A Dominant Man (14 page)

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Authors: Lena Black

Hunt’s eyes stay fixed onto mine. His words broken from stressed breathing and rapid drilling, boring in, so I feel every powerful, hard inch of him. He keeps up his relentless rhythm with a sharp swivel of his hips, hitting the pleasure zone every damn time.

“Do you feel me, baby? Do you feel me stretching and cramming you full?”

I tighten around him, shaking my head vigorously.

“Say you want me,” he growls, slamming into me. “Say it.”

“Yes! Oh god, I want you!”

His gaze turns shady, and a devilish grin kinks his lips. He brutally pounds into me causing his words to shatter.

“You feel…so good.”

My hands grab at my breasts, kneading the ache away, rocking my hips to meet his vehement thrashing. The sound of our skin slapping together is loud and intoxicating, making us fuck faster.

My hands clasp at his firm ass, holding him in deep. Our bodies’ mill together, breathing accelerated, moans spilling out of us. We focus into each other’s eyes, drinking in the entranced looks on our faces, turned-on by the pleasure we give the other. He drives himself in and pauses, allowing me to feel how huge he really is. He stays buried in me as he undulates his hips, and my whole body tenses around him.

He tilts his face toward my foot, kissing my ankle, licking along my instep, sending sharp currents to my crease. Damian weaves an arm about my thigh, gliding his finger between my wet lips, gently flicking my clit. I turn my head, firmly pressing my lips against his wrist
, trying to muffle the increasingly impassioned screams. He thrashes into me, over and over, faster and faster, harder and harder, building me up higher and higher until I feel only him…in me…on me…possessing me.

“Fuck!” he growls.

He pumps a few more quick thrusts, and I bite into his flesh at the overwhelming sensation rushing through me, my body arcing and jerking.

,” he roars.

My body erupts into violent tremors, and I burst into a million pieces like a brilliant firework lighting the night sky. He strips my legs off his shoulders and hushes my vociferous moans with his mouth while his warm liquid orgasm releases far inside my quivering core. He rolls us over, and we collapse in a sweaty, panting heap. I lie on top of him dazed, my eyes heavy.

“That’s my girl.”

I sigh at the sound of his pleased words. His satisfaction feeds a hunger in me, a need to fulfill his darkest desires and give myself to him totally. We lie there silently with him inside me, taking in what just occurred.

“I’m wiped,” I yawn.

I nuzzle my head into his chest, careful not to touch his neck, while he tickles my back in long soothing strokes.

“I know you are, but you can’t sleep, babe. We have the party, and not to mention, the rest of the night back at your place.”

“Can’t we stay up here and forget about the party?”

“I wish we could, but people will notice we aren’t there and come searching for us. By people, I mean Marshall.”

The t
hought of my dad discovering us in flagrante delicto, doesn’t sound appealing. I heave myself up off his chest, my splayed hands on his solid pecks. I bend down, kissing between them over his heart. He rises up, holding me, and plants a yearning kiss on my swollen lips. We hug one another tightly, kissing deeply, rocking back and forth, which only causes us to moan against the others lips hungrily.

“I can’t wait to get you home,” he murmurs from my lips.

He moves down, kissing me on the neck, and I giggle when his stubble brushes against my skin.

Chapter Nine




e dress hastily, picking up any article near us and chucking over what isn’t ours. I glimpse at him from my vanity mirror. He’s truly breathtaking with post-fucked hair. Mine is not so marvelous, but I fix it as best as I can.

“You’ve changed your hair.”

I hadn’t made any drastic alterations to it, and yet he noticed the difference. The small, touching gesture makes my heart swell. “Yes,” I reply simply.

“I want you to leave it down.”

I peer at his reflection. “Do you now? I’ll keep it down then. Any other demands you wish for me to fulfill?” I ask with a wicked smile.

“There are far too many to go through now. Maybe later tonight I’ll show you.” He saunters to me and bends down to graze my ear
with his lips. “Let’s finish our rounds, so I can get you naked ASAP.”

I rise, grasping his outstretched hand, and we depart to rejoin the festivities.


e locate Chase sitting with my folks at our table, people all about them laughing hysterically. There’s so much noise, I can’t understand what they’re going on about. Chase glances over and watches us approach them.

“Hey! Where
have you been, kid? You missed a great story.”

Damian yanks me close and replies, “I think we’ll survive.
was giving me a tour of the grounds.”

peers inquisitively at my glowing face. “Yeah? It must’ve been one hell of a tour.”

Damian glares at

“It was. I intend on doing it again and often,” Hunt snarls.

My mom spots us, excusing herself from my father’s side. “Darling, may I speak to you? It won’t be more than a moment.”

I glimpse up at Damian who nods and leaves us. We stroll away from the group
’s prying ears.

“Your father has concerns about the two of you. One, Damian’s reputation when it comes to women, he wants you to go into this wide-awake. Two, Mr. Hunt is your father’s most important investor, and if anything were to go wrong, he would be in a terrible situation. That being said, I know what I see in that young man’s eyes when he’s near you…”

you see?” I ask timidly.

“The same gleam in his eye that your father has for me and the one you have for Damian.”

“I hope your right because I don’t think I could handle it if we didn’t make it. This past week without him has been hell. I’ve never felt like this before, and it terrifies me that I feel it so quickly. I can’t lose him, or I think I would stop existing.”

The thought of us not being together wrenches a sharp stabbing pain through my heart that makes me want to topple to the floor.

“Are you alright? You appear pale.”

“I’m fine. I just felt queasy for a second.”

“Look, Ellie. You can’t think of the negative. You’re in a new, exciting relationship with many memories ahead. Be positive, enjoy every moment, and remember you deserve nothing less than complete earthshattering love.” 

She lightly tic
kles my upper arm, to put me at ease, and it never ceases to work. The color comes back to my cheeks, and the pain in my heart trickles away.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“I love you, darling. As far as your father goes, he only wants your happiness. He’ll get used to the idea of Damian. This is the first man you’ve brought home with the capability to take you away, and the thought terrifies him. You will always be his little girl, and he wants to know he’ll always be your rock.”

“You know I’m a daddy’s girl. I don’t want him to feel as if he were losing me.”

“You should tell him so. I think it would make him feel better.”

“I’ll do that right now. Thanks for the heads up. I love you, Mom.”

I turn and walk back toward the table with as much purpose as I can muster in this dress. He’s still talking with the guests at our table, Damian sandwiched between him and Chase. Hunt sits with an erect posture, shoulders back, conveying an air of confidence and opulence, outshining everyone at the table. Hell, the whole damn party. I feel a flutter in my stomach and a rush of euphoric bliss as I lay sight on him.

I approach my father from behind and wrap my arms around his neck.

“You will always be my father, my rock. You must know, no amount of time or person, will ever change the fact I’m your little girl and you’re my dad. I love you, old man.”

I peck him on the cheek and hug him with my head lying on his comforting shoulder.

“I love you, too, pork chop.”

I open my eyes and
find Hunt watching us with pain or admiration in his. There’s a shattered part of him hidden below that tough shell. I yearn to uncover his shadowy place, why it’s there. I want all of him, but I can’t truly possess him until I understand his complicated past. This means I need tell him about mine, a discussion I dread. I’ve never had to tell a man about my past before. Chase saw enough to understand what I went through, he never asked for details. I don’t think he would’ve been able to handle it.

Hunt seems to recover, smiling sadly at me. I return one, head still nuzzled on my d
ad’s shoulder. I release him and go to Hunt, curling my arms around him. He clasps a hand around one of my wrists tenderly.

“Why are you sad, dark p

“I’m alright. I was admiring the lovely view.”

“I want you to know you mean a lot to me, I belong to you.”

His grip stiffens, and I hear his breath hitch. He turns his head to me and replies, “Yes, you do.”

“You belong to me.”

“Yes, I do.”

He gently cradles his hand on the nape of my neck and brings me to his supple lips for a chaste kiss. I can’t believe how much he’s trying to please me, offering this much of him physically, emotionally, and with time, mentally.

Marshall makes an exaggerated throat clearing noise, and
Chase chimes in, “I agree.”

He has a grossed out look, and I glare trying not to c
rack a smile. However, Hunt’s expression is less than enthusiastic.

“Stay out of it,” he growls in a low tone, keeping out of earshot from my dad.

“Hey,” I gently scold. “Play nice boys. Chase, that’s not the smartest thing to say, considering he’s your new boss.”

nt grins with satisfaction as a look of clarity seizes Chase’s face, remembering he isn’t only my boyfriend but the man who signs our paychecks.

“He’s yours, too,” he comments with a snippy tone.

He gets up and heads over to a busty blonde on the dance floor.

“I’m going to fire him.”

I sit on Hunt’s lap and place both hands on his shoulders. Not exactly the best idea considering his hard cock’s pressed firmly against my ass. It flexes beneath me as blood pumps in causing it to throb. I’m aroused and want him frantically.

“Why would you do a thing like that?”

I give him puppy eyes and bite at my bottom lip. My mother taught me well.

“Christ, Gabrielle.” He exhales loudly. “Alright, I’ll give him one more chance, but I’m not promising anything. He pisses me off,” he grumbles.

“Thank you. He’ll be a good boy. Scout’s honor.”

He enfolds an arm around my waist and cocks a brow. “Playing that card, are we? Isn’t it a bit soon?”

I give him a coy smile. “Whatever do you mean? I simply asked a question.”

“Right, well since you aren’t going to give me a straight answer, how about we go have that dance you’ve been dying for all night?”

“I’m tired, but one dance would be nice. I’d like to call it a night after that.”

“My thoughts exactly, Hyde”

We rise and wander hand in hand to the dancing mob. Suddenly, Olivia latches onto Damian’s arm. “I must speak with you
in private
.” She doesn’t even glance at me. She just bores her imposing eyes into his.

“Fine. Gabrielle, could you excuse us, please? I promise to make this quick.”

“Of course, I’ll be on the dance floor. I’m sure Chase would love a dance,” I reply with a smirk.

He glares at me. “I’ll make this
quick, then.”

turn and stride out of the enclosed tent, speaking quietly to one another. My skin burns, and my stomach ties in vicious knots.

“You are far too angelic to appear this sad. Would you like to dance?” 

I spin around to face a stunning man with jet-black hair and alluring icy blue eyes. He’s almost as devastatingly beautiful as Damian is. Almost. He offers me his hand for a shake but ends up clasping it instead. “I’m a friend of Damian’s. My name is Dante. I thought you could use a distraction.”

“Gabrielle and yes, I would like to dance.”

He escorts me to the floor, and as we’re about to commence, Hunt’s arm clings to my waist, culling me into his side. “Hello, Dante. Have you met, Gabrielle? My
.” He seems tense, on edge.

“Yes, we introduced ourselves, though I heard no mention of the word girlfriend.” Dante gives Damian a mischievous smirk, causing him to tense around me.

“Not this one,” Damian growls, and I gawk up at him in confusion. I don’t understand what the hell is going on.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,
” he sternly remarks to Damian then turns to me and with a sultry voice he says, “It was a pleasure meeting you,

Dante purrs out my name, taking my hand and kissing it softly. He
releases my hand and turns to walk away, disappearing into the crowd.

“What was that?
I thought you two were friends.”

“We’re best friends actually. I’ll explain later on. Right now I need to get you back to your place.”

“Please, I’m already desperate for you.”

We make the rounds and say our goodbyes. I wish my parents a safe trip. They leave for Hawaii tomorrow for two weeks. I tell
Chase to have Caleb drive him home, and he informs me, the blonde will be giving him a ride.

“I’m sure she will,” I reply.


unt hands his ticket to the valet, and we stand quietly with our hands clasped tightly to the others. I peek up at him, and he’s submerged in thought, staring blankly out into nothingness.

“What’s going through that head of yours?”

He gradually comes out of his trance and gazes down at me.


“What are you thinking about?”

“It feels like rain. You should put on my coat.”

He places his black wool coat over my shoulders, still toasty from his lingering warmth.

“Don’t do that. Tell me, please.”

“I want to tell you, but I can’t.”

“I understand. There are certain things I need to tell you, too. You don’t have to say anything until you’re ready.”

“I can tell you one thing. I don’t trust Dante to be alone with you. He can be a good friend, but he tends to screw the women I stop seeing. It never bothered me before until he pulled that shit on you.” His hands and jaw clenches.

“Did you tell him about me?”

“Yes. I didn’t share every detail, only that I thought you were done with me. He thought you were open game.”

“That’s what the ‘
Not this one’
was about?” He stares down at me with a pained look on his hypnotic face. “I promise I won’t have any secret encounters with him.”

“Not funny. And thank you.”

The silver, exotic car that drives up is incredible. It has a long front end, black interior, and seats two. She sits low to the ground, with the curves and sleek lines of a voluptuous woman. This baby looks as if it could haul serious ass, and I want to drive her bad.

Hunt opens the passenger door for me.

“I was hoping you would let me drive.”

He gawks at me with confusion and fear.

“I’m not comfortable with you driving in that dress or those heels. You could barely walk the whole night.”

“I did fine. Thank you
very much.”

“All the same, not tonight, babe.” I give him a pout. “Oh no, you’re not using those juicy lips of yours to change my mind. Get your perky, supple ass in the car.”

I strut to him, as he holds my door open for me, and pause. “I know how to use them to convince you to give me anything I want.”

As I slide in, I hear his breath hitch, and I smile to myself. He shuts the door and strides around the front, gliding into the small space with ease. The interior looks like something you’d see in a spaceship.

“What kind of car is this?” I ask as we buckle in.

“Ferrari, F12berlinetta. You like?”

“Mmmm…I love.”

A sexy
, crooked smirk graces his lips. “Good. You look ace in this car, babe.”

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