Read 5 Darkness Falls Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

5 Darkness Falls (8 page)

I felt Drexel come up behind me. He pressed a hand to my back. “If you have a problem with this, then leave,” he barked.

I watched as Kalel
stiffened. “I don’t have a problem with
I have a problem with not being told. I thought I earned that place in your life, Leka. I think I deserve that courtesy from you and Kellan.”

I’d seen
. I took a deep breath, lifting my head to face him. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Drexel bristled beside me. “She just found out a couple days ago.” His voice was low and tight, a growl of warning
in its depths.

I’d never been so thankful to see Gabi. She and Jack emerged from the elevators. I couldn’t help but notice how great she looked. Her legs looked a mile long in
skinny jeans
and were
even more
by the black pumps she
was wearing.
A perfectly
black blazer whittled her waist over a white, linen button up shirt.

Jack was dressed equally
in a sharp suit. I’d never felt so underdressed.

I was just about to greet them when the timer dinged. “Excuse me.”

I rushed back to the kitchen, immediately pulling a cake from the oven with one mitted hand and shoving another tray of brownies in its place with the other.

I sighed as I set the
on the counter beside the stove, having run out of space
the island. I closed my eyes for a second, thankful for the
reprieve. My emotions were all over the place.

“Shut the front door!” Gabi exclaimed.

I immediately turned towards her.

She looked incredulous. Her brows dipped in the center as her gaze bounced back and forth between my stomach and my face. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, shit. Now I owe Jack five hundred bucks. Thanks, Lex.”

I frowned. “What?”

“Jack told me you were pregnant, but I didn’t believe him. I trusted that my friend would have called to tell me.” I heard the identical disappointment in her tone that I’d received from Kalel minutes before.

What was this? Guilt
Lexi Day?
“Why don’t you guys sit at the table? I tried my hand at Danish making for the first time today.”

Gabi narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t over.”

I nodded in acknowledgement. I knew it wasn’t over; I had a feeling it was
from over.

A few minutes later the High Authority arrived, all impeccably dressed, including Auggy. I was tired of the feeling so sloppy. I turned off the ovens to be on the safe side and excused myself. I left them all sitting around the table, chatting about who knew what.

Drexel followed me to the room, closing the door behind him. “Are you okay?”

I glanced at him. He was gnawing on
the inside of
hinting at his concern. “Yeah. I’m just a little tired and overwhelmed. Thanks, though.”

He nodded
came to sit on my bed
as I slipped into my closet.

I grabbed a black maxi dress, a fresh pair of panties and a bra and
carried them
into the bathroom. I stared in the mirror at myself. I was a mess. Flour and sugar dotted my jeans and tee. A glob of icing was cresting on the stomach of my shirt; drops of blood speckled my

I disrobed. Wetting a washcloth, I cleaned off the excess
covering my body. I dressed as quickly as possible and pulled my hair into a pristine, tight knot atop my head. My ring from Kellan was the perfect accessory with my stud earrings and a simple necklace.

I stepped out of the bathroom
, entering
the closet again. I slid into a pair of gold ballet flats before rushing back to where Drexel was waiting.

“You look great.” He smiled, but there was something in his eyes that kept it from radiating.

“Thanks.” I opened the bedroom door and rejoined the group.

I frowned as I looked around the table. “Where’s Kai?”



I raised my hand
, tapping
on the timber with my knuckles. The door swung open.

was a cross between a question and a statement.

“Can I talk to you, Will?”

The Brit stared at me for a moment. His mind was locked up tight, but his expression was
. He was trying to
figure out
what would bring me here. Finally, he stepped back,
allowing me to enter.

I strolled into Will’s private study. Stained pine bookshelves ran floor to ceiling and lined parallel walls, creating flanks that beautifully framed the wall of windows.

He closed the door and came around in front of me. “Ah, yes. Come have a seat,” he muttered, sounding unsure. It was difficult to catch Will off

, so
I considered this a small victory.

I sat in one of the leather
club chairs on the opposite side of his oversized
mahogany desk. There wasn’t a single
part of the intricately carved desk
Papers and books alike were piled high.

He shifted some items
, creating
pass-through to speak with me. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Kai?”

“I’ve read the prophecy. I’ve studied its pages probably as much as you have.”

“Why?” He fussed with the buttons of his shirt, his distress breaking the surface.

I gazed at the uptight man, waiting until I had his full, undivided attention. “Because I love Leka.”

We sat in silence for a minute, the magnitude of my confession bubbling in my chest. I’d never spoken the truth
loud to anyone but her.

“What do you want to know? You’ve obviously come here for a reason.” He reached out and pulled one of the many notebooks from the clutter on his desk. He grabbed a pen and opened the journal to a blank page.

“What are your theories on who takes care of Leka after?” I
a brow,
him a sly smile.

His eyes opened marginally wider as he studied me
, a
smug smile
dividing his
face. “You think it

s you.”

“Let’s compa
re notes.”

Chapter 7

The High Authorities took turns glancing at their watches as we all sat silently around the table. I received awkward glances on multiple occasions. Everyone had figured out the truth of my situation, but now I knew they were analyzing me, determining whether I could handle all of my jobs in my
. I hated that they questioned my ability to juggle my responsibilities, but I couldn’t blame them. Even I could admit I’d stretched myself a bit thin lately as my business
has been growing

“I made some new desserts that I would love your opinions on,” I stated, standing to g
the cherry
infused blood and cream cheese Danishes and the chocolate chip cupcakes with chocolate pudding filling
and blood red frosted

I picked up
trays from the island. As I turned, Kalel and Drexel took them from me. I kn
some misguided idea
I should be resting
I saw a logbook that apparently Drex and Kellan ha
been keeping together
using it to record
how often and how long I sle
I didn’t bother calling them out on it. I knew the best way to handle them was with action. I had to prove to all of them that I was still capable of balancing everything. My appointment with Dr. H was tomorrow, and I was certain he would
my abilities to them.

They all watched me as I sat back down in my chair. I glared
at them. “I’m fine!” I snapped.

“Are you even aware of how rare this is, Lex?” Gabi’s forehead wrinkled as she
stared at

“Vamps have babies all the time.” I shrugged.

have babies. Vampeens mated with
vampeens have, on average, two children. Vampeens mated with humans have, on average, one child.
While v
ampeens mated with vampires rarely have any,” she stated.

“Kellan’s parents did.”

“You ought to
what Beth endured to deliver Kellan.” Laurence’s words were spoken low; there was a delicate touch to his deliver

“Can we move on?” I frowned. They were taking the joy out of this. They were ruining what I’d come to accept and love.

“We want you prepared, not scared,” Auggy said. His expression was hard, but his eyes were soft
reflecting his concern.

“The division between vampires and vampeens extends beyond
actions. It’s embedded in us. Even our bodies recognize that we’re not meant to be together.” Felipe spoke up for the first time. It wasn’t until now that I realized he wasn’t comfortable with Kellan and mine’s relationship.

I openly stared at him. He sat demurely at the table,
a pompous air to him.
I always knew he and
Laurence held themselves highly, but this was a new edge.

I thought back to when Kellan and Auggy
a few rounds at my house
Felipe walked with me outside. That conversation felt so different now. He’d indicated that the world would never be perfect. He’d said that if I wanted change, I would have to create it. I never knew he had doubts, that he had personal
with me.

“You are over
me, Alexa. I was merely making a statement, not stating my own beliefs.”

I felt my mind block securely in place, meaning that while I was openly staring at him, I was also making all my conspiracies open knowledge. Heat
my cheeks. “Sorry, but you have to understand how it sounded.”

“Why don’t we eat?” Gabi
interrupted, giving
me an apologetic look.

“I agree.” Kalel seemed weary from the discussion, despite not saying much.

“Dig in.” I smiled, happy for the reprieve.

I sat back and watched with glee as they all enthusiastically consumed my baked treats. I loved the way food influenced emotion. I’ve never seen anyone angrily eat dessert; by the time they’re done,
any anger or sadness
is gone. Food, despite how different the cuisine
may be
for each species, will
be regarded as a peacemaker to me.

When they were halfway through the oversized trays
, no longer
piled high, I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. Kai was fifteen minutes late. That wasn’t like him. I tried to keep the fear at bay as I focused on
in front of me.

“This is so good,” Gabi stated around a mouth full of Danish.

They all murmured agreements

“Thanks.” I wanted to
another baking success, but my mind was stuck on Kai.

I let down my guard to project my
to Kalel.
“Where is he?”

Kalel pulled out his phone. With a few taps he
was able to pull up
Kai’s location. “He’s in the building.” Kalel’s tone wasn’t right. His brows furrowed as he stared at the device.
Suddenly, he
stood, pushing back his chair. “Excuse me.”

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