Read 02 The Moon And The Tide - Marina's Tales Online

Authors: Derrolyn Anderson

Tags: #surfing, #romance adventure, #romantic suspense, #supernatural romance, #love story, #mermaids, #santa cruz, #california, #mermaid romance

02 The Moon And The Tide - Marina's Tales (22 page)

“Where you from?” one of the guys barked

“Aptos,” said Ethan, sitting up on his

“I’ve seen this dude before… You won the
North Coast last year, right?”

“Yeah,” Ethan replied, relaxing a little.
Apparently skill was respected among surfers, despite the sometimes
vicious turf wars.

“Teaching your girl?” he asked Ethan, nodding
in my direction.

I could see Ethan suppress a smile, “No,” he
said, “I think she might school me.”

They all burst into laughter. I ignored them,
focusing on the swells coming our way from the open ocean. I
waited, watching Ethan and the others take a few good sized waves
until I felt the big one building behind us.

“Be careful,” Ethan said as I moved into
position, “It’s finishing really close to the rocks.”

I took a deep breath, and my stomach trembled
with anticipation as I felt it build. I knew exactly where it would
start to break as I paddled out hard. I popped up on the board and
dropped down onto the face of the biggest wave I’d seen since the
ones at the point. Time stood still as I exalted in the sheer joy
of moving across the water like I was fluid itself. It was as if
every cell in my body was humming along with the flowing, morphing
mass of energy as it rushed towards the shore. I played on the
surging wall of water as long as I possibly could until it
dissipated with a rush of foam. I turned my board towards the
ocean, just barely grazing the rocks lurking along the

I paddled back towards Ethan, satisfied for
the first time all week. I passed the other surfers without making
eye contact. Ethan grinned at me as I maneuvered next to him and
sat up on my board.

“I think you just blew their minds,” he

I shrugged, looking back out to sea.

He shook his head with a smile, and then
looked at me seriously, “It must be a relief not having to

“It’s a relief” I paused, “not having to
worry about sharks!” We laughed and kissed. We spent the afternoon
taking our turns flying across the water, keeping our distance from
the other surfers, playing on the waves like we were the only two
people in the world.

It was getting late when we decided it was
time to head back home. Dutch was making us a birthday dinner and
we still had a long drive up the coast. We reluctantly called it a

“Thanks,” I said, after we loaded into the
truck, “I had a great time.”

“Me too,” said Ethan, reaching over to take
my hand.

We talked about everything on the way home.
Ethan had been planning ahead, thinking about college, calculating
how long it would take him to start his own business. He was
anxious for me to attend the University in Santa Cruz along with
him, and urged me to apply right away. I agreed, determined to stay
with him no matter what anyone else wanted.

Dad and Evie were still hoping I’d move back
to the city; I knew I was going to be letting them both down. Cruz
was also hoping that I’d come to San Francisco with him after we
graduated, but he’d have to go on without me. I’m sure having Evie
as his next door neighbor would more than compensate for my

I was looking forward to seeing my dad. Our
trip to Greece might be the last time we traveled together, just
the two of us, and I needed to let him know that I’d made up my
mind about staying in Aptos. Ethan was worried about me going so
far away on my own, but I told him he was being silly, and that I
was used to solo travel. Thinking about talking to my father made
me feel like I was being pulled in two; I knew I’d breathe a lot
easier once things were settled for good.

We arrived in Aptos and pulled up in front of
Abby’s. There was a shiny new Range Rover with dealer plates and
dark tinted windows parked in the driveway next to Abby’s Volvo,
glimmering in a beautiful shade of metallic teal. The two other
sports cars were on the street in front. The place was starting to
look like a luxury car lot.

“Evie,” I said flatly, looking at the new

“Whoa,” said Ethan.

We got out just as Cruz walked onto the
porch, “Happy Birthday you guys! Hey Marina, how do you like your
new ride?” he opened his eyes wide as he pointed to it.

I walked over and looked inside, “I was gonna
pick,” I said. There was no denying it was a nice machine– and it
have plenty of room for surfboards.

“She wants you to call her when you get a
chance. Oh, and your dad called too.”

I turned to Ethan, “Excuse me, I better go
call them.”

He looked at me with amused eyes, “You’re not
easily impressed, are you?”

“Only by you,” I said, giving him a quick
peck on the lips before going inside.

I went straight to my room and closed the
door. There was some paperwork and a couple of sets of car keys
laid out on my bed. I dialed my dad’s number first, and he picked
up right away, “Happy Birthday!” he said, “How do you like the

“It’s very nice but I thought I was going to

“Honey, Evie insisted. She pumped me for
information. She said she’d get something big enough for a
surfboard, plus she promised to get all the safety features.
Apparently, the thing’s like a tank.”

“Yes, I suppose it is... it was just a

“I think that was the idea! Marina, you know
how Evie gets when she’s made up her mind.”

I sighed, for he had a point. Evie was an
irresistible force when she was on a mission. I wasn’t really
upset, just feeling kind of... managed. And the Range Rover was
nice, it looked like it would be perfect for going surfing. I
probably couldn’t have chosen any better myself.

“I know,” I conceded, “How are things going
over there? I can’t wait ’till our vacation.”

“Working here’s a challenge,” he said, “But
we’re starting to see some progress.” The phone started cutting in
and out. “Have a great birthday and I’ll be looking forward to
seeing you soon! I love you honey.”

“I love you too Dad.” I hung up and dialed
Evie’s number.

“Is this my birthday girl?” she asked,
laughter in her voice.

“Yes Aunt Evie,” I said, “You really
shouldn’t have.”

“What good is having money if I can’t spend
it on my little sister?” she said. “Do you like it? Your dad told
me what you wanted and I talked to Boris...”

“It’s really very nice, thanks for being so
thoughtful. I just got back from my day with Ethan and there it

“I want you to always have the best,” she

“I need to bring back the Mercedes. When are
you getting home?”

“I’ll be back in the city by this weekend...
how about Sunday? You and Cruz can come for lunch. We’ll have such
fun!” she sounded so enthusiastic I immediately agreed. I couldn’t
help but wonder if she remembered that Ethan worked on Sundays. We
said our goodbyes and I hung up.

I poked my head out the door and called Cruz.
He came down the hall and I let him in with an expectant smile.

“Did you get it?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s on the side of the house,” he
replied, and handed me back the envelope Bill had given me, “You
still have a ton of cash left over.”

I hugged him and planted a big kiss on his
cheek, “Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!”

“No big deal,” he said, “What did Evie

“Oh, she wants to know if you want to come up
for lunch on Sunday. I need to drop the convertible off.”

“Yeah!” he cried, “Of course I would! I have
some new things I want to show her! That only gives me a week to
get it together,” he scrambled out the door to dive back into his

I came out to find Ethan and Dutch on the

“Happy Birthday Marina!” beamed Dutch,
“That’s a whole lotta of four wheel drive out there!”

“Uh, thanks,” I said, “Where’s Abby?”

“She ran out for a minute. She’ll be right
back. Hungry?” he asked.

I smiled, it seemed like Dutch was always
trying to feed everyone.

“Yeah, but no hurry,” I went over to sit by
Ethan’s side.

“Did you have a good time in Monterey?” asked

“The aquarium was
said Ethan with a glance over at me.

“We went surfing by the golf course– it’s
really beautiful out there,” I said, elbowing Ethan in the

Dutch got up to check something in the
kitchen and Ethan grabbed me around the waist, tickling me till I
was giggling, squirming to get away. My torture was interrupted by
Abby coming in the front door.

She was struggling with a big pink bakery
box. Ethan jumped up to close the door behind her.

“Happy Birthday to both of you!” she said
with a brilliant smile. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes,” we said in sync.

We all sat down to Dutch’s delicious lasagna
for dinner.

“This is great,” I said as I went for
seconds. I paused for a moment and regarded Dutch with serious
eyes, “Thank you for taking such good care of all of us.”

“You’re welcome,” Dutch said sincerely.

After dinner Abby pulled a big chocolate
frosted cake out of the box and stuck some candles in it. “I hope
you don’t mind sharing,” she said.

“No,” we said in unison, and smiled at each

Sharing my birthday with Ethan made me happy,
and when our eyes met I knew he felt the same way. We blew out the
candles together, holding hands. I was already full when Abby cut
the cake and handed us all a slice. I ate enough to be polite and
pushed away with a sigh.

“Let’s go for a test drive,” I said to Ethan,
eager to get him outside. I went to clear the table but Abby shooed
us out of the kitchen. Grabbing hold of my keys and Ethan’s hand I
led him out to the porch where I gave him a big hug.

“Wait here,” I said, going around to the side
of the house. I picked up the surfboard that Cruz had stashed there
for me and came around front with it.

“For you,” I said, handing it to him with a
huge smile. “It’s the one from last night...”

He took it with a serious look and leaned it
against the wall.

“I thought you liked it...” I said,
disappointed. I wanted to surprise him but he looked like I’d just
given him bad news.

“How did you get it here?” he asked.

I was confused; this was not going at all how
I thought it would.

“Cruz picked it up for me today... is it the
wrong one? Do you want a different one?” I knew he could use a new
board. I’d noticed that his was pretty banged up.

“It’s not that. It’s just way too expensive.
I don’t want you buying me things with your dad’s money.”

It was as though I had just gotten slapped in
the face. I only wanted to make him happy and he thought I was
insulting him. I felt awful, and my surprise was ruined.

“I didn’t,” my voice cracked.

He came close to put his arms around me, “I’m
sorry,” he said, “but I can’t keep it.”

I pushed him away, “It’s from me.” I turned
around so he couldn’t see the tears I was pushing back, “I got the
money from my paintings.”

He came up behind me and took me in his arms
again with a groan.

“Oh God... I did it again,” he said with
remorse, “I’m sorry... I just…” He rested his cheek alongside mine,
“I’m such an idiot, please don’t be upset.”

I understood why he was so concerned about
money. Ethan worked really hard for what he made; he prized his
independence. He didn’t want to rely on anyone or feel like he owed
anybody anything. I suppose I should have known better, for he
thought I took the things I got for granted. I looked over at the
Range Rover sitting in the driveway. I knew I was lucky, and that
not everyone had an Evie in their life, but did it change me

“You think I’m a spoiled brat like everyone

“No!” he said, and started trying to explain

I had a sudden image of surfing with Lorelei
and wished that I was out in the ocean, drifting on the incoming
swells. It was a comforting thought, and I slipped into the
soothing memory. Ethan might as well have been talking into the
wind because I wasn’t there anymore. I was thinking about finding
Lorelei after school tomorrow and going surfing. I closed my eyes
and imagined the wild and remote places we would go.

“Marina, are you listening?” Ethan asked,
turning me around to look in my eyes. He looked frightened by what
he saw there when I opened them.

“Stay with me,” he said, taking my hands.

There was a cold breeze blowing and I
shivered in the night air as he led me over to the surfboard.

“Can we start over?” he asked.

“OK,” I looked down.

“Thank you,” he said with apologetic smile,
“This is an awesome board– I can’t wait to try it out. I love it...
and I love you.” He took my hand and led me to my new car.

“I don’t really feel like–”

He cut me off, “Come on, take me for a drive
somewhere... please?”

I sighed, “OK.”

We got in and I started it up, studying the
dashboard to familiarize myself with it. Ethan was flipping through
the controls, opening and closing the sunroof, putting the heat on
and adjusting the vents. He seemed very impressed with the music

“Check this out,” he smiled, “You’ve got a
heated steering wheel
heated seats! That would be nice
after surfing...” I could tell he was trying to get me to be
enthusiastic about it.

“Here goes,” I said, backing out. It was
going to take me a little time to get used to the size of it and I
took it slow.

“I’m glad Evie picked this out for you. It’s
like a tank!” said Ethan.

I couldn’t help smiling, “That’s exactly what
my dad said.”

“I think I’m gonna like your father,” he

“I think he’ll like you too,” I replied,
feeling a little better.

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