A Christmas Wish (3 page)

Read A Christmas Wish Online

Authors: Evie Knight

Chapter Six


Give me one night.

stared at the note in her hand, pondering just when Ethan had slipped in and
out of her office without anyone noticing. Running her fingers over the four
words, memories of the kiss they shared a few nights ago surfaced. Her lips
tingled as she recalled how his firm mouth felt against her soft one, and the way
he’d held her firmly to him.


If she
dared sleep with Ethan, would she regret it later? Would their interactions at
the practice become more awkward? She sighed.
It’d be just one night.
How weird would it be to see him at the practice every day after she spent a
whole night in his arms? What did she have to lose? What would she gain? Her
reputation would be on the line in exchange for a night in Ethan Sinclair’s bed.
Was it worth it?

body temperature rose almost instantaneously at the thought of him kissing her,
caressing her, whispering meaningless words in her ear as he drove into her. A
shudder passed through her, settling low in her belly. Jasmine pressed her legs
together, ignoring the growing ache in her sex. The hands on the wall clock changed
to eight o’clock, reminding her everyone in the practice had been gone for a
few hours now. Still holding the small note, Jasmine closed the programs in her
laptop, getting ready to head home.

Her office
door swung open, startling her. Relief washed over the sudden panic in her
chest when she met Ethan’s gaze. “I thought you were gone.”

thought wrong.” The door closed behind him as he approached her.

pulse quickened and she swallowed. “What are you doing here?”

not exactly the kind of greeting I expected,” he said, rounding her desk.

the lid of her laptop, Jasmine rose. “Just what kind of greeting did you

How are you? It’s good to see you. That sort of thing.” His large hand covered
hers, sending an explosive current straight to her sex. Ethan drew her to him
and placed a hand on the small of her back. “Do you have any idea of the hell
I’ve had trying not to think about you these past few days?”

made two of them. It wouldn’t do his ego any good if he knew the hell she’d
been through trying to erase his kiss from her memory. “You haven’t tried hard


nearness overwhelmed her, and breathing became a chore as his searing gaze
searched her face.

shouldn’t be here.”

“But I
want to be.” His fingers dug on her waist as he pulled her closer toward him until
she stood between his legs.

don’t give up easily, do you?”

lips twisted into a grin. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Jasmine pressed a finger to his steely chest. “—and I, are never going to

we are happening.” Ethan leaned forward and stopped right before his lips
touched hers.

like you leave nasty scars that even the best plastic surgeon can’t make
disappear,” she said, dropping her gaze to his lips.

never hurt you.” Ethan brushed his lips over hers as he spoke. “Not
intentionally.” He sealed his mouth over hers in a gentle kiss. “One night, is
all I ask.” He grazed her lips with his teeth. “A night neither one of us will

be so easy to give in, say yes. Damn the consequences that came with it. It was
up to her to listen to her heart and body and be reckless. The problem was, the
memory of that one night would last forever. That much she knew. Would it be
worth it? If it tortured her to stand this close to him, feel his body flushed
against hers as he kissed her now, she could only imagine how painful it’d be
once their night together was over.

she reached for his hands at her waist and stepped out of his grasp. “We’d be
insane to take this any farther.”

be insane if we don’t.”

be my worst mistake.”

narrowed his gaze at her. “You’d be my best mistake.”

Chapter Seven


Ethan stared out in the
distance, taking in the dimly lit, deserted parking lot at the back of the
children’s hospital. After adjusting his jacket, he shoved his hands in his
pockets, braving the chill of the night seeping through his clothes. Roxie,
Jasmine’s patient, had a terrible episode, and Jasmine had been called away
from the practice early in the afternoon.

On his
way home, Ethan stopped by the hospital to check on his patients and to see if
Jasmine needed any help. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to talk with her
and offer his assistance—not for lack of trying. According to the nurses, she
had it all under control, but one look at Roxie’s mom’s teary eyes told him
nothing was as they all hoped things were. Fortunately, Jasmine and one other
doctor had been able to stabilize Roxie, and the staff allowed her mom to keep
Roxie company in her room.

sucked. It tore him inside to see kids fighting for their lives. No one,
especially kids, should have to go through anything like this. Roxie’s case reminded
him of his younger brother. The difference was, Tyler had lived to tell his
story, and he’d been the reason Ethan decided to become a doctor. Roxie would
be lucky to make it through New Year’s.

resounded at his back, jerking him out of his thoughts. Ethan turned in time to
see Jasmine striding in his direction. Except, by her darkened expression, he
could’ve been a ghost for all it mattered—she wasn’t seeing him.

he said, stepping in front of her.

her eyelids as if returning from wherever her mind had been, she lifted her
gaze to him. “I didn’t know you were here.”

you okay?” Ethan asked, studying her. Her mouth opened, but her words were
soundless. He reached for her hands, her icy fingers melting in the warmth of
his, and he gave her a gentle squeeze. Ethan wounded his arm around her
shoulders and pulled her to him, until her face touched his chest. “My place is
a few blocks away. I’ll bring you back when you’re ready to drive home.”

been in similar situations before, Ethan understood her state of mind right now,
and it wasn’t a pleasant one. Becoming attached to their patients came with
their profession. Trying not to would be a futile attempt, let alone heartless.
After helping her climb into his car, he drove them out of the hospital’s
parking lot, and straight to his place.

Jasmine’s delicate hand in his, he guided her from the elevator to his condo. Ethan
wouldn’t deny he’d slept around his fair share, but bringing a woman to his
place wasn’t something he did. Yet it felt different with Jasmine. Maybe it was
because she wasn’t here to sleep with him. She’d be here for an hour or two
Until she’s in a better disposition to drive herself home.

let me help you,” Ethan said, as they walked into his bachelor pad, and helped
her shrug out of her coat. After he placed it on a chair, he removed his.
“Would you like some coffee?”

prefer hot cocoa, if you have any.”

Ethan stood
there for a moment, taking in Jasmine as she paced back and forth in his living
room. A minute later, he turned for his kitchen and busied himself making two
cups of hot cocoa. How he’d make it through the next hour, he had no clue. Not
when all he could think about was crushing her body to his. He wanted to kiss
her until she forgot the ice-cold numbness he knew from experience had settled
in her chest at her hopelessness in Roxie’s case.


* * * *


Shades of silver and white
decorated Ethan’s bachelor pad. A patterned rug and stone fireplace made his
place cozier than Jasmine imagined it’d be. After Roxie’s episode earlier today,
Jasmine hadn’t been in the right frame of mind when she’d left the hospital. If
it hadn’t been for Ethan, she would’ve either taken a long drive or sat in her
car until she felt ready to go home. Jasmine took a seat and stared at the
fireplace as it dawned on her those two other options sounded better than being
here with him.

that her thoughts were where they should’ve always been when it came to him,
all she could think of was his proposition to give him one night. Drawing out a
slow breath, she glanced up in time to meet his hypnotic gray-green gaze. He
was temptation personified.

he said.

fingers brushed hers when she accepted the cup of hot cocoa from him, and a
shiver crawled up her arm. “Thank you.”

Roxie?” Ethan sat next to her and placed an arm on the couch’s backrest, then
drew a strand of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers.

heat of his body enveloped her, warming her outside in. “She’s stable now,” she
said, then took a sip from her cup. “I talked to her mom. She’ll continue her
chemo treatment, but things aren’t—” Her voice broke and she squeezed her eyes
shut. “It pains me to see Roxie like this. She’s got so much life but so little
time.” Opening her eyes, she glanced at Ethan. “Do you ever feel hopeless?”
Placing her cup on the side table, Jasmine pushed to her feet and paced around
his living room. “It’s not fair, you know.”

crossed her path and grabbed her hands, then closed the space between. “It’s
not fair, I’ll give you that.”

you sometimes wish you could make it all go away?” she asked, looking up at him.

do.” Ethan returned her stare. “All we can do is make their lives easier the
best way we can.”

of his close proximity and his strong hands holding hers, her body tingled.
Stepping back and out of his grasp seemed like the more sensible option, only
her feet were glued to his hardwood floors. “Ethan….”

swooped down to capture her mouth. She balled her hands into fists in response
to the unexpected kiss. She couldn’t decide whether to push him away and leave
his place, or to give in and let him take her where he would. Ethan swiped the
tip of his tongue over her lips, coaxing them open. His hot tongue thrust in
her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around his neck for support as her knees weakened.

swallowed his growl and laced her fingers in his hair. His arm encircled her
waist, and with his free hand, he cupped the back of her neck. His lips moved
over hers, demanding more and more with each swipe and glide, bringing down
every last wall of resistance within her, successfully erasing from her mind
every reason she should walk away now. Jasmine did the only thing she could and
kissed him back with reckless abandon.

He brushed his lips over hers as he spoke. “I can take you back to your car now
if you’d like.”

He was
giving her an out? No. Not after she’d made up her mind. “But?” she asked in a
low voice.

at her lip, he said, “But I hope you stay the night.”

very persuasive.”

say I didn’t warn you.” Ethan claimed her mouth with an unrestrained intensity
that stole her breath away. He tightened his arms around her waist, and lifted
her off her feet. Out of breath and drowning by the second in Ethan’s seductive
warmth and irresistible strength, Jasmine allowed herself to get lost in his

they reached his bedroom, he gently eased her onto her feet. Not once losing
contact with her lips, he slid his hands down her spine. His fingers made lazy
circles as he went. The caress both relaxed her and turned her on, making her
yearn for more. Jasmine almost wished this moment lasted longer than the few
hours it was meant to be. That it was longer than the one night he’d promised.

slipped her hands to his chest and unbuttoned his dress shirt. She gave his
shirt a few tugs when she reached his waist and parted it open in half. Determined
not to miss a moment of their night together, she fluttered her eyes open and
broke the kiss. His scorching skin burned her palms. Unable to tear her gaze
away from his smooth chest, Jasmine drew a line down his middle, outlining his
six-pack. Working her way back, she licked her dry lips as she grazed the tip
of his nipple with her nail.

groan made her look up at him.

like this?”

do.” His hands gripped her ass, bringing her closer to him.

leaned forward and traced the tip of her tongue on his taut nipple, then sucked
him into her mouth. The wall of his chest hot on her cheek, along with his
shallow breathing, aroused her further. She shifted her attention to his other
nipple, clamping her teeth on the tiny tip as she dropped her hands to his
waist and undid his pants.

With a
brush of her lips against his skin, she made her way down until she knelt
before him. Her mouth watered and her sex clenched in anticipation. Jasmine
pulled his pants down, along with his boxers. His thick erection greeted her,
standing proudly in front of her face. She stole a glance at Ethan. His red-hot
gaze turned darker, filled with lust.

curled her hand around his base and licked the tip of his cock, once, twice,
three times, before she drew him into her mouth. Her lips stretched as she took
him in, swirling her tongue around his length, sucking him in, farther and farther.
Her thighs became sticky, her panties drenched in her own arousal. Ethan twined
his fingers in her hair, guiding her pace, then without warning, pulled her to
her feet.

he said, ridding her of her blouse, then her pants, letting them pool at her
feet. His eyes drank her in, increasing the ache in her sex. “I dreamed of you
like this for so long, I’m afraid I’ll lose control.”

lose control? What about her? Jasmine was going out of her mind, wishing he
stopped devouring her with his blazing gaze and make love to her instead. “I
want you to lose control.”

touched his index finger to her lips, then brushed it down her neck, without
breaking their eye contact. His fingers traced her bra, branding her skin with
his heat, and every cell in her body grew impatient for more. Easing the lacy
cups down, he bent forward and licked one nipple, then the other. His back-and-forth
tease drove her crazy, so much so that she wove her fingers in his hair and
held on fast to him. His soft chuckle reverberated through her, then a gasp
slipped from her lips when he closed his mouth over her breast.

of desire ran through her as he teased her nipple until the tip swelled to its
full extent. Ethan cupped her other breast and took her in his mouth once more,
grazing her tip with his tongue, sucking her hardened nipple. Every caress,
every lick, every bite tormented her, flooding her with uncontrollable passion.

pushed her back on the bed, then stripped out of the rest of his clothes. His
gaze raked over her body as she lay in there and he stood at her feet. “You’re
beautiful,” he said, grabbing her knees.

crumpled the sheets between her fingers as he pulled her to the edge of the
bed. He rid her of her dampened panties, then spread her legs, baring her to
him. Jasmine looked down. “Don’t hold back.”

her gaze, he slid his tongue along her sex, then said, “I don’t intend to.” He clamped
his teeth on her clit, then swiped his tongue, easing the sting.

closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek, feeling him stroke her sex,
teasing her folds, lunging in and out of her entrance, then lapping at her
aching clit. She writhed beneath his mouth, thrashing her head from side to
side, letting him take her higher and higher. Her skin tingled and so did her
insides, surrendering completely to his masterful strokes. Ecstasy swirled
through her as a scream left her mouth. Her body vibrated with the fire
consuming her inside out and breathing didn’t feel possible or at all

couldn’t recall having such an intense and long orgasm. Ever. It went on and on
the more he sucked her clit. Just when she thought it’d end, she clenched her
sex and on it went. Lost in her orgasmic thoughts and sensations, she barely
recalled hearing the sound of foil.

pushed her up in the bed and settled between her thighs. The hardness of his
body electrified her. She forced her eyes open and stared directly into his. He
sealed her mouth with his as he gripped her hips and drove his thick cock into
her. Their tongues tangled, and her body welcomed him, meeting each of his hard

in a battle of wills and uninhibited passion, she dug her fingers on his back.
Jasmine ran her nails down to his ass as the tremors of a new orgasm broke
through her. Her sex clenched and she dragged her nails up his back, scratching
him as her body exploded in a million glowing stars.

He growled
against her neck, pounding harder into her, extending her orgasm with every
powerful lunge until his body shook uncontrollably atop hers.

a moment, when they caught their breath, he looked her in the eye and said,
“Just so we’re clear, this isn’t a one-night thing.”

heart skipped a beat at his words and she drew her brows together. “You only
asked for one night.”

lied.” He teased the tip of her nose with his, then continued. “I asked for one
night so you could see me the way I see you.” He rolled his hips, his cock
still hard inside her. “To show you how good we could be together.” Ethan
licked her lips. “One night to love you and make you want more.”

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