Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) (14 page)


Chapter 23


Ethan: I have a surprise for you tonight

Red: is it dirty?

Ethan: my, my, Ms. Abigail Briggs for a girl who claims to not even like sex you certainly have a one track mind


“I see you still have that goofy grin, I take it you’re still ‘not dating’ that girl?” Asher observes with a chuckle.

I look up from my phone and roll my eyes at him. I look around and make sure there aren’t any customers in need of assistance before checking Abby’s response.


Red...you’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?

Ethan: absolutely

Red: fine...I like sex

Ethan: just in general, or…?

Red: I kind of hate you. NO, not just in general, I like sex with you. Egotistical ass.


“So, how long have you been ‘not dating’ her now?” Asher asks with a laugh.

“Just about three weeks. It’s not a big deal,” I grumble.

“Okay, whatever you need to tell yourself. All I know is the guys have been asking why you haven’t been coming around since August.”

“I’m just not so into the party scene anymore,” I say with a shrug, knowing that isn’t a true statement. I certainly don’t mind going to parties with Red.

“Alright, whatever. What are you up to tonight then?”

“It’s nerdy as shit, but I entered Abby and I into this trivia contest at this nerd bar downtown. I actually can’t believe I’ve never taken her there before, it’s kind of our thing,” I say mostly to myself.

“That’s gotta be The Wookie, right?” He asks.

I nod in confirmation.

“Cool, we’ll be there. Can’t wait to meet your girl.”



              Studying feels like a lost cause at the moment because all I can do is wonder what kind of surprise Ethan has for me tonight. My mind conjures up all kinds of images that make me blush. I finally give up and head to my room to at least try to pick out something sexy to wear.

My phone buzzes and I check it excitedly hoping that it’s Ethan. ‘Mom’ flashes across the screen and a sharp sadness pierces my chest as I immediately hit the ‘ignore’ button. I imagine how it would feel to have your only child ignore you for months. She’s probably worried about me. But, I still can’t bring myself to talk to her. It’s too hard.

My heart beats too fast in my chest and I take several deep breaths, forcing myself to relax. I rush for my stash box and quickly pull out a joint. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with smoke and hold it in until I can’t hold it any longer. As I slowly let the smoke out I can feel myself relaxing. This is why I can’t give Ethan anything more than sex. This is why I’m not good enough to be anyone’s girlfriend. I’m too fucked up. I am way too god damned fucked up.




              “I actually can’t believe we’ve never been here before,” I exclaim as Ethan leads me into the ‘nerd bar’ downtown called The Wookie.

              “I know, it’s an oversight on our part. But, the actual surprise is that I entered us in a trivia contest going on here tonight,” He explains. He watches my face to gauge my reaction. I fist pump.

              “Let’s kick some ass then!”

              “Awesome, let’s go sign in,” He points towards a table set up off to one side with a sign in sheet. We had to pick a team name and we decided on The Weeping Angels.

              “My secret for the day: I’ve actually always wanted to open a nerd bar or nerd cafe,” Ethan admits with a sheepish smile after we get comfortable at a table to wait for the trivia contest to start.

              “That’s amazing! I love that idea. What would you call it?”

              “Gallifrey Cafe, or Skaro Baro,” He actually blushes when he tells me the names he thought of. I let out a laugh and reach across the table to touch his arm.

              “I really love that. You should definitely do it.”

The appearance of the waitress halts any further conversation. I order a ‘Sonic Screwdriver’ and Ethan orders a ‘Magneto’. This is officially my new favorite place.

              “Alright folks, our trivia contest is starting in about five minutes so contestants get settled,” A man announces from the sign-up table.

              “Hey, Ethan!” Three guys call out from across the bar and make their way over to us with big grins.

              “Oh, hey. I didn’t expect to see you guys,” Ethan nods at each of them. “Guys this is Abby. Abby this is Asher, Brett, and Joe.”

I smile at each of them. These must be the guys he spent most of his time with before we started hanging out. Huh, I hadn’t really thought about that too much until now but he is actually choosing to spend almost all of his time with me instead of his other friends. I’m not quite sure how to feel about that. I guess I hadn’t thought about it because I really didn’t have any friends to ditch for him so for me our hanging out had just been something to do other than watch Netflix alone and study. Wow, my life is sad.

              “Mind if we join your trivia team?” Asher asks.

              I look Asher over briefly, taking in his beautifully masculine face, lip ring, and full sleeve arm tattoo. Aside from the fact that he’s gorgeous, my first thought is ‘what the hell is this guy doing here? He looks like he belongs at a rock concert not a trivia contest’.

              “Only if you don’t get in the way of our winning,” I don’t even know what the prize is but dammit I want to win.

Ethan laughs and the guys pull up chairs. Ethan and I reach for the buzzer at the same time and a tussle ensues.

              “I’m faster than you are,” I inform him pulling the buzzer my way.

              “No argument there,” He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

              “Give me the buzzer,” I demand with a threatening glare.

              “Maybe if you ask really nicely,” He sing songs

              “Or, I could shove my fist up your ass and use you like a puppet,” I offer with false sweetness in my voice.

              “Oh man your girl is a firecracker,” Brett says and all of the guys join in a laugh.

I take the opportunity to snatch the buzzer away just in time for the contest to start.

              “Alright folks, who’s ready for some trivia?” The MC calls out and everyone cheers.

              “First question: In the television show Doctor Who, what does the acronym T.A.R.D.I.S. stand for?”

              I slam my hand down on the buzzer instantly and call out my answer.

              “Time and Relative Dimension in Space.”

              “Correct. First point goes to the Weeping Angels.”

              Ethan and I high five and get ready for the next question.

              “What are the organisms that live in the blood and give people ‘the force’?”

              I slam my hand down again and Ethan shouts out “Midichlorians”

              “What type of metal is Wolverine's skeleton fused with?”



Chapter 24


              “I can’t believe we won,” Abby’s face is glowing as she caresses the small trophy that we were awarded.

              “I can’t believe you both are such nerds,” Asher quips.

              “Look who’s talking Mr. Mathlete,” Ethan teases him.

              “You promised not to tell anyone about that. You’re going to ruin my street cred with the ladies.”

              “Somehow I can’t imagine you
have lady troubles,”  Abby blurts.

Oh, hell no.
I scowl at Asher for his stupid tattoos that get all the ladies to drop their panties. Then I throw an arm around Abby’s shoulder possessively. Asher laughs and shoots Abby a playful wink.

              “I’m going to run to the ladies room,” Abby informs me before hopping off her stool and sauntering away.

I watch the sway of her ass and start to think of all of the things I’m going to do to her when I get her home.

              “So is that saucy redhead wild in bed or what?” Brett waggles his eyebrows at me.

I nod and hope they don’t try to pester me for details. I’ve never minded giving them a play-by-play with my past conquests but for some reason it just doesn’t feel right to talk about Abby that way.

              “Listen, man, when you’re finished with her do you think you could send her my way? Because, I don’t think my life will be complete until I write my name on that fat ass in cum.” The guys all cheer with debauchery and I clench my hands into fists. Then I imagine what Abby would say if she had heard that and I can’t help but laugh to myself.

“Brett, do me a favor and try telling Abby that,” I say unable to contain my shit eating grin.

“Why, you think she’ll be into it?” He raises his eyebrows.

“I think she’ll remove your balls and feed them to you,” I tell him honestly with another laugh.

“Whose balls do I need to remove?” Speak of the devil.

“Brett’s, he made a comment about shooting his cum on your ass,” I inform her with a smirk.

Is it weird that I can’t wait to see her tear into him?

“Wait, so you’re telling me that your friend made a lewd comment about me, and instead of getting all macho and telling them that you own my ass or something like that, you told them that
would maim them if I heard that?” She asks with surprise in her emerald eyes. Her expression is otherwise impossible to read. “Take me home,” she instructs and heads towards the door.



We ride in silence for a few blocks before I can’t stand it a second longer.

“I’m sorry Red, I honestly have no idea what I did to piss you off.”

I feel her gaze burning a hole in me and I chance a glance over at her. I don’t see the murderous glare that I expect.

“Ethan, you showed more respect and understanding towards me than I thought was possible. The reason I was quiet was because I’ve been trying to think of how to reward you,” She informs me, her tone thick with lust.

“Holy shit, seriously?”

She nods and I swallow hard. Well damn, she certainly understands positive reinforcement.

“What type of reward did you have in mind?”

I reach over and run my fingers along the seam of her jeans with light pressure. She moans and presses against my hand.

“I have a few ideas. Why, is there something specific you’d like?” Her voice is low and sultry and makes me want to pull the car over to fuck her right here on the side of the road. But, I have a much better idea than that.

“I do have an idea, come to my apartment and I’ll show you,” I offer as I pull up in front of our building.

She slinks out of the car and walks towards the building. I stay a few steps behind her so I can admire the entrancing sway of her hips and the way those jeans hug her ass.




              My body is humming with excitement as we make our way to Ethan’s apartment. As soon as the door is closed I wrap my body around him and pull his mouth down to mine. I know most women find it hot when guys go all ‘alpha male’ but I swear to god when I heard Ethan tell his friend that
was going to kick his ass my panties flooded.

              Ethan’s tongue explores my mouth, his fingers tangle in my hair while I fumble with the button on his jeans.

              “So what’ll it be lover boy?”

              “Bedroom,” He murmurs against my neck, walking me backwards towards his room.

My heart is racing as his scent surrounds me and my nipples are tight and begging to be in his mouth. As though he can read my mind he pulls my shirt over my head and gazes appreciatively at my naked breasts before taking one nipple in his mouth and sucking hard while squeezing the other between his thumb and forefinger. A desperate cry escapes my lips as I shove his pants down and grasp him firmly in my hand. I start to stroke him and he moans, lifting me up and tossing me on his bed.

              “Wait there,” He instructs before turning to his dresser and opening the top drawer. He pulls out a long, thin box with a red ribbon tied around it.

              “You got me a present?” I’m stunned.

              “Don’t get too misty eyed on me, it’s mutually beneficial.” He assures me, handing me the box.

I pull the bow loose and open the box. I blush when I see what’s inside.

              “Ethan,” I mutter, pushing the box back towards him.

              “Oh, come on Red. Don’t get shy on me now,” He urges playfully.

He pulls out my ‘present’, a purple vibrator and twists the bottom so it starts to buzz. A thrill of excitement runs through me as I see the hungry look in his ice blue eyes.

              “Take off your pants and lie back,” He instructs me.

is what you want your reward to be?” I ask skeptically. I figured he’d want semi-public sex, or something really kinky. This seems like it’s more for me.

              “What I want is to show you how good this feels. Then, I want you to suck me off while you use this on yourself.”

I have to clench my thighs together to ease the ache caused by his words. I nod wordlessly in approval. Once I strip my pants off I lay on the bed with my legs over the edge with Ethan kneeling before me. He parts my thighs and places several small kisses on my scarred legs holding my gaze the entire time.

              “So fucking beautiful,” He mutters. Ethan places the vibrator against my inner thigh and I jump at the sensation.

“Relax sweetheart.”

He rolls the vibrator slowly up my thigh towards my throbbing center. I’m squirming under his gaze, desperate for him to ease the ache between my legs. I move my hands to my breasts and squeeze my nipples between my fingers the way he’s done numerous times before and Ethan growls in approval.

              Finally, he runs the vibrator slowly over my swollen clit. The sensation is so intense I almost come apart instantly. I cry out and arch off the bed. He replaces the vibrator on my clit with his lips and then eases the vibrator inside of me. He sucks hard and thrusts rhythmically into me.

              “Ethan, yes, please,” Is all I can manage before I’m literally seeing stars.

Once I stop pulsating around the vibrator he eases it back out of me and kisses my inner thigh again.

              “You are so beautiful when you come.”

              “You know, that was so good, I don’t think I need you anymore. I’ll just take my present and be on my way,” I joke making a move to snatch the vibrator from him. He holds it over his head with a smirk.

              “Sorry sweetheart but this stays with me. And, I’ll use it on you only when you’re a good girl.”

I arch a brow at him before dropping to my knees before him and looking up at him sensually.

              “That’s going to be a problem because I don’t think good girls like to taste cock,” I inform him as I grasp his massive cock in front of me and flick the tip with my tongue.

He moans loudly and hands me the vibrator.

              “That’s a good boy,” I tease as I run my tongue along the underside of his erection and cup his balls

. I turn the vibrator back on and run it over my sensitive clit as I wrap my lips around his cock and take him deep into my mouth. The combination of sensations makes my head spin and I moan around him as I work my mouth up and down his cock taking him deeper each time.

              “Abby, you are so good at that,” He gasps as he wraps his fingers in my hair.

Like last time he doesn’t hold or force my head and to show my appreciation I use my tongue to circle his tip as I continue to suck.

              “Holy shit,” He chokes out.

I ride my vibrator hard, feeling the building of pleasure between my thighs. I thrust faster both onto the vibrator and with my mouth on his cock. I relax my throat and take him all the way in. We both cry out as his come hits the back of my throat and pleasure rips through my body.

              Ethan pulls me close and wraps his arms around me. I’m more content here in his arms than I like to admit.

              “That was so mind blowingly amazing,” He murmurs sleepily. “You have without a doubt ruined me for all other women.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“What’s funny about that?”

              “Just that when I woke up the morning after the first time we had sex, I thought to myself that you had ruined me for all other men.”

I can tell he wants to say something but he holds back. Instead he just places gentle kisses down the back of my neck and on my shoulder.

              “Sleep here please?” He whispers almost desperately.

I nod and snuggle closer to him. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world.


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