Worth Taking The Risk (24 page)

Read Worth Taking The Risk Online

Authors: Kate Bennie


“I’ll be back, promise.”

Mitch smiled and nodded. I walked out and was happy to see the frown on the nurse’s face and the eyes that said: Damn he’s taken.

I walked to the front door where everyone was waiting. We said our goodbyes and we each headed to our own cars. I sighed contently. My life just started to make sense again.












Chapter 33

When I got home Maggie, Chad, Brady and my dad where in the living room.

I frowned but before I could ask what was wrong but Maggie beat me to it.

“How was the surgery? I was waiting for your call but the phone never rang.”

I sat on the couch suddenly feeling really tired.

“The surgery was a success. He will be able to walk normally in around a week.”She sighed.

“That’s good.”

“So I heard you’re going out with him.”

Brady said and I mentally groaned.“Yes I am.”

“Are you visiting him tomorrow? If you are, I’m coming with.”

“Okay, Brad. Well I’m going to bed I’m really tired.”The whole time my dad was staring at me frowning.

“Goodnight dad.”He blinked and smiled.

“Goodnight Kells.”My heart skipped.

He didn’t confuse me. He smiled at me.

Oh my god that just made my day.

Well apart from the fact that Mitch’s surgery was a success. With a smile on my face I walked up the stairs and into my room.

Changed into my pajamas and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was gone into dreamland where blue unicorns sang as they crossed the rainbow and purple Pegasus flied all over the place.

Best dream ever.--- Again I woke up all happy and light headed. I went inside my bathroom and took a long cold shower that made my muscles turn to jelly.I decided to straightened my hair, and use my nose ring. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a purple Invader Zim Gir T-shirt where Gir was wearing superstar glasses and there was a rainbow on the back.

I need to go back to Hot Topic to get that pretty red dress and I’m taking Mitch with me.I didn’t even bothered with makeup and just slipped on my converse and was running down the stairs with my phone, wallet and keys in my pockets.

I was surprised to see dad in the kitchen.“Morning honey, I’m making scrambled eggs with bacon for you.” he said once he saw me.He’s cooking for me?I felt like crying.

So I just mumbled a morning and thank you when he placed the plate in front of me. Then he sat in front of me.

“I heard you have a boyfriend. It’s good to hear you’ve settled down.”

What type of medicine is he taking? Did he forget what happened?

“When am I meeting him?”I blinked and looked at him. “Dad-”“Keller’s boyfriend is at the hospital.”

Maggie interrupted me.

“What? Why? He’s not into drugs or anything is he?”

“No dad, he had a surgery so he could walk normally again.”

I explained.

I began to eat my food fast so I could go see him.

“I’m coming with you.” Dad said.

“Both of us are.” Maggie said and cast me a look that said not to argue.

I nodded and we all got out of the house. I got on the
side my dad on the passenger’s and Maggie on the back.“So what’s his name?” dad asked.

Did they erase his memory or something?
“Mitch Gaynor.”

“How old is he?”“Nineteen.”

“Isn’t he a bit too old for you?” dad said.

“Dad it’s only two years plus I’ll be eighteen in a couple of months.”

Like that he kept interrogating me until we got to the hospital.

We went to Mitch’s room and I knocked and then opened the door.

Emma was seating next to Mitch’s bed, Richard was seating on the small couch behind Emma’s chair, Nathan seating next to him.“Hello Keller.” Emma smiled.“Hi, Emma you remember Maggie?”

“Why yes hello Maggie how’s everything?” Emma got up and hugged Maggie.

“And this is my dad.” I pointed at him and he chook hands with Emma.“You can call me Ed.” my dad said.

Then Richard got up and came to greet dad and Maggie.

“Dad that’s Nathan, Mitch’s friend.”

“I’m your friend too.” Nathan winked and chook hands with dad and then with Maggie.

“I was getting there.”

I smiled and then walked over to Mitch who has been staring at me since I got inside the room, it’s a wonder I don’t have a whole in my chest for all the staring.

I went over to him and placed a kiss to his lips, when I was pulling away his hand snaked around my neck and he pulled me down for a hungry kiss. Not as uncomfortable like the last one but still enough to have me red faced.

“God I missed you baby.” he mumbled after he pulled an inch away from my lips.“I missed you too.” I kissed his forehead and then pulled back clearing my throat.

“Dad this is Mitch my boyfriend, Mitch that’s my dad right there.”“How’s it going Ed?” Mitch smiled and didn’t let go of my hand.

Maggie was glaring at me and I had a feeling she was going to want to talk to me about that kiss.
Dad frowned. “We know each other?”

Mitch frowned and looked at me. I frowned and shrugged shaking my head just a tiny inch.“No sir, it’s just that Keller talks a lot about you.” Mitch said.“Ah I hope it’s all good.” Dad laughed and I can only stare at him in wonder.

“Hey are we having a reunion? What are we discussing, the fate of the crutches?” Alan came into the room.“Idiot.” Mitch and I said at the same time that had him kissing my hand.
Is it just me or has Mitch gotten more soft and sweet?

hey Maggie, hi Ed.” Alan said and then came to me. “Hello baby!” and I was being crushed.“Hands off.” Mitch growled. Alan backed away and raised his hands in defense.

just a
I’m not taking her away.

But I am a lot sexier than you so be careful.”I rolled my eyes as Mitch glared at his best mate.-The adults went outside to talk and Nathan dragged Alan out of the room.
I sat on the edge of Mitch’s bed.

“How are you feeling.”“A lot better now.” he sighed as I caressed his cheek. “I want to get up already. I want to get up and just run.”

“You will get up and run and I’ll be running right next to you.”His face softened and he pulled me down for a sweet and slow kiss.
Suddenly the door opens and Alan screams.

“We leave you alone for three second and you’re already sucking face you horney bastards I’m-”“Shut the fuck up Alan.”

Nathan pulled Alan and smiled at us. “Sorry guys.”And the door closed.
Mitch and I laughed.“I hope you don’t have plans next week.” I said as I played with his hand.

“Why’s that?” he looked at me curiously.

“Because you’re coming with me, we’re going to the mall.” I grinned.“No way.”“Please!”

“Stop batting your lashes and pouting!” Mitch looked away from me.

I did stop batting my lashes but not pouting. He turned to look at me and groaned. Next thing I know he’s taking possession of my lips a groan escaping his lips.

“God I want to make love to you all night long.” he said once I pulled back for air.

I blushed and nodded eagerly. That had him smirking. “But you have to go shopping with me.”He closed his eyes and groaned. A second later his eyes flashed open and he smirked.


“I have one condition.”


“We are going to Victoria’s Secret, I’m going to buy you some lingerie and you have to model them to me at my place.”

We stared at each other. I finally sighed.

“Fine. But you’ll let me buy you clothes and briefs.”

“Briefs? What no!”

“Oh yes.

You’re making me wear lingerie well I’m making you wear briefs.” I smirked as he glared at me.“That’s not fair.”“Yes it is. Take it or leave it.”“Alright deal.” we shook hands and laughed.

This day couldn’t get any better.
*A Week Later*Mitch was out of the hospital. His wound was healed completely. He still walked with a slight limp but the doctor said it’ll be gone in a couple of days. He still couldn’t run but he could walk without the crutches. And I was happier
than ever. Seeing him so happy, so content, always smiling. It’s like the surgery changed his life for the better.

Yes he’s still an ass to most people but that’s just his personality.

With me?

He’s the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and I can’t wait for tomorrow. The mall, lingerie and briefs await for us.




















Chapter 34

“Oh my god Mitch!”

“Just- damn! I can’t take it out!”“It hurts!” I groaned.

“Calm down babe I promise I’ll take it out just give me a second.”

“A second? A second! It’s been there for around ten minutes and it’s starting to swell!”

I snapped.

Mitch grabbed my hand and put it inside the sink where the water was running cold and he grabbed a bar of soap, rubbed some on his hands and began to rub my finger where the ring was stopping the blood to flow to my finger.How did the ring get stuck? I have no idea but we’ve been trying to get it out for around ten minutes.“Aha!” Mitch said triumphantly as he held the ring.I washed off the soap and studied my now red finger. “Ouch.”Mitch chuckled and kissed my temple. “Told you I was going to get it out. Now lets go shopping.”I tried to glare at him but I failed miserably and ended up grinning like a fool and following him to his car.He looks so damn happy that it’s contagious.We got inside his car and of course he’s driving. He loves driving and violating some speed limits. I was so freaked by his driving that If I could I would use two seat belts. I guess I’ll have to get used to it because since he could walk normally he wanted to drive me everywhere. There was still a slight limp but you could only notice it if you stared at his legs for a long time while he walked.Thanks to his awesome driving skills we got to the mall in ten minutes when it usually took us twenty or thirty if there was traffic.“How about I drive us back home?” I asked once we were inside the mall.Mitch smirked as he held my hand. “Not a chance.”Well it was worth trying.At first we looked around randomly until we decided to finally head to Hot Topic.“Huh, I like it.” Mitch said.“You never been here?” I asked as we headed to look at some shirts.“No, but I will buy some stuff. I’ll be right back.” he kissed my cheek and went to look around.I got some band shirts, a hello kitty one, some GIR ones and a few dresses I’ve wanted to get since I saw them in the internet. I don’t buy my pants or shorts or anything like that here, I get those at other random stores.So I looked around for Mitch.“You need help?” a cute looking guy asked.“No actually-” I stopped mid-sentence when I saw another girl flirting with Mitch.He looked uncomfortable. Aw.“Who’s that?” I asked the guy pointing to the girl.“She works here, why?”“She’s flirting with my boyfriend.” I said in a dark tone.The guys eyes widened. “I’m sorry I’ll go-”“No wait, I want to see.”I want to see what Mitch will do.He had shirts hanging in his arm, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Then he took a step back when the girl got closer. Then the girl placed her hand on his chest and I nearly bolted. But Mitch grabbed her arm and pulled away.Alright time to go to the rescue he looks uncomfortable enough and I don’t like the girl trying to touch my man.“Mitch!” I said cheerfully as I walked towards him, there was clear relief in his eyes and he grinned.“Baby.” he said and snaked his free hand on my waist then leaned down to place a hot kiss on my lips.He enjoys doing that a lot.Once we pulled away he left his arm around me and smiled at the girl. “I was telling Cherry
here that my girlfriend and I were ready to pay.”The girl looked pissed but nodded anyways.“Oh can I have that nose ring?” I told her and pointed to the pretty little silvery thing.Cherry glared at me and took out the nose ring. Then she started scanning our stuff and gave us the charge.“I’ll pay.” Mitch took out his wallet.“I can pay for my stuff.”“I’ll pay Keller.” he insisted.I rolled my eyes and let him pay. As we headed out of the store he put his arm around my shoulder and grinned like the sexy fool he was.“Time for some lingerie.” he said with a smirk and I groaned.Once we were in Victoria’s Secret Mitch instantly started grabbing things, the woman in charge gave him strange look, some even smiled.“Here try all this.” he handed me a pile of things and pushed me to the rooms.“I’m sorry but you can’t try those on.” a woman around her twenties said.“Oh don’t worry we’re buying them all.” Mitch waved a hand at her.“What?!”He turned to me and smirked.The woman nodded. “But you can’t go inside with her.”Now Mitch groaned. “How the hell am I supposed to know which one is good!”The woman blushed and Mitch sighed.“Fine, you’ll try those at home. We’re ready to pay.”At the end I convince him to leave seventeen pieces behind and just buy three. A red one, a black one and a white one with pink.“Alright lets go home.” Mitch said but I stopped him.“Why the hurry? We still have to get you those briefs from Calvin Klein.”“I hate you.” he said but touched his lips to mine and then we kept walking.“I hate you too.”---“Come on out!” I said with a smile in my face as I sat on Mitch’s bed waiting for him to get out of the bathroom.“This is embarrassing.”“Mitch you sound worse than a girl.”“Shut up!” he snapped.“Come out or I’ll go get the key.” I threatened.And he came out the door.The briefs were hot pink, which I’d gotten just to tease him but my god he looked so eatable and sexy. Those things were tight. Fitting him just right.“I look ridiculous.” he mumbled as he walked towards me.God his chest, his shoulders, his legs… I gulped. “You look anything but.”“Liar. Now its your turn.”“But there are still-”“We’ll try those another day, put on the red one please.” he pushed me inside the bathroom.….Alright this barely covered me. It had just enough cloth to cover the essential parts.“Now who’s the girl?” Mitch said.“I am a girl!” I snapped as I opened the door.What I didn’t expect was for him to be standing so close. Just at arms length.“You like it?” I asked a bit shyly.“Yes.”His intense glare didn’t help sedate my nerves. But that was forgotten ten seconds later because he grabbed me and sucked all the air out of my lungs.Soon my back was touching the bed and our hands were all over each other.Mitch ripped off the lingerie and I gasped. “Thought you liked it.” I said between pants as he touched me.“I’ll buy you another one.”I let out a moan of pure and raw pleasure as he filled me. Everything was so fast and hot that it left me sore and content.“We should go shopping more often.” he commented.“Yes we should.” and my eyes closed.So much heavy duty makes you tired.
That evening I dreamt of Hester telling me not to let go and that confused me even more. What did those dream meant?That's a question that might not have an asnwer.
Leaving Mitch’s house was a bit difficult since my lovely boyfriend wanted me to try on some more lingerie but sadly I had to go home.The fact that we’ve made love without a condom was ticking me off.I got off the car and grabbed my bags and entered my house. I saw Maggie, dad
and Chad on the living room. Chad looked pissed. Maggie looked nervous and so did dad.I dropped the bags on the couch. “What’s going on?”“Ask them!” Chad snapped.“Maggie?”“Please seat down Kells.” Dad said and I sat down next to Chad.What’s going on?!“You have to understand this wasn’t planned it just sort of happened. It’s been three years of your mother’s death and ever since I’ve been taking care of you and Ed. I love you both, really.” Maggie paused to look at Ed who nodded.Is she leaving us?“Maggie and I are getting married.” Dad said.What a relief she’s not leaving…Wait…marriage… WHAT?!____

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