92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships (7 page)

Sports psychologists tell us visualization is not just for toplevel competitive athletes. Studies show mental rehearsal helps weekend athletes sharpen their golf, their tennis, their running, whatever their favorite activity. Experts agree if you see the pictures, hear the sounds, and feel the movements of your body in your mind before you do the activity, the effect is powerful.

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How to Talk to Anyone

“Twenty-Six Miles on My Mattress”

Psychological mumbo jumbo? Absolutely not! My friend Richard runs marathons. Once, several years ago, a scant three weeks before the big New York marathon, an out-of-control car crashed into Richard’s and he was taken to the hospital. He was not badly injured. Nevertheless, his friends felt sorry for him because being laid up two weeks in bed would, naturally, knock him out of the big event.

What a surprise when, on that crisp November marathon morning in Central Park, Richard showed up in his little shorts and big running shoes.

“Richard, are you crazy? You’re in no shape to run. You’ve been in bed these past few weeks!” we all cried out.

“My body may have been in bed,” he replied, “but I’ve been running.”

“What?” we asked in unison.

“Yep. Every day. Twenty-six miles, 385 yards, right there on my mattress.” Richard explained that in his imagination he saw himself traversing every step of the course. He saw the sights, heard the sounds, and felt the twitching movements in his muscles. He visualized himself racing in the marathon. Richard didn’t do as well as he had the year before, but the miracle is he finished the marathon, without injury, without excessive fatigue thanks to his visualization. It works in just about any endeavor you apply it to—including being a terrific communicator. Visualization works best when you feel totally relaxed. Only when you have a calm state of mind can you get clear, vivid images. Do your visualization in the quiet of your home or car before leaving for the party, the convention, or the big-deal meeting. See it all in your mind’s eye ahead of time. You now have the skills necessary to get you started on the right foot with any new person in your life. Think of yourself in 01 (001-042B) part one 8/14/03 9:16 AM Page 41

How to Make Sure You Don’t Miss a Single Beat


Technique #9

Watch the Sc ene Before You Make the Sc ene

Rehearse being the Super Somebody you want to be

ahead of time. SEE yourself walking around with Hang

by Your Teeth posture, shaking hands, smiling the

Flooding Smile, and making Sticky Eyes. HEAR yourself chatting comfortably with everyone. FEEL the pleasure of knowing you are in peak form and everyone

is gravitating toward you. VISUALIZE yourself a Super

Somebody. Then it all happens automatically.

these first moments like a rocket taking off. When the folks at Cape Kennedy aim a spacecraft for the moon, a mistake in the millionth of a degree at the beginning, when the craft is still on the ground, means missing the moon by thousands of miles. Likewise, a tiny body-language blooper at the outset of a relationship may mean you will never make a hit with that person. But with The Flooding Smile, Sticky Eyes, Epoxy Eyes, Hang by Your Teeth, The Big-Baby Pivot, Hello Old Friend, Limit the Fidget, Hans’s Horse Sense, and Watch the Scene Before You Make the Scene, you’ll be right on course to get whatever you eventually want from anybody—be it business, friendship, or love.

We now move from the silent world to the spoken word.

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How to Know What

to Say Af ter You

Say “Hi”

Just as the first glimpse should please their eyes, your first words should delight their ears. Your tongue is a welcome mat embossed with either “Welcome” or “Go Away!” To make your conversation partner feel welcome, you must master small talk.

Small talk! Can you hear the shudder? Those two little words drive a stake into the hearts of some otherwise fearless and undaunted souls. Invite them to a party where they don’t know anyone, and it mainlines queasiness into their veins.

If this sounds familiar, take consolation from the fact that the brighter the individual, the more he or she detests small talk. When consulting for Fortune 500 companies, I was astounded. Top executives, completely comfortable making big talk with their boards of directors or addressing their stockholders, confessed they felt like little lost children at parties where the pratter was less than prodigious.

Small-talk haters take further consolation from the fact that you are in star-studded company. Fear of small talk and stage fright are the same thing. The butterflies you feel in your stomach when you’re in a roomful of strangers flutter ’round the tum

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How to Talk to Anyone

mies of top performers. Pablo Casals complained of lifelong stage fright. Carly Simon curtailed live performances because of it. A friend of mine who worked with Neil Diamond said he insisted the words to “Song Sung Blue,” a tune he’d been crooning for forty years, be displayed on his teleprompter, lest fear freeze him into forgetfulness.

Is Small-Talk-a-Phobia Curable?

Someday, scientists say, communications fears may be treatable with drugs. They’re already experimenting with Prozac to change people’s personalities. But some fear disastrous side effects. The good news is that when human beings think, and genuinely feel, certain emotions—like confidence that they have specific techniques to fall back on—the brain manufactures its own antidotes. If fear and distaste of small talk is the disease, knowing solid techniques like the ones we explore in this section is the cure. Incidentally, science is beginning to recognize it’s not chance or even upbringing that one person has a belly of butterflies and another doesn’t. In our brains, neurons communicate through chemicals called neurotransmitters. Some people have excessive levels of a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, a chemical cousin of adrenaline. For some children, just walking into a kindergarten room makes them want to run and hide under a table. As a tot, I spent a lot of time under the table. As a preteen in an all-girls boarding school, my legs turned to linguine every time I had to converse with a male. In eighth grade, I once had to invite a boy to our school prom. The entire selection of dancing males lived in the dormitory of our brother school. And I only knew one resident, Eugene. I had met Eugene at summer camp the year before. Mustering all my courage, I decided to call him. Two weeks before the dance, I felt the onset of sweaty palms. I put the call off. One week before, rapid heartbeat set in. I put 02 (043-92B) part two 8/14/03 9:17 AM Page 45

How to Know What to Say After You Say “Hi”


the call off. Finally, three days before the big bash, breathing became difficult. Time was running out.

The critical moment, I rationalized, would be easier if I read from a script. I wrote out the following: “Hi, this is Leil. We met at camp last summer. Remember?” (I programmed in a pause where I hoped he would say “yes.”) “Well, National Cathedral School’s prom is this Saturday night and I’d like you to be my date.” (I programmed in another pause where I prayed he’d say


On Thursday before the dance, I could no longer delay the inevitable. I picked up the receiver and dialed. Clutching the phone waiting for Eugene to answer, my eyes followed perspiration droplets rolling down my arm and dripping off my elbow. A small salty puddle was forming around my feet. “Hello?” a sexy, deep male voice answered the dorm phone.

In faster-than-a-speeding-bullet voice, like a nervous novice telemarketer, I shot out, “Hi, this is Leil. We-met-at-camp—lastsummer-remember?” Forgetting to pause for his assent, I raced on,


To my relief and delight, I heard a big, cheerful “Oh that’s great, I’d love to!” I exhaled my first normal breath all day. He continued, “I’ll pick you up at the girl’s dorm at 7:30. I’ll have a pink carnation for you. Will that go with your dress? And my name is Donnie.”

Donnie? Donnie! Who said anything about Donnie?

Well, Donnie turned out to be the best date I had that decade. Donnie had buckteeth, a head full of tousled red hair, and communications skills that immediately put me at ease. On Saturday night, Donnie greeted me at the door, carnation in hand and grin on face. He joked self-deprecatingly about how he was dying to go to the prom so, knowing it was a case of mistaken identity, he accepted anyway. He told me he was thrilled 02 (043-92B) part two 8/14/03 9:17 AM Page 46


How to Talk to Anyone

when “the girl with the lovely voice” called, and he took full responsibility for “tricking” me into an invitation. Donnie made me comfortable and confident as we chatted. First we made small talk and then he gradually led me into subjects I was interested in. I flipped over Donnie, and he became my very first boyfriend. Donnie instinctively had the small-talk skills that we are now going to fashion into techniques to help you glide through small talk like a hot knife through butter. When you master them, you will be able—like Donnie—to melt the heart of everyone you touch.

The goal of
How to Talk to Anyone
is not, of course, to make you a small-talk whiz and stop there. The aim is to make you a dynamic conversationalist and forceful communicator. However, small talk is the first crucial step toward that goal.

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How to Start Great

Small Talk

You’ve been there. You’re introduced to someone at a party or business meeting. You shake hands, your eyes meet . . . and suddenly your entire body of knowledge dries up and thought processes come to a screeching halt. You fish for a topic to fill the awkward silence. Failing, your new contact slips away in the direction of the cheese tray.

We want the first words falling from our lips to be sparkling, witty, and insightful. We want our listeners to immediately recognize how riveting we are. I was once at a gathering where everybody was sparkling, witty, insightful, and riveting. It drove me berserk because most of these same everybodies felt they had to prove it in their first ten words or less!

Several years ago, the Mensa organization, a social group of extremely bright individuals who score in the country’s top 2 percent in intelligence, invited me to be a keynote speaker at their annual convention. Their cocktail party was in full swing in the lobby of the hotel as I arrived. After checking in, I hauled my bags through the hoard of happy-hour Mensans to the elevator. The doors separated and I stepped into an elevator packed with party goers. As we began the journey up to our respective floors, the elevator gave several sleepy jerks.

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How to Talk to Anyone

“Hmm,” I remarked, in response to the elevator’s sluggishness, “the elevator seems a little flaky.” Suddenly, each elevator occupant, feeling compelled to exhibit his or her 132-plus IQ, pounced forth with a thunderous explanation. “It’s obviously got poor rail-guide alignment,” announced one. “The relay contact is not made up,” declared another. Suddenly I felt like a grasshopper trapped in a stereo speaker. I couldn’t wait to escape the attack of the mental giants.

Afterward, in the solitude of my room, I thought back and reflected that the Mensans’ answers were, indeed, interesting. Why then did I have an adverse reaction? I realized it was too much, too soon. I was tired. Their high energy and intensity jarred my sluggish state.

You see, small talk is not about facts or words. It’s about music, about melody. Small talk is about putting people at ease. It’s about making comforting noises together like cats purring, children humming, or groups chanting. You must first match your listener’s mood.

Like repeating the note on the music teacher’s harmonica, top communicators pick up on their listener’s tone of voice and duplicate it. Instead of jumping in with such intensity, the Mensans could have momentarily matched my lethargic mood by saying,

“Yes, it is slow, isn’t it?” Had they then prefaced their information with, “Have you ever been curious why an elevator is slow?” I would have responded with a sincere “Yes, I have.” After a moment of equalized energy levels, I would have welcomed their explanations about the rail-guard alignment or whatever the heck it was. And friendships might have started.

I’m sure you’ve suffered the aggression of a mood mismatch. Have you ever been relaxing when some overexcited, hot-breathed colleague starts pounding you with questions? Or the reverse: you’re late, rushing to a meeting, when an associate stops you and starts lazily narrating a long, languorous story. No matter how interesting the tale, you don’t want to hear it now.

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How to Start Great Small Talk


The first step in starting a conversation without strangling it is to match your listener’s mood, if only for a sentence or two. When it comes to small talk, think music, not words. Is your listener adagio or allegro? Match that pace. I call it “Make a Mood Match.”

Matching Their Mood Can Make

or Break the Sale

Matching customers’ moods is crucial for salespeople. Some years ago, I decided to throw a surprise party for my best friend Stella. It was going to be a triple-whammy party because she was celebrating three events. One, it was Stella’s birthday. Two, she was newly engaged. And three, Stella had just landed her dream job. She had been my buddy since grade school, and I was floating on air over her birthday-engagement-congratulations bash.

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