3013: STOWAWAY (3013: The Series) (6 page)

He tore his mouth from hers as he moved his hand higher, until his palm covered the mound of pussy and his fingers were pressing into the slick folds of her sex. She moaned and ground her hips against his touch, driving his fingers deeper. She was already wet for him, her honey coating his hand and making her flesh slick. “Fucking hell, I wasn’t going to rush you…I planned this…”

“Plans change, learn to be flexible,” Trevar muttered and Sonja started to laugh.

“If I’m going to be having sex with both of you, then I imagine I’m the one who is going to need to be flexible,” she said and then moaned again when he started circling the tip of his finger around her swollen clit.

Trevar moved back into her line of sight, a feral smile on his handsome face. “There’s no
We passed that point the moment you showed up without pants on, kitten.”

“They didn’t fit!” Sonja protested, but the truth was that she’d made her choice deliberately. In the safety of Deke’s cramped quarters, it had seemed like a daring statement. After all, she’d already told them she wanted them both, so what was there to lose? Of course, once she was out in the hall most of her bravado had vanished. She’d nearly bolted back inside and added more clothing, even if none of it came close to fitting her.

“And I’m very happy they didn’t. I promise we’ll find you some clothes at our next stop, but until then, I’m thinking you need to be wearing a lot less.” As Deke spoke, his fingers were still stroking her slick folds, and her concentration wavered as her desire grew with every passing second.

“I’m with Deke. As sexy as you look in my top, I think it should come off,” Trevar said and moved in closer, lifting the sweater up her body and tugging it when it got caught between her back and the counter behind her. Sonja closed her eyes and raised her arms as he whisked
her only piece of clothing over her head. There was a moment of silence, but before she could open her eyes both men groaned and she found herself being lifted into the air. They set her down on the counter, the cool, smooth surface a startling contrast to her overheated skin.

You are a miracle made flesh. That’s what you are,” Deke whispered, his voice hoarse. She opened her eyes to see him standing in front of her, his eyes burning with lust and his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

“She is at that,” Trevar agreed and Sonja turned her head to find him moving behind her. He stripped off his shirt and dropped it to the floor. He stepped up to the edge of the counter and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her back until she was resting against his bare chest.
“I’ve been thinking about seeing you naked since that kiss last night, kitten. I have to say, you do not disappoint.”

Deke swallowed sharply and spoke again. “I had planned to give you more time than this. Hell, I planned on at least letting you eat before we—”

She cut him off with a shake of her head. “I’m not hungry, and I really don’t want to eat right now. This is what I want. This is the first day of my freedom, and I want to celebrate.”

“You’re sure?” he asked and she nodded.

“You are even sexier when you’re being sweet, you know that?” Trevar whispered in her ear, nuzzling her hair as he cupped her breasts and began teasing her nipples with his thumbs. The truth was, she wasn’t trying to be sweet. She simply didn’t want to wait. She’d had sex before, when she was younger and her life had not been so carefully guarded, but
it had only been with one man at a time. Being with two men at once was something new to her, and the longer she waited, the more nervous was getting.

Deke stepped in close and laid a hand on each knee, parting her thighs slowly so that she was completely open to him.

“We’re going to make you feel so good, you’re never going to want to leave the
,” he vowed, bending down between her legs.

his mouth closed on her pussy and Trevar’s hands began to knead her breasts, Sonja had a powerful premonition that Deke was right.





Trevar felt the sting as
Sonja’s nails bit into his forearm the moment Deke’s mouth made contact, her breath coming out in an explosive gasp of raw pleasure. She threw back her head and uttered throaty moan that had his dick straining against the confines of his pants. Her nipples tightened, becoming taut nubs that he teased and pinched. He wanted to hear that moan again. Fuck, who was he kidding? He wanted to hear every sound she could make in the throes of passion. He wanted it all, her gasps, moans, and whimpers, but more than anything he wanted to hear her cry his name as she came. There was nothing sexier than listening to a woman give voice to her pleasure.

Emotions flowed into him, powerful emanations of desire coming from both Sonja and Deke. H
e’d forgotten what this was like, the need of the others acting like an amplifier to his own desires. He’d learned how to block out other people’s emotions, but to do it he had to be calm and focused, and right now he was anything but calm. “That’s right, kitten. I want to hear how good it is. Is he going to make you come?”

“Oh, stars. Yes! Please, don’t stop. I …I need…”
She moaned again and Trevar leaned down to kiss her, capturing the last shuddering notes against his mouth. She was trembling now, her hands gripped tight to his arms as she tried to arch her hips into Deke’s mouth. Whatever else she was feeling, he lost it in the storm of sexual desire brewing between the three of them.

Sonja was riding the jagged edge of her control, and any second she knew even that would be gone. Deke’s mouth and tongue worked her relentlessly, licking and sucking on her swollen folds until she was too far gone to do more than moan and beg him not to stop. He lashed the tip of his tongue over her clit again and again, but just when she was on the verge of coming, he eased back, slowing his pace so that she was left trembling on the edge.

“He’s teasing you, isn’t he?” Trevar asked and then kissed her before she could answer, his tongue stroking along hers. When she nodded, he chuckled, the dark rumble of his laughter thrumming through her body and adding more fuel to the fires already blazing in her core. Without lifting his mouth from hers, Trevar moved a hand from her breast and slid it down her stomach until his fingertips were barely brushing the top of her pussy. When she bucked her hips again, Trevar slipped his fingers into her folds and then spread them wide, giving Deke better access.

Cool air and hot breath washed over her most intimate flesh, and then Deke drew her swollen clitoris into his mouth, closing his teeth around her just enough to send a jolt of intense pleasure through her. Trevar’s mouth left hers and she tried to follow him, craving more. He tweaked her nipple, and this time the pleasure was mixed the faintest bite of pain.

“Yes. Please. Do that again,” she found herself pleading, giving voice to dark desires she’d never dared to admit to. The lovers of her youth had been as green as she was, eager but uncertain. Only in her fantasies had any man ever touched her the way these two did.

“That’s right. We want to know what you like, Sonja. Tell us what you want.” Trevar said, his voice thick with lust.

“I need to come, I need… stars…I like it when you’re rougher with me.” She finally managed to make her confession, but her cheeks were heated and she closed her eyes, unsure how they’d react.

Deke growled deep in his throat, sucking hard on her clit as he slid a finger into her opening and fucked her with it. At the same time, Trevar began kissing along the side of her neck, nipping at her skin as he went. “That’s exactly what we wanted to hear, kitten.”

Soon it all became too much for her, mouths and hands and tongues driving her up the scales of pleasure until she finally shattered, arching off the table as an orgasm more intense than anything she’d ever experienced wracked her body and sent her mind reeling.

Feeling her orgasm, the way her pussy clenched around his fingers and the flood of honey that flowed over his tongue, was a moment Deke knew he’d never forget. Sonja had given herself over to him completely, in a way no other woman had ever done. Even knowing what had been done to him, she wanted him. Fuck, she’d begged him to touch her. He raised his head and saw her spread out between them, eyes closed and her dark lashes fanned across flushed cheeks. Her fingers were still curled onto Trevar’s arm, and he was surprised to note the crimson drops of blood welling up from the other man’s skin.

Trevar saw the direction of his gaze and shrugged, grinning. “Our kitten has claws.” Deke wiped his hand across his mouth and chin, aware that his smile was as big as Trevar’s.
. The word resonated deep inside him.

Sonja stirred, opening her eyes to gift him with a sensual smile that had his cock hardening to the point of pain. “Wow. Please tell me that we’re going to be doing a lot of this between now and the time we get to X2.”

“Sweetheart, I’m not planning on doing anything else except eat, sleep and making you come as many times as we can. But for that, I think we can do better than the galley countertop.”

“Agreed,” Trevar said, leaning over to gather up her legs and lift her off the counter. “Is your surprise ready?”

“You know it is,” Deke felt a pang of displeasure as Sonja settled into Trevar’s arms, her head curled beneath the other man’s chin. He would have liked to carry her himself.

“What’s my surprise?” Sonja asked, her eyes glittering with curiosity now.

“Deke worked a little magic while you were sleeping. C’mon, let’s show how her what you came up with.”

Sonja was still trying to unscramble her brain as Trevar carried her out of the lounge, down the hall. They passed several doors, including Deke’s quarters, and then came to a stop near the end of the corridor.

“Ship, run program Sonja’s Room One”, Deke instructed as he tapped on the keypad beside the door. Several lights flashed green and the door in front of her slid open. Deke stepped in first, then Trevar carried her across the threshold and into paradise.

The sky overhead was the deep plum of twilight, with a scattering of stars already visible. The air was tropical, warm and heady with the fragrance of flowers, the breeze strong enough to cut through the heat and stop it from being stifling. Everything around them was crafted from elaborately carved wood, and it took a moment for her to realize that they were in a tree house, and all that she was seeing was actually part of the tree. Paper lanterns were the only source of light, and a most of the space was taken up by a massive bed piled high with cushions and draped in rich blankets the same color as the sky.

“I thought you might like to sleep here while you’re on board,” Deke said, and she tore her gaze away from her surroundings to stare at him in wonder.

“It’s beautiful. You programmed all this? In a few hours? How?”

“You can ask him all about the technical stuff later, kitten. Right now, I have plans for this very pretty bed he created for us. You will note, it’s more than big enough for three.”

Trevar carried her to the bed and set her down before stripping out of his clothes and kicking them aside. Deke was shedding his uniform at the same time, and Sonja had trouble knowing where to look first. Both men had powerful, well-muscled frames, but while they were only an inch apart in height, Trevar was broader, especially across the chest and shoulders. He had only a light dusting of dark hair across his chest, along with several more small scars that crisscrossed his upper body.

As her gaze dropped lower, she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning in arousal. Holy galactic sonic booms, her men were not lacking in the endowment department either. She looked from Trevar to Deke, admiring his long limbs and the etched planes of his stomach. She toed off her socks and then moved to the center of the bed, enjoying the way the fabric caressed her skin as she laid back and opened her arms wide.

“This is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been on. I think you two really need to join me.”

Both men moved swiftly to join her. Deke reached her first, his mouth claiming hers with searing kiss that made her toes curl and reignited her passions in an instant. His hazel eyes were dark with need, his touch demanding, and she found herself opening to him, giving all she was. A puff of warm breath blew over her other breast, the only warning she received before Trevar’s drew her nipple into his mouth and laved it with his tongue.

She slid her fingers into Trevar’s hair, intent on holding him where he was, but he broke away w
ith a chuckle, ignoring her attempts control him. “I don’t think so, kitten. Back on Earth, you might have been in control of your lovers, but not up here. My ship, my rules.”

Deke lifted his head and winked at her. “Just ignore him.
He suffers from the delusion that because he’s old, he’s supposed to be in charge.”

“I’m not old, thank you. I’m experienced. When it comes to this, experience is a
good thing.” Trevar started working his way lower, drifting kisses down her rib cage and stomach until he reached her navel. While he did that, Deke kissed her again, his calloused thumb stroking back and forth across her nipple until every touch had her trembling. When Trevar began tracing circles around her belly button, Sonja moaned, her pleasure muffled against Deke’s mouth.

It was getting difficult to breathe and nearly impossible to think as both men worshipped her in their own way.
Deke’s mouth was like a firebrand, and Trevar’s skillful touches were making her ache with need. She wanted to have them inside her. Either of them, both of them, she no longer cared. Trevar pressed his hand between her thighs, parting her labia to press his index finger down on her still sensitive clit. The moment she arched her hips, he slid that finger down the length of her pussy and then deep inside her, adding a second finger soon after the first.

“I want to watch you come again, and then I’m going to fuck you while Deke plays with those pretty tits of yours. Then he’s going to fuck you, and I’m going to be right here, watching and listening. There is nothing in the galaxy sexier than seeing a woman lose control and hearing her crying my name, begging for more of what we’re going to give you. Is this what you want, kitten? Because if it is, I want to hear you say so.”

Trevar’s crude words affected her like rocket fuel hitting open flame, unleashing a firestorm in her blood and freeing her from the last of her uncertainties. She turned her head, freeing herself to be able to speak. “I want this, I need this so badly. I want both of you. All of you. Please, don’t stop.”

“Stop? Hell no. We’re just getting started,” Deke told her before reclaiming her lips with another scorching kiss.

After that, her world was filled with nothing but pleasure, Deke’s mouth on hers, heated caresses, and the delicious friction of Trevar’s fingers plunging in and out of her body with breathtaking skill. Ragged breathing and low groans of desire blended with the slick sounds of sex. Sonja drank it all in, wanting to remember everything. She was the focus of two men’s desire, and there was nothing she could do but accept their attentions and give in to the exquisite joy of the moment.

When she came, she barely recognized her voice as she cried out their names.

Her body was still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm when Deke coaxed her to roll onto her side, facing him. He stroked her cheek, the ardent kisses of only a moment before softening to something far tender. Trevar moved up behind her, sweeping the weight of her hair aside so he could drift a line of kisses down the column of her throat. She could feel the thick girth of his cock against the curve of her ass and she wriggled on purpose, grinding their bodies together until he groaned and reached down to grip her thigh with one big hand.

“Open your legs for me,” he commanded, coaxing her upper leg up and back until it was draped over his thigh. Deke’s hands claimed her breasts as Trevar shifted his big body lower, reaching between her legs to position himself outside her entrance. The thick head of his cock pressed into her wet heat, and Sonja’s breath caught in her throat as he eased himself into her tight passage.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he groaned into her ear and Sonja deliberately flexed her inner walls, squeezing him tighter. Trevar cursed and Deke laughed, the vibrations rumbling into her mouth until he broke their kiss to speak.

“It’s not smart to tease a man on the edge, sweetheart.”

“No, but it’s fun,” she replied, and then gasped as Trevar’s hips surged forward, burying himself to the hilt.

“I warned you,” Deke murmured, kissing her once more before lowering his head to her breasts. He suckled a nipple into his mouth, teasing the diamond peak with rapid flicks of his tongue.
Pleasure washed over her and a fresh flood of cream soaked her pussy.

“Whatever you’re doing, she likes it, so don’t stop,” Trevar said, his voice strained. He held still for another moment, then began rocking his hips, teasing her with slow, shallow thrusts that had her nerves singing. He placed the pad of his middle finger on her clit and began massaging it in gentle circles, matching the pace of his thrusts. She took Deke’s head in her hands, cradling him against her breast with shaking fingers. When she inadvertently touched the port located behind his ear Deke tensed, but as she stroked the tender skin around it, he shuddered and relaxed again. Tearing his mouth from her breast he took her mouth in a savage kiss that pressed her back against Trevar.

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