A Cougar Among Wolves (8 page)

Read A Cougar Among Wolves Online

Authors: Kali Willows

Tags: #Decadent Publishing, #1Night Stand, #Madame Evangeline, #Madame Eve

Rogue and Seth had been sweet and accommodating. They supported her willingly, and backed off when she was resistant to it. Fending for herself in the woods earlier in the day hadn’t let off the tension she had hoped for, in part because her protectors trailed her from a distance, but more so, because the freedom was overcast by the looming danger of the armed assassins returning. Mere days had dragged by but seemed like weeks. The last thing she could handle was the cabin fever, or, as circumstances would have it, cave fever that had set in.

“You know, my…uh…episode, the other day was entirely too serious.” Klaya scrubbed her face with her palms then dug through each of the backpacks in quest of something she was sure Gee would have sent. She needed to lighten the mood.

“But necessary. How you holding up, gorgeous?” Rogue shot her a wink from over by the fire. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”

“I know, thanks for respecting my need for time and space. I feel”–she reflected with astonishment—remarkably better.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Seth sat beside his brother.

“We’ve got full bellies. We are safe and protected, surrounded by powerful elements. I think it’s time to unwind a little. I’m not a big fan of being uptight and stressed out.”

“Given the situation, it’s understandable.” Seth’s sweet smile warmed her heart. Those incredible brown orbs caused a stir deep inside.

Klaya needed more than safety now. She needed to cut loose. Her cougar was clawing to break free. Focused on her task at hand, she searched relentlessly. “Come on, I know 49

it’s here.” She tossed Rogue’s empty bag next to his strewn clothing and moved on to Seth’s.

“What are you looking for?” Seth chuckled.

“Gee’s got a bar and….” She felt the empty bottom of the pack and threw it aside and started on the duffle bags next. The first one, clothes and towels, the second one, canned goods and provisions. In the last bag, the only one untouched since their arrival, she dug deep and smiled with relief. “I knew he had to have given us something.” She tugged out a tall box with a big grin. On top, written in black marker were the words:
When you’re
feeling a little better, have a few, on me. Gee
. Klaya tore the tape off the edges and tugged out a large bottle of tequila, a container of orange juice, a bottle of grenadine, a small jar of maraschino cherries, and three plastic tumblers. It was perfect for her needs.
have got to get that bear some jars of honey when this is all over

“He sent fruity drinks?” Rogue snickered.

“Not exactly, my dear wolf-boy. He sent the makings for my favorite libation. Tequila sunrise.” She dug deeper into the box and pulled out a salt shaker and three limes. “Very nice, Gee,” she crooned. Klaya leered over at the brothers with mischief in mind. “Care to join me?”

An hour or so and three rounds later, the tequila had somewhat smoothed her shattered nerves. An extraordinary ease rolled over her muscles, and she stretched her neck side to side to release the last of her tension.

“These drinks are kick ass.” Rogue grabbed the stemmed cherry from the top of his drink and chomped down on the fruit. “I’m feeling pretty good.” The juice left a slight shine on his perfect lips, as though it was beckoning her to taste them.

The remainder of her inhibitions melted away with another sip. The longing she’d tried to hold at bay for days crashed over her like a tidal wave. She considered the wolves sitting across the fire from her. Both handsome, with rugged features of strong jawlines, striking orbs, and powerful arms she was dying to be wrapped in. The scruffy facial hair they had acquired since their arrival added primal appeal. A flash of them stripped down, before they shifted resonated in her memory. Warmth filled the apex between her thighs with anticipation. Fire burned in her bones at the wild thoughts of being sandwiched between the two of them with them kissing, stroking, and penetrating her, and she liked 50

it. Any thoughts of mourning were a distant blur amongst the fever curling around her spine.

Klaya got to her feet and paced the length of the cave, drink clutched in hand as she disputed her own internal ramblings, the mental prattle of physical want and need. The crackle of the blazing wood, the glimmer of the crystals along the walls, and the light of the moon peering through the stone ceiling proved even more intoxicating than the alcohol.

Despite the power of her tequila-induced craze, an element of fear thrummed in her chest, the fear of reaching out, of rejection, but, more so, of reciprocated attraction. After all, she felt the
. The jolt in her arms when she lost her balance on the rocks, when they caught her—she received a powerful jolt from both of them. They had told her it happened the first time they touched her, pulling her from inside the tree. To top it all, there was no denying the magnetic pull she felt for them, her draw to them both amplified in strength as they spent time together. The three curled up next to the fire each night, one on either side of her. Even without physical contact, they managed to sheath her in a blanket of security and tenderness.

In her years growing up amongst the Cytaana Clan, she knew of the
, the bond only happens with destined mates. What she had never heard of was the possibility to experience it with any shifter other than a cougar. Now, here she was, face-to-face with two divine specimens of virility and strength, with a searing attraction she couldn’t dispel. Desire burned deep, and she couldn’t fight it anymore.

Being within close proximity heightened the shock wave of yearning. Each glance, smile, and the slightest touch of their hands to hers set every nerve in her body on fire with unquenched desire.

Klaya paused and tried to steady her shaky fingers, mustering the courage she needed most right now. “How’s your drink, Seth?” She sat down adjacent to them.

“Fantastic.” He grinned.

A surprising playfulness rolled over her. “Bet there’s something I can do neither of you can.”

“Climb trees, catch wild game, outrun us?” Seth chimed in with a curious smile.

“Oh, those things.” She waved off his innocence. “I mean something a little 51


“Such as?” Rogue narrowed his eyes.

She collected her own garnish and held it up in front of her mouth with a smirk. “Can you tie your cherry stem into a knot, boys?”

“It’s not rocket science. Sure.” Rogue took the bait and started twisting his between his fingers.

“Anyone can do it like that…I mean, with no hands?”

Rogue and Seth lowered their cups and glanced at each other with wide eyes.

“You can tie it in a knot, with no hands?” Seth’s disbelief spurred her on.

She winked and popped the juicy morsel into her mouth. She gripped and tugged with her teeth and devoured the delectable sweetness. “I most certainly can.” Klaya winked and tilted her head back. Satisfied with her captive audience, she eased the stem into her mouth. She swirled her tongue over twisting it into a circle and utilized her teeth as she tucked one end through the hole. Content with her performance, she parted her lips and held the knot between her teeth. She collected it between her thumb and fingertip with a grin and presented her prize to her observers. “Ta da.”

“Holy shit!” Rogue squirmed and adjusted his pants.

Klaya glanced down, pleased with his unmistakable bulge. She snickered when she caught sight of Seth tucking his shirt over his zipper.

“Your talent is, uh….” Seth’s voice was gruff.

“Mind-blowing,” Rogue offered in a throaty whisper.

A rush of heat shot through her core. The lust in their gazes was exactly what she’d hoped for, but their stares also held apprehension. She chugged the rest of her drink, determined not to waver. “Anyone care to join me for a dip?” She nodded over to the waterfall. “I’m a little warm right now.”

Klaya stood up and unbuttoned her jeans. She inched them down her hips to her feet, and stepped out of them. Vulnerability crept in as they remained still, focus glued on her exposed legs. She eased her shirt over her head and dropped the material on the ground at her side. Clad in only her lace panties and bra, she became irritated with their lack of response.

“Suit yourselves.” She spun with a huff and headed for the falls. Klaya unhitched her 52

bra and tossed it aside then slipped her panties off and dove into the water. If this didn’t work, perhaps a cold shower would tame the burning desire amplifying in her core. She swam deep under the water, desperate to wash away her longing. She ascended for a gulp of air and dove under again, avoiding the urge to look for the wolves. Klaya headed to the falls and surfaced under the cascading water. Part of her wanted to cry with disappointment, but she held it back.

Despite her pruning fingers after what seemed an eternity in the water, there was no way in hell she was leaving her cascading retreat. Humiliation rippled through her chest.

Klaya closed her eyes and let the falling water spill over her head and shoulders with the hopes the tequila would minimize their memories of the sexually depraved cougar, come the morning. Worst case scenario, she could claim drunk and disorderly as the leading cause to save face the next day. For now, hiding out was her only reprieve.

“Is there room for two more?” Seth’s velvety voice startled her. Klaya whipped around to find both brothers, shirtless, just feet away from her in the water. Her pulse raced. Butterflies took flight in her stomach.

Klaya hugged herself, covering her exposed breasts, not sure of what their arrival meant. “I didn’t think you were interested.” Her teeth chattered from the cold.

“Oh.” Rogue nodded with arched brows. “We’re interested.”

“Talk about an understatement,” Seth interjected. “We aren’t supposed to….” He threw brother a pleading glance.

“Ryker threatened to tear us a new one if we tried anything with you.” Rogue’s confession brought a flood of relief to her weary soul.

“I see.” Still cautious of pending rejection, she treaded carefully. “And now?”

“We aren’t sure how to read you, Klaya. With everything you’ve been through, we didn’t want to overstep....” Seth scrubbed his furry chin.

“You aren’t. I wouldn’t have gotten through any of this without you, either of you.

You saved my life,” she asserted.

“Anyone would have stopped the hunters—” Seth began.

“The hunters are not what I meant.” She inched closer to them. “The way you’ve been here for me. If I had been alone, I don’t know that I wouldn’t have given up, or gone on a suicide mission of revenge.” Finally, she had a chance to express her gratitude.


“If you had any idea how much restraint we’ve had to use this week….” Rogue shook his head, torment marring his features.


“My God, Klaya, from the moment we first saw you.” Seth’s sweet demeanor faded, and dark lust filled his eyes. “I’ve spent more time in this cold shower then I care to admit. The moment you were asleep, we’ve both had to cool off. We didn’t trust ourselves.”

“I had no idea.” Excitement curled around her spine. “And now?”

“Ryker may snap our necks.” Rogue inched closer to her. “A single night with you would be worth it. Your scent drives me over the edge.”

“Drives us both. You’re the most gorgeous woman we’ve ever seen.” Seth moved closer.

A shiver raced down her spine, and heat spread through her pussy. “You want me?

Both of you do?”

“Fuck yes,” they recited.

“Then, take me.” She lowered her arms in surrender.

The wolves approached and Klaya’s heart pummeled with excitement. Their hair dripped and glistened under the moonlight. Their bronzed skin encased perfectly chiseled muscles from their smooth chests all the way down their corrugated abs. Her breathing hitched.

Rogue was the first to make contact. He cupped her face with both hands and drew her close, the heat of his sweet breath brushing over her face. He swooped down and planted a feathery kiss on her lips and then retreated, staring into her eyes with a smile. She raked her fingers through his mass of curly blond hair and pulled him closer for more. He claimed her mouth again, this time with urgency. Klaya’s knees buckled as his tongue curled around hers and swept the inside of her mouth. From behind, the delectable heat of Seth’s mouth trailed down the length of her neck along her shoulders. He smoothed his hands over her breasts and rolled her hardened nipples between his fingers.

Lost in the passion of Rogue’s kiss, a pleasant surprise rubbed against the inside of her thigh, and another against the cheek of her ass.
They weren’t only shirtless
. She gasped with delight. Klaya dipped her head back as the brothers devoured her throat and 54

shoulders. They stroked her skin and pressed their bodies tight against hers. The wolf sandwich she had been so famished for was even more tantalizing than she’d imagined.

Seth kneaded her left breast with one hand, and slid his other down to her aching pussy.

He massaged her throbbing clit with delicious circles; her thighs twitched.

Rogue kissed down the front of her neck and captured her right nipple between his teeth. He licked and whisked her tender peak. Tingles of arousal shot through her core.

Klaya gripped the massive length of Rogue’s erection and reached her other hand behind her and captured Seth’s. Two magnificent cocks, all to herself. She wanted her wolves to bury themselves deep inside her right then and there.

“Klaya, I want to taste you,” Seth whispered in her ear. He nibbled her lobe. Tingles of excitement trailed down the length of her spine.

“Don’t be greedy, bro. We take turns.” Rogue moved up to her mouth and reclaimed.

Klaya eased back from his reach with a grin. “No need to fight. I think we could all use a snack.” She stroked their cocks, hungry for her own treat.

“You’re shivering.” Rogue planted a gentle kiss on her lips and collected her hand. He led the way to the steps and out of the water.


Chapter Ten

The wolves set up blankets for three by the fire. Klaya had another naughty bit of fun in mind. Determined, she grabbed the salt, the limes, and the tequila, and brought it over to the makeshift bed. Her knife in hand, she sliced up the green fruit on a plate and collected their empty glasses then poured generous amounts of liquor and lined them up beside the lime. Her skin, still moist from the pool, had the perfect start to the next drink.

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