Read A Gangsta Twist Saga Online

Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

A Gangsta Twist Saga (11 page)

“I know, girl. And look at her friend. She thinks she's flyer than a muthafucka in that mink wrap she gots on,” added Katrina.



At their table, Sacha and Gwen both knew that they were looking especially fly. Their outfits spoke volumes to everyone around them. Several different guys came by and offered to buy them drinks, and they politely declined as they waited for Taz and his crew.

Sacha was dressed in a long, formfitting black Prada dress and red and black Prada pumps, while Gwen was just as sexy looking in a beige and brown suede jumpsuit and a dark brown chinchilla fur wrapped around her shoulders. Her brown Manolos set the outfit off completely.

“Bitch, where the hell is your man and his homies? 'Cause if they don't get their asses here soon, I'm gon' start choosing some of these fine-ass youngstas up in this spot.”

Sacha smiled and said, “They'll be here, ho. Relax.”



Back by the bar, Katrina smiled and said, “Girl, there goes Bo-Pete and Wild Bill.”

“So? I ain't feelin' that nigga Taz no more. I don't give a fuck about his entrance and shit,” Paquita said as she sipped her glass of E&J.

“What? You mean to tell me that my girl has finally given up? Bitch, say it ain't so!”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm still diggin' that nigga, but I'm just not gon' be all on his dick, even though you know I'd love to.”

They both smiled and watched as Bo-Pete and Wild Bill entered the club and went and posted up in their normal spot. And just like always, Red and Bob followed about five minutes later and went to their normal spot. Then, finally, Keno and Taz came into the club.

Paquita's smile turned to a frown quickly when she noticed how Taz's eyes lit up when he spotted Sacha sitting at the table with Gwen. “I hate that bitch!”

Katrina didn't say anything. She just smiled at her homegirl and shook her head.



After Taz stepped to the bar and accepted the drink that Winky held out for him, he casually strolled over to Sacha and Gwen's table, followed by Keno. Once there, he said, “Damn, Li'l Mama! You're looking edible!”

Sacha smiled and said, “Hi, baby!” She stood, and they shared a long kiss, as if they were alone somewhere instead of in a jam-packed club. She pulled from Taz's embrace and said, “Whew! Do I get that every time you come back from a business trip?”

Taz smiled and said, “You better believe it! Now, introduce me to your friend.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Taz, this is Gwen. Gwen, this is my man, Taz.”

Taz smiled and shook hands with the slim goody sitting in front of him and said, “Hello! I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Gwen.”

Smiling herself, Gwen said, “And I've heard some fine things about you, Mr. Taz. And please, call me Gwen. That Ms. shit makes me feel old.” They both started laughing.

“Excuse me, but I think you've forgotten about your homey, fool!” Keno said with a fake frown on his face.

Taz laughed and said, “My bad, dog! Ladies, this is my right-hand man, Keno. Keno, this is Sacha, my boo, and her friend, Gwen.”

Keno shook hands with them and said, “It's nice to meet you both. Even though I've already met Sacha, your boo, it's still a pleasure.”

“As you can see, he's a smart-ass, but I still love his ass,” Taz said as he sat down next to Sacha.

“Well, y'all can excuse me. I see someone who wants to get better acquainted with me,” said Keno as he left them to go chase a high yellow female with long hair, and a booty as big as Buffy the Body's.

Gwen frowned and said, “He's cute, but a li'l too cocky for me. Where's the rest of your homies, Taz? If I'm not mistaken, I was told that there were five of them.”

“Damn, it's like that, huh?” asked Taz.

“Yep, it's like that,” Gwen replied confidently.

Taz said, “All right then. Over there to the left are my niggas Bo-Pete and Wild Bill. See the real short one and the dark-skinned one standing right there?” He pointed to where Bo-Pete and Wild Bill were standing. “And over there to the far right are my niggas Red and Bob. The bigger one out of the two is Red, and the guy standing right next to him is Bob. So, those are your choices, Gwen. Which one would you care to meet first?” Taz asked with a smile on his face.

“Hmm, let me see. I love me some dark chocolate, so it's either going to be Bo-Pete or Bob,” said Gwen as she looked back and forth from Bob to Bo-Pete. After about two minutes of deliberating, she said, “I want to meet Bob. He looks exciting.”

Sacha and Taz both laughed and in unison said in a loud voice, “

“That's right, bitch, Bob. I bet that nigga is packin'!”

Taz damn near spit out his drink when she said that. He wiped his face and waved over to Bob and signaled for him to come and join them.

Bob had a smile on his face as he came to the table. “What's up, my nigga? Hello, ladies.”

“Dog, You seem to have been chosen by this pretty lady right here. Gwen, this is my nigga Bob. Bob, this is Gwen.”

Gwen smiled wickedly and asked, “Tell me, Bob. How did you get that sexy-looking knot on your forehead?”

Bob smiled and said, “You like the knot, huh?”

“Umm-hmm! Love it!”

“Well, let's shake these two lovebirds for a minute so I can give you the history of the knot,” Bob said as he winked at her.

As she got to her feet, Gwen smiled and said, “I'm with you, sexy.”

Taz and Sacha were laughing so hard that tears were falling from their eyes as they watched Bob lead Gwen toward another table.

“Well, I'll be damn! She chose Bob! Of all niggas, she chose one of the freakiest niggas around!”

“Is that right? Well, I think Bob might have met his match tonight, 'cause my girl puts the capital F in the word
” They both started laughing some more. “Now, tell me, where were you, Taz? You never did tell me where you had to go and why.”

He smiled at her and said, “I was in Chi-town, Li'l Mama. And like I told you, I went to take care of some business.”

“For some of your properties?”

“You're not going to give up, are you?”

“Look, I trust you, baby. I really do. I just have to be certain that everything is on the up-and-up with you, that's all.”

“I can dig that, but check this out. My business is complex and yet simple at the same time. Simple, because all I do in this state is make sure that my rental houses are in order and everything is straight. As for the IHOPs and the Popeyes chicken restaurants, my managers take care of them, so it's an easy process with them. I sign the checks and pay my taxes. I own close to fifty homes throughout the City. I even own a couple in your neighborhood. My yearly income in this state alone is close to two hundred thousand a year. So you see, Li'l Mama, I've never lied to you. I just chose not to speak on that shit 'cause I'm not with the braggin' and shit.”

“Okay, I can understand that. I guess that's the simple part. But what about the complex part, Taz?”

Staring at her seriously, he said, “That, my love, is none of your business. Please don't press me about it, Sacha. Just try your best to understand what I'm about to say. If I tell everybody my business, I won't have any business at all.”

Smiling as she shook her head from side to side, she said, “That's just too damn slick, Mister Taz.”

“Nah, Li'l Mama, that's just keeping it real with you. So, like I said before, don't you worry about me ever putting you or your career in jeopardy, because that will never happen. Cool?”

“Yeah, we cool. Can I ask you one more thing, babe?”

Laughing, he said, “Anything baby . . . anything at all!”

“How many rooms do you have in that big-ass house of yours?”

He laughed even harder than he did about Gwen and Bob. After regaining his composure, he said, “That, my love, you'll find out later on. If you'd like, we can make love in every one of them when we get to my spot.”

“That, Mister Taz, is something that I definitely would like to do!”

He smiled at her and said, “Yeah, I bet you would, with your horny-ass!”

“You know it! You done got it started, so you better be prepared for it.”

“As long as I stay ready, I'll never have to get ready, Li'l Mama.”




Clifford couldn't believe his eyes. Sacha and her best friend, Gwen, were chillin' out with those wannabe thug-ass niggas. “Ain't that a bitch! She done chose a nigga that's most likely going to be in federal prison before the summer's over. I can't believe this shit!” he said aloud as he sipped his drink. He had decided earlier to come to the club and see for himself exactly what type of nigga Sacha had chosen over him. And now as he stood in the back of the club and watched her, he just couldn't accept this shit. He set his drink down and stormed toward Sacha and Taz's table. He stepped straight to them and said, “What's up, Sacha?”

Sacha looked up and saw Clifford standing over her with a mean mug look on his face. She smirked and said, “What's up, Cliff?”

“So, this is your man?” he asked while pointing toward Taz.

Sacha smiled and said, “Yes, he is. What do you want, Cliff? As you can see, I'm enjoying my evening with my man, and you're interrupting us.”

“Interrupting you! Ain't that a bitch! Come on, Sacha. I know you're not going to go out like that.”

Before Sacha could respond, Taz felt that enough was enough
. It's time for this chump to be checked,
he thought as he stood up from the table and said, “Look, dog. Ain't no need for any drama tonight. My girl has told you what time it is, so you need to get to steppin'.”

“Fuck you, nigga! I ain't going nowhere until we can get a better understanding out of this shit! And the ‘we' I'm referring to is Sacha and myself! Not you, fool!”

Taz couldn't believe what he had just heard. He shook his head slowly from side to side and asked, “Are you sure you're trying to go that route, nigga? 'Cause if you are, I want you to remember that this was your call,” he said menacingly.

“Like I said, fuck you!” Clifford yelled. He turned his attention back toward Sacha and said, “Sacha, I really think we should leave this place so we can go somewhere and talk.”

Cliff, haven't you been hearing what I've repeatedly told you? This is my man, not you, so leave me the fuck alone!”

Her words were like a knife going straight inside of his chest. The pain was unbearable. Clifford didn't realize that he was reaching for Sacha's arm until he felt Taz's right hand on his forearm. “If you touch my girl, you're going to regret it, fool!” Taz said as he shoved Clifford away from the table.

Keno and Red were both talking to some females on the other side of the club when they noticed Taz's confrontation with Clifford. They quickly left the females they were conversing with and went to Taz's side. So did Bo-Pete, Wild Bill, and Bob, who had left Gwen out on the dance floor when he saw Taz shove Clifford.

Clifford saw that Taz's homeboys had him surrounded, and smiled. “Just like I thought. You ain't no man, nigga. You need your boys with you in order to help your soft-ass fight. You're coward-ass nigga!”

Taz smiled and said, “That's funny, clown. But my niggas are here for
safety, nigga, 'cause they're the only ones who could stop me from serving your soft ass. Why don't you go on and bounce, dog? You're way out of your league,” he said calmly.

Before Clifford could respond, Sacha said, “I don't know what the fuck's gotten into you, Cliff, but you really need to check yourself because you are way out of line. So, would you please leave us alone before someone gets hurt?”

Clifford was confused, hurt, and mad as hell, but he was no one's fool. He stared at Taz and his crew, smiled and said, “Yeah, I'll leave you alone, Sacha.” He turned and faced Taz and said, “But I'm going to see you again when you don't have your boys, partna. Then we'll see how good your hands really are.”

Taz was laughing as he watched Clifford leave the club.

Without a word being said, Keno and Red returned to the ladies that they were talking to before they had gone to Taz's side. Bo-Pete and Wild Bill went back by the bar where they had been standing before the commotion, and Bob grabbed Gwen's hand and said, “Come on, baby, they're playin' our song!” Gwen smiled and let Bob lead her back out on the dance floor.

Taz sat back down and asked, “What's up with that clown, Li'l Mama?”

“I honestly don't know, baby. We were going out for awhile, that is, until I met you and I told him that it was over. But I guess he can't accept it.”

“He has no choice. And if he gets in my way again, he's going to get hurt.”

“Come on, Taz, he's not worth it, baby,” Sacha said as she grabbed ahold of Taz's hand. But as she looked into his dark brown eyes, she knew that if Cliff ever caused any more drama, he was in some serious trouble. She could tell that Taz was not a man to be fucked with.

Taz calmed himself, smiled, and said, “So, are you ready to shake this spot, baby? We do have some rooms at my pad that need to be touched, don't we?”

Sacha blushed and said, “Yes, we do, baby. I'm ready if you are.”

Taz turned and waved toward Red and Keno. They came over to their table, and Keno said, “What's up, my nigga?”

“Dog, I'm out. Go holla at Bob and see if he's going to take Gwen home or what.”

Red turned and went to go talk to Bob, and Keno said, “Dog, you might not want to leave just yet. Look who just came into the club.”

Taz turned and frowned when he saw Tazneema and Lyla walking toward the bar. “Now how in the hell did they get in here? They ain't even twenty-one!” he said to himself louder than he intended to.

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