Read A Bookie's Odds Online

Authors: Ursula Renee

Tags: #interracial,vintage,romance,sensual

A Bookie's Odds (22 page)

Georgia slowly shook her head. A self-examination in the shower as a teenager had told her no part of her could accommodate that. He would tear her apart.

Nicholas broke the kiss. “Do you want to stop?”

She shook her head. “No, but you…how…” She paused. She could not voice her concern. It would remind him of her innocence.

“How will it fit?” he guessed.

Georgia felt her heart drop. She braced herself for his rejection. Surely he would not want to be with someone with so little experience, not when he had a bevy of women who knew their way around a bed.


Her question should have convinced him to leave. Georgia had so much going for her, she didn’t need him complicating things. But, as he had done all his life…with school…with the club…with his career…he followed his wishes.

Nicholas took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He stopped on the threshold and surveyed the small space furnished with secondhand pieces obtained from Celeste when the latter redecorated her bedroom four years earlier. He barely glimpsed the oak dresser or the nightstand before he focused on the daybed across the room.

Georgia released Nicholas’s hand and slipped her flats into the empty spot between her sandals and the short-heeled shoes that were lined next to the door. Following her example, he kicked off his shoes and placed them next to her dress heels.

When he turned back to her, Georgia had opened the first two buttons on her shirt and was fiddling with the third.


Georgia’s hands dropped to her side. Her eyes begged him not to change his mind and walk out.

Had she been one of his other women, he would have welcomed her initiative, as it would have gotten them to their goal a lot quicker. However, he did not want to hurry up and find relief. He needed their time together to last.

Shaking his head, he stepped forward. “I want the pleasure,” he whispered as he reached for the button she’d abandoned.

He slowly opened each button, kissing the exposed skin as he peeled away the material. Georgia shivered under his touch. Her groans confirmed her excitement.

Encouraged by her body’s reaction, he slowly removed her clothes, dropping them on the floor until she was surrounded by a sea of material. He then gripped her wrists and held her arms from her sides. He could not let her cover herself until he committed every curve to memory. Their time together was probably a one-time deal, and he was determined to remember every detail, down to the inch-long, pear-shaped birthmark on her left thigh.

Nicholas stared until Georgia’s gaze dropped to her feet. Respecting the courage it took for her to be with him, he led her to the bed. He pulled back the apple-green spread, then waited as she scrambled underneath the cover.

Georgia watched as Nicholas pulled the T-shirt over his head and tossed it on top of her clothes. Her eyes grew wide when he reached for his belt. She did not blink as he opened his pants and pushed them down his legs. Once they were far enough, he stepped out of them. Then he lifted each foot to pull off his socks.

He stood and waited as Georgia’s gaze slowly moved up from his feet, taking in everything uncovered. When she reached his eyes, he held her gaze for a heartbeat before peeling off his boxer briefs. He bent to push them to the floor.

“Do you want to stop?” he asked as he stood up.

Georgia shook her head.

“Then look at me.”

She cracked opened one eye and peeked at him. He remained still until she got the courage to open the other eye. Her mouth dropped open in an O. Her reaction would have flattered him had it not been a result of her inexperience. It did, however, serve as a reminder that he needed to move slow for her.

Nicholas picked up his pants, retrieved the only barrier that would come between them, and tossed one on the nightstand. He then crawled under the spread and lay on his side.

Knowing Georgia was comfortable kissing him; he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. He suspected she would not respond to others as eagerly as she did with him. As always, she trusted and, this time, he refused to let her down.

When he finally moved his lips to her jawline, Georgia was on top. He chose the position to make her feel more in control of the situation. However, her hesitation indicated she felt self-conscious being on top and did not know what to do.

Nicholas maneuvered her legs until she straddled his hips. He then pushed up, grinding his groin into her. Georgia gasped. She reached forward and gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into the skin.

A surge shot through him. He had not considered the effect the move would have on his body. His body trembled, threatening to shatter.

Stars danced in front of his eyes, yet they did not entirely obscure his vision. He saw the bliss on Georgia’s face and was determined to witness her orgasm.

Nicholas began to count backwards from one hundred. With his hands on her hips, he slowly slid her up and down his groin as he pushed into her. He continued until she found the rhythm. He then relaxed his grip and allowed her to move on her own.

Her legs clenched his sides as if she was afraid he would slip away. It was a fear she did not have to worry about. He was not going anywhere anytime soon. Of course, if he had his way, he would never leave her.

Georgia closed her eyes, and soft groans escaped from the back of her throat. The look of bliss on her face would forever be etched in Nicholas’s mind. Despite all the women he had been with, he had never witnessed anything as beautiful Georgia’s orgasm.

By the time she relaxed, he had rolled on a condom and shifted until she was on the bed and he was tucked between her thighs. He slowly slipped a finger into her. She stiffened, and her walls clenched on the digit. He pumped the finger in and out until she was relaxed enough for him to slip a second finger inside, into her moisture.

Knowing she was as ready as she would get, Nicholas withdrew his hand. He took a deep breath and positioned himself at her entrance.

Georgia tensed as his head pushed into her. He stopped, allowing her to get adjusted to him and willing his body not to react to the tightness surrounding him. It was the most difficult task he’d ever performed, as he had been ready since she first kissed him.

The lines on Georgia’s brow slowly disappeared. When she no longer appeared to be in discomfort, he pulled back, then pushed forward. Each withdrawal and reentry moved him farther into her, until he felt the barrier that had yet to be broken.

Nicholas stopped and stared at her. He needed to be sure it was something she wanted to do. Once he moved forward there would be no turning back.

Georgia reached up and brushed a finger over his jaw. “Go ahead.”

Closing his eyes, Nicholas pulled back and then plunged in. Georgia tensed beneath him. He felt no joy in the deflowering. He had caused her pain instead of happiness, and he felt like a jerk for the role he played.

He remained still until he felt fingertips brush his cheek. He opened his eyes and stared at Georgia. Her tender look told him she didn’t blame him for anything.

She nodded her head, and he began moving again. The length of time he had been trying to hold out and her tightness caused him to shudder after a minute, and he came without her.

Once there was nothing left in him, Nicholas pulled out and climbed off the bed. He removed the condom, secured the end, and dropped it in the trash bin by the desk near the window.

He returned to the bed and crawled back underneath the spread.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

Georgia lay back and shrugged her shoulders.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it better for you.” He looked away. “Damn, you must hate me.”


Georgia leaned up on one arm. She took his chin in her hand and turned his face to her. She shook her head; she could never hate him.

He had given her what she needed…a distraction from the harsh reality of life. For that, she would always be grateful to him.

Chapter 18

Nicholas knew he overstepped his bounds. Just because she offered him her body for one night, it didn’t give him the right to take over her kitchen. However, after watching her beat an egg with bits of shell in the bowl, he had to nudge her aside with his hip, while he poured the concoction down the drain.

As hard as her father worked to make the money for the groceries, one would think she would take better care when preparing a meal.

“You can either stand there giving me the evil eye or you can enjoy your meal,” he said, pointing to the plate in front of the empty chair.

With a huff, Georgia dropped into the chair across from him. Her glare said she would eat the food, but she’d be damned if she would compliment him. However, she could not suppress her moan of appreciation once a piece of omelet was in her mouth.

Instead of fishing for more compliments, Nicholas announced, “I’ll wash the dishes while you take care of the bar.”

She shook her head. “How am I ever going to repay you for everything?”

Nicholas shoveled a slice of bacon into his mouth to keep from blurting out suggestions. Like an addict, he needed another fix—in his case, more time with her. The previous evening had not been enough and, something told him, neither would another twenty-four hours in bed with her.

As Nicholas swallowed, a fist slammed against the front door. He dropped his fork onto his plate and pushed back from the table. He held out his hand, signaling Georgia to remain in her chair. First he would find out who had the audacity to make such a racket. Then he would teach the person some manners.

“Georgia, open this damn door!” a voice on the other side shouted.

She sucked her teeth. “It’s only William.”

Before Nicholas could warn her back, she dashed out of the kitchen. He reached the living room as she flung open the door.

“Why are you out there making that racket?”

“Where the hell have you been?” The irate man pushed passed her into the apartment. He stopped short when he saw Nicholas. “What the hell is he doin’ here?”

“I’m not appreciating the tone,” Georgia said, stepping between the two men. “Though I don’t have to explain myself, Nick is here because Celeste is in the hospital.”

The other man wrinkled his brow.

Georgia reminded him, “Celeste, my best friend, his sister.”

“Then why the hell is he here and not at the hospital with her?”

“Nick drove me home last night, after visiting hours were over.”

Nicholas was unsure if she realized she had confirmed he stayed overnight. William glanced at the sofa, untouched for days.

“You and him? How could you whore yourself out to a white man?”

Georgia’s back stiffened. “Nick, could you please excuse us?” Her low tone indicated she was about to give her visitor a piece of her mind.

“I’d prefer to stay.” He had an uneasy feeling about the other man and did not like the idea of her being in the apartment alone with him.

Instead of agreeing with him as he’d hoped she would, Georgia spun around and crossed her arms over her chest. She might not realize it, but she had different postures for each of her moods. Her hands behind her back meant she was about to tease him, and hands on her hips meant she was exasperated with him. But arms crossed over her chest meant she was good and mad.

“Nicholas, leave.”

The use of his full name and the absence of the word “please” had him stepping around her. He continued to the door.

“Close the door behind you,” she ordered once he was in the hall.

He hesitated. Instead of repeating herself, she marched over and pushed the door closed in his face. Realizing he would not hear a thing unless she started to yell, Nicholas continued down the stairs. He reasoned it was best he was not around when the other man left. He might give in to the temptation to relocate the man’s teeth to another state.


“The minute your father’s out of the picture, you turn into a whore.”

Georgia walked back into the living room. She felt bad for kicking Nicholas out of the apartment, but she did not want him to get into a fight with William. His presence would only fuel the other man’s anger, and she was not in the mood to clean up the destruction caused by two men trying to prove who was more macho.

Besides, what did he expect after they spent the night together? People did not usually look favorably at women who slept with men out of wedlock.

Though she was willing to accept that others might not think highly of her, she did not have to accept them talking down to her.

“I don’t appreciate your tone.”

“And I don’t appreciate you runnin’ all over town with him. You need to remember who you are.”

“Is your problem that I’m with another man, or that I’m with a white man?”

William sucked his teeth.

She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. “Well, what is it?”

“It don’t matter. You need to stay away from him.”

“It does matter.”


“Because I need to know how tolerant you are.” She pointed to the picture on the wall. “Remember, my mother was Filipino.”

“That’s different.”

“How so?”

“’Cause I said so.”

“That’s not good enough. How about another question? How do you feel about Celeste?”

William snorted. “I don’t have to answer to you.”

“That was answer enough for me.” Georgia walked to the door and opened it. “You need to leave.”

William chuckled. He walked toward her and shoved the door out of her grip.

“I’ll go when I’m damn well good and ready.”

“Screw you.”

Georgia did not register the hand swinging toward her until it was too late to move. The side of her face stung, and she momentarily saw bright lights.

“It’s about time you remember your place. I’m not going to take any more of your lip. Now go clean yourself up.”

She waited until her vision cleared before she stepped around him. She slowly made her way down the hall. As she stepped into her bedroom, he called out, “Screw me? You up here screwin’ everyone else, the least you could do is screw me.”

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