1805 (21 page)

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Authors: Richard Woodman

‘Beg pardon, sir, but Mr Fraser says to tell you that
is approaching.'

?' Drinkwater looked up from the log-book in astonishment at Midshipman Wickham. ‘Are you certain?'

‘I believe so, sir.'

‘Oh.' He exchanged glances with Hill. ‘We are superceded, Mr Hill.'

‘Yes,' Hill replied flatly.

‘Very well, Mr Wickham, I'll be up directly.' He signed the log and
handed it back to the sailing master.

Half an hour later Drinkwater received a letter borne by a courteous lieutenant from the
. He read it on deck:

Off Cadiz
27th September 1805

Dear Drinkwater

I am indebted to you for so ably holding the forward post off San Sebastian. However I am ordered by Vice-Ad. Collingwood to direct you to relinquish the station to myself and to proceed to Gibraltar where you will be able to make good the deficiency in your stores. You are particularly to acquaint General Fox of the fact that Lord Nelson is arriving shortly to take command of His Majesty's ships and vessels before Cadiz, and it is his Lordship's particular desire that his arrival is attended with no ceremony and the news is kept from Admiral Decrès as long as possible

May good fortune attend your endeavours. Lose not a moment

Henry Blackwood

Drinkwater looked at the lieutenant. ‘Tell Captain Blackwood that I understand his instructions . . . Does he think that Decrès commands at Cadiz?'

The lieutenant nodded. ‘Yes, sir. Captain Blackwood has come directly from London. Lord Nelson is no more than a day behind us in
 . . .'

‘But Decrès, Lieutenant, why him and not Villeneuve?'

‘I believe, sir, there were reports in London that Napoleon is replacing Villeneuve, sir. Admiral Decrès was named as his successor.'

Drinkwater frowned. ‘But Decrès is Minister of Marine. Does this mean the game is not yet played out?'

‘Reports from Paris indicate His Imperial Majesty still has plans for his fleets, although I believe the French have decamped from Boulogne.'

‘Good Lord. Very well, Lieutenant, we must be about our business. My duty to Captain Blackwood.'

‘So,' muttered Drinkwater to himself as he watched the
's boat clear the ship's side, ‘the horse may yet kick the stable door down.'

‘Port, Captain Drinkwater?'

‘Thank you, sir.' Drinkwater unstoppered the decanter and poured the dark wine into his gleaming crystal glass. Despite the war the Governor of Gibraltar, General Fox, kept an impressive table. He had dined to excess. He passed the decanter to the infantry colonel next to him.

‘So,' said the Governor, ‘Nelson does not want us to advertise his arrival to the Dons, eh?'

‘That would seem to be his intention, sir.'

‘It would frighten Villeneuve. I suppose Nelson wants to entice them out for a fight, eh?'

‘I think that would be Lord Nelson's intention, General, yes.' He remembered his conversation with Pitt all those months ago.

‘Let's hope he doesn't damn well lose 'em this time then.' There was an embarrassed silence round the table.

‘Is Villeneuve still in command at Cadiz, sir?' Drinkwater asked, breaking the silence. ‘There was, I believe, a report that Napoleon had replaced him.'

Fox exchanged glances with the port admiral, Rear-Admiral Knight. ‘We have not heard anything of the kind, though if Boney wants anything done he'd be well advised to do so.'

‘The fleet is pleased to have Nelson out, I daresay,' put in Knight.

‘Yes, Sir John. I believe his arrival will electrify the whole squadron.'

‘Collingwood's a fine fellow,' said Fox, ‘but a better bishop than an admiral. Pass the damn thing, John.'

Sir John Knight had his fist clamped round the neck of the decanter, withholding it from the Governor to signal his displeasure at having a fellow admiral discussed before a junior captain.

‘Vice-Admiral Collingwood is highly regarded, sir,' Drinkwater remarked loyally, disliking such silly gossip about a man who was wearing himself out in his country's service. Fox grunted and Drinkwater considered that his contradiction of a General Officer might have been injudicious. Knight rescued him.

‘I believe you will be able to sail and rejoin the fleet by noon tomorrow, Drinkwater.'

‘I hope so, Sir John.'

‘Well you may reassure Lord Nelson that he has only to intimate his desire to us and we shall regard it as a command. At this important juncture in the war it is essential that we all co-operate . . .'

‘A magnificent sight is it not? May I congratulate you on being made post, sir.'

‘Thank you . . . I er, forgive me, your face is familiar . . .'

‘Quilliam, sir, John Quilliam. We met before Copenhagen . . .'

‘On board
 . . . I recollect it now. You are still awaiting your step?'

‘Yes. But resigned to my fate. To be first lieutenant of
is a better berth than many. Come, sir, his Lordship will see you at once and does not like to be kept waiting.'

Drinkwater followed Quilliam across
's immaculate quarterdeck, beneath the row of fire-buckets with their royal cipher and into the lobby outside Lord Nelson's cabin. A minute later he was making his report to the Commander-in-Chief and delivering Sir John Knight's documents to him. The little admiral greeted him cordially. The wide, mobile mouth smiled enthusiastically, though the skin of his face seemed transparent with fatigue. But the single eye glittered with that intensity that Drinkwater had noted before Copenhagen.

‘And you say it is still Villeneuve that commands at Cadiz, Captain?'

‘I have learned nothing positive to the contrary, my Lord, but you well know the state of news.'

‘Indeed I do.' Nelson paused and reflected a moment. ‘Captain Drinkwater, I am obliged to you. I am reorganising my fleet. Rear-Admiral Louis is here, in the
and I am attaching you to his squadron which is to leave to victual in Gibraltar. I know that you have come from there and I wish that you should station your frigate to the eastward of The Rock. I apprehend that Salcedo may break out from Cartagena and I am in my usual desperation for want of frigates.'

The order came like a blow to Drinkwater and his face must have shown something of his disappointment. ‘My dear Drinkwater, I have no other means of keeping the fleet complete in provisions and water, but by this means. You may return with Louis but I cannot afford to have him cut off from my main body.'

Drinkwater subdued his disappointment. ‘I understand perfectly, my Lord,' he said.

Nelson came round the table to escort Drinkwater to the door with his customary civility and in a gesture that made intimates of all his subordinates.

have a battle, Drinkwater. I
it. I
it. And we shall all do our duty to the greater glory of our King and Country!'

And Drinkwater was unaccountably moved by the sincere conviction of this vehement little speech.

Drinkwater looked astern. The sails of Rear-Admiral Louis's squadron were purple against the sunset. Drinkwater wondered if Lord Walmsley had transferred from the
with the rear-admiral. He did not greatly care. What he felt most strongly was a sense of anti-climax, and he felt it was common throughout all of Louis's squadron. He crossed the deck and looked at the log.

Thursday 3rd October 1805. 6 p.m. Bore up for the Straits of Gibraltar in company
Rear-Ad. Louis
, Queen, Spencer, Zealous
Wind westerly strong breeze. At sunset handed t'gallants

‘Very well, Mr Fraser, call me if you are in any doubt whatsoever.'

‘Aye, aye, sir.' From his tone Fraser sounded depressed too.

Chapter 16
3–14 October 1805

‘It's a ship's launch, sir.'

‘I believe you to be right, Mr Hill. Very well, back the mizen topsail until she comes up.'

The knot of curious officers waited impatiently. For over a week
had cruised east of Gibraltar, half hoping and half fearing that Salcedo would try and effect a juncture with Villeneuve. The only thing that could satisfy them would be orders to return to Cadiz. Was that what the launch brought them?

‘There's a lieutenant aboard, sir,' observed Fraser. ‘Aye, and a wee midshipman.'

The launch lowered its mainsail and rounded under
's stern. A moment later a young lieutenant scrambled over the rail and touched his hat to Drinkwater.

‘Captain Drinkwater?'

‘Yes. You have brought us orders?'

The officer held out a sealed packet which Drinkwater took and retired with to his cabin. In a fever of impatience he opened the packet. A covering letter from Louis instructed him to comply with the enclosed orders and wished him every success in his ‘new appointment'. Mystified, he tore open Nelson's letter.

Off Cadiz
10th October 1805

My Dear Drinkwater

I am sensible of the very great services rendered by you before Copenhagen and the knowledge that you were exposed to, and suffered from, the subsequent attack on Boulogne. It is your name that I call to mind at this time. Poor Sir Robert Calder has been called home to stand trial for his actions in July last. I cannot find it in me to send him in a frigate and am depriving the fleet of the
Prince of Wales
to do honour to him. Brown of the
and Letchmere of the
are also to go home as witnesses and it is imperative I have experienced captains in these ships. Leave your first lieutenant in command. Louis has instructions to transfer a lieutenant from one of his ships. You may bring one of your own, together with two midshipmen, but no more. These orders will come by the
cutter, but she has orders to return immediately. Therefore hire a barca longa and join
without delay

Nelson and Brontë

‘God bless my soul!' He was to transfer immediately into a seventy-four! ‘How damnably providential!' he muttered, then recalled himself. He would be compelled to leave most of his effects . . .

‘Mullender!' He began bawling orders. ‘Rogers! Pass word for the first lieutenant!' He sat down and wrote out a temporary commission for Rogers, interrupting his writing to shout additional wants to his steward. Then he shouted for Tregembo and sent him off with a bewildering series of orders without an explanation.

Rogers knocked and entered.

‘Come in, Sam. I am writing out your orders. You are to take command. This lieutenant is staying with you. I am transferring to
. You may send over my traps when you rejoin the fleet . . . Hey! Tregembo! Pass word for my coxswain, damn it! Ah, Tregembo, there you are. Tell Mr Q and Midshipmen Frey and Gillespy to pack their dunnage . . . oh, yes, and you too . . . Sam, set course immediately for Gibraltar. Take that damned launch in tow . . . Come, Sam, bustle! Bustle!' He shooed the first lieutenant out of the cabin. Rogers's mouth gaped, but Drinkwater took little notice. He was trying to think of all the essential things he would need, amazed at what he seemed to have accumulated in eighteen months' residence.

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