A Clean Break (Gay Amish Romance Book 2) (9 page)

“You were all the things I’d imagined, but so much more. Hard working and generous. Such a dreamer, and
how I wanted to dream. I knew I could trust you. When we’re together it feels like anything is possible.”

Isaac jerked around and took David’s face in his hands, kissing him hard. David opened his mouth, moaning as Isaac’s tongue thrust inside. They stumbled back against one of the mirrored doors, which wavered with a rattle. David braced his palms on the cool glass, unwilling to break their kiss. In that moment he didn’t care if they broke the mirror instead.

But Isaac tore his mouth away. “I love you.” His eyes were darker, and his lips shone. “You showed me so much—that there really could be more than the life I knew. That there
. You showed me who I am. Who I can be. That night, when we went to the drive-in? You gave me hope that I didn’t even know was possible. Thank you.”

“It’s me who should thank you. You’re the reason we’re here. The reason we’re free.” David rubbed his cheek against Isaac’s hair, his body on fire as they pressed together with Isaac’s thigh between his. The past didn’t matter. He knew without a doubt that with Isaac by his side, he could be

Isaac’s voice was barely a whisper. “I need you inside me.”

His nostrils flaring, David nodded at the mirrors. “Do you want to?” he asked boldly before he could think better of it.

Isaac shivered. “Yes.” His voice was hoarse. “Show me.”

“We don’t have…we need…” David glanced around the room. “Maybe in the bathroom there’s something…”

“I don’t care. Just do it.” Isaac snatched David’s hand and sucked on his fingers.

The warm rasp of Isaac’s tongue sent sparks up David’s spine, and he closed his eyes, rutting his hips against Isaac’s. “Wait. There’s lotion—” He gasped, his cock throbbing as Isaac sucked his fingers harder.

It took all his willpower to break away, but David lurched the few steps to the bathroom and snatched the bottle from the counter. It was plastic and had a pump at the top, and he splashed the pale yellow cream onto his palm.

David’s breath caught in his throat when he returned. Isaac was leaning over with his legs parted, his forehead against the mirror and his hands behind him, spreading himself open. He looked so
, and David tingled all over. He felt almost outside his body while he slicked his fingers. There was too much lotion, and he slathered the rest over his cock, giving himself a few firm tugs while Isaac waited, trembling.

Wrapping one arm around Isaac’s chest, David drew him back so he wouldn’t hit his head. Sure enough, when he pressed the first finger inside, Isaac jerked, biting back a gasp as David inched him open.

“I love your hands,” he muttered. “Love watching you work with wood. With me.”

“You’re so tight after all this time, Eechel. Let me in,” David whispered, biting Isaac’s earlobe gently.

When David pushed the head of his cock inside Isaac, he shook with the effort of restraining himself from plunging all the way in. Isaac leaned over to brace his left hand on the wall beside the closet, his other palm flat on the trembling mirrored door. They were both breathing hard, and Isaac licked at the sweat dampening his upper lip as David filled him. Isaac felt so tight and

When Isaac winced, David froze. “Too much?” He started to pull away.

“No—don’t stop.” Isaac bore down. “It feels…” He groaned, his eyes rolling back.

David tried to brush against that spot again, and each time he did, Isaac vibrated, the tension draining from him as he took David deeper. David wished he could control himself better, but being in Isaac felt so good. The sound of their flesh slapping together echoed in the room along with their grunts.

“Yes,” David muttered. “Isaac…”

Movement behind them caught his eye, and his heart skipped. But he realized it was only their shadows, stretching up one wall to the ceiling. In the electric light they didn’t waver the way they would in a lantern.

David rocked forward and back in a jerky rhythm, holding Isaac’s hip with one hand, his other arm still locked around Isaac’s chest. Their skin was damp where it met. Vehicles still growled outside every so often, but they felt miles away. Isaac’s little cries filled David’s ears, and he couldn’t look away from the sight of them straining together, slick and panting.

When they’d been together in the barn, it had smelled like manure and sawdust, but here there was only the pure scent of Isaac’s sweat and the lingering mint of the green soap in the shower. David inhaled deeply.

“I should be ashamed,” Isaac muttered, gasping.

David’s heart sank and his hips jerked to a stop.

But Isaac spoke again, his fingers streaking the glass and his breath fogging it.

“But I’m not. We make our own choices now.” Isaac pushed back on David’s cock and started fucking himself. “We—” He cried out, quivering. “We make the rules.”

David slammed into him now. There were no words as he watched Isaac take him. Isaac’s cock bounced, so hard and ready that David knew it wouldn’t be long.

The mirror shook as Isaac spread his legs farther apart. “I love how it feels to have you inside me.” He squeezed around David’s cock.

The buzz of pleasure in David’s body became a deafening roar that swept through him without warning. It wasn’t the first time David had come inside him, but seeing not just Isaac but
as they joined together made him feel as though he’d peeled back his own skin. His mouth was open, his face an even darker red, and his hair wild. He barely recognized himself.

He met Isaac’s gaze again, and Isaac smiled. “
,” he murmured as he squeezed around David again.

But it was Isaac who was the pretty one, flushed all over and reaching back for David’s thigh, his cock leaking. David lowered his arm from around Isaac’s chest, running his hand all the way down Isaac’s trembling belly. Isaac’s gaze followed David’s movement. When David wrapped his hand around Isaac’s shaft and stroked him, Isaac cried out—little nothing words that were like music to David as he watched him near the edge.

“Oh, oh—uh. Oh.” He sucked in a breath, shaking. “
.” Then as he came, David’s name graced his lips.

Shaking in David’s arms, Isaac splattered the mirror. They watched the mess drip toward the floor as they caught their breath, David softening inside Isaac and panting against his head. He closed his eyes for a moment, caressing Isaac’s belly.


The seriousness of Isaac’s tone made him snap back to attention. “Yes?”

“Do you know how English people clean mirrors?”

With a deep laugh, David kissed the side of his head, tasting the salt of Isaac’s sweat at his temple. “I guess we’d better find out.”

Isaac swiped his finger across the sticky mirror. “This is us,” he murmured.

David lifted Isaac’s hand to his mouth to lick his finger clean.




“First things first. Boxers or briefs?” Aaron held up a package. “Or boxer briefs?”

David rubbed his eyes. The florescent lights in the huge Target store were unrelenting, and even though he’d followed Jen’s instructions on water and ibuprofen before bed, his head felt like a block of ironwood. He tried to focus. “Uh…what do you wear?”

Aaron opened the package. “I went with boxers first. They’re like shorts. See?” He unfolded the plaid material. “Now I wear the boxer briefs. We can get a few packages of each for you both and you can give them all a whirl. Sound good?”

David glanced at Isaac, who seemed equally adrift and bleary eyed. “Sure,” David said.

Aaron chuckled. “Did you guys have coffee before we left?”

They shook their heads miserably.

“Lucky for you there’s a Starbucks in here. Look around, and I’ll be back in a few. Just black for both of you?”

They nodded, and David stifled a yawn. “Usually we’d have done almost half a day’s work by now.” He gazed at the endless packages of underwear and socks hanging in plastic from metal racks. They stood in an aisle with tall shelves on both sides, and he could hardly believe there were this many varieties.

“I wonder what they’re doing at home.” Isaac wrapped his arms around himself. “Same things as ever, I guess. It feels so far away, doesn’t it?” He blinked up at the ceiling. “It’s so
here. And there’s music.”

A woman sang about how they were going to hear her roar, and it was certainly accurate given the volume. David peered around, but couldn’t tell where it was coming from. It seemed to be everywhere—just a part of the air. It scraped at his nerves like sandpaper. “Pretty different from our songs.”

Isaac examined a package of socks. “It’ll be odd, won’t it? Not going to church or the singing next Sunday.”

“Probably for the best given that I sound like a dying cat when I sing.”

“You do not!” Isaac laughed. “Well, maybe a little.”

“Mary once said that—” David stopped. He felt strangely disloyal talking about her with Isaac. “Never mind,” he finished lamely. He reached for the nearest hanging package, which proclaimed in red capital letters:


“What do you think two x means?”

His shoulders slumped in his too-big clothes, Isaac ignored the question. “Do you think she’s all right?”

David hung the socks back on the metal rod, poking it through the small hole in the plastic bag. He pushed it with his finger, making the package sway. “I don’t know. I hope so. If not now, then soon.”

“I’m sorry I hurt her.”

He turned to look at Isaac. “You know it’s not your fault. You never drove her home from the singings, or let her believe there could be a future.”
Not the way I did with Grace
. “It’s not your fault she liked you. There’s nothing for you to be sorry for.”

Isaac shook his head. “I don’t even know why she did. I barely talked to her.”

A memory of Mary and Anna’s quiet voices from the kitchen echoed in his mind, and he smiled softly. “She thought you were shy.”

He’d been sitting stiffly in Father’s rocking chair, feeling like an imposter as he tried to focus on a letter in
Die Botschaft
from a farmer in Pennsylvania who’d cured his cows’ tick infestation with apple cider vinegar. Mother had been upstairs with the younger girls.

“Mary, you need to forget about Isaac Byler. He’s never even hinted that he wants to drive you home.”

Mary sighed. “I know, but he doesn’t seem to have his eye on any of the other girls. He’s shy, Anna.”

“Maybe you should just ask him, then.”

“Anna!” Mary sounded suitably scandalized. “Girls don’t ask out boys. Isaac’s just…a gentleman. He’s worth waiting for. Did you see him taking care of his little brother at the barn raising last week after Nathan hammered his thumb? He’ll be a good father.”

“And she thought you were a gentleman,” David added. He didn’t mention fatherhood. Mary was right—Isaac was wonderful with children.
But we’ll never be fathers now
. He shoved that thought away with all the others he was avoiding.

Isaac ducked his head. “What about you? Do you think I’m a gentleman?”

“Most of the time.” David raised an eyebrow suggestively.

Blushing, Isaac lowered his voice and stepped closer. “Tonight I’ll show you—”

They jerked away from each other as a woman appeared at the end of the short aisle, pushing a shopping cart. She smiled absently.

“Excuse me, I just need to…” She pointed to the rack behind David.

“Of course. I’m sorry.” His heart fluttering, David scurried out of the way. He and Isaac hadn’t even been touching, but he felt sure she

Isaac moved as well, and they both examined the packages of socks and underwear intently. Once the woman wheeled her cart around the corner and disappeared, David exhaled.

“David,” Isaac whispered. “Look at this.”

The package of the underwear called briefs—a value pack, which sounded like a good thing—proclaimed
, whatever that meant, and featured a photo of a man’s lower body.

And the man’s very big bulge against the tight white cotton.

“How can they show a picture of…” Isaac waved a hand at the package. “
Where everyone can see it?”

“It’s normal to them.” David couldn’t help but enjoy looking at it. He gazed around. All the men on the packages had tanned skin and flat stomachs, their thighs muscular. “Briefs look…”

“Snug?” Aaron said behind them. He held out their coffees. “We should buy some underwear first so you can try on pants.”

David sipped his coffee, sighing as the hot bitterness flowed down his throat. Just smelling the familiar aroma made his headache fade. He watched Aaron plucking a variety of packages from the display. “We need to keep track of everything you’re spending on us.”

“I really don’t want you to worry about that, but if it makes you more comfortable I’ll file away the receipts,” Aaron replied. “Nothing here is expensive, so you can try different styles and see what you like.” With his arms full of underwear he nodded toward the end of the aisle. “Come on. Check out the men’s section while I buy these.”

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