YURI (Her Russian Protector #3) (26 page)

Read YURI (Her Russian Protector #3) Online

Authors: Roxie Rivera

Tags: #alpha male, #bad boy, #damaged hero, #sexy billionaire, #possessive hero, #tattooed bad boy, #new adult

"We're alone." He shut the door and leaned against it. The stress of the last few days left his shoulders slumping and his stomach churning.

"How is Lena?" Concern colored Ivan's voice.

"Shaken," Yuri answered.

"And you?"

"Now that the fear and panic has finally subsided, I'm starting to feel an immense amount of rage," he admitted. It was all he could do to keep his shaking hands clenched at his sides.

"Was it the cartel?" Dimitri finally dared to ask the question they were all thinking.

Nikolai shook his head. "I received assurances that this was absolutely not the cartel. Guzman made the point that he gains nothing from trying to kill Lena and everything from keeping her alive and Yuri happy. This is all about the money and saving face for him."

Ivan started to pace. "What about this pipeline, Yuri? Erin said there some major protests in Europe. Those protestors outside your downtown headquarters were all over the news tonight. Would they be crazy enough to go after you? To go after Lena?"

He shrugged. "At this point, anything is possible." Reluctantly, he admitted, "There have been problems with the pipeline. Someone is leaking negative stories to the press. They're trying to tank the deal. I thought it might be one of the investors trying to back out in an underhanded way but that's looking less likely. It might be someone on the inside."

Dimitri blew out a noisy breath. "And if it's not related to the pipeline?" He seemed hesitant to ask but did it anyway. "You've made a lot of enemies building your empire. What might seem insignificant to you could be a life-changing moment to someone else."

Yuri wanted to argue with Dimitri but he stopped himself. Even though he'd never done a competitor dirty in business and had always tried to be fair in his dealings, there had been times during his early years running his private equity firm that hadn't been particularly pleasant. He'd built his early wealth by swallowing up failing businesses, slashing their workforces, jettisoning the failing sections and selling them for big profits.

Dragging a hand across the back of his neck, he unhappily admitted, "There is probably a long list of people who hate me for business reasons."

"I think this angle that Dimitri has suggested is the most likely one for this mess," Nikolai stated. "Give it to the police and let them run with it. You'll keep them busy and out of this

Ivan fervently agreed with Nikolai's advice. "Listen to me, Yuri, the last fucking thing you need is detectives digging around in Lena's problems. The surest, fastest way to get her father killed is to get them nosing around where they don't belong. One stumble on their side and that guy?" He shook his head and drew his finger across his throat. "I wouldn't chance it."

"I won't." He hated the anxious feeling riding along his spine. How Nikolai managed to always look so calm when he was living on the wrong side of the law, Yuri would never understand. He finally comprehended the reason Ivan had been so desperate to escape that life. The stress of keeping the authorities at arm's length while trying to protect Lena and her family was going to give him a heart attack.

"What about Vivian?" Ivan addressed Nikolai. "Erin is beside herself with worry. She's terrified that the cartel will do something to hurt Vivian because of her father's connections."

Nikolai's jaw twitched. "I have Kostya on her. That cousin of hers has someone babysitting her around the clock. Of all of us, she's probably the safest right now."

"Erin would feel better if Vivian came to stay with us until this whole mess blows over. Kostya is welcome to stay with us too." Ivan clearly understood the two were coming as a package deal.

"I'll see if she'll agree to it."

Ivan smiled. "She won't have a choice. Erin has quite a gift for guilting the people she loves into doing the things that are best for them."

Yuri didn't doubt that for a moment. Erin seemed to be the mother hen of the group of women. Not that Vivian or Lena or Benny seemed to mind. They appeared to understand it was Erin's way of showing them how much they meant to her.

Their late night discussion came to its natural end. As the men left, Ivan gave him a bear hug that threatened to burst his lungs and Dimitri clapped him on the back so hard he was sure he'd have bruises in the morning. Only Nikolai stayed behind.

Alone with his friend, he took in Nikolai's tense expression. Expecting the worst, he asked, "What is it?"

"Guzman has a new timetable, Yuri. He wants the painting and the ransom you agreed to pay in seven days—or he wants the cousin."

Irritation blazed through him. He didn't like this cartel asshole putting the squeeze on him, especially not with the
amount of money on the table. If it had been anyone else, Yuri would have called him personally and told him to go fuck himself.

But the man had Lena's father's life in his hands. One wrong move and Yuri would sentence Joe Cruz to death—and a very violent, very traumatic one at that.

"Can you get the painting?"

"Niels is working on it. He'll come through for me but I can't possibly predict when that will be. It could be tomorrow or two months from now."

"Two months from now, Lena is going to be mourning the death of a family member." Nikolai's eyes showed such sadness. "Unfortunately, you'll be the one to decide which one needs a gravestone."

Aghast at the very thought, Yuri shook his head. "I can't do that."

"Then find the painting." Nikolai squeezed his shoulder. "Or I'll have to make the decision for you."

The coldness in Nikolai's voice stunned him. He'd always known that his friend didn't blink at such ugliness but to hear him say that he would decide whether to send Lena's cousin to the cartel or leave her father to die there? It drove home that Nikolai lived a life Yuri couldn't ever truly fathom.

Without another word, Nikolai left the house. Yuri locked up behind his friend and trudged upstairs. Vasya sat in a chair outside the open master bedroom door. He heard the soft voices of Kelly and Lena drifting out of the room. The two ran in the same night club circles and knew enough of each other to be friendly. He didn't mind in the least and was honestly relieved that she had a familiar face around her right now.

When he stepped into the room, Kelly hopped to his feet. Showered and changed into a nightshirt, Lena remained on the cozy couch in the reading nook. Kelly looked a little nervous so Yuri instantly put the younger man at ease with a smile. Even so, Kelly bid Lena a quick goodnight and beat a hasty retreat from the master suite.

Finally alone with her, Yuri settled onto the couch next to her and stretched out his tired, aching legs. Closing his eyes, he dropped his head back against the cushion and inhaled a long, slow breath. Lena clasped his hand and dragged it onto her lap. She ran her fingers over his knuckles, the movement surprisingly soothing.

He didn't want to talk about the shooting or the cartel but they had to discuss that awful episode in his office. It was the last damn thing he wanted to talk about this late night at night but it had to be done.

Holding her gaze, he stated the obvious. "I crossed the line. I'm so very sorry for hurting you and I'm going to try my very hardest to never make you cry again."

"You did hurt me," she said softly. "I wish I could make feel you how embarrassing and painful it was for me to find that stupid file."

"I have a damn good idea of how terrible it was for you." He brushed his fingers down her cheek. "Can you forgive me?"


you forgive me?"

"I already have." She squeezed his hand. "That doesn't mean I don't have conditions."


She arched one of those perfectly shaped brows. "That's a dangerous offer to make for a man with your deep pockets."

He chuckled at her playful reply. Showing her he was serious, he brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to every single one of her fingertips. "Anything, Lena."

"You have to stop treating our relationship like a business transaction. If you need to tell me that you're running late or you're going to have to reschedule a date, pick up your phone and call me. Even texting me would be better than handing it off to your assistant. If you want to know something about me, open your dang mouth and

"Agreed. Absolutely."

Holding hands, they settled into a comfortable silence. Yuri gave consideration to their developing relationship. He wondered if it was time to lay all his cards on the table. He'd been so hesitant to tell her
how he felt about her because he feared spooking her but right now it seemed silly to hold back. He was going toe-to-toe with a fucking cartel for her. If she didn't already suspect how he felt, he'd be shocked.

"Lena, we can't keep doing this."

She went rigid. Eyes wide, she asked, "You're breaking up with me?"

"What? NO!" He slid closer and placed his palm against her cheek. "No. Of course not." He silently cursed himself for being so clumsy. "What I should have said is that we can't keep treating this relationship like it's in a trial phase."

"I don’t understand."

"We're going through the motions like this is a normal, run-of-the-mill relationship when it's anything but. There's no hot and cold here or on and off. I know you're afraid to take the plunge into something serious so quickly but I'm not."

She gulped nervously and her grip on his hand tightened. "What are you saying, Yuri?"

"I'm saying that right here, right now, you have to decide what it is you want with me." Cupping her face, he gazed into those big, beautiful brown eyes. "Because—God help me, woman—I’m in love with you. I'd do
for you."

She blinked rapidly but couldn't keep the tears from spilling onto her lashes and cheeks. Voice husky, she said, "You don't have to do
for me but love me. That's all I need."

"Do you want me?"

"Yes. So much," she whispered. "I'm falling in love with you and it scares me." She made her confession in a shaky voice. "I'm so scared to put all my trust and love in you. I've been hurt so many times but you? God, Yuri, if you broke my heart, it would crush me."

"Never," he vowed. "

"You say that now but I have so much baggage. I'm not an easy person to love."

The shame filling her voice made his heart ache. He thought of the mother who had walked out on her and the gaping hole in Lena's confidence and self-worth that one act had left behind.

"Look at me." He forced her to meet his gaze by tilting her head back. "That is not true. I'm finding it incredibly easy to love you, Yelena Cruz." He brushed the tears from her face. "And you're not the only one with baggage, Kitten. Together, we'll figure out a way to fix each other."

She smiled sadly. "That might take a long time."

"I don't mind." He kissed her then, claiming her mouth with all the love and passion he felt for this brilliant, beautiful woman. "Because I have all the time in the world for you."

With a joyful sob, she threw herself into his arms. He happily caught and embraced her. Burying his nose in her still damp, freshly washed hair, he breathed in that scent he loved so much. Despite the terrible turn of events they'd just lived, Yuri had never felt closer to her.

Sensing that she needed to be held and soothed after her traumatic experience, he coaxed her into bed and shut off the lights. Cradling her against his chest, Yuri sifted his fingers through her hair and caressed her arm and back until her breaths grew deeper and more relaxed. It filled him with such a strong sense of pride to know that she felt safe and secure in his arms.

For him, sleep didn't come so easily. His mind raced as he tried to remember every person he'd ever done business with in any capacity. There were more angry outbursts and tense negotiations than he'd remembered earlier when talking with his friends. A few long-buried memories made him uneasy. Had he really been such a dick?

But who would hold a grudge so long? And over a business deal?

Yuri couldn't quite explain it but this felt personal. If someone he'd crossed in business wanted to hurt him, the natural response would be to go after his money. Sabotaging the pipeline deal? Now
made sense from a business revenge angle.

Trying to kill Lena? That was personal. That had the feeling of someone who wanted to hurt him.

He had to agree with Nikolai on that count. The cartel wouldn't gain anything from killing Lena and crushing his soul. Lorenzo Guzman wanted his painting and his money. He didn't have a beef with Yuri.

So why target Lena? Why try to take the most important thing in the world from him?

The troubling thought perplexed him for most of the night. He fell into a fitful sleep but jerked awake every half hour or so. It was impossible for him to shed the eerie feeling that things were only just beginning to get dangerous. Suddenly four bodyguards and Sasha didn't feel like nearly enough.

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