Read A Gangsta Twist Saga Online

Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

A Gangsta Twist Saga (51 page)

“Stop with the fucking questions, Lyla, and tell me what you have to say.”

“All right. Dang! This morning, I was on my way to the bathroom, and I saw that the door was closed. I had to pee bad, so I waited outside of the door for whomever was in there to finish. I heard Cliff talking to someone on the phone. I looked at the bottom of the door and didn't see the phone cord, so I assumed he was on his cell phone. Anyway, he was talking to someone, and he told them that, and I quote, ‘As long as she never finds out about what we did to that nigga, Bo-Pete, she'll be in my corner, cuz.' He then started talking about hurting your father.”

Are you sure, Lyla?”

“Come on,
! It might have been early in the morning, but I know what I heard. He said something about how he really loves you, but your daddy has to go. He kept saying ‘cuz' a lot, like he's a gang member or something. Just before he hung up the phone, he said that he was about to go get some early-morning pussy, then he was going back to sleep for a while. Did you two do it this morning?”

“That's none of your business, girl!”

“I mean, if you did do it, then you know what I'm telling you is the truth. Your boyfriend is out to hurt your father,
. What has Taz done to Cliff?” Lyla asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Tazneema wanted to cry. She wanted to let her tears wash her face, not because she was physically hurting, but because she was ashamed of herself. She actually believed Cliff and all of his lies. She went against her flesh and blood for that man. Though she tried her best, she wasn't able to control her tears as they slowly slid down her face. She stared at her friend and said, “Tell me again everything that you heard, Lyla. Don't skip anything. This is very important.” Tazneema wiped her eyes and listened closely to every word that her roommate said. Her pain had now turned into anger as she thought about her father.
I went against the grain, Daddy, and I'm so sorry!
she thought as she continued to listen to Lyla as she told her about Clifford's early-morning telephone conversation.



After Sacha left for work, Taz grabbed the phone and called Won out on the West Coast. He knew it was early out there, but he needed to talk to his O.G. When Won answered his phone, Taz wasted no time in telling him about Keno's murder. After he finished, he took a deep breath and said, “We're handling this shit tonight, O.G. I gots to have this fool before he hurts someone else close to me.”

“Yeah, you need to handle this as soon as possible. I didn't think that clown was that 'bout it,” Won said as he wiped his teary eyes.

“To be honest with you, neither did I. Look, I just wanted to put you up on everything. Don't trip. I gots this end.”

“I know you do, Babyboy. Make sure that you take care of yourself, and remember what we talked about.”

“Yeah, I got you. Is everything cool on your end?”

“As of right now, things are good. I'll know more soon. Cash Flo' is out on the East Coast taking care of some business. That nigga Pitt has been laying low, so that tells me that he's waiting for some reason or the other. Don't worry about me though. You just do what needs to be done. If you ever get at me on this line and I don't answer, that means either I went dark, or I'm no longer breathing. Either way, you will be notified of the next phase of the game.”

“Come on with that shit, O.G.! I'm not tryin' to hear that shit!”

“It is what it is, Babyboy. I love you. Out!” Won said, and he hung up the phone.

Taz hung up the phone and called Tari at her job at Mercy Hospital. She screamed so loud that he thought she was having a heart attack after he told her what had happened to Keno. He tried his best to calm her down, but she kept screaming over and over, “No! No! No! No!”

Finally, one of her coworkers took the phone from her and came on the line. “I'm sorry, but Tari is having problems right now. Can she call you back?” asked the coworker.

“Tell her that Taz said to call him as soon as she's regained her composure.”

“I'll do that, sir,” she said, and hung up the phone.

“You're a dead man, you punk-ass nigga!” Taz said aloud as he got up and went into the kitchen to get himself something to drink.

Just as he was pouring himself a glass of orange juice, his cell rang. He went back into the den and grabbed his phone, flipped it open and said, “Yeah!”

“Taz, I need for you to take me to Tulsa today. I have to get out of this city for a while,” said his mother.

“When do you want to leave, Mama-Mama?”

“I just got off the phone with Christy and Derrick. They told me that I could come stay with them for as long as I liked. I don't plan on being out there for too long 'cause I want to be here for Keno's funeral.”

“All right, Mama-Mama. Go on and get yourself ready. I'll be out that way in an hour or so.”

“Okay, baby. Bye,” Mama-Mama said before hanging up

Taz sat down and thought about having to make funeral arrangements for Keno for the very first time. He couldn't believe that he was going to have to do this shit all over again. All of the sudden, he slapped his forehead, quickly grabbed his cell and redialed Won's number. When Won answered, Taz said, “I forgot to ask you if you could take care of Keno's ends for me, O.G. He don't have any family other than us though. I think he has an aunt somewhere out in Cali, but I'm not sure.”

“Don't panic, Babyboy. I got you. I'll have all of his ends transferred into your account. That way, if you find his peoples you'll be able to look out for them.”

“That's good lookin', O.G.”

“You know I gots y'all. Now, let me bounce. Out!”

“Out!” Taz said, and closed his cell phone. Just as he was setting his phone down, it began to ring. He reopened it and saw that it was his daughter calling. He sighed and said, “What the fuck does this crazy-ass girl want?” He took a deep breath and prepared himself for another argument with his only child. “Hello.”

“Daddy, we need to talk,” Tazneema said seriously.

Taz pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it as if it had done something to him.
Daddy? I know she don't think she's goin' to be able to sweet-talk me outta not taking that nigga Cliff!
he thought. But to his daughter, he said, “What's good, 'Neema? What do we need to talk about now?”

Tazneema stared at Clifford's sleeping form and said, “I can't really talk about it right now, 'cause I'm late for class,” she lied. “What will you be doing later on?”

“I'm about to take Mama-Mama to Tulsa. She's goin' to spend a few days with Christy and Derrick. She's trippin' off of what happened to Keno.”

Tears welled into Tazneema's eyes as she said, “I am too, Daddy. I am too. I want you to know that I'm so sorry for not believing you. I should have known better. You have never lied to me. I should have never gone against the grain. Please forgive me, Daddy!”

Taz pulled the phone away from his ear again, because he knew he was really tripping out now. He put the phone back to his ear and asked his daughter, “What's brought on this sudden change of heart, baby girl?”

“Mama-Mama always told me that whatever goes on in the dark will always come to the light sooner or later.”

“Yeah, yeah, I understand all that. What does that got to do with this situation, 'Neema?”

“You were right and I was wrong, Daddy. Just leave it at that.”

“All right, I'll accept that. Now, does this mean you'll assist me and tell me where that nigga Cliff lives?”

Tazneema stared at Clifford as he continued to sleep soundly and said, “Yeah, I'll tell you, Daddy. Call me when you get back from Tulsa.”

“You understand what's goin' to happen to him, don't you, 'Neema?”

“Yes, Taz, I understand perfectly. As you and my uncles like to say, ‘It is what it is'.”

He smiled into the receiver of his cell phone and said, “Exactly!”

Chapter Twenty-nine

Pitt was all smiles as Cash Flo' gave him what he'd been waiting a very long time for—permission to murder Won.

“I've spoken with no one about this, Pitt. I thought it would be better this way. So if you miss, you're on your own. You know Won is not to be taken lightly. The only reason why I'm giving you the green light is because I feel that Won is up to something, and that something just might jeopardize my position within The Network. So, handle your business, Pitt. Efficiently and effectively.”

“Gotcha,” Pitt said, and hung up the phone. He then pressed the intercom button on his desk and told his secretary to call Leo and True and tell the both of them that he wanted to see them as soon as possible. He then relaxed in his chair and smiled.
I got your ass now, Won. It took me over fifteen muthafuckin'years, but I got your ass now!
he thought as he fired up one of his Cuban cigars.



“Cliff, would you mind meeting me out at Mama-Mama's house later on?” Tazneema asked as she slipped on a pair of loose-fitting capri pants.

“Why? What's up, baby?” he asked lazily as he stretched and climbed out of bed.

“I'm putting an end to this stuff today. The only way I'll be able to do that is if I can convince Mama-Mama that you didn't have anything to do with the death of my uncles. Mama-Mama's real old-fashioned. She believes that if a person can look another person in the eyes and deny the charges that are against him, then he's either telling the truth or is a very good liar. If you come over there with me and help me present your case, I truly feel that we'll be able to get her on our side. And, believe me, we need her on our side.”

This woman really does love me,
Clifford thought, and then said, “What time do you want me to be there, baby?”

As Tazneema was putting on her Nike running shoes, she said, “I'll be out of my last class by two. Then I'm going over to my Daddy's house to talk to him before I go on over to Mama-Mama's house. So, meet me there around four.”

“Are you sure you want to go over to your father's alone? I could go with you, 'Neema.”

And you'd be a dead man as soon as you stepped through the fuckin' door, you slimy bastard!
she thought to herself as she grabbed her school bag. “No, I have to talk to him alone, baby. If you came with me, all there would be is a bunch of yelling and arguing. Once we have Mama-Mama on our team, we'll all meet and talk this thing through. I feel that's the best way to go about this situation.”

Cliff stepped over to where Tazneema was standing, gave her a hug and said, “Whatever way you want to handle this, baby, is fine with me. The sooner we get this mess cleared up, the sooner we can move on with our lives.” He then gave her a soft kiss on her lips and went into the bathroom to get dressed. If he'd suddenly stopped and turned around, he would have seen the look of complete disgust and contempt Tazneema had on her face.



“That's right, Mama-Mama. 'Neema agreed to tell me where that fool lives,” Taz said as he continued to put Mama-Mama's bags inside of his truck.

“What made her change here mind about this, Taz?”

He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don't know. I'm just glad she did. Now I can put an end to all this shit.”

“Watch your mouth, boy!” Mama-Mama scolded.

“Sorry about that, Mama-Mama. But you know what I mean. That man has caused us all nothin' but grief since he came into our lives.”

“Lord knows what you're saying is the truth, Taz. But taking that man's life is another sin that you're going to have to answer for one day, baby. God is a loving and forgiving God, but you're pushing Him, baby, pushing Him real hard.”

After making sure his mother was comfortable inside of his truck, Taz started the ignition and said, “Whether God forgives me or not will have to be determined at a later time, Mama-Mama, 'cause that nigga Cliff gots to go.”

Mama-Mama closed her eyes and said a quick prayer for her only child:
Please keep Your hands on my son, Lord. He's only doing what he feels is right. Though You and I both know he's about to commit a sin against one of Your Commandments, please don't abandon my baby. Please watch over him for me, Lord!



Sacha was sitting inside of her office, talking to Gwen on the telephone. “Ho, I'm telling you, this shit is really about to get off the hook. Taz hasn't even been acting angry about Keno's death. That tells me that he's at the point of no return. Cliff and the rest of his homeboys are in some very deep shit.”

“That's putting it mildly, bitch. Bob is so mad, that he hardly slept at all last night. I had to give him one of my top-notch blow jobs to drain him for him to close his eyes for a little while.”

Sacha started laughing and said, “You nasty ho! You would have done that whether he was mad about Keno or not!”

“I know that, bitch. What I'm saying is, my baby is real fucked up too behind this shit. If Taz is going to go crazy, you better fuckin' believe Bob is too.”

“And so are Red and Wild Bill. I just hope and pray that nothing else happens to any of them. God forbid someone else loses their life behind this craziness.”

“The only one who's about to bite it now is that nigga Cliff. If your man don't kill him, then it's going to be mines, Red or Wild Bill that does. Either way, he's outta here,” Gwen said seriously.

“You ain't never lied, ho. Let's hook up for lunch later on, 'kay?”

“I might as well. I'm not trying to be around this house all damn day by myself. Meet me at the Red Lobster on Northwest Expressway around noon.”

“I'll see you then. Bye, ho!”

“Bye, bitch!” Gwen said, and hung up the phone.



After Taz dropped off Mama-Mama at his cousin's home in Tulsa, he quickly got back onto the highway and headed back toward the city. His only thoughts were on how and when he was going to kill Cliff.
I want to punish that nigga real slow,
he thought as he drove in silence.
Nah, better yet, I might feed his ass to the hogs out at Mama-Mama's house while he's still breathing. That nigga has to feel the type of pain I'm feeling behind losing my niggas. Yeah, nice and slow. That nigga is goin'to die nice and slow!



By the time Tazneema had gotten out of her last class, she was hyped for what she was about to do.
That nigga fuckin' lied to me all this time. He took complete advantage of me and my feelings for his punk-ass. I forgave the bastard for shooting me. I continued to love that man even after my father and uncles warned me to leave him alone, and he crossed me like I was nothing to him. Humph! Well, now, nigga, you're nothing to me. I'm my Daddy's daughter, you coward muthafucka! You cross a Good, then you die, you bitch-ass nigga!
Tazneema thought as she climbed into her car and headed out to her father's home.

She prayed that Taz wouldn't be home when she made it to his house. If he was, that would interfere with her plans. She crossed her fingers as she got onto the highway.



When Taz made it into the city limits, he picked up his cell, called Red and told him to get with Wild Bill and Bob and meet him at the Outback Steakhouse in Edmond. After hanging up with Red, he called Tari at work. He was told that she had taken the day off, so he quickly hung up and called her at her house. She sounded so weak and weary when she answered the phone, he felt as if he was being stabbed in his heart. He took a deep breath and said, “What's good, my snow bunny?”

“Hi, Taz. What are you up to?”

“Shit, I just got back from taking Mama-Mama out to Tulsa so she could visit with some relatives. I'm on my way to the Outback to meet with the homies. Why don't you meet us out there? We gots some shit to discuss.”

“I'm really not in the mood, Taz. I can't get Keno off of my mind. It hurts, Taz, it really hurts!”

“I know, Tee, but you gots to shake this shit off for the time being. We're about to bring the end game to that nigga, and I know you're wanting to be a part of that.”

Shaking her head no as if Taz was standing in the same room with her, she said, “No, Taz, I don't. This stuff has to end, I know, but I don't want any part of it.”

“I understand.”

“Have you heard from Won? I've tried to call him, but I keep getting his voicemail.”

“Is that right? I spoke with him earlier, and he told me that if I called and didn't catch him, then he went dark and he'll be in touch.”

“Is everything all right with him?”

“To tell the truth, Tee, I don't even know.”

“Great! That's fucking great! Look, I'm about to try to get some sleep. I've been up all night looking at old pictures of us all. I'm so depressed I feel as if I'm losing my mind, Taz.”

“Do you want me to come out there and kick it with you for a li'l while, Tee?”

“Go on and take care of this madness first. After everything is everything, then come and spend some time with me. I need to get some sleep right now. Don't worry about me. I'll be all right by the time you get out here.”

“All right then, Tee. I love you.”

Those words put a smile on her face as she said, “I love you too, Taz.” After she hung up the phone, she grabbed her 9 mm pistol, jacked the chamber back and watched as the single bullet popped out of the chamber.

Taz would never know that he had called just in time to save Tari's life.



Tazneema smiled as she jumped out of her car and ran toward the front door of Taz's home. She pulled out her keys and quickly opened the front door. She saw Heaven and Precious as they watched her punch in the security code to the alarm system. After the alarm was deactivated, she stepped over to the Dobermans and said, “Hey, babies! You guys miss me?” Both of the dogs began to rub their wet noses against her open palms. After playing with them for a few minutes, she said, “Okay, guys, protect me.” Heaven's and Precious's ears became alert as they silently stepped away from her.

Tazneema then went downstairs to her father's indoor gym, and went directly toward the equipment closet, where he kept all of his weapons. He didn't know she knew about his arsenal
. Hell, he doesn't know that I know a lot of things about his lifestyle!
she thought to herself as she grabbed a small .380 pistol and a full clip of bullets. She snapped the weapon back and slid a live round inside of its chamber. She smiled and put the gun inside of her purse, quickly closed the door to the equipment room and went back upstairs.

She went into the kitchen and saw that the dogs' water bowls were empty. After refilling them, she went and grabbed a bottled water out of the refrigerator and left her father's home, ready for the next phase of her mission.



Tru and Leo arrived at Pitt's office an hour after Pitt's secretary had summoned them. Once they were seated, Pitt said, “All right, this is how it's going to go down. That nigga Won is about to try to shake the spot, but I gots eyes on his ass, so it's all good. We're about to catch a flight down south to L.A. and handle his punk-ass real quick like. It's a must that I get some information from that nigga before we out his ass. Once I got what I need and he's done, you two will have another mission to complete.”

“And what's that?” asked Leo.

“I want y'all to fly out to Oklahoma City and out Won's li'l country-boy crew. Those country muthafuckas are the niggas that have been putting down all of those licks against The Network.”

“How did you find out about them?” asked Tru.

Pitt laughed and said, “Money can get you whatever you want in this world, my nigga. I learned that from that nigga Won. Not only do I know the names of those niggas, I know where the daughter and the mother of the head nigga reside. I want them bitches to pay for even thinking that they could get away with fucking with The Network. So, come on. We gots a flight to catch.”



Back in Oklahoma City, Taz was the first to arrive at the Outback Steakhouse. He was seated and had just ordered himself a glass of XO when Red, Bob and Wild Bill entered the restaurant. After they were seated, Taz told them what Tazneema had told him. “I wanted to wait until we were all together before I made the call to her to get the address on that clown-ass nigga.”

Wild Bill smiled and said, “We're here now, nigga! What the fuck are you waitin' for? Make the call!”

Taz laughed as he pulled out his cell phone and called his daughter's cell. When she answered her phone, she said, “Hi, Daddy.”

“What's up, baby girl? You good?”

“Yep, I'm just fine.”

“That's cool. I need that address, 'Neema. It's time for me to handle this shit.”

“Okay. Can you meet me at Mama-Mama's in about an hour?”

“Yeah, I can do that. Is everything all right?”

She smiled and said, “Everything is everything, Daddy. I'm your daughter, and whether you know it or not, you taught me well.”

Taz raised his eyebrows as he stared at his cell phone. Then he asked, “What exactly is that supposed to mean, 'Neema?”

She laughed and said, “You'll see, Daddy. Just make sure that you meet me at Mama-Mama's house in one hour.”

After she hung up the phone, Taz told everyone what she had just told him. When he was finished, Bob said, “Dog, you don't think she's goin' to try to do some shit to you, do you?”

Taz took a sip of his drink then said, “For her sake, I hope not.”

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