A Lady's Charade (Medieval Romance Novel) (16 page)

He looked toward the heavens, then the ground, not daring to look at the villagers lest they’d see his turmoil. He started to walk in the direction she’d run and then turned around. He shouted orders to a loitering retainer to take James to the dungeon, then in one swift motion, he mounted the nearest horse and rode after her.


Chloe ran aimlessly through the village. She didn’t know where she was going. Her tears blinded her, making it harder for her to maneuver through the little lanes.

She had tried to leave the little house before anything happened, but he’d ruined it by following her. He knew she lied, and then he’d rubbed against her! She’d felt the desire emanating from him. His thick hard length had throbbed against her belly, and her insides thrilled at his touch. Oh, how her body had hummed and urged her to press back… But she’d struck him instead.

What have I done? He will surely throw me in the tower now!

In one moment she’d ruined any chances she may have had for a safe and comfortable future. He was only toying with her. Her suspicions of him providing so securely for her so she’d warm his bed were correct.

Fear and anger knotted inside her as she flew through the village blindly, bumping into people along the way.

Her senses were suddenly on fire, and she could hear hoof beats coming quick behind her. She knew it was his horse pounding behind her without even looking. She began to run faster. He would probably trample her. She’d been foolish to anger him in such a way.

The hoof beats came faster and louder, and the ground beneath her trembled from the charging beast. Before she could even interpret what was happening, she was lifted into the air as Lord Hardwyck’s muscular arm gripped her around the waist. She grabbed onto him as hard as she could, afraid she would be thrown under the mighty warhorse. In one motion, he sat her on his lap and kicked the horse into a faster gallop through the streets.

The village onlookers stared in awe at the mighty dragon as he whisked her, the frightened woman, out of the gate and into the forest beyond the village walls.

Chloe was afraid at first by his actions. Then the events of the day caught up with her, unleashing the tigress within. She fought hard against him, kicking and hitting him as she yelled at him to put her down. Her balled fists landed on hard muscle and her knuckles hurt as if she’d just hit solid stone. Her behind bounced heavily on his hard thighs as the horse raced onward. His tight grip around her waist made it difficult to breathe.

When she was able to catch a breath here and there she could smell him, and his scent was intoxicating. It was a manly smell of leather and horses, with a hint of sandalwood and mint. She found herself leaning closer to breathe his scent in further. Forcing her mind back to the present situation, she yelled at him to stop, to put her down.

He drew up the horse abruptly in the forest, almost causing Chloe to fly over the beast’s neck. Alexander gripped her tighter around the waist and slammed her back down onto his lap. Then in one quick motion he dismounted the horse bringing her with him. He plopped her squarely on the ground in front of him.

For a moment he looked like he was worried she would run, but she didn’t move. She planted her feet rigidly on the ground, her hands automatically coming to rest on her round hips. With her head held high, she stared straight into his smoldering eyes.

“How dare you snatch me up like that,” her accent thickened with the heat of her rage, an odd mix of French and Scots.

“How dare I? Oh, I do dare,
. And just who do you think you are to strike me? Do you not realize who I am?” His voice was quiet but held a deadly tone, his breath coming out in a puff of steam.

She knew exactly who he was, but she realized at that moment she didn’t
him. She didn’t know his anger, his aggression, what he’d do. He stepped closer to her, the tips of his boots touching the toes of her slippers. His tall muscular frame towered over her as he stared down at her. She tilted her head further back to see him better.

“I know perfectly well who you are, and I care not,” she snapped loudly, hoping to persuade him she was not in the least bit intimidated by his overpowering stance. The sound of her shout faded into the stark trees, leaving only the soft chirping of a few confused birds in its wake.

Alexander’s rage swirled inside him. No one had ever dared talk to him this way before, let alone a woman. They all did his bidding but not this little minx. She stood ready to do battle with him. As he took in her face, flushed pink with anger, her lips pursed in a haughty way, his cock grew harder still, and an intense yearning to kiss those insolent lips took over.

Finally he’d met his match, and she was breathtaking.

The air hung heavy, charged with the tension between them.

Chloe could only watch wide-eyed as Alexander’s face filled with anger, then turned dark and hot. His hand slid around her waist and he ferociously pulled her against him. He fixed her with a burning gaze. She couldn’t look away. Her body reacted instantly, nipples hardening, and a warm glow cascaded through her limbs, swirling into a sensual pit in her belly. The feelings were so intense, she was a little frightened. Enjoying too much the way her soft curves molded to the contours of his hard body, she tried to pull away.

But he wouldn’t let her. He held firm. Desire permeated her being. His masculine scent surrounded her like a cloud, disturbing her senses and her ability to think straight. He never took his eyes off her. Grey pockets of desire devoured every inch of her. Chloe couldn’t suppress the shudder that went through her. Those eyes promised carnal delights she couldn’t even imagine.

With one arm around her waist, he whipped her hood off and tossed it. She watched the slip of fabric float to the woodsy floor, it’s descent to the ground symbolizing the nice neat life she’d pictured here. She shouldn’t be doing this. How would she be able to protect herself, keep her identity secret, if she succumbed to her most base desires?

She was lost, as she stood with every inch of Lord Hardwyck’s body touching a part of her. She didn’t protest when his hands threaded through her hair, undoing her braid. Time stood still as she gazed into his eyes. Again, she didn’t protest as his face came closer, his heated breath caressing her face. Should she fight? She half-heartedly pushed against him, but it didn’t stop his descent.

“I’m going to kiss you, Chloe.” His voice was gentle, but left no room for argument.

She closed her eyes. Then his lips brushed hers so lightly she almost didn’t feel it, except for the jolt that traveled from her sensitive lips to her very core. He pressed in again, this time holding his lips to hers, increasing the pressure. She whimpered against his mouth.

His teeth tugged lightly on her lower lip, encouraging her to open her mouth, and when she did, he slid his tongue in. The flavor of honey and cloves assailed her, and she knew she’d never be able to partake in their essence without thinking of this very moment. She gasped when he brushed his velvety soft tongue against hers.

The world around her spun. Every part of her sang, quivered, and between her thighs she moistened with need. She was consumed by Lord Hardwyck, his mouth, his arms, his body. As if their limbs weren’t already entwined, he seemed to pull her in closer. She could feel his hard length on her belly and could barely reflect on it before being pulled back into the passionate throes of the kiss. She felt hot all over. She didn’t understand this feeling, only she knew she wanted more. There was a hunger within her, an ache that only Lord Hardwyck could soothe.

“Oh, my lord,” she murmured against his lips.
“I would have you call me by my given name,” he whispered back, his tongue sliding along the inside of her upper lip.
“Aye, my lord.”
“Aye, Alexander,” he corrected.
“Kiss me, Alexander.”

Chloe clung to his broad shoulders, letting him take her to bliss. Growing from sweet and sensual to savage, white hot desire, their mouths slanted madly over one another’s again and again.

All the anger, longing and confusion they felt toward each other flared in this one kiss.

Alexander turned her to lean against a tree, his body covering hers as his hand lowered from her waist and gripped her buttocks. He pulled her tighter into him, grinding against her. She moaned into his mouth as he rubbed the length of his erection against the hot center of her. He continued his exploration, reaching up to grasp a breast in his hand, his thumb gently caressing the sensitive tip. She was hot for him, he could tell. He’d never felt such abandon with a woman, such passion. Alexander felt wholly out of control, out of his own body. He’d say he wasn’t even conscious except for the fiery desire coursing through his veins.

What was happening?

Chloe had never experienced such pleasure. It made her head spin. She felt light, faint and excited all at once. She wanted more, much more.

A wave of apprehension swept through her. Chloe’s stomach plummeted, and her throat went dry. What was she doing? She was more afraid of her own reaction to him than the things Alexander was doing. She shouldn’t feel like this. How could he make her feel this way? But, oh it felt too good to stop.

Unable to control herself, she instinctively lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist, pulling him closer to her as her mouth begged for more. He answered her supplication fully, ravaging her. Was every kiss as divinely carnal as this one?

He pulled away only for a moment to gaze into her eyes, as if he couldn’t believe it was her. Her cheeks felt rosy and her lips were swollen from his kisses. The intensity grew from the inferno they created as they assessed each other. The very air around her seemed to pulsate with tension, the heat of it pushing them back into their passionate embrace. His mouth came back down to hers, hungry for more.

She had never known that a kiss could bring about so many sensations. Was this usual between a man and a woman or was Alexander just a lecherous scoundrel? Whatever he was, she felt herself getting lost within his embrace. A piece of ice chipped off of her heart. Perhaps not all feelings between a man and a woman were of coldness. Perhaps it was possible to find love and warmth together. Her thoughts were interrupted as he deepened the kiss further, making her tremble with desire.

Warm hands caressed her, tweaking her nipples, shivers ran all along her limbs. He tugged the front of her gown, until her breasts spilled into his palms.

“Oh, Chloe…” he murmured into her mouth as he massaged her sensitive flesh.

She whimpered, then moaned in earnest as his lips left hers and traveled down her neck to her collarbone. Her breaths came quick, her heart beat faster. She was on a course, racing for something, power pulling her from herself. His kisses traveled lower until his hot mouth was on the tip of her breast, sucking her nipple into the velvet cavern.

She gasped, nearly choking on the pleasure. His tongue whipped back and forth, while he nibbled and sucked on first one nipple and then the other. Her head moved back and forth, she tugged on his hair, massaged his shoulders.

“Oh, yes!” she heard herself murmur, but it didn’t sound like her. No, it sounded like a woman enjoying carnal pleasures, a wanton woman in the throes of passion.

His hands ran up and down her sides, grasping and massaging at her hips, her buttocks, her back and then returning to her breasts. Suddenly, she was on the ground, and he was on top of her. Her gown, raised and twisted around her hips, his fingers stroking, burning a line up her thighs.

No! This was too much, he was going too far!
“No…” she croaked, but she could barely hear her own voice.
“Say you want me, Chloe,” he demanded.

She had to answer, had to tell him she couldn’t. But his hot velvet tongue was again lashing at her flesh, and now his fingers had found the pearl of her pleasure, a secret spot only she had before known about. He pressed, and rubbed, and swirled. She gulped, sucked in her breath, moaned on a sigh. Exquisite sensations rippled through her. His long masculine fingers deftly played a magical tune on her body.

“Oh, yes…” she murmured. No! What was she doing?

Sparks sizzled from her center and out and back. Alexander went from laving at her breasts to nuzzling her belly and then his mouth was on her bare thigh, nibbling at her flesh as his fingers delved inside her sheath. She felt herself stretch and squeeze against his long fingers. Oh, dear Lord, what sin was this, that felt so like heaven?

She sat up to protest, this had gone on long enough, then fell back from sheer pleasure as his hot breath blew on her moist nether region.

When his tongue darted out and licked her from the bottom of her slit to the top of her pearl, she shouted out, her hands running through his hair. But she knew how wrong this was. If she had any shred of propriety left, she needed to pull it together. Making love to Alexander on the floor of the forest was the absolute last thing she should be doing—even if every cell in her body screamed for him to continue pleasuring her.

His mouth worked wonders on her, his head moving back and forth, tongue darting here and there, fingers stroking her insides. She burned, yearned, shivered, quaked. She was on the very precipice. Her moans wrenched the air with each plunge of his fingers and each stroke of his tongue.

She didn’t know what to feel. So many emotions battled inside her, all fighting with the wicked, delicious sensations he evoked on her flesh.

Fear overcame her desire and she regained control of her trembling limbs. What was she thinking? This man was her lord, and now she was being more intimate with him than anyone before, the intimacy only a husband and wife shared. Her earlier worries of him making her his mistress returned.

She sat up, shoved his head from her. Pulled his fingers from her center. Pressed her knees together. Her body pulsed with the need for him to come back to her, nuzzle her some more, to finish what they’d started, but she refused to listen.

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