Worth Taking The Risk (19 page)

Read Worth Taking The Risk Online

Authors: Kate Bennie

“Yeah sure. Where do we meet?”

I gave him the address.

Then I turned to Ambrose. “We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

He nodded. “Chris is going to meet us there.”

I smiled and grabbed my wallet, phone and house keys. I’m not taking my bag with me.


“Ambrose!” we heard a cheerful voice make its way to our table. Ambrose face lit up and he got up. I turned around and saw him hugging Chris and giving him a fast gentle kiss on the lips. So sweet.

“Fags!” the boy next to our table yelled.

I turned and pointed at him. “Watch your mouth.”

“Or what?”

“Look you little fuck no one-”

“Messes with my friends or my girlfriend.” Mitch finished for me. When did he get here?

“What did you call us?“ Ambrose came to stand in front of the guy.

Ambrose is a bulk of muscle, the guy looked like a twig next to him. The boy flinched a little. Then he looked away. “Nothing.”

“Thought so.” then he grabbed Chris’s hand and we took our seats.

Mitch gave me a kiss on the lips and then we ordered our pizza.

The guy next to us kept eyeing Ambrose and Chris suspiciously. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“So how did the dinner went?” Ambrose asked.

Mitch and I shrugged at the same time. “Boring.”

“Annoying.” he said.

“You had plenty of fun then.” Chris grinned at our narrowed eyes and killer glares.

We didn’t talk much while eating. Ambrose was trying to make the guy nest to us angry since he kept kissing Chris any change he had. Even feeding him!

Once we got to the park we headed to the swings like the little kids we were. Mitch placed his crutches on his lap.

“How are you feeling? Yesterday was a bit tough.” I commented.

“I’m alright. A bit sore but alright.” something was wrong but I let it slide.

“Higher!” Chris yelled and Ambrose kept pushing him higher and higher.

“Oh my gosh! It’s you! I thought I would never see you again!”

Slowly, very slowly, we turned to our left to see a girl around twelve-fourteen with a camera hanging around her neck and her face in awe.


“Shit.” Mitch hissed.

“I’m Samantha! Do you remember me? I took some awesome pictures for you two a couple of months ago. And now I’m wondering If I could take more?” she asked excitedly.

“No.” Mitch deadpanned.

Samantha didn’t seem to care. “Are you friends with them?” she pointed at Chris and Ambrose who had stopped having fun and staring at us.

“Yes.” I answered.

“Can you guys pose for me?”

“Sure.” Chris smiled sweetly at the girl and so did Ambrose.

No! Not again.
















Chapter 27

Samantha was sort of black mailing us to help her with her English project, again. Oh and she’s making us go to her schools project presentation night that day. She’s really persistent and dead set stubborn for a thirteen year old. The girl loves photography and us as her models. Ambrose and Chris also got dragged into this.

She made us pose at the park in every way possible.

“Let’s go to my house.” she said after taking all her pictures.

“We’ll meet you here.” Mitch said.

She snorted. “You think I’m an idiot? I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

I mentally groaned. “Fine, but we’re going to Mitch’s house and then mine so I can change into something more decent.”

“You look great to me.” Mitch blurted out, then he turned away blushing.

I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot.

Then I frowned as I saw Samantha taking pictures of us. “Don’t you ever stop?”

“I have to capture things in their natural habitat. Not everything is posses.” she said it like it was the most obvious things.

“Let’s go.” Mitch started walking and came to a sudden stop after three steps. “Call your parents and tell them where you’re at. I don’t want to go to jail for kidnapping a brat.”

“Be nice.” I smacked his shoulder. “But you should call your mother Samantha.”

She sighed and took out her cell phone. Walked a few steps away from us to get more privacy.

“She’s crazy!” Chris said.

Ambrose nodded in agreement. “But we can’t let her fail.”

I groaned. “Let’s just help her with this and maybe she’ll leave us alone afterwards.”

“Right.” Mitch snorted.

“Mom said it was fine, I just need to be home by six so I can change and then go to the presentation.” Samantha said cheerfully.

“We’ll meet you at your house Kells.” Ambrose said and kissed my forehead. Chris just waved and they left.

We started walking to Mitch’s house.

Once we arrived Samantha sat downstairs with me as we waited for Mitch to change.

“You want something to drink or eat?” I asked out of courtesy.

“No I’m doing fine.”

“Alright I’m ready.” Mitch came into the living room wearing a dark pair of jeans and a checkered shirt that made him look so sexy. He caught me staring and smirked.

Minutes later I was in my room fully dressed. I wore a pair of blue jeans and a white spaghetti strap shirt under a loose shirt that was off the shoulder and reached mid stomach.

Mitch came in as I was finishing up doing my hair. “Gorgeous.”

I blushed a deep shade of red and mumbled a ‘thanks’.

He leaned against my desk, placing the crutches on the side and pulling me to him. His hands on my waist. Without saying anything he kissed me, slowly and gently as if afraid to break me.

Something tightened inside of me. The butterflies in my belly going a rampage and all my brain cells going for vacation.

Mitch pulled a way just a centimeter, his breath tickling me. “I want you to stay with me tonight.”

I blinked a few times, trying to get my head back on my shoulders. “What?” I asked stupidly.

He pressed his lips against mine and pulled away. “I want you Keller.”

That brought me back to my senses. He
me. We stared at each other in the eye for what seemed like centuries until I smiled. “I want you too.”

He also smiled and kissed me again. A little more hungrily now.

“Guys we should- Ops sorry.” Ambrose nearly laughed.

I sighed and turned to look at my best friend waiting for him to talk.

“Samantha wants to leave now.”

I frowned. “I thought she said until six.”

“Her mother called. That was for the older kids. So we have to help her print the pictures and edit them and then leave to the school. Her parents will be waiting for us there.” Ambrose explained.

“That little girl owes us big time.” Mitch grabbed his crutches and before going out the room he placed a kiss to my forehead.

“What was that about?” Ambrose asked me after Mitch got out.

“I’m staying at his house tonight.” I paused. “Only he
me this time.”

Ambrose’s eyes widened. “You’re going to have-” I covered his mouth with my hand.

“Don’t yell it! Gee. But yes that’s what we’re doing.” I felt somewhat nervous. I haven’t slept with anyone in more than a year.

Ambrose pushed my hand away and smiled. “I wish you the best.”

I rolled my eyes and we started laughing as we went downstairs.

“I don’t get what’s so funny! I have to edit pictures and make a presentation in less than an hour. So get your butts over here and help me get an A !” Samantha yelled at us.

She’s serious.

I’m pretty sure that when Maggie, dad and Chad came into the house we looked like those animated cartoons on fast forward. Who would’ve thought making a good presentation and editing pictures could be so time consuming?

“What’s going on?” Dad.

“Who is that girl?” Maggie

“Are you high?” Chad.

“We are helping her to make her presentation for English class about poetry and symbolism.” Ambrose said.

“We are editing the pictures and the poems along with making the presentation.” Chris informed.

“Her name is Samantha Reynolds.” I said while putting a theme to the presentation.

“Also known as the terrorist.” Mitch said. He was the only one sitting down, working with the computer.

Samantha smacked him on the head then looked at me. “Control your boyfriend.”

“Alright, we’ll let you guys work.” dad said and walked to the kitchen.

“Oh Maggie. We’re going with Samantha to the presentation and I’m staying at Mitch’s.” I didn’t ask for permission, I was letting her know.

“Again? I’m sure-”

“My mom already agreed so there’s no problem.” Mitch said without turning away from the computer.

Maggie nodded and walked to the kitchen.

“Keller, can I have a word with you?” Chad said seriously.

“I don’t have time Chad I’m really-”

“Please.” he interrupted.

I sighed and followed him to the door. “What?”

“Are you seriously staying at his place? Do you expect me to believe nothing happened between you two?”

“Chad it is none of your goddamned business my relationship with Mitch. So please stop trying to be my dad.”

“I’m not trying to be Ed. I’m trying to take care of you. Mitch is-”

“The person I want to be with even if you don’t like it. So please fuck off, I mean it in the nicest way possible.”


*At Samantha’s School*

We were late.

Not just five minutes late. No. Fifteen minutes late!

Samantha ran inside the school with her memory stick and camera while we followed her. There’s no way I’m making Mitch run or rush.

When we finally got inside the school people turned to look at us strangely. I guess everyone knew everyone in the school, including family. Creepy!

“Guys over here!” Samantha yelled and raised her arms signaling for us. That caught more people’s attention.

We made our way to her.

“Hello, I’m so glad you could help my daughter.”

“No problem, Mrs. Reynolds.” I smiled.

Each student presented their own type of art and poetry, I have to admit they were very good.

When Samantha’s came up everyone grew quiet, holding their breath. So she is known for her crazy ways.

Apart from our pictures there were other good ones too. I have to admit the girl is good.

She did get her A and thanked us a million times after the meeting.

“Well we should get going. See you tomorrow Kells.” Ambrose put an arm around Chris and started walking to his car.

“Let’s go.” I told Mitch and we walked to my car.

Once I started driving he cleared his throat. “Have you thought about my proposal?”



“I’m staying.”

We didn’t say anything else. Not when we got to his house, or when we walked up the stairs. Not even when we got inside his room and he locked the door.

We stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, just staring at each other. Mitch suddenly dropped his crutches and made his way to me, limping a little. His arms went around me. “Just tell me if you want to stop.” he said and then kissed me.

It was slow at first but soon we both started to feel a bit giddy and started kissing each other like our lives depended on it.

His mouth pulled away from my to take a breath and then he was on my neck, licking, biting, nibbling, kissing. His hands everywhere.

I started to unbutton his shirt and then ran my hands over his chest. God, he makes my mouth water. I placed a kiss to his chest and then his shoulder as I slipped his shirt off. He didn’t waste
any time to take off both of my shirts. Then I was being pushed back until my back was against the comfortable bed. His lips and hands roaming my body as he unclasped my bra. I gasped as I felt his mouth on me, my nails digging into his shoulder and my teeth biting my own lip to stop from making any more sounds.

Mitch unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down. Then looked at me as if asking for permission and I gave a quick nod that had him smirking. I wanted to throw a pillow at him but then felt weak as his hand cupped me.

“If you don’t make any sounds I’m going to stop.” he warned and started rubbing me faster, I couldn’t help but moan.

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