Yearning Devotion (7 page)

Read Yearning Devotion Online

Authors: Rachael Orman

“I can’t do this.” Gwen said her
lips inches from his. She lowered her head and quickly pushed out from him before
walking down the hall back to Isaac.  Isaac could tell she was on edge and took
it as her being tired.

“Well, I guess I should get my lovely
friend back home at a decent hour.” Isaac said grabbing her hand. He said a quick
good bye to everyone before they left the party.  In the car on the way back to
her apartment, he was sharing personal stories about some of the people at the
party, none of who Gwen knew but she tried to pay attention. She breathed a
sigh of relief once they pulled up at her apartment. She kissed his cheek,
thanked him for a nice evening and got out.

After entering her apartment, she
changed out of her expensive dress and took off all her jewelry. She brushed
her hair out of the ponytail and slipped into her bed wearing a tank top and
panties. It was a little after midnight and Gwen wasn’t tired at all. She tried
to go to sleep but she couldn’t get Cole out of her head. What made this man
any different from every other man she’d met or slept with? He was alluring to
her in a way that no man ever had been. He was so sweet and nice to her. She
remembered the first kiss he gave her, how sweet and gentle he’d been. She also
remembered their time at the strip club in the back room.  He had been hard yet
tender with her. She convinced herself it was just the environment, not the
actual man that made the sex so amazing and yet conflicting.  

That had to be it! She’d been with
many guys before and nothing. None had been at a strip club though. Was that it?
She was going to find out for sure. Was it the man or not that made the sex so
amazing?  She was going to drive herself crazy if she didn’t try to at least
figure it out.

She quickly slipped into a
skintight strapless dress with no bra, no panties. Might as well be easy since
that’s exactly what she was going over for. As she walked out the door, she
slipped on a pair of 4 inch black heels that were sitting next to the door. She
hailed a cab and gave herself a pep talk the whole way. When the cab arrived
she paid and headed up the elevator. She stopped and listened in front of his
door. She could hear music softly playing but didn’t hear any voices. She
knocked softly on the door.  She waited a minute. But she didn’t hear anything.
Taking a deep breath, she knocked once more, a little harder this time. Still
nothing. She turned and walked the few steps back to the elevator.  

She pushed the down button berating
herself the whole time. Why had she come here? What was wrong with her? This
was not something she would have ever done in the past. Did she seriously think
that sleeping with him in a strip club would change who she was? He probably
just felt bad for her earlier when he had kissed her in his apartment. Men
always wanted to have the upper hand, right? She put her forehead on the wall and
told herself how stupid she was to have come back to his place.








 “Gwen? To what do I owe this
pleasure?” Cole asked from his now open door. Gwen had been so busy kicking
herself that she hadn’t heard the door open.  She slowly turned as she took in
his bare, very well defined chest and low slung gym shorts.  She stepped
towards him instinctively. Her hands itched to touch his chest. He had on a
sexy half smile, arms crossed his chest. Those green eyes tracked over her from
head to toe and back again before meeting her eyes with a cocked eyebrow.

“I came to… You know, I’m not
entirely sure why I’m here.” Gwen gave him her own sexy smile, knowing her
dress said it for her. Why hadn’t she planned what to say? She hadn’t thought
that far ahead in her wonderful plan! Cole just grinned at her and shook his
head softly as he stepped back and opened the door for her to enter.

“I barely heard you knock. I was
just about to go to bed.” He said closing the door once she had entered.  “But
I think I can stay up a little while longer if I have such wonderful company.
Would you like something to drink?”

“Everyone has already left?” Gwen
looked around. She didn’t see anyone. She did, however, see a huge mess all
over the tables and even the floor that she could see from the foyer.

“Yes, the old farts don’t stay up
very late. The last of them left about 20 minutes ago.” Cole spoke as he walked
away so she followed him.  He led the way to the kitchen. This was the first time
she’d seen him without a shirt so she watched in appreciation as the muscles in
his back flexed and relaxed as he moved. He pulled a bottle of water out of the
fridge, handing it to her. He leaned back against the counter, crossing his
arms over his broad, all too well defined chest. “So, what made you decide in
the middle of the night to change into that sexy little number and come back?
Were you thinking of molesting me?”

Gwen tried not to smile at him as
he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Instead, she took a swig of water. It was
really hard not to stare at his extremely sexy chest, especially when he stood
there with his arms crossed, making his biceps bulge. She could just imagine
running her hands all over those lines in his abs and over his well-defined
pecs. The thought made her body grow hot and her throat to go dry. She trailed
her eyes from those bulging arms and that sexy V low on his hips. It isn’t fair
for a man to look that damn good.  Just looking at him had her nipples
hardening and her pussy growing wet. Her fingers were tingling so she gently
bit down on one as her mind came up with multiple things she could do to those

“Gwen?” Cole asked, humor in his
voice. Gwen’s eyes snapped to his, obviously she had missed something he said while
she had been imagining doing things to him.  “I asked if you were hungry.”

“Mmm, absolutely.” Gwen licked her
lips as she ran the finger that had been in her mouth down the side of her neck
to the top of her breast. She cleared her throat and softly shook her head to
clear the dirty thoughts from her mind. “I mean, I could eat. What do you have?”

Gwen forced a smile trying to think
about food since that’s what he apparently had in mind. She was having a hard
time pushing images of him naked from her mind though. He gave her a sexy smile
before he opened the fridge to find something to eat.  Gwen moved to sit at the
bar so she could watch him.  While she had thought he would jump her as soon as
he saw what she had put on, she was enjoying sitting her watching him move
about in his kitchen. He seemed to have barely have noticed the dress anyway or
if he had, he didn’t seem affected by it. She just felt awkward in her tiny
dress standing there, but if he could ignore it so could she.

“Looks like we have chicken fried rice…
and… Um, I’m not sure what this is. So I hope you are in the mood for chicken fried
rice.” He made a face at a Tupperware container before putting it back and
pulling another one out to put on the counter. He heated it up and dished up
one large plate before sitting at the counter with her.  He took turns feeding
her a bite then taking one himself. They didn’t exchange many words as he fed
them both. At one point, Cole said, “My housekeeper always leaves in the fridge
for me in case I get hungry and I’m betting you haven’t eaten at all tonight.”

“I had eaten a few little bites of
whatever the waitresses were passing out at the party.” Gwen shrugged. Her
nerves had made her completely forget to eat. She had been so wrapped up in
talking about him before the party she had forgotten and after the party all
she could think of was him.

He would flash her a smile every
couple bites. As much as she tried, she couldn’t help but let herself soften
towards him. He was so careful when he gave her a bite and slowly pull the fork
from her lips, then he would quickly feed himself a bite. Although they weren’t
talking, Gwen felt like they were connecting through the comfortable silence.
They didn’t need words to understand each other and this unexpected connection.

Once they had finished eating, Cole
got up and took the plate and fork with him. She watched amused as he rinsed
the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.  He had absolutely refused to let
her help with them too, stating he’d never allow a guest do the dishes.

“Well, thank you for dinner. Not
exactly what I was expecting, but it was still delicious and filling. You can
rest easy knowing I’m not going to bed hungry now.” Gwen stood from her stool
and walked around the counter towards him swinging her hips. His eyes watched
her hips as she walked towards him. She stepped close to him, placing both
hands against his chest. She rubbed her hands up his chest to sink into his
hair. Her lips were close to his ear and brushed his skin as she asked, “Now
what would you like to do?”

“Well, since there is two of us, it
really would go much quicker if you helped me pick up some of this mess.” He spoke
in the same soft tone she has used, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke. Then
he stepped back from her and walked to a cabinet, where he pulled a trash bag
out and handed it to her. He gave her a little half smile before walking from
the room. She just stared at his back with her mouth hanging open.  She pulled
down on the bottom of her dress and shook the bag open.
What the hell?!
was more confused than ever. She’d never been rejected, which is what she was
feeling since he had blatantly ignored her outfit except for his initial
comment. She thought he was interested, but now she really wondered. She
groaned in frustration and started cleaning up the kitchen. Wasn’t like she had
anything better to do besides go home and be alone. McKayla was working tonight.
She heard the music in the living room change to a new song, one that she was
very familiar with.

Gwen sang quietly to herself as she
moved around the kitchen picking up empty bottles, cans and other various party
trash. She made a collection of glasses near the sink of the glasses that were
scattered around the kitchen. Once she finished the kitchen she made her way through
the dining room. She glanced over into the living room through the open double
doors. She stopped when she saw Cole was sitting on the couch facing her, his
arms draped on either side of his body over the back of the couch.

“Are you actually cleaning?” Cole
pushed to his feet as he looked from the bag that was half full in one of
Gwen’s hands to her face, horror apparent on his face. Then he laughed an
uncomfortable laugh and ran his hand through his hair, “I was wondering what
the hell you were doing in there!”

“You told me to help clean, so I
was cleaning!” Gwen gestured around the room with the hand holding the bag, “Would
you like me to clean this room too? And what have you been doing? Sitting on
the couch waiting for me to finish cleaning up after your party?” She raised an
eye brow at him in frustration.  This was turning out to be the most confusing
night she’d ever had! THIS was why she didn’t go out of her comfort zone. Men
were so confusing! Especially this one. One minute he was giving her soft
caresses and feeding her the next he had her cleaning his house while he sat
around doing nothing.

“I was kidding! I didn’t actually
expect you to clean! I have a crew coming in the morning to clean this place! I
thought you were in there making a drink or something to waste time.” Cole
stood up and grabbed the bag from her. He tossed it to the side before pulling
her hips flush to his. Running his nose up her neck, he breathed “I have
enjoyed spending this time with you but now I’m done being a gentleman.” Cole
grabbed her ass with both hand and bit down on her neck. He ground his thick
erection against her belly making her moan.








 “Take me to bed, Cole.” Gwen
wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head back down to her.  He
lifted her by her ass and she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. Her
heels dug into his ass as he carried her down the hall to the bedroom. She
didn’t get more than a second to glance around before he had her on her back on
the bed with him on top of her, his mouth on hers.  She pushed on his shoulder
hard until he rolled over and she climbed on top of him still fully clothed. 
She rotated her hips against his erection while sitting up on him. She pulled
her dress down exposing her breasts as she flipped her hair over one shoulder.
She grabbed his hands and brought them to her breasts while still rotating her
hips on his.  He pinched and twisted both her nipples. She moaned at the sweet
pain before pushing off him to stand next to the bed as she pulled her dress
back up.

“Listen.” Gwen tapped her ear with
her finger as she heard the song change to a slow song with a pounding beat, in
the living room, the music was loud enough to still be heard. “And watch.” She
wiggled her hips slowly side to side with the beat, as her hands ran up her
sides and into her hair, lifting it off her neck. She turned around slowly,
spreading her legs. She flipped her head down, arching her back giving him a
view of her pantiless pussy. She raked her nails slowly up the outside of her
legs as she stood, her hands continued up her ass, sides and over her breasts.
She turned to the side so he could see as she grabbed and squeezed her breasts.
Reaching one hand back, she slowly slid the zipper down on her dress. She rotated
her hips and turned so her back was fully to him again. Once the zipper was
down, she wiggled her body from her shoulders down to her hips causing the
dress to slip off her body.  She bent at the waist to pick up the dress,
bending one knee then the other to remove it, the movement also arched her ass
towards him. She tossed her dress towards the door and slipped off her shoes
before climbing back on the bed. She knelt over his hips and rotated her hips
on top of his. She could feel his erection pressing up against her, making her
wetter than she already was.  She slipped her hand into his shorts and grasped
him in her hand causing his hips to jerk up and a moan to slip from his lips. She
pressed her breast into his chest as she licked up the side of his neck and
slid her hand up and down his hard shaft. She felt a little drop of creamy
precum slip from the tip of him. She swiped over it with her finger and brought
her hand up to her mouth and locked eyes with him as she sucked her finger.
Cole arched his back involuntarily and pressed more firmly against her as he

He was letting her chose the pace
though so he ground his teeth and held himself back from grabbing onto her. He
knew if he put his hands on her he would have her under him quickly so instead
he grabbed fistfuls of the sheets. This was her show.

Gwen kissed and nipped her way down
his chest. She took a moment to scratch her nails gently against the ridges of
his hard abs and lick her lips. He pressed his head back into the pillow and
gripped the sheets tighter in his hands. Gwen smiled at him before slipping her
bottom lip between her teeth.  She ran her fingers back up his abs once more,
she couldn’t help but give them the attention they deserved. She used her nails
to trace along the top of his shorts, going from one side of that sexy V to the
other and back again. Cole’s abs were rock hard and a fine sheen of sweat was
on his forehead so she knew she was getting to him. She slipped a hand down
either side of his hips and slowly slid his shorts down, he flexed his ass to
let them slide off easier. Once she got them to his knees, she moved back up
his body to stare down at his impressive cock, jutting out large and hard from
his body. Another drop of precum glistened on the tip. She leaned down and
quickly licked it away, earning her a hiss from Cole. That made her smile

“As much as I want to suck on this
beautiful cock, I want to feel you so deep in me I forget everything else.”
Gwen moved and ripped open the condom package she had picked up from his
nightstand when she had been dancing, a trick of the trade she learned in her
line of work.   She rose over him, her hands on his chest. She reached between
their bodies to position him. She locked eyes with him before slowly sinking
down onto him. She threw her head back, a gasp ripping from her lips. She’d
forgotten how unusually good he felt in her. She heard somewhere in the haze
that had invaded her mind momentarily that he groaned with her.

She met his eyes again when his hands
slid up her thighs to grasp her hips. Grabbing onto his wrist for leverage, she
pushed up and slid back up his length before sinking back down slowly, oh so
slowly taking in every wide inch of him. She watched as Cole’s eyes moved over
her face like he wanted to remember her face while he was inside her forever.
His eyes were dark and filled with an emotion she didn’t understand. It scared
her, but her body was too wrapped up in what he was making her feel that she
didn’t care. She pushed up all the way, letting him completely slide from her

“Wait.” Gwen said quietly when he
started to protest. She turned and sat on his abs with her back to him. She
moved forward taking him into her body again. He was much deeper this way and
was hitting her in a spot no man ever had before. She gasped, nearly a sob, at
the pleasure that ran up her spine.  She leaned forward and put her hands on
his muscular thighs and pushed off him to rise just barely off him and sink
back down, hitting that spot again.

“Fuck, that feels so damn good.”
Cole grunted as she gasped again. She rotated her hips in a circle, Cole thrust
his hips up to meet her with perfect timing. After two more thrusts and she
could feel her orgasm tickling up her feet. Another slow rotation and fire
burned up her legs, burst through her whole body. Her nails dug into his
thighs, deep enough to leave marks, but she couldn’t help it. She’d never had
an orgasm so strong it hurt before the pleasure blinded her. 

As she was still gasping and
regaining feeling in her extremities, Cole lifted her by her hips and off his
body. He had moved her so she was on her back and he was on top of her. He
said, “As good as that felt, I told you, I want to see your eyes when I’m in

She didn’t like looking into his
eyes while they had sex.  She didn’t like having a man on top of her looking
down at her. As she was trying to get her pleasure filled brain to comprehend
what he had said, she felt him press into her, his body pressing down on hers. Horror
filled memories flooded her and she pushed hard at his shoulders, urgently. Her
eyes filled with tears, “Please. Please, not like this. Not right now, not with

Cole instantly rolled over and
pulled her with him so she was once again on top of him. He sat up and made her
wrap her legs around his back before pulling down on her hips so he sank deep
in her.  “Better?”

After a moment, he saw Gwen’s eyes
refocus and she nodded and threaded her fingers into his hair. She’d quickly
blinked away the tears. There wasn’t much movement needed in this position. He
was deep in her and their bodies were so close. Their eyes locked, arms wrapped
around each other as they both gently rocked their hips.  He reached between
them and gently squeezed her breasts before teasing her nipples gently.  She
leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled back. He wanted to stare deep into her

“You are so beautiful. I want to
watch your eyes as you feel me inside you. It’s me that is making you moan. Me
that is making you feel good. I want you to remember me forever because I know
I’ll never be able to forget you.” His eyes hadn’t left hers. She watched that
unfamiliar emotion fill his eyes again as he pushed her hair back over her
shoulder and behind her ear while his other hand slid from her breast to around
her side to press her tightly against his chest again. 

“You make me feel beautiful. I
don’t think I’ll be able to get your eyes out of me head. I’ve dreamed of them
for months now.” She reached up to hold on to the back of his neck with one
hand, the other cupping the side of his face. She moaned feeling another orgasm
building again. This was the most intimate act she’d ever done. Their faces so
close, their hand comforting each other, while their eyes shared unspoken

Her breast softly rubbed against
his hard chest as their hips rocked and he slid in and out of her body just
barely. The slow deep penetration felt more like he was reaching inside her and
caressing her broken soul. She’d never seen the tender look that was in Cole’s
eyes tonight, not from any man. He gently brushed his lips to hers for a
moment. This was something she’d never experienced before.

Another meeting of their hips and
she gripped him tightly, she was going to come. His hands slid down and
squeezed her ass tight as he pulled her harder against him making the rocking
of their hips more of a thrust. Gwen screamed, she hadn’t even felt it start to
come over her, her orgasm was just there pulsing through her body, causing
every muscle to tighten and liquid fire to surround Cole’s cock deep in her.
Feeling her tighten on his and her juices flow over him caused his orgasm to
wash over him. He groaned from deep in his chest as his hips jerked and his
release spurted into the condom, but his eyes never left hers.

Gwen couldn’t help it, tears
overflowed from her eyes. She’d never be the same after this night. She just
knew he ruined her more than anything in her past. This passionate yet slow
easy love making, those green eyes… She didn’t understand it but she felt something
shift deep within her, her soul put a piece of itself back together. She
felt... almost… loved. Cherished by this man. She didn’t understand why these
words came to her mind but it was best she could explain the feelings that
surged through her.

He reached a hand up and wiped away
her tears with his thumbs. Cole said in his deep voice, “No tears, beautiful.”

Gwen couldn’t help it, she pulled
his head to hers and kissed him hard. Her tongue entered his mouth and his
slipped along hers. After long moments of tenderly kissing her, he moved to
pull from her body but she tightened her legs around him. “Not yet.”

“I’ll be right back. Promise.” Cole
lifted her and gently laid her back on the bed before he slipped off the bed.
He quickly removed the condom. He knotted the open end then to her complete
surprise, he rolled on another condom over his still hard cock before returning
to the bed.  He laid on his side next to her and looked down into her eyes as
he rubbed his thumb over her cheek tenderly.  After a moment, he spoke softly,
“Will you trust me? I want to try something.”

“Just don’t hurt me.” Gwen tried to
push a smile onto her face, but instead her lips only twitched upward.  Cole
gently pushed up on his arm and rose over her, sliding between her legs to
gently lie on her. Her eyes widened slightly.

“Just breathe and look at me.” Cole
spoke softly as he shifted his hips and started very, very slowly filling her.
His eyes locked with hers, his thumbs gently running over her jaw and neck. He
pulled out slowly from her. He was murmuring sweet and loving words to her as
he moved.

“Cole.” Her voice quivered but she cautiously
ran her hands up his back. This was why she didn’t want him like this. She was
developing feelings for him and having a man on top of her always reminded her
of her rapists. She didn’t want to relate the two memories but as he continued
his very slow glide in and out of her body, his expressive green eyes locked on
hers, his hands touching her so tenderly, gently, carefully. She found herself
forgetting her past and actually enjoying the act. Just watching the flex and
tensing of his chest muscles as he moved. Feeling the strength in him and
knowing he was holding back for her, being careful and gentle for her.  Slowly,
she started to arch up to meet his slow thrusts.

“That’s it, beautiful. Let it go.
Just look at me. Think only about me and how it feels to have me deep inside
you. I want you to feel how great we fit together. How good it feels.” He
leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She grabbed the back of his head and
forced her tongue into his mouth causing him to groan. He pulled back after a
moment though. He slipped a hand between their bodies and gently circled her
clit. This caused her to arch sharply and moan. He kept the same slow rhythm of
his thrust. But before long, she astonishingly felt tingling in her feet
signaling she was going to come. She gasped in surprise because although it
felt good she didn’t think she could ever enjoy this position that much. Another
slow thrust had her digging her fingers into Cole’s shoulders but she kept the
eye contact instead of throwing her head back as heat spread through her body.

Cole thrust once more and she saw
the fire spread through his eyes as a deep long groan fell from his lips and
felt his hips jerk sharply against her. After a few short thrusts, he rolled to
his side and off her, never once having laid fully on top of her. He lay there
breathing hard and running his hand over her stomach. After long moments of
just lying there contently together, he stood and moved to the bathroom to
dispose of the two used condoms. She heard water running for a moment before he
returned with a warm wash cloth. He ran it over her chest, stomach and down
between her legs.  He gently cleaned her before tossing the washcloth towards
his closet.

He laid next to her and pulled the
covers over them murmuring, “Let’s go to sleep.”

“Mmm. OK.” Gwen barely whispered.
She was so sleepy she didn’t have the fight left to make an argument even to
herself as to why she never stayed the night. He pulled her close, resting her
head on his chest, her leg slipped over his, his arm holding tightly around her
waist. He couldn’t believe what this woman had turned out to be. She was so
much more than he’d ever expected of the girl tripping over her own feet in the
subway that first day. She’d surprised him in more ways than he could list.  He
closed his eyes with a soft smile on his face and drifted off to sleep with her
in his arms.  Gwen had similar thoughts of what a surprise Cole had been to her
life. He was almost too good to be true. She fell into a deep sleep with that
thought rolling through her head.

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