A Forbidden Taking (17 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

had forgotten about the vampire code. He knew that the young vampire wasn’t
just saying that; he couldn’t. Vampire males protected their mates above all
else, including themselves. The beast stretched in his skin, making Michael
aware that time was nearly out. He had an idea and decided that this was the
only way.

will give you what she needs. It’s the only way. When she gets it from you, she
will know. It will help her to understand, help her with…everything. We must
hurry; the beast, he wakes now.”
Michael didn’t wait for the vampire to
give his consent or not, he just pressed it hard into his body. He could feel
the jolt of it hit him. The man would be hurting soon if he wasn’t already. Michael
jerked from the vampire’s head just as the beast took him over.

beast took him. Michael fought to stay aware. He tried to keep his own mind
merged tightly with the beast and was surprised when the shift finished that he
was there too. Once he saw where they were headed Michael wanted to hide away
again, but knew that, if nothing else, this would give the young couple an
advantage they would desperately need.

think to kill Creature? You are weak man, weak and useless. I am Creature, I am
strong. To destroy me would destroy all.”

didn’t answer. He had told the vampire the truth. He would have peace. Michael
needed that, craved that more than anything.

they made it to the mansion Michael looked around. He could see the same things
the beast did, but Michael would retain them, analyze them for use. The beast
only saw the fence that blocked his way in, not the way to get through it. And
Michael was good at figuring things out. He smiled to himself. Yes, he was very
good at figuring things out. Exhausted at trying to stay alert with the beast
soon took its toll. Michael pushed the information to the young vampire and
fell away, hoping that he didn’t give anything away in his haste.


Megan woke on a scream. A climax
ripped though her body and was charging up for another when she looked down at
the man between her legs. Beau was taking full advantage of her nudity.

“You owe me,
mon amour
. You
had three releases in the car and I got nothing. I even had to sleep with your
beautiful body draped over me all night while my cock ached for release. You
will now pay for that.”

She wasn’t sure she would consider
this punishment, but yeah, if he thought so who was she to argue? When his
fingers slid into her, she arched up and into his mouth. Beau had a very clever
mouth and she wanted more. When she started to reach down and dig her fingers
into his hair she realized she was tied to the headboard.

“Beau? I can’t touch you. Untie me,

He looked up at her, his chin and
mouth covered in her juices. It was incredibly erotic to see him like that, her
thighs over his shoulders. She moaned and closed her eyes even as she rode his

Je ne pense
pas ainsi
. No,
I think you will enjoy this more tied up. You
distract me when you have your hands free. I mean to have my fill of you first.”

His mouth covered her again. His
hand under her ass tilted her up and he dove deeper, his tongue and his fingers
filling her. Megan pulled at the restraints and thought about them holding her
back, keeping her from touching him and her body loved it.

When Beau slid his finger into her
tight hole she rose up off the bed and tried to get away from the invasion, but
he kept pressing until the burn of him entering her had her cry out. Not from
pain, but from incredible pleasure.

“Relax. I will not hurt you.” In
and out of her, he stretched her. “Feel the pain turn to pleasure, love? Do you
feel the way I fill you here?” His finger hit a spot in her ass that had her
moaning. “And here?” The finger in her pussy did the same, touching a nerve
that set her body to flame.

Megan couldn’t stop, she wanted
them both. When he inserted another finger and the burn again turned to heat
then pleasure she couldn’t seem to get enough. When Beau worried her clit with
his tongue then began to lap at his fingers she could feel her body rising to
another wave. She wanted to look away, the overwhelming sensations making her
dizzy, but to watch him enjoy her, suckle at her, was too much. When her
release hit her, it was as if her body exploded; every nerve, every fiber of
her being tightened like a rubber band before it snapped her breathless. When
she came she screamed until she was hoarse, her throat raw with it, her body
taut with it.

Even as she was shuddering with
the aftermath, the delicious sated feelings, Beau crawled up her body and
slammed into her. His cock filled her. She felt another climax building. This
one she knew would kill her. When her hands were suddenly free she grabbed onto
Beau, digging her nails deep into his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around
him and held on. With each pound of his cock she felt it, felt him touch her

Megan wanted to bite, needed to
taste him as he filled her. Wrapping her fingers in his hair she brought him
down to her, his head tilted so that she could lick his pounding pulse. He
pulled away and looked down, his eyes dark with his need, his fangs nearly an
inch long, sharp and lethal.

“My heart, feed from my heart,
. I will take from your neck. I would taste your hot blood there.”

Megan wanted him too, she
realized. Never had she thought that she’d let anyone bite her neck again, but
she gave him her throat. When she felt his tongue slide hotly along her neck,
Megan came. Then when his fangs bit, she came again, her body coming apart and

When he sealed the wound Megan
sank her own fangs deep into his chest and he roared above her his cum filled
her, heated her. His blood poured into her mouth and slid down her throat. It
seared her, the spice of it different and stronger there. As another climax
ripped from her she drank more until she felt him drop onto her. Sealing the
wounds she rolled with him as he moved.

The pain, horrific pain, had her
opening her eyes and leaping from the bed. Grabbing her head, Megan screamed. Her
head felt like it was ready to explode or implode, she wasn’t sure. Wishing for
both or either, she tried to get away from the hands, Beau’s she thought dimly,
but it didn’t matter. Anything, everything was too much.

The blood on her hands told her
she was bleeding somewhere; the pool of it in her lap told her it was her head.
Her eyes felt too large and as if they were going to explode. Her ears rang and
needles felt as though they were being inserted from the inside out. Her mouth
stretched, her fangs dropped. Something banded around her and held her. Fighting
it seemed too much when every part of her was in pain. Megan tore at her head,
at her neck, and at her belly. Then she was sick, her belly rebelling harder
than it had when she’d been turned.

It was impossible to scream again.
Her throat was raw. Her head, she was sure, had fallen off and was now in the
fireplace roasting like a marshmallow on a stick. She felt her muscles pull,
lengthen, and hurt. Not even her nose was spared of torture as it felt like
she’d inhaled a whole lemon into it.

After what Megan was sure was
several days the pain lessened. After a bit longer she could take a breath
without a searing pain. Her head began to feel normal and her body her own.

As it lessened, she became aware
of things. The arms banded around her were Beau’s and the man at her feet was
Aaron. There were others in the room, many she knew, one or two that she
didn’t. Weak now, she couldn’t do anything more than just lay where she was.
Not even the soaking blanket around her was uncomfortable enough to make her
ask that it be removed. The voices in the room seemed to be loud, but when she
thought about asking them to lower their voices, they did. She wondered if she
had spoken out loud. Megan closed her eyes.

After awhile she felt the blanket
being removed and another put in its place. This one was soft and dry. She knew
it was cotton without looking. She must have dozed because she soon felt the
bed beneath her; more blankets lay over top of her. Weak as a kitten she kept
her eyes closed even when someone, Beau, kissed her on the mouth. She didn’t
stir, didn’t move, but lay there. Megan wanted to ask what had happened, but it
was too much, too overwhelming. Soon, very soon, she was asleep.


~Chapter 20~


Beau had never been more terrified
in his life. He watched Megan sleep and wondered again what had happened. He
thought that if the man, Michael, had done this to her Beau would tear him limb
from limb. He had hurt his mate.

Beau had been nearly asleep when
she woke up jumping from the bed. He thought she had been going to jump on him
when she screamed the first time. Beau tried to grab her, to hold her, but she
fought like a madwoman. Her nails, claws really, had torn at him, at his skin
and his face. He had had to leave her for a minute to go to the door and let
Aaron in. It was by far the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. Aaron had
felt her pain too, her blood making them both aware of everything that happened
to her.

When she started to fight them
both and was succeeding at throwing them off Sara had come into the room and
put her into a magical brace, banding her down so that she wouldn’t hurt
herself or anyone else. That too proved to be nearly not enough. Megan fought
it as if it were nothing more than the silken ties he’d tied her to the bed

Beau felt Aaron return to the room
a few minutes later. He was going to have to explain what had happened to his
mate and Beau wasn’t even sure himself. Aaron sat down in the chair on the
opposite side of the bed from Beau.

“Mac is on his way home. Thomas
said that in a few days he’ll be as good as new. I’m sure that Lizzy will
complain about him, but she’ll be happy for it too. She’s never been separated
from him before. I have a hard time remembering that they are almost eleven
years old. It seems like only yesterday they were born.”

Beau looked up at the master. “I
will pledge to you as soon as you are free. You…she is…I’m in love with her.”

“Yes, I know. It’s hard when they
hurt. Harder still when you can’t fix it.” Beau nodded at the man. “I take it
that you know what happened here tonight.”

Beau nodded again. “Michael told
me that he was giving me something for her. I thought…I’m not sure what I
thought, but I assumed it would come in a box, not my blood.” Beau was sure
that’s what had happened. He felt a connection to her now that he hadn’t
before. And he could feel she was stronger, more aware even in her weakened

“Whatever happened to her has made
her different, more…more everything. When she wakes, do you know what she’ll
understand? What she’ll know?”

Beau wondered the same thing. He
looked up at Aaron again. The vamp probably knew, but Beau felt it was his
obligation to tell him himself. “Whatever she is, I’m that too. I can feel my
body humming with…with power. Incredible power, as a matter of fact, but not as
strong as hers.” Beau looked at Megan. “She fought off Sara’s magic. I don’t
understand how she could do that.”

Aaron stood and looked down at
Megan. Beau could feel his need to knock the man away, but held back. For all
his strength Beau wasn’t stupid enough to think the man couldn’t still rip his
throat out.

“I won’t hurt her. She is safe
with me. I smell her wolf now and her magic. She’s evolving, I think is the
best way to put it. Evolving into what, I don’t know. I’ve asked Sara to stay
out until we can make sure she is no longer in pain. I can’t have my own mate
hurt.” Beau understood. “When she wakes I would like to see her, speak to you
both.” Aaron went to the door, but turned before he walked out. “Bradley is
upstairs. He’s been made aware of her wolf status. He’ll not claim her into his
pack until he is sure of what she is.”

“Thank you, sire.” Aaron nodded at
him. Beau stood near the bed now.

“Beau? She’s going to be hungry
when she rises. I’m sure you know that. Be careful. I know she won’t hurt you,
but we don’t know what happened to her.” With that, he left, closing the door
behind him.

She would be hungry and have
questions. Questions that Beau wasn’t sure he had the answers for.


Megan woke suddenly. One second
she was sleeping soundly, the next…crouched on the floor like an animal. Every
part of her was in tune with everything around her. She could hear better,
clearer; she could hear Mr. Duncan upstairs in the kitchen. Her sight was more
focused, brighter, more colorful. Tones and hues leaped at her as she looked at
things. Raising her face to the air she could smell bacon, eggs, toast with
butter and grape jam. Megan could smell blood, not fresh, but from a wound, old
but healing—Mac. She could smell Mac. She stood. The man in the bed confused
her for a second the way he was looking at her, staring at her.

“Beau.” He nodded, but didn’t move
anything else. “I’m different. I can feel you. You’re in my mind.”

“Can you speak to me this way,
Megan? Can you touch my mind?”
he whispered through his head.

she answered back in
the same way.
“I can feel you looking, searching. I’m all right. I feel…I
feel wonderful.”
She could feel his relief and smiled at him. “Something
happened. The pain. Did I hurt you?”

He stood up and came toward her. Her
body responded to his; she stretched and felt her body lean toward his. When he
was close enough for her to touch Megan put her face in his neck and nuzzled. A
low growl emanated from her mouth as she buried her nose in his throat.

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