Worth Taking The Risk (25 page)

Read Worth Taking The Risk Online

Authors: Kate Bennie




















Chapter 35

Marriage.Dad and Maggie.Maggie!They are marring. MARRING!“Okay.” I mumbled and took deep breaths to calm myself and stop from blurting out something stupid, something I’ll regret later.Dad deserves to be happy after what happened.He deserves to be happy and if Maggie makes him happy then I am no one to oppose.He deserves to be happy.He deserves to be happy.He DESERVES to be HAPPY!I have to get that through my thick skull, god damn it.“Okay? OKAY?! They are going to make us family. I can’t be your brother!” Chad snapped at me.So he’s pissed not because of his mother re-marring but because he cant be my brother. Asshole.“Chad I need to talk to you.”He glared but followed me into the kitchen. “What’s wrong with you?” I snapped.Chad scowled and looked at me with anger and disbelief. “No, what’s wrong with you? Accepting it so fast like its not a big deal.”“It is a big deal! But I want my dad to be happy. To be the same as before and if the solution is him marring Maggie I am up for it.”“I can’t be your brother. I’m in fucking love with you!” Chad got so close to my face I could see some of the light freckles on his nose.“Chad what we had was beautiful but that’s the past. My present is Mitch and that’s not going to change anytime soon.”Chad actually growled and pulled his hair pacing a few feet away from me.I sighed. “Stop being a selfish ass and let them be happy.”We both knew that if one of us wasn’t happy with them being together they simply wouldn’t marry.“How can I be your brother when I’m in love with my future sister?” Chad repeated for the hundredth time.“You’re infatuated.”“What?” he snapped.“I said you’re not in love with me. You love the idea of having me.”There was pain in his eyes. “No, I love you.”If he doesn’t get it the nice way then it’ll be the hard one.“Well I only love you as a friend, a brother. I’m in love with Mitch. I want to be with him, not you. We were never going to work out, Chad. You have to understand that because this argument is getting old. You must really hate your mom-”“I don’t hate mom!” if looks could kill…“Then why wont you let her be happy?”With that I walked to the living room.“I did my best.” I told them. “Both of you have my consent.”Then I was walking up to my room, I got online and saw Mitch on. I called for a video chat as I messaged Ambrose.Dad & Maggie are getting married - Kells“Hey love.” Mitch smiled and waved.I leaned against the headboard of my bed and placed the computer on my lap. “Hey.”“Is something wrong?” he frowned.On the background I could see his paintings. He must’ve been working on something because he had a blue spot on his left cheek. And he looked adorable.“Dad and Maggie are getting married.”His eyes widened.My phone vibrated:Hollymotherfuckingshit! - A“Oh I’m…I’m not even sure what am I supposed to say. Are you happy? Sad? Angry?” he looked really worried.“I don’t even know anymore. I mean I’m sad because the only woman I saw my dad with was mom. But Maggie is great and she’s helped us a lot. If she makes dad happy then I’m alright with it, I guess.”Shit is right- KellsI answered Ambrose.“She does look like a great woman.” Mitch paused. “If you need anything just tell me baby.”I sighed. “I want to get away.” “I’ll pick you up. I’ll be there as soon as possible, pack a change of clothes.” and the video call was off. I shut down the computer.My phone began to vibrate and I answered a worried Ambrose.“Baby how are you feeling?”“Lost.” I said honestly.Believe it or not but your dad getting married is a big deal.“Oh honey I’m sorry but
I’m sure Maggie is not going to be a bad step mom.”I sighed. “I know but it sort of hurts…? I don’t know. I need to go away, see things more clearly before I snap and ruined it for everyone. Mitch is picking me up.”“Alright girl don’t do anything stupid. I’m here for you.”“Thanks Ambrose I love you.”“Love you too baby.”The line went off.I sighed and grabbed a backpack. Then placed a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts and two blouses. Sandals, underwear and everything needed.“What are you doing? Oh my god please don’t tell me you’re leaving!” Maggie said in the verge of tears.“Honey I’m sure we can find a solution for this.” Dad looked really worried.“What the fuck are you doing?” Chad looked even more angry.“Calm down, all of you. I’m just leaving for a day. I need to clear my head.” I explained and the door bell rung.“Chad go get it.” Maggie ordered.Chad glared but went anyway.I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys.“The fuck you doing here?!” I heard Chad yell.That ticked me off. Who does he thinks he is to yell at my boyfriend?!“Honey-” Dad started but I was pissed.I got to the front door to see Mitch scowling at Chad while Chad ranted insults out.Once Mitch saw me his blank expression became one of worry, he smiled sadly at me. “Keller.” was all it took for me to sprint to him and hold him tight, tears rushing out.I don’t know why I am so affected by this, maybe it’s the guilt.“Shh. It’s okay.” Mitch whispered to me then he addressed my dad. “Sir I’m taking Keller with me. Maybe a day or two. I own a cabin at the outskirts of town, I’ll keep her safe you have nothing to worry about.”“No she’s not going anywhere.” I heard Chad snapped.“Alright. Just…take care of her.” Dad said.“Always.” Mitch reassured him. “Come on love.” he grabbed my backpack and held my hand after whipping away my tears.“What the hell is wrong with all of you?!” Chad snapped. “Are you going to let her go with a stranger!?”“I’m not a stranger and she’s better off with me than you.” then he kissed my temple. “Lest go.”____
“Do you want to talk about it?” Mitch asked as we headed to the bed.“Not tonight.”He nodded. “Do you want me to bring you anything?”I shook my head. “Just hold me.”He smiled and laid next to me putting his arms around me and holding me close. My face on the crook of his neck, his scent filling my senses.“I love you Mitch, so much.”His arms around me tightened. “I love you too, Keller.”I smiled and fell asleep.That night I had a strange dream. I saw my family. All of us. Then mom, Mitch and Hester disappear and Maggie together with Chad are standing next to dad smiling. And I was standing next to them too. We all looked happy.Maybe I should stop being an idiot and accept it.___
“Room service.” Mitch smiled and I opened my eyes to see him carrying a tray.“You cooked?” I asked unbelievingly.Mitch glared at me playfully. “Hey I can make some good scrambled eggs and toast.”I chuckled. He looked so sexy with those jeans riding low, the button undone and shirtless. It made my mouth water.My stomach growled and I began to eat.“So how is it?” Mitch asked nervously as he sat next to me on the bed.“Delicious.” I mumbled suddenly feeling really hungry.I ate every single thing.“God I was so hungry!” I patted my stomach and Mitch chuckled.“I noticed you-”A sudden wave of nausea hit me and I was running to the bathroom.“Keller!” I hear Mitch say as he ran behind me.As I threw up everything that I’d eaten and what not Mitch held my hair and rubbed my back.Once I finished I went to grab my tooth brush and tooth paste and continued to brush my teeth once again.“I’m never cooking again.”
Mitch said seriously and I had to laugh.“I’m pretty sure it wasn’t your cooking, love. I felt nauseous before too.”He frowned. “Should we go to the doctor?”“No, I’m sure it’s nothing important.”He nodded and then smirked. “What do you think about taking a shower?”“Together?”“Yup.”“I think that’s a marvelous idea.”___
“Have you thought about yesterday?” Mitch asked me as we changed.“Yeah. I think I might have exaggerated a little bit. Maggie is a great woman and I’m sure she’ll make dad happy and vise versa. I guess I was just scared.”“I’m sure everything is going to be fine.” he placed a soft kiss on my lips. “When’s the big party then?”I froze. “I didn’t even ask!”“Hey calm down you can ask once we get back.”I nodded. “You’re right. I’m getting a little bit paranoid.”“So I was wondering,” he cleared his throat. “My art exhibit is next weekend and I wanted to know if you could go. It’s really important to me and I wanted to share that with you. But I understand if you have other plans.” he blushed at the end.“Other plans? Mitch my plans always involve you. And of course I want to go! I’ve been wanting to see your paintings for a while now.”He grinned. “Really?”“Yes!”And then we went into another fit of kissing and laughing and touching and kissing and… you repeat the process.*A Week Later* “What about this one? It’s simple and elegant at the same time.” Maggie said.It was a pretty beige dress.“I think its perfect Maggie.” I smiled.I can’t believe I’m actually helping her pick her wedding dress. It was so amazing, getting married that is. The thrill, the nerves, the love.The wedding will be in five months, it was a short period of time for a wedding but I’m sure we could manage.Maggie wants everything to be simple but once Emma heard about the wedding she went nuts! She offered her house, not the one where they live in at the moment but one that’s even bigger, where the party will be taking place at.“No. no. You have to shine darling and that dress is not for you.” Emma told Maggie and dragged us both out of the store.“But I actually-”“No, we’re looking at more options.” Emma said it and Maggie just nodded.Both looked like little kids.“Bathroom.” I managed to say as I ran to the nearest bathroom in the stores.I’ve been puking since the night at Mitch’s house. I think I should really go see a doctor now. What if I have Anemia? Or whatever that think is called.After I was done throwing up everything that I ate this morning I went to wash my mouth. So gross.“Keller are you okay?” Both woman asked.“Yeah just feeling a little sick that’s all.”Emma and Maggie looked at each other and nodded. “Okay I think we should head home now.” Emma said.“No but we just got here.” I complained as both grabbed my hand and dragged me like a little kid to the front door.They let go once we were in the parking lot next to Emma’s car.As I reached for the door everything suddenly tilted ninety degrees right.“Woah!” this isn’t possible.And I was puking again.What the fuck?!“Take a deep breath honey. Everything will be fine.” Maggie said once I was inside the car and not puking my guts out. God my throat hurt now and I’m hungry. Maybe there’s still some cheese cake at home…We made a stop at the pharmacy for god knows what and once we were almost home Emma asked:“Did you and Mitch use protection?”“Blunt much?” I asked with a blush.Emma chuckled. “I know you two go at it like bunnies, no need to be shy.”AWKWARD! ! !“Uhm…” I cleared my throat. “The last two times we didn’t but I don’t get what this is all about.”Both Maggie and Emma grinned. “Ah.”“Ah? That’s all you’ve got to say?” I snapped.Then I understood. The nausea, the vomiting
like a freak, missed period, those lower backaches. . .“I’m pregnant?!” I yelled.“Most likely that’s why I bought you this if its not positive you should see a doctor if it is…I’m sure my grandchild will be beautiful.” Emma grinned.While I was in shock.Pregnant. I’m pregnant?How did this even happen?! Wait. I know how it happened. God how is Mitch going to react? Does he even like kids?My phone rang. Mitch.“Hey baby, where are you?”“I’m heading to my place.”“Is everything okay? You sound a bit off.”“No, um, everything is fine. I’ll see you home bye.” I hung up and closed my eyes.
When we got home I grabbed the pregnancy test and ran to the bathroom, I read the instructions and a few minutes later I was staring at the positive sign. According to this thing I’m pregnant. I’m having Mitch’s baby. I’m going to be a mom.I just turned eighteen!With a sigh I walked out of the bathroom to see everyone waiting for me. And I mean everyone. Maggie, Emma, Dad, Chad, Mitch…what the heck are Richard, Brady, Alan, Nathan, Ambrose and Chris doing here?!I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t so I just showed Emma the test and she was jumping around and yelling: “I’m going to be a grandma!”I could only stare at Mitch. He was also staring at me. Both of us waiting for each of our reactions.Is he going to support me or leave me?A smile began to form in his lips and I began to smile too. Next thing I know he’s carrying me and spinning in circles.“I’m going to be a father! God I love you so much!” he put me down and kissed me, everyone was cheering. He pulled away and turned to look at his parents. “I’m having a baby…well she’s the one having the baby but I’m going to be a dad!”I felt like crying. I’m so happy. Sure I wasn’t expecting to be a mom at this age or having Mitch’s kid anytime soon but everything felt right.Next came the congratulations and smiles and hugs. Everyone was really happy except Chad who was doing a poor job at faking it. He was on the verge of tears and it hurt me.I tried to talk to him but he simply walked out of the house.Ambrose was really happy and even suggested that he and Chris should adopt. That had Chris blushing madly.“We’re going to be parents in nine months.” Mitch said and hugged me. “I’m so happy.”“Me too! I can imagine a mini you running around the place.” I chuckled and so did Mitch.Everything was going perfectly._-_-_-*The Next Day*
The midnight blue dress clung to every curve of my body. It was elegant and suited for the occasion. My hair was up in a fancy bun that Emma did, she also did my makeup which was a shock since Maggie refused.Today is Mitch’s day. His exhibit at his cousins art gallery is going to be a bomb.“You look fabulous.” Mitch said as we entered the gallery. “Everyone is going to be so jealous.”“Don’t exaggerate.”“I’m not.” he kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand.As soon as we crossed the door the spotlight was on us. Or more likely Mitch. Everyone seemed to know him. Everyone seemed to admire him. And who wouldn’t? His paintings are breathtaking.“Mitch it was about time, the guests were getting impatient!” a really good looking woman came and hugged him.I felt a pang of jealousy as he let go of my hand to hug her. Once they pulled away Mitch snaked an arm around my waist and smiled.“Cheryl this is my girlfriend Keller Adzharia. Love, this is Cheryl Gaynor.”“Pleasure to meet you.” I smiled as we shook hands.“The pleasure’s mine.” she said and looked at me from head to toe, I seem to have passed inspection because her smile brightened. “Oh got to run!” and she was off to the next section.“So
what do you think?” Mitch asked as we started walking around.“Stunning. You’re a genius, I love every single piece.”Mitch kissed my temple and smiled. “I’m glad you think so.”“I know so.” and I came to a stop.“You brought this one? Are you selling it?” I asked as I stared at the vivid image of me on one of his paintings.“Of course not, it’s just to show off how beautiful you are.” he winked.“It’s a shame.”We turned around to face the source of the disappointed voice. It was a man around his thirties, really handsome at that.“What do you mean?” Mitch asked.“I wanted to buy it myself but apparently is not for sale. Your model is very stunning.” the man smiled at me.Mitch smiled but glared at the man as he put a protective arm around my waist. “I don’t get tired of reminding my girlfriend about her beauty, right love?”“Of course.” I felt myself blush and I leaned onto Mitch.The man looked at us and chuckled. “I would love if you could do a portrait of my daughter, I’ll pay you the double of the worth of any painting you have right now on sale.”Mitch cocked an eyebrow, he was ready to talk but..“Mitch.” was all I said as I covered my mouth.His eyes widened. “Here give me a call, come on babe.” he handed the man a card and we were running to the nearest bathroom.Of course he didn’t care as he also entered the lady’s room.“This is the only thing I hate about being pregnant. If I keep puking like this I’m going to end looking like a stick.”“I’m sure it’ll only be a few more days.” he reassured me as I washed my mouth.He got ugly stares from the lady checking her makeup but he swiftly ignored her.“I’m alright now lets go.”----A hell a lot of hours later Cheryl closed the door behind the last guest and all of the paintings had blue circles meaning that they were sold.“This calls for a toast.” she led us to the back room where she opened a bottle of wine and poured three cups.“Um no I cant-”“Oh come on its not like I’m going to charge you.” she laughed and I glared at her.“It’s not that, I prefer water.” I said and Mitch got me a bottle from a mini fridge. “Thanks.” I smiled at him.“You got yourself a saint Mitch.” she didn’t say it in a nice way. Is she testing me or something.“Shut up Cheryl she can’t drink.”“Why?”“We’re pregnant.” he said and then chuckled. “I mean she’s pregnant but-”“I got it.” Cheryl snapped. Then stared at us for the longest of times. At the end she was giving us an honest smile. “Congratulations, that calls for a toast and I’m drinking for you tonight Keller.” Cheryl winked.I don’t know for how long we stayed there but it was enough for Cheryl to get drunk and have us drive her home.Then Mitch took me home. “Want to stay?”He smiled and nodded. “Be warned that you wont be away from my arms unless its an emergency to the bathroom or you’re really, really hungry.”I chuckled. “Understood.”This couldn’t get any better.

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