Wounded Love (G Street Chronicles Presents From Love to Loathe Series) (31 page)

“Nothing’s wrong, Cric-Kat. I had a seminar I wanted to go to here in Cali, and I decided to surprise you, so…SURPRISE!”

“Chyna, it’s not safe for you here. I mean with Troy and…”

She held her clutch up and pulled out a gun. “This is all I need for Troy, and I’ve been taking these self-defense classes and Tae Kwon Do. It’s all good…Cric-Kat; all good.”

“Chyna, I don’t know about this. Did Nan say it was okay?”

“She was the one who encouraged me come to the seminar and to see you here. I missed you, Crick. I’m sorry. I know I should have called, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It’s okay, Chyna. I missed you, too. I know Nan wouldn’t have sent you if she didn’t think you could handle this. I’m glad you’re here, sis. You look so fuckin’ amazing,” I smiled.

Korliss said we needed to get back to the floor before Troy and Trey started questioning our absence.

“Can you stay the night?” I asked her.

“But of course. I have a bag and everything. I just left a dinner party. I’ll see you when you get back.”

Korliss and I left the suite, and I was grinning from ear to ear.

“Wow, Cricket, you and your sister have some good fuckin’ genes in your family. She looks like a completely different person from the first time I saw her. She looks so damn good. Troy is a fool for fuckin’ that up.”

“She was a different person then, and to tell you the truth, I’m still stumped about something. He dealt with her and her drug habits. Why? I guess he does love her somewhere in that stone heart of his.”

“Cricket, he loves you, and she’s part of you. That’s the only reason why he kept her around. She was his bait for you to bite.”

I stared at him and then I felt sick to my stomach. “That’s disgusting.”

“Well, we are talking about Troy…the most un-human person I know.”

Korliss and I got back to the floor and fell back into our routine. It was 1:00 a.m., and I had one more hour of work left. The time was dragging by. I was anxious to get back to the room and catch up with Chyna.

Two gunshots went off, a jolting rubble d…vibrated beneath us, and someone yanked me underneath a black jack table. There was complete mayhem in the casino. I heard another gunshot and more screaming. I didn’t recognize the arms wrapped around my torso. I looked over at the man next to me and my eyes widened.


He smiled and pulled me closer when the table shifted. I held on to him tightly and then realized we had to move.

“I have to check on my sister and Jyme. He’s in one of the clubs.”

“I have two men watching over him, Cricket. I would never let anything happen to either one of you.”

We slid from under the table and ran for the elevators. We stood in a dark corner while we waited. One of the six elevators pinged, and people ran off. As soon as the door was clear, we ran on.

We went up to the suite, and I unlocked the door. The suite was eerily empty, and then I heard noises coming from one of the guest bedrooms. These weren’t just any kind of noises; they were sex noises. Someone was fucking the shit out of someone.

I held on to the doorframe before I reached for the doorknob. I knew if I saw the image that was in my head, I would be violently sick. In my head, Chyna was riding Jyme as if she was competing in the Kentucky Derby. They would both stop when I opened the door, and they would try to explain everything to me. I shook that image out of head and turned the knob. The knob didn’t budge; it was locked. I ran back to the kitchen and opened the key drawer. I pulled the bedroom key out and ran back to the bedroom. I unlocked the door quietly, and Walt moved my shaking hands and turned the knob for me.

“Cricket it’s not him, he’s at the club and he would never do that to you.” Walt assured me; I nodded back at him and swallowed hard.

on top, and she
riding like she was in the Derby. But she wasn’t on top of Jyme. Her guest was handcuffed to the bed and blindfolded. He was yelling for her to stick a finger in his ass. I gasped, and she whipped her head around. Chyna grinned from ear to ear at us and then he went back to work. I wasn’t looking at my sister; this was someone else. This woman came here to kill, and I could see the hunger for blood in her eyes.

“Oh no, baby. I have a toy for you, instead. Don’t you want me to stick my toy in your ass?” she teased him.

“Do it. Do it, baby; please. I want it, Chyna. Give it to me hard. Give it to me!” Troy spread his legs as far as they would go, and Chyna reached back to her clutch and pulled the gun out. She pulled out a small tube of lube and then she squeezed half of the contents into Troy’s arched up ass hole.

“Are you ready for it, baby?” she asked.

“Yes, right fuckin’ now, Chyna! Stop fuckin’ teasing me. Give it to me!”

Chyna slammed the gun inside of Troy’s ass. He screamed and bucked up off the bed. He slammed back down on the bed and Chyna slid the gun in and out three times slowly. Troy was going fuckin’ crazy, and he was begging Chyna to go faster.

“I love you, Troy.”

“I love you, too, baby.”

“Do you love Michael, Troy?”

“Faster Chyna. Give it to me faster.”

“Do you love Michael, Troy?” she asked him again.

“Yeah, I love Mikey.”

“His name is Michael, Troy. It is Michael!”

“Yeah…Michael. Give it to me faster, Chyna. Shit!”

Chyna’s face changed, and she slammed the gun into Troy again and pulled the trigger. There was a guttering sound, and Troy’s body went limp. Chyna pulled the gun out and shot Troy twice in the head and twice in the chest.

She got up off the bed and pulled her dress down, then reached back into her clutch and pulled out a small tin container. She squirted some liquid over the bed then she pulled out a lighter and lit the bed on fire. She walked passed me and Walt without even looking at us.

I ran down the hall to my bedroom where I opened the safe and emptied all the contents into my purse. I ran back to the main room, and we bolted out of the suite. Walt told us to follow him to the freight elevator. We went down to the basement floor, and as soon as the doors opened, we were nearly tackled by employees trying to exit the building from the main lobby. We had to fight our way off the elevator. We ran down the hall to the freight area. Walt opened a side door into the surveillance room. We ran over to another side door and entered into a room full of bodyguards. Jyme was sitting at a table next to Korliss, and everyone else stood.

Jyme ran to me and stared at Chyna wide-eyed.

“Cricket, what the fuck is going on?”

Korliss and I nodded at each other. Then, someone behind us said we needed to go. There were two elevators that led to the secret shuttle underground. We split the groups up and got on the elevators. Korliss, Walt, Jyme, Chyna, four more other bodyguards, and I got on one elevator together.

“Korliss, where’s Trey?” I asked.

“Last I saw of him, he was in the boiler room unconscious.”

I stared into Korliss eyes and he looked down, not wanting to keep eye contact with me. I turned away, and Jyme pulled me tighter into his side.

“What about Troy?” Jyme asked Korliss.

“Dead,” Chyna answered.

Everyone looked over at her and Chyna stared straight ahead.

“Cricket, I didn’t have a gun on me. If I did, I would have killed the bastard,” Korliss said.

I turned to face Korliss, and he was staring at the back of Jyme’s head. I turned back around, and Chyna watched me now. I knew what had to be done; and I knew who had to do it.

The elevator doors opened, and we ran over to the shuttle. It was almost full; but not quite. The shuttle countdown was ninety seconds, and everyone was buckling up. I looked over at Korliss, and he stared right back at me. He stood up, and the two bodyguards followed his stance. I got up and walked over to Chyna, helping her buckle up her seat belt. I gave her a hug and whispered in her ear.

“I love you, and I need you to watch over them for me.”

Chyna nodded. The clock dinged. Sixty seconds before the door closed. I walked back over to Jyme, sat down, and looked at him straight on.

“You were my first, and you’re my last.”

He smiled at me, and I kissed him with everything I had. I fisted my hands into his hair and let his tongue caress mine. “I love you,” I breathed through the kiss.

The clock dinged, twenty seconds left.

“What your best?” I asked him smiling.

“Right now.”


“Because we’re free and we can go get our babies and go home to our safe house.”

I nodded back at Jyme. I looked at Korliss then I stared at Jyme. Korliss nodded back at me. I pulled away from Jyme and jumped up. I knew Korliss and the other bodyguards would catch him before he reached me. Jyme was screaming and shouting my name, but I didn’t stop. I ran off the shuttle and stood outside the doorway with my back to it. I couldn’t look at him while I still had a chance to get back on. When the shuttle door closed, I turned to face the door. Korliss and the other bodyguards let him go then. He ran to the door and tried to beat it down.

“I have to do this; we’ll never be safe with Trey still alive. You know this. Take care of the babies, and don’t let Babe forget me.”

“Cricket, please don’t leave me. Don’t do this!”

I put a hand up to the window. “I love you, Jyme!”

“I love you, too!”

The shuttle started moving.

“What’s your best?” he yelled over the subway noises. I stood there thinking for a moment and then it hit me. Jyme ran from window to window frantically. I just stood there in that one spot, watching him. He got to the last one.

“The day I got stuck in the mud.”

I gave him a small smile, knowing I’d never see him again. He smiled back at me pressing both of his palms on the glass.

“I love you, Cricket,” he told me with tears streaming down his face.

I had to fight back my meltdown, and I forced a smile. “Not as much as I love you,” I told him.

I had to do this; I had to make sure he and the kids would be safe. He banged and rammed on the glass, and then they were gone.

I took off, running back toward the elevators. I knew Jyme would come back, but I planned to be long gone by then. I knew I had to be the one to take the blame for Troy’s death; Chyna shouldn’t have to carry that burden. She was a great mother to Michael, and he deserved to have her. He had now lost his other parent.

Jyme was a better parent, and he deserved to have the family he always wanted. He would find someone to love him and the kids. Just thinking about this made my stomach turn.

I got on the elevator and pressed B. The doors were shutting, and then they opened right back up. Aston stood there with a hungry look in her eyes. She stepped into the elevator, and the doors shut. I knew me and this bitch were going to have to dance, and that time was now. She walked up to me, and I kicked her hard. She rammed into me, and both of us tumbled to the floor of the elevator. She spread my legs wide, and I kicked her in the face. She fell back, and I tried to get to my feet, but she yanked me back down. We tussled and tossed until she finally got on top of me. She held both of my hands with one of hers. I kicked and screamed, but nothing helped. She yanked out one of my breast and started sucking it.

“Get the fuck off me, bitch!”

“Oh, no; I’m fucking your pretty ass right here. I got some wire in my purse I can tie you up with it. I’m going to make you cum on my tongue.”

“You twisted fuck. I’m going to fuckin’ kill you.”

“And I’m going to eat you until you scream.”

She reached over to her purse and I kneed her in the puss. She screamed and cupped herself, rolling over to the floor. I got up quickly, reaching into my purse and pulling out the gun. I pointed it at her head, and she yelled for me to stop. I pulled the trigger, shooting her in the leg. She writhed and wailed. I pressed B, and when the doors opened, I pushed all the buttons.

When I got to the basement doors, I had to go down another flight of stairs to the boiler room. I had to really ram into the door because it was jammed shut, but I was able to get it wide enough for me to get in. I looked all over the place and didn’t see him. I finally started yelling his name and heard some shifting and muffling in the far right corner. I pulled my gun out and walked over to the corner slowly. Trey laid there with his hand raised up for someone to find him. I fell down right on top of him, and he moaned from the pain. I put the gun right between his eyes. I made sure he saw my face clearly, and then I squeezed the trigger.


stand alone in a dark room, looking at Puget Sound. I think of nothing but her. It has been four long years, and I haven’t seen her. Nothing of hers has been removed, and I make sure everything stays the same. The kids are sound asleep in their warm beds, just like she wanted. I have pictures of her all through the house. Our bedroom looks like a shrine just for her. The only thing that keeps me from giving up and leaving it all is the resemblance of her in all three of their faces. Babe is a spitting image of her; inside and out. She loves everything that sparkles, just like her mother did. She plays dress up in her mother’s clothes almost every single day. And the few pieces that she adores and cherishes are her mother’s favorites as well. I received an envelope a month after the casino takeover. It had banking and safe deposit information with a key. The account had over two million dollars in it. I had access and was the sole benefactor of it. The key belonged to a safe deposit box in Seattle’s Trust Bank. I went to the bank the next morning and I was taken to a small room with the box. I opened it as soon as I was alone. There were two pairs of diamond earrings and the cricket ring I had given to her so long ago; she had it restored and it sparkled like new. A small black box, three birth certificates, two hundred savings bonds, a DVD, and two letters; one addressed to my mother and the other to me. That is all she left the kids and me. I took everything from the box and paid for another year on it just in case.

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