Read A Cowboy Under the Mistletoe Online

Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

A Cowboy Under the Mistletoe (14 page)

“That’s a big
We get along great, but we haven’t spent all that much time together. Besides, he had a really bad thing happen to him when he was a teenager. I gather he’s still dealing with losing his folks, although he pretends he’s over it.”

Ellen shook her head. “So typical for someone his age. Eventually he’ll learn that you don’t get over it. You learn to live with it.”

“You’ve both taught me that, but I don’t know if he’s reached that point. So I...well, I’m not rushing into confiding in him about Selena. That’s all I’m saying.”

“I think that’s wise.” Her dad glanced up as the waitress approached. “We’ll have two pieces of cheesecake, please. One for me and one for my daughter.” He looked over at his wife. “Unless you’ve changed your mind?”

“Oh, all right. I’ll be miserable watching you two eat it, so make that three pieces, please.”

Her dad wrapped his arm around his wife and gave her a hug. “Tell you what. I’ll go out walking with you every day this week so you can get back to where you want to be.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks, Art.”

“Anything for my best girl.”

Whitney watched them with fondness. Their marriage wasn’t perfect because no marriage ever was, but they’d weathered the death of a child and still loved and respected each other. She admired the way they’d come through that crisis together, and if anything, their relationship was stronger as a result.

They ate cheesecake and drank coffee while they discussed the extended family living in Cheyenne. Whitney got caught up on all the gossip—which cousins were doing well and which ones were giving their parents gray hair. One uncle had dealt with a heart problem but he was recovering nicely. All four grandparents were amazingly healthy and enjoying life.

She missed being there to get the information firsthand, but she wouldn’t trade her position at Rangeland Roasters for a chance to stay in Cheyenne. Making the break had proven to her that she could survive on her own and find new friends. No matter what happened between her and Ty, she was thriving here.

She saw them off with a mixture of emotions. Her inner child longed to hop in her parents’ car and return to her former life in Cheyenne. But the stronger part, the one that had propelled her here to Sheridan, watched them leave with a sigh of relief. She was on her own again. And Ty would be coming over tonight.

Business was brisk at the coffee shop that afternoon, thank God. Whitney needed the distraction to keep her from thinking about Ty’s impending arrival at her apartment. She worked right alongside her employees to keep up with the orders.

Shoppers crowded Main Street until well after six, and a good percentage of them stopped in for a cup of coffee and a pastry. The shop had a festive air with everyone carrying bags and boxes filled with Christmas presents and extra decorations. More than one customer mentioned being grateful Rangeland Roasters had come to town.

When Damon and Phil showed up, Whitney greeted them with a big smile. They were more than just customers, now. “Out shopping?” She rang up their order as Meryl started their drinks.

Damon held up a couple of red-and-green shopping bags. “Thought we’d get an early start.”

“My dad and stepmom are spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us.” Phil pulled money out of her purse.

“Hey, I’ve got it.” Damon put down the bags and reached for his wallet.

“Nope. You paid last time. Remember? We talked about this.”

“So we did.” Damon chuckled as he tucked his wallet away. “Old habits die hard.”

Whitney envied them. They obviously both adored and respected each other. She’d love to have that kind of mutuality with a man someday. She could imagine developing it with Ty, but it was early days, yet.

“Anyway,” Phil said, “if you’ll be around when my folks are here, I’d love to have you meet them.”

“I’d love that, too, but I’m driving down to Cheyenne on Christmas Eve and staying for a couple of days.” She handed Phil her change. “We’re closing the shop early that day and all day on Christmas.”

“As well you should. That’s okay. You’ll meet them at the wedding, if not before. That reminds me. Text me your address so I can add you to the guest list.”

“You’re inviting me?”

“Of course.” Phil grinned. “We linked arms and drank champagne last night. We’re bonded.”

“That’s right, we did. I had such a good time.”

“We all did,” Damon said. “It was great having Ty here. I could tell he didn’t want to leave today. He was still hanging around the ranch when we left. He may be gone by now, though.”

Whitney glanced at the wall clock. Almost six-thirty. “Probably.”

“I’ll bet he’ll stop to say goodbye before he leaves town.” Phil’s tone was casual as she picked up their two cups of coffee, but there was a knowing twinkle in her blue eyes.

“That would be nice.” Whitney’s cheeks warmed.

Damon leaned toward her and lowered his voice. “Just don’t keep that boy in Sheridan too long, okay?”

“Believe me, I won’t.”

“Good.” He rapped his knuckles lightly on the counter. “Knew I could count on you to be sensible. He’s gone totally around the bend for you. That said, I’m really happy for you guys.” Giving her a wink, he turned and followed Phil to a table.

Whitney ducked her head and fought the urge to laugh. Apparently Ty was telegraphing his moves to his family. She wondered if Damon and Phil had been sent here to ask if she’d please send the poor besotted cowboy on his way.

She would, too, but they had an agreement. He’d stay an hour and then leave. She’d hold him to it, but he did deserve something for his patience.

While she continued to work behind the counter filling orders, she occasionally glanced at Damon and Phil’s table. They leaned toward each other while they talked and laughed as only a happy couple could do. Watching them gave her heart a lift.

She hadn’t expected the invitation to their wedding and she figured it was partly because they liked her. But surely she was being included mostly because of Ty. The wedding was in late June, though, and she wasn’t about to predict whether she and Ty would still be seeing each other.

Maybe it didn’t matter. Apparently she’d been accepted into the Thunder Mountain crowd, and they didn’t strike her as the kind of people who would uninvite her just because she wasn’t dating one of their own anymore. They were far classier than that.

Both Damon and Phil waved to her as they left the coffee shop just before seven. She was out the door minutes after. If she knew Ty, he’d already be waiting in the parking lot, watching the clock.

Well, she’d been watching the clock, too. Last night’s episode in the back of her car had been memorable, to say the least. This morning she’d put on her red bra and panties as promised and all day they’d been a subtle reminder of Ty.

As she drove, she noticed that decorations had begun appearing in yards and on rooftops. She’d always loved this season when the darkness of winter was chased away as sparkling lights popped up all over town. Sheridan was no different from Cheyenne in that respect.

But this holiday season promised to be even more bright and shiny than usual. She had a new man in her life who was kind, sexy and crazy about her. Christmas and romance were an exhilarating combination, and she relished that extra zing of excitement that Ty contributed.

When she pulled into the parking lot and spotted his truck, anticipation curled in her stomach and sent heat spiraling through her body. By the time she’d climbed out of the car he was there, sweeping her into his arms and claiming her mouth with a kiss that made her forget the icy wind.

She kissed him back with at least as much eagerness. But just as she was beginning to wonder if they’d spend the entire hour making out in the parking lot, he drew back.

Grabbing her hand, he squeezed it. “Let’s go in.”

“Where’s your hat?” She’d been so busy kissing him she hadn’t noticed he wasn’t wearing it. She didn’t want to leave it lying in a snow bank.

“In the truck. Figured it was an unnecessary distraction.” He grinned. “If you know what I mean.”

“Gotcha.” She locked the car and they hurried to the front door. Once they were inside, he pulled her up the stairs and down the hall, clearly a man on a mission. She didn’t need urging. Their goals were aligned.

She unlocked her apartment door and he hustled her through it, kicking it shut with his booted foot. After that, everything was a blur of Christmas lights, the scent of pine and uncontrolled lust. Coats came off somehow, and then they tumbled onto the futon because it was the nearest horizontal surface.

Shoving her skirt to her waist, he wrenched off her panties. She lost one shoe but still wore the other when he opened his fly, rolled on a condom and moved between her thighs. Holding her gaze, he drove into her with enough force to lift her off the futon.

With a startled cry of pure pleasure, she erupted. Her climax must have triggered his because he groaned once before locking himself against her, his body shuddering.

He squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them, they glowed with happiness. “Welcome home.”


taken a woman that quickly. He’d feel a little guilty except for the gleam of wonder and satisfaction in Whitney’s brown eyes. Apparently she’d liked it.

She sucked in a ragged breath. “I’ve never felt so welcomed in my life.”

Leaning down, he brushed his mouth against hers. “There’s more where that came from.” Judging from the tension building in his groin, he’d only taken the edge off. “But here’s an idea. Let’s move to the bedroom.”

Her response was to pull him into a deep kiss with lots of tongue.

He was breathing fast and getting hard again by the time she released him. He chuckled. “Or not. We can stay right here. I have plenty of condoms in my pocket.”

Breathing pretty fast herself, she smiled up at him. “Ready for anything?”

“You name it, lady. You never did give me that list.”

“You just checked one off.”

“Which one?”

“Frantic, still wearing most of our clothes, quickie sex.”

“Good guess on my part, huh?”

“Excellent, considering I didn’t even know I wanted that.” She stroked his cheek. “But now I want naked in a comfy bed sex.”

“I could go for some of that myself.” He eased away from her. “Tell you what. I’ll head for your bathroom and meet you in your bedroom.”

“Deal. Give me five minutes, okay?”

“Okay.” He wasn’t sure what she needed five minutes for, but he’d give her the moon on a silver platter. If she wanted to sacrifice a couple extra minutes of their time together, he’d go along.

He took his time disposing of the condom, tucking in his shirt, zipping his fly and buckling his belt. He’d be reversing the process almost immediately, but walking into a woman’s bedroom with his fly open wasn’t his idea of smooth.

When he’d stalled long enough, he turned off the bathroom light and walked across the hall to find out what she was up to. In the doorway he stopped and caught his breath. “Wow.”

She’d made damn good use of those five minutes. Instead of the bedside lamps, candles glowed on her dresser and bedside tables. Their flickering light revealed Whitney, wearing her red panties and bra, stretched out on snowy-white sheets. She’d taken her hair out of its ponytail and it fell in soft waves around her face and neck.

Best of all was her smile, a combination of mischief and sensuality. She fingered the clasp of her bra and her voice was low and smoky with desire. “Gonna stand there all night, cowboy, or meander on over here and see what I have for you?”

He swallowed and fought the urge to cover the distance in two quick strides. “I’m taking a mental picture.”

“Oh.” She cupped her breasts and massaged gently. “Still shot or video?”

Primitive urges threatened to turn him into an animal. He struggled to hold that raging beast in check. “Both.”

“I wouldn’t mind having some mental pictures of my own.” She slipped a finger under the lacey edge of her bra and ran it slowly back and forth. “Watching you strip is on my list.”

The beast inside him strained at its tether. “All right.” He started on the snaps of his shirt. “But you’ve seen this part.”

“Not when you were standing right in front of me.” She slid her hand free and ran her finger along the top edge of her panties. “Not when I could watch your chest heave like that.”

Dear God, she was driving him insane. He followed the progress of her teasing finger as he tossed his shirt to the floor. Then he propped his hips against the dresser while he pulled off his boots and socks.

All the while she stroked her finger along the elastic holding those panties snug around her hips. If she’d put them back on to make him crazy, she’d succeeded. He was cross-eyed with the lust pumping through his veins.

As he unbuckled his belt and unfastened the top button of his jeans, she began fingering the elastic at the top of her thigh. He groaned. “Whitney...”

“What?” Her eyes widened in mock innocence. Then she deliberately slid her finger under the elastic and touched herself. “Is something bothering you?”

“Only the fit of my jeans.” And he shucked them, along with his briefs. He was rewarded by her sharp intake of breath. “You were saying?” He walked toward the bed.

Her eyes darkened. “The...the condoms are back in the drawer...again.”

“Good to know.” He climbed into bed and gently guided her onto her back. “For later.”

She gazed up at him. “Later?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sliding down her sleek body, he slowly began peeling off those red panties. “I don’t know if this is on your list, but it’s on mine.”

“I...” She shivered beneath him. “That would be...” She sucked in another breath. “Nice.”

“I thought so.” His heart hammered as he uncovered the soft blond triangle he’d been unable to see the night before. The rich aroma of desire filled his nostrils, making him dizzy with wanting her. His voice roughened with anticipation. “Very nice.” He blew on her damp curls.

“Ty...” The slight note of pleading and the restless shift of her hips gave her away. She wanted this, too.

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