100 Days Of Favor (25 page)

Read 100 Days Of Favor Online

Authors: Joseph Prince

Today’s Prayer

Father, I thank You that because I am in Christ Jesus, I have the overcoming life. I also have Your unmerited favor because I am righteous in Christ, who is always with me. It is Your goodness and grace that will help me triumph over every challenge today.

Today’s Thought

I choose not to be sin-conscious, but conscious of the fact that I am righteous in Christ.

Today’s Reflection On Favor








DAY 58

Freedom From Destructive Habits

Today’s Scripture

…And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” —John 8:11

so many testimonies from people who have been set free from destructive habits. These are sincere and precious people who desired to experience breakthroughs but did not know how to. However, once they learned about righteousness that comes from Christ apart from their works, they began to confess that they were still the righteousness of God every time they felt tempted. And bit by bit, the more they started to believe that they were righteous in Christ, and the more they refused to accept the condemnation for their past mistakes and for their present temptation, the more they became set free from the very addictions that bound them!

As Jesus is spotless and without blame, so are you in Christ!

A brother from the US, who has been listening to my messages for some time, wrote to share that he had been addicted to pornography and had lived a lifestyle of sexual immorality since he was 14 years old. Although he had accepted Jesus when he was 18 years old, he continued to struggle with this aspect of his life. This is what he wrote:

As a result of some bad influences and some of my own bad choices, I became a pornography addict and began to lead a sexually immoral life at the age of 14. I got saved when I was 18 years old, but I still struggled with those kinds of thoughts and some old, bad habits. I tried everything to break free from immorality and lustful thoughts.

Then, I heard Pastor Prince’s message titled, “Good Things Happen To People Who Believe God Loves Them.” I listened to it over and over again, and for the first time, God’s love became consistently real to me. I was able to receive God’s unconditional love over and over again, and it healed my heart.

God’s love has set me free!
Thank you so much for the message that your church sends out to the world. It is truly changing lives!

The revelation that God loves him
despite his failures and imperfections was what helped this brother break free from habits that had gripped him for many years. Beloved, God does
want you to sin because sin will destroy you. But even if you have failed, you must know this: There is no condemnation because you are IN CHRIST JESUS and your sins are washed away by His blood! When God looks at you, He does not see you in your failures. From the moment you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, God sees you
the risen Christ, seated at His right hand! As Jesus is spotless and without blame, so are you! God sent His Son to die on the cross for you
you were still a sinner. Obviously, He does not love you only when you are perfect in your behavior and thoughts. His love for you is unconditional. Receive it afresh today and break free from every sin and addiction in your life!

Today’s Prayer

Father, I thank You that the power to overcome every challenge today is mine because I am righteous in Christ. Thank You for the gifts of righteousness and no condemnation. I know that my sins cannot stop Your grace, but Your unmerited favor working in my life will enable me to walk in victory in every situation.

Today’s Thought

Knowing and believing that God does not condemn me even when I have sinned empowers me to overcome that sin.

Today’s Reflection On Favor





















DAY 59

The Power Of Jesus’ Blood

Today’s Scripture

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. —Ephesians 1:7

, if God is all-knowing, how can He possibly forget all our sins? Under the new covenant, God can declare that He will no longer remember your sins because your sins were already remembered in the body of Jesus at the cross. My friend, there is one thing that God cannot do—He cannot lie. So He
it when He says that He will remember your sins no more. Our part in the new covenant of God’s unmerited favor is to
that God indeed remembers our sins no more!

If the enemy can get you to believe the lie that you are not completely forgiven, and keep you sin-conscious, he will be able to keep you defeated, condemned, fearful of God and caught in a vicious circle of failure.

There is power in the blood of Jesus to forgive you from all your sins! The enemy fears this truth the most and that is why he attacks this teaching on the forgiveness of sins so vehemently. If the enemy can get you to believe the lie that you are not completely forgiven and keep you sin-conscious, he will be able to keep you defeated, condemned, fearful of God and caught in a vicious circle of failure.

The writings of the Gnostics are malevolent because they propagate the lie that Jesus was a mere mortal, which means that His blood has no power to cleanse us from all our sins. This is a lie from the pit of hell! Jesus is the Son of God and His blood is untainted by any sin. That is why the shedding of His pure and innocent blood is able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. His blood does not cover sins temporarily like the blood of bulls and goats in the old covenant. His blood blots out and
completely erases
all our sins. This is the blood of God Himself, shed for the forgiveness of all our sins! We need to start to realize that this is not a “basic teaching.” This
the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the end times, people will not be anti-God, but they will be anti-Christ. The anti-Christ movement in the end times will attempt to devalue Jesus’ deity, the cross and His power to forgive all our sins. That is why, in these last days, we need more preaching about Jesus, His finished work and the new covenant of His unmerited favor. We need more new covenant, Christ-centered preachers who will put the cross of Jesus as the focus of all their preaching. The only way to stem this deception from creeping into the church is to focus on exalting the person of Jesus and the central tenet of the new covenant, which is the complete forgiveness of sins! This is the gospel and when the gospel truth is preached, people will be set free.

There should be no compromise when it comes to the gospel of Jesus. Forgiveness of sins is based on His grace (unmerited favor) alone and we have access into this grace by
Our part is to only believe! This is what makes the gospel the good news. Take away the complete forgiveness of sins and it is no longer the “gospel,” which means “good news.” Beloved, believe that all your sins are forgiven. That is your part in the new covenant. That is how you become established in the new covenant of grace and experience the fullness of His unmerited favor!

Today’s Prayer

Father, I thank You that Jesus’ blood is not like the blood of bulls and goats, which can never take away sins permanently. I thank You that His blood is eternal and has the power to remove all my sins—past, present and future—once and for all! Today, I stand before You totally forgiven forevermore. As Jesus is without any blemish of sin, so am I in Your sight!

Today’s Thought

Because Jesus’ blood has cleansed me completely, I expect to experience the fullness of His unmerited favor today.

Today’s Reflection On Favor





















DAY 60

Come As You Are To Jesus

Today’s Scripture

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. —Psalm 30:11

are favored and accepted by God today because of
unmerited favor. Even if your life is a mess, He can take your mess and make it into something beautiful. Come to Him just as you are.

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