A Dominant Man (47 page)

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Authors: Lena Black

“I hate what…he did to me. I hate…what I let him…do,” I sputter out.

“Me too, babe. Let it out. Let him go.”

The song changes to Lana Del Rey’s ‘Blue Jeans’. A symphony of violins and bass play an enchanting, lulling melody, picking up the pace slightly then melding softly into the background as the measured western-esque strums of a guitar breathe a different air into the song, an ambient style that enthralls and captivates. It’s a passionate, somber, down-tempo ballad with a subtle Hip-hop infusion.

It’s about finding the one person who fits you, so completely, you couldn’t live without. Songstress, Ms. Del Rey, artfully swoons in her low, sultry voice to her absent lover, expressing the endless love she possesses for him. I can’t help but think Hunt’s expre
ssing himself through the heart-wrenching lyrics.

He lifts my face to his and kisses my tears. He blankets my face in salty, wet caresses of the lips. I slowly contain myself, letting out small spurts of tears and whimpers. I begin to kiss him back, and he meets my lips with his, claiming them forcefully. I cling my arms about his torso and hold him close. The occasional sob still erupting from my throat.

He pulls away. “This isn’t right. I’m taking advantage of your vulnerable state.”

“No, you’re not. I need you. Heal me, Damian,” I murmur, staring up at him with glossy red eyes, and he crashes back onto my lips. He rolls onto me and thrusts a hand down between my trembling thighs, spreading me apart. He shifts my thong to the side and plunges into me in one swift move. He exhales an extended breath, and I let out a shaky moan as he sinks into me.

He gyrates his hips sluggishly, pumping his weighty cock into me in lazy drubs. He kisses my moist cheeks and gently licks the stream of tears off with his tongue. He’s taking them into himself, taking in my sorrow.

I scratch my nails along his back, and he purrs in my ear. I lean my face into his shoulder and kiss roughly, licking my way up his neck to his ear, biting down and suckling on the lobe.

He enfolds his arms about me and rolls us over. I continue my assault on his ear and writhe my body over him. I swivel and dip my hips, meeting his slow, deep thrusts. I rise up and unclasp the hooks of my corset, revealing the slit of flesh between my hoisted breasts. He reaches up and nimbly unhooks the remaining clasps. It falls open, and he explores my exposed torso patiently. His hands cup and massage my plump, swollen tits, pinching the erect tips and plucking sharply.

My head flies back, and my hands cover his, moving with every caress. He bucks sharply, causing moans to explode from me. His hands run down to my waist
and latch on, guiding our ever-increasing pounding. Our pace quickens, and our breathing becomes stressed from the pleasurable exertion. My hands splay on his chest for balance as he thumps into my tensing sex, fucking me viciously.

“Cum for me, angel.”

He glides his thumb onto my clit and places his hand on my womb, pressing slightly, increasing the pressure and pleasure. He slams into me, and I cum hard. My body weakens and flops onto his chest, panting and trembling as he cums, deliciously pouring himself into me, filling my cup.

“Oh fuck, Gabrielle,” he groans, bucking into me as a wave seizes his clenching body, his head digging into the mattress. He collapses, sinking into the bed with a relieved sigh. He cups his hands on the sides of my face, bringing my lips to his, gently grazing and pecking me.

I lie my head on his chest as exhaustion washes over me. Hunt’s still buried within me when I shut my eyes, allowing his tender lips to lull me to sleep.


wake the next morning, feeling well rested and ready for the day ahead. I turn over to Hunt and nuzzle into my nook. He’s still asleep on his back, an arm flung over his face and one leg poking out of the sheets. I rub his chest and kiss him over the heart.

He stirs, and I glance up at the clock. It’s ten thirty! We’re late!

“Damian, wake the hell up.” I shove at his chest with my palm.

He rustles. “Go back to sleep, babe.”

“Damian, wake the fuck up.” I slap his stomach, and he springs up.

“What did you do that for?”

“We’re late. We need to get dressed and get out of here.”

He casually glimpses at the clock.

“No, we’re not. I called your office to let them know you wouldn’t be in today.”

“You did what?!”

“You heard me,” he replies, lying back, resting his head on his folded arms.

“Why would you call in sick for me?”

“You need the rest after last night.”

“Damian, you can’t just make decisions for me.”

“Yes, I can,” he replies confidently.

“Are we going do this again? I’m attempting to establish myself, and you’re sabotaging what I’ve worked hard for.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“You don’t get it. I don’t want to be the bosses arm candy. I don’t want to take advantage of your position or our relationship. I don’t want to be that girl.”

“I was only trying to help.”

“I understand, but you aren’t helping me by doing this, you’re hindering.”

“I apologize. My intentions are not to hinder or sabotage your career. What would you like to do today?”

“I’m going to work. I can’t call in sick on my second day and  then be photographed out and about with you.”

“I think they’ll know we’re together regardless. I’m not at work either and…”

“And what?”

He grabs his laptop off the side table and places it on my lap. He must have done work while I was asleep. It wakes out of sleep mode and the Dirty Dog website is up. I spot a new article with photos and open it. The headline reads.




I skim the article, which talks about our recent sightings out, and head to the pictures. There are tons, including one’s of us at the party, kissing and making up, at the funeral as we talked about Nicholas, driving to the D.O.D., and from last night outside the club. Then I zone in on one of me showing Maya my ring. The caption below says.


Heiress and infamous ex-party girl, Gabrielle Hyde, shows off stunner to sister Maya Hyde. Is there a wedding in the near future?


“Oh, fuck me.” I fall back into my large soft pillow, placing my hands over my face.

“I think the jig is up.”

“This only gives my point validity,” I mumble from my hands. I jolt up and leap out of bed. “Come on. Get up. We’re going to work.”

“Gabrielle, get back in bed. We’re staying home today.”

“Fine, I’m going to work.”

“Babe, come back to bed.”

“I’ll take one of your cars,” I continue as if I don’t hear him, and his eyes fly open, panicked.


“Slick, I’m going into work, and I don’t want you to argue.”

“Fine. I’m going in, too, then. I’m not sitting around here by myself while you’re at the office with loverboy.”

“I thought we we’re over this. You two got on so well last night.”

“We did that for you. We didn’t want to ruin the celebration.”

“Great. Back to normal,” I reply sarcastically. “Well, let’s get ready. I don’t want to be any later than we already are.”

We head into the closet to ready for work.


arrive at my desk at eleven thirty and get to work. I speed up my pace to ensure I make up for the few hours I missed, and I’m all caught up by one. I’m looking over a spread when my cell goes off.  I recognize the number, but I can’t place why.

“Hello, Gabrielle speaking.”

“Hello, love.” My mouth goes dry when I hear Walker’s soft Irish brogue on the other end, and I freeze. “Ellie dear? Are you there?”

“Yeah, sorry. Hi.”

“Hi. How are you? Well?”

“I’m good. You?”

“Great.” He takes a large breath and proceeds to sputter out, “I’m callin’ to invite you to my gallery openin’. I miss you, and I was hopin’ we could talk.”

“Walker…” I think about how Hunt will react, but I don’t want to let him down, either. I broke his heart and left him out of the blue. I figure at the very least I owe him this. “When is it?”

“Tomorrow night. I’m havin’ an early showin’ for close friends and family around eight. I know it’s short notice and ages since we last spoke, but I’ve been workin’ up the nerve to call you. Can you come?”

“I have to check my schedule, but I should be free.”

“Would you like to have supper with me beforehand?”

“I don’t think it would be a good idea. I’m seeing someone, and he wouldn’t appreciate it.”

“You are? Good for you, love. Well, maybe we could do lunch. I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout you. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too, Walker. I think lunch can be arranged.”

“How ‘bout tomorrow? We can talk, and I’ll tell you ‘bout the openin’.”

“Ok,” I reply hesitantly, “Meet me at The Huntsman, noon tomorrow. I’ll be waiting in the lobby.”

“Tomorrow then. I can’t wait to see you…Bye, love,” he says and hangs up.

My mouth feels like there’s a large wad of dough enveloping it, and my hearts beating a million miles a minute. My palms are sweaty and twitching. I shake it off and dive back into the paperwork strewed about my desk.

Why didn’t I stay in with Hunt? Every time I leave our bed, bad things happen


t two, Chase strolls into my office with a huge grin and takeout bags in hand. “I thought you’d be hungry.”

“Starved. I didn’t eat breakfast.” He sets the white paper bag on my desk and takes out the fresh hand-rolled sushi. “Yum…It looks delish.”

He places a handful on my plate and hands them over. I pop a spicy tuna roll in my mouth and hum as I devour it.


“Are you kidding? They’re amazing.”

He shoves one in his mouth. “Mmmm. They are.”

“How have you been? I can’t tell you how much I miss you.”

“Yeah?” he asks, seemingly surprised.

“Of course, you’re my best friend. I love you to death. I hate not talking and seeing you on a daily basis. I’m dependent on you, kid.”

“Me, too, Ellie,” he says with a sigh but perks up a bit. “I’ve been alright, banging away at work and the ladies.”

“Nice. That’s really cute.” I shake my head at him. “Where did you spend the night? Or to be more specific, whom did you sleep with last night?”

“I slept at your place,” he replies casually, popping another roll into his mouth.

“Where did you sleep?” I ask with slight annoyance. I hate playing the vague game.

“In a bed.”

“Damn it. Did you fuck Maya last night?” I say it louder than I intended, and an assistant walking by halts in her tracks to stare at me, staggered.

“Sorry.” I gesture a hand at her, and she continues.

“No, but I slept in her bed.”

“Ok. I can handle that.” I sigh, relieved.

“Handle what?”

“I don’t mind you dating my sister, but you can’t treat her like one of your random skanks.”

He appears a bit offended. “First of all, we aren’t dating. Secondly, I wouldn’t date or fuck her, because I wouldn’t want to complicate things between us. If she and I were to date then break up, I wouldn’t want you to feel you had to choose between us…Mostly because I would lose. I’d rather have you as a friend than nothing at all.”

“What do you mean by that?” I shoot him a perplexed stare.

“Nothing. Drop it,” he says, tossing another roll into his mouth. “I’m just saying, as far as your sister goes, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Are you not attracted to her?” I ask, suddenly affronted by the idea that my sister may not be good enough for him.

He looks at me like I’m nuts, which I am, and chokes a bit on a sushi roll.

“No, I think she’s stunning, but that isn’t the point. It would mess with the order of things, and I don’t want that.”

“Ok, fine. I’m just glad you didn’t pull a Chase.”

“Thanks. Love you, too.”

“I do love you. I’m just protective of my sister. You know I am so don’t act surprised.”

“I hear ya.” He eats the last piece sushi and sets his plate down. “How are you? Is everything alright with Hunt?”

“Yeah, we’re great.”

“What was with last night?”

“We ran into one of his ex’s, and he didn’t want to be there anymore. He didn’t want to ruin your evening, so he invited you guys to stay. Not to mention, I was spent from the long, wary day.”

“What happened?” He tilts head to the side, a curious gleam in his eyes.

“It’s a long story, and I’m exhausted just thinking about it. I’ll tell you another time, when it’s not still fresh on the brain.”

“Sounds good. So what does his ex look like?”

“She gorgeous. She looks a lot like Olivia. She’s sweet. We’re going to have lunch together. Which reminds me, I should text her and plan a date.”

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