psychosomatic Processes,”
Annals of the
New York Academy of Sciences,
vol. 296 (1987), pp. 467–76.
. J. W. Olney, “Brain Lesions, Obesity, and Other Disturbances in Mice Treated with Monosodium Glutamate,”
vol. 164, no. 880 (May 9, 1969), pp. 719–21; K. He et al., “Association of Monosodium Glutamate Intake with Overweight in Chinese Adults: The INTERMAP Study,”
vol. 16, no. 8 (Aug. 2008), pp. 1875–80.
. This list as well as other information about glutamates are available from the Truth in Labeling Campaign at
. N. A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network,”
New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 358, no. 21 (May 22, 2008), pp. 2249–58.
. Statistics from Kerry O’Nell, “
The Famine Within
Probes Women’s Pursuit of Thinness,” review of Katherine Gilday’s film
The Famine Within, Christian Science
Aug. 31, 1992.
. See
. L. K. G. Hsu, “The Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa,”
American Journal of Psychiatry,
vol. 143 (1986), p. 573.
. See
. J. E. Mitchell, M. E. Seim, E. Clon, et al., “Medical Complications and Medical Management of Bulimia,”
Annals of Internal Medicine,
vol. 71 (1987).
. R. E. Frisch, “The Right Weight: Body Fat, Menarche, and Ovulation,”
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology,
vol. 4, no. 3 (Sept. 1990), pp. 419–39.
. Michael Eades and Mary Dan Eades,
Protein Power
(New York: Bantam Books, 1996).
. M. Nelson et al., “Effects of High-Intensity Strength Training on Multiple Risk Factors for Osteoporitic Fractures: A Randomized Controlled Trial,”
Journal of
the American Medical Association,
vol. 272, no. 24 (Dec. 28, 1994), pp. 1909–14.
. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas,
Holy Hunger: A Memoir of Desire
(New York: Knopf, 1999), p. 119.
. Personal communication with Dr. Michael Eades, who has reviewed the existing literature on this topic and shared it with me.
. “Lean Beef Shown to Be as Healthy as Chicken and Fish,”
Food Chemistry News,
vol. 32, no 39 (1990), p. 6, cited in Jeffrey Bland, letter to the editor,
New England
Journal of Medicine,
vol. 326, no. 3 (1992), p. 200.
. A. Wayler et al., “Nitrogen Balance Studies in Young Men to Assess the Protein Quality of an Isolated Soy Protein in Relation to Meat Proteins,”
Journal of Nutrition,
vol. 113, no. 12 (Dec. 1983), pp. 2485–91; A. Baglieri et al., “Gastro-Jejunal Digestion of Soya-Bean-Milk Protein in Humans,”
British Journal of
vol. 72, no. 4 (Oct. 1994), pp. 519–32; F. Mariotti et al., “Nutritional Value of [15N]-Soy Protein Isolate Assessed from Ileal Digestibility and Postpran-dial Protein Utilization in Humans,”
Journal of Nutrition,
vol. 129, no. 11 (Nov. 1999), pp. 1992–7; C. Gaudichon et al., “Net Postprandial Utilization of [15N]-Labeled Milk Protein Nitrogen Is Influenced by Diet Composition in Humans,”
Journal of Nutrition,
vol. 129, no. 4 (April 1999), pp. 890–95.
. N. Istfan et al., “An Evaluation of the Nutritional Value of a Soy Protein Concentrate in Young Adult Men Using the Short-Term N-Balance Method,”
Journal of
vol. 113, no. 12 (Dec. 1983), pp. 2516–23; V. R. Young et al., “A Long-Term Metabolic Balance Study in Young Men to Assess the Nutritional Quality of an Isolated Soy Protein and Beef Proteins,”
American Journal of Clinical
vol. 39, no. 1 (Jan. 1984), pp. 8–15.
. V. R. Young et al., “Evaluation of the Protein Quality of an Isolated Soy Protein in Young Men: Relative Nitrogen Requirements and Effects of Methionine Supplementation,”
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
vol. 39, no. 1 (Jan. 1984), pp. 16–24; A. Y. Zezulka and D. H. Calloway, “Nitrogen Retention in Men Fed Varying Levels of Amino Acids from Soy Protein With or Without Added L-Methionine,”
Journal of Nutrition,
vol. 106, no. 2 (Feb. 1976), pp. 212–21.
. V. R. Young and P. L. Pellett, “Plant Proteins in Relation to Human Protein and Amino Acid Nutrition,”
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
vol. 59 (May 1994), pp. 1203S-12S.

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