A Graceful Mess (9 page)

Read A Graceful Mess Online

Authors: Nacole Stayton

Tags: #Contemporary

That is the hottest sight I have ever seen.

Without removing my jeans I bend down and lick her again. It’s like I’m suddenly addicted to her sweet taste and cannot get enough.

“Fuck, sweetheart. Are you ready? Do you want this? Back out now…because when I get these jeans off there is no going back. I’m warning you, Grace.”

“I want you, Parker. I want you to fuck me. I need it – bad.” Her words practically make me come. The sweet and innocent charm she puts on is all a front. I know that now. The dirty words that just left her pretty little mouth proved that much is true.

Dammit get me out of these pants!

I jump up, unbutton my jeans, and slide down my black boxers and am standing in front of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My hand grips my cock and it moves in my hand. “Do you have a condom?”

“No. Umm, yes. Hold on.” She sits up and looks around, and then stands up and pulls her dress down to cover her body and beelines for the door. I hear the creaking sound of another door opening and a few moments later shut. She walks through the door holding a brand new, unopened box of rubbers.

“Will this do?” She hands me the box and shrugs her shoulders.

“It depends if I’m going to be here all night. We could definitely use all of them,” I joke, causing her eyes to widen.

“I’m just kidding.”

“Yes. I, umm, knew that.”

I realize I’m completely naked and she is not, but I am about to rectify that situation.

“Strip for me.” I know this might scare her. I doubt she is that type of girl, but so far Grace has surprised me. So why not see what she can do?

“I might not be any good and you might laugh at me,” she says as she stands a few inches away from the bed where I am sitting.

“I can coach you if you’d like.”

“Okay.” Her voice sounds shaky; she is agreeing, but is still nervous.

“Unzip your dress with one hand, but keep your eyes on me. That’s it, good girl. Now take both hands and slowly start to slide the dress down. No, no, too fast, slowly, that a girl. Now step out of it, and kick it behind you. Unclasp your bra and do the same. That’s right. Slowly slide it down.”

She does as told and is standing in her birthday suit. Her blonde hair hangs over her shoulders in long waves hovering right over her perky, little tits. They can’t be any bigger than a B cup, but that is fine with me. They are plump enough and proportioned to her small frame. She stands there, naked, biting her lip, clenching her thighs together. I imagine she is probably dripping wet by now.

“Parker, I want you,” she says with a pained expression on her face. I can tell she hasn’t been with anyone recently by the tightness that surrounded my fingers. I imagine she is ready to come undone.

“I know. Come here and get me.” She walks over to the bed, and I grab her and pull her onto my lap so she is straddling me again. As much as I want her to ride me, I don’t know if she is ready for that, but I want to kiss her again. Pushing her hair over her shoulders, I get a good view of her tits before I lean down and take one nipple in my mouth. My tongue rolls over it then my lips clamp down as I suck it. She pushes her core down on my lap so my dick is touching her. Sometimes he has a mind of his own; I can’t promise he won’t try and poke her.

“How bad do you want me?”

“I want you so bad; I’ve never felt like this before, like there’s a need deep inside me that only your cock can fill. I need to release. Now. Make me come, Parker. Make me come until I scream your name.”

Holy fucking shit.

“Lie down on your back.” I reach down and tear the box of rubbers in half before I hurriedly bring the silver wrapper to my mouth and rip it open with my teeth. Sliding the rubber around my cock like a glove, I bend to kiss her on the forehead and then sit back up to spread her legs further apart. Missionary can be kind of boring, but not tonight. Tonight I want more than anything to take my time, and if she can handle it this first time around, I might give her a taste of something a little kinkier later on. Hell, we have a whole box to burn through.

“If it hurts tell me.” She nods as the head of my dick finds her opening. I slide it in, and tilt my head to the side, watching her for any signs of discomfort. There are none. Her body graciously accepts my length.

“You okay?” She nods again as she opens her mouth slightly, allowing air to flow in and out easily. Our eyes never leave one another’s as my body sways and slides in and out of her in a slow but steady rhythm.

“Faster,” I faintly hear her say through gritted teeth.

“Your wish is my command.” I sit up on my knees and grab her little ass in my hands and pull her towards me. She lifts her ass in the air, leaning all her weight on her shoulders as I slide into her again. This position gives me better access and she screams with pleasure.

“Fuck. You’re so tight.”

“Parker, fuck me. Fuck me hard. Don’t be scared; I can handle it.”

Who is this lady and where is the shy girl I met in the bar? Whatever. Wherever she went, I like this version better.

“You think you can ride me?” I tempt her. If she wants it, she has to take it herself.

She nods. I pull out of her and roll over onto my back. She climbs on top of me like she knows what she is doing and holds my cock in her hand. It looks huge compared to her dainty hands, but there is nothing sexier than this view. Watching her grip me and guide my cock into her aching opening is a sight if I ever saw one.

“Damn, sweetheart, that’s it. Take as much as you want.” She slides down slowly at first. Her face tightens as she bites her bottom lip once again, then she winces but she doesn’t stop sliding farther down my shaft, until she takes all of me. I move my hands around her thin waist. My finger grazes her skin, and it feels raised like there is a scar. As I run my finger over it, she tilts her pelvis and starts to move on her own. So I grip her sides harder and instead of going back and forth in the same motion she was, I lift her up and down so she is bouncing on me. We stay in the same rhythm for a few minutes, both gasping for air as our heavy breaths grow louder.

“I’m going to…Parker, I’m going to…come now…” she moans.

I feel her muscles clench around me, milking my own cum into her. Thankfully the condom catches my load. It feels so good. My toes curl around the sheets at the end of the bed. She leans onto me and stills on my bare chest. I move her head to the side, so she is more comfortable as my hands brush through her hair. There is something so intimate about the gesture, especially after sex. This is something I never even did with Kristy. But after all the years we were together through college, I never once felt this satisfied afterwards. Several minutes pass and I realize that Grace is asleep on my chest. I am limp now so the condom is looser allowing thick cum to drip down on my stomach. I slowly move out from under her body, careful not to wake her. She is lying on her stomach. I cover her up and tuck a blanket around her so she doesn’t get cold and make my way into her bathroom.

Taking the condom off, I look around unsure where to leave it, but, hell, what am I going to do with it? So I just toss it into the wastebasket and throw a piece of toilet paper over top of it. I wash my hands and open the door. The room is pitch black with the bathroom light off. I whisper, “Goodnight sweetheart,” before walking out of her bedroom and shutting the door behind me.

Finding my way down the dark hallway and back to the kitchen, I gulp down the cup of water from earlier and open some drawers in need of a piece of paper and a pen. I don’t plan on ever seeing her again, but I don’t want her to be disappointed by what happened tonight. I’m not a total douchebag, so I find a torn, white envelope and scribble down a message before heading out the door and back to my truck.



Waking up I am reminded why I dislike drinking and question why I continuously allow my best friend to drag me into these situations. My throat is dry and my head is pounding like someone is hitting me on my temple repeatedly.


Oh, no. Who’s there?

My eyes are too heavy to open or too scared to see who is making that noise so they remain shut. The pounding continues. Then someone coughs. It doesn’t sound like a guy, which means it could only be Maci or…my mother. I pray it’s Maci.

I clear my throat, “Maci, is that you?”

“Well, who the hell else would it be at the crack of dawn?” Thank God. The sound of Maci’s voice never sounded sweeter. Not that I wouldn’t love a surprise visit from my mother, but that’s just it –it would be a surprise. One which I am not prepared for at all.

“What time is it?” My eyes are still sealed shut in a desperate attempt to keep the throbbing at bay.

“Why don’t you get up and see for yourself,” she replies in a bitchy tone. Someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Which reminds me, “When did you get home? I thought you stayed the night with that felon.”

“Number one, he isn’t a felon. Number two, I have my own questions for you, little miss. So get up, put on some clothes, and for God’s sake, brush your teeth.”

I raise my hand up from the crevice it’s tucked in underneath the covers to touch my lips and my eyes spring open in shock. It wasn’t a dream. Suddenly it’s like a movie unfolds in my head. The bar, meeting a handsome hazel-eyed man, driving me home, oral sex, then real sex. I swallow hard as my brain paints a vivid image in my mind.

“Ohmigod!” I jump up from my bed and brace my hand on the mattress to keep my body upright. I must still be drunk or something. “It was real. It happened. Maci, holy cow! Ohmigod!” My eyes dart around the room to see my underwear torn in two and clothes laying everywhere, then my arms fly to my chest to hide my breasts as I quickly grab a pillow from my bed to hide my lady parts.

“Gracie, don’t be shy. I don’t care what you look like, but what I do care about is why you are naked and why this…”

Maci’s words fade into the background of my thoughts. I see her mouth moving but my brain stopped comprehending what she was saying the moment her hands dangled a small piece of paper in front of me. Instantly my hand drops the pillow, exposing my nakedness, and it falls to the floor as my other hand reaches for the paper. I jerk it out of her hand and realize it is half of an old, torn envelope. The return address reads Duke Plumbing, and I remember we need to send in a check for their invoice. I turn it over to see small print, sloppy, written in pink, sparkly ink. My eyes scan the words in front of me as my heart literally skips a beat.



Thank you for trusting me to take you home. You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on, and, well, it will be hard to forget our night. This world is crazy and you are far too sweet to be sucked into its dangers.

Please don’t be as trusting as you were with me, ever again.



My heart melts into a puddle of mush from reading his words. I can almost feel his presence and I miss his touch already. For a few moments, I don’t say a word. I know Maci is waiting for an explanation. It is probably killing her to stay silent for this long, but honestly I’m not ready to talk about it. If I spill my guts and tell her every detail of last night, she wouldn’t get it. She would be too preoccupied with what position we tried first, she wouldn’t hear me when I said his hazel eyes held me in place and made my body feel almost as good as his hands did. That his voice pierced through my soul and sounded sweeter whispering my name than any melody in the world sounded. That his gentle touch put me at ease. Although I had been scared at the same time, I’d never felt more comfortable or protected. She wouldn’t want to hear those things, so as I bend to grab the sheet that is lying sprawled out on my floor, I start with the good stuff. The stuff she is dying to hear, although she has probably already made her own assumptions based on my lack of clothing and ripped panties.



“And then you said what?” her voice shrieks in disbelief.

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