A Life Plan Without You. (41 page)

Read A Life Plan Without You. Online

Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

“I was going to ask you to have JJ, whilst I take Aunty Alice
to the hospital and Aunty Liz is coming with us. She’s getting her
test results back the poor woman is losing her marbles.” I looked
at Sam.

“Can he come with us Susan, and spend the day with us in
Blackpool?” I looked at him, and then mum.

“If you want to take him then that’s fine though I don’t think
Michelle is happy with that?” I wasn’t but Sam had offered and she
had pissed me off.

“It’s fine with me he needs to be dressed and his stuff ready
first thing.” I scowled at Sam.

“Right thank you Sam, I will give you some money.”

“No its fine, I have enough for everything.”

“Your Dad’s up early in the morning, so is in bed. I’m going
up now and thank you Sam. Sorry to put a damper on your day, but
Aunty Alice needs me with her.” I went to make Sam a

Mum, he is my brother I will look after him!” I smiled at

“Becky’s not here then?” I was still shocked he wanted to
spend the day with JJ too.

“No, she’s on holiday with her mates, until Saturday. You
could have asked me, did I want my baby brother with us? He’s a
cute little nightmare you will end up carrying him. So we have to
take his pram. He gets tired after all he is only three. He thinks
he’s in big school too he’s only in nursery. He has to have
afternoon nap too and oh bloody nappies to change great.” I smiled
at him, he thought he’d messed up, but it just showed me he was

“I’m sorry I ruined our day. We have loads of time for things
and it seems your Aunty needs your Mum, I don’t think the hospitals
the place for JJ. He is called Michael James Joseph or did he fib
about that too?”

“No he is. The JJ stuck because there are too many bloody
Michaels in this family it confused him. You should see it when all
the Michaels get together it’s hilarious, and I’m only Michelle in
case they didn’t get a Michael. No, you haven’t ruined anything Sam
it just shows you care about my family thank you. Anyway, we have
to be up early and I have things I want to do to you. Get in my
bed, now Sam.” I’m going to have some fun, with him and his package
and lots of it. “I must have forgotten to tell you, you better not
ruin my bed.” He looked nervous. “Sam, the other stuffs still okay
isn’t it?” He put his coffee down and took my hand.

“Yes, but that’s all, now show me your bed, I’m sooo tired.” I
led him quietly to my bed.

“That’s mine.” I shut the door and put the lock on. He looked
at it and smiled. I had all sorts of posters on my wall. Grease,
Saturday Night Fever, Love Is calendar. All with ticket stubs
drawings and photos of dance award ceremonies, notes and poems,
another calendar with birthdays. Just accumulated crap, some had
been on my wall for years it was a bugbear of mums, she wanted to
take it down. He sat on my bed, clear areas, as was his room, mine
organised, Becky’s not so.

“Michelle, get that backside here.” I stood in front of him,
my arms around his neck I leant down for a kiss. He pulled my dress
over my head, leaving me in his gift. “You look so pretty so very
pretty Michelle.” He started taking my new pink underwear off I’m
down to just my bra and knickers, as he stood up. He undid his
shirt, undoing the buttons slowly taking it off and throwing it on
Becky’s bed. He undid his buttons on his jeans, and slipped off his
shoes and then his tight jeans, my God I’m going to see a naked Sam

Yes, yes, yes happy dance the boxers were off. He slipped his
hand inside my bra, and gently massaged my breasts, making my
nipples harden. He smiled as his other hand did the same, and he
played with them rubbing his thumb over them, his arm slipped
around my back and he undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor.
Oh, hell he was going to see a fully naked Michelle. He carried
stroking them, then kneading my breasts harder and wow, nicer he
leant down and kissed me. His hands went to my waist he pulled down
my lace knickers and smiled. Both of us were now naked. Yes
tonight, would he, wouldn’t he? He picked me up I hung off his neck
my legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

I kissed him my tongue darting in his mouth, stroking the
sides of his mouth, he groaned and he gently lay me down on the
bed. He was on top of me, would he? He smiled and slowly moved down
the bed, he kissed me all the way down to my sex as I shuddered
under him. He raised my knees, and parted my legs, so much more of
me was exposed. He thumbed my sensitive spot and continued to play
with me, his tongue slowly playing with my now wet and hot

I couldn’t hold back. Sam, feeling my nearness began sucking
and making my orgasm more enjoyable. I shook as I came, my body
languid and limp, he’d drained all the energy from my body and I
seemed to pass out for the second time, but this time it was much
more intense. The feelings prior were like nothing I’d felt before,
the feelings shot throughout my whole body, they hit my brain and
wow, nothing but a warm afterglow, but I could still hear Sam as he
moaned, as he continued to taste me. Moving up my now sweaty body,
he kissed me, tasting myself on his lips, I devoured his kisses. He
kissed the nape of my neck.

“Sam I want you in me please?” He just smiled. Damn, I’m going
to die a virgin, if he has his way.

“Shush we do the other stuff not the whole thing yet Mi cielo.
Play with me please, my soldier needs those hands wrapped around
him. Play with me Michelle he needs to feel your hands, then that
mouth. I intend to fuck these too.” He bit my breasts, what the
hell, how can he fuck my breasts? I did as asked. Watching me Sam
smiled as my hand caressed his very hard and warm dick, with my
hand, I moved gripped it tightly around the base, and began pumping
him slowly, he writhed as I went tighter and worked the full
length, he lay back as I pushed him into my mouth, and he made a
deep groaning noise as he continued to watch, moving it in and out
of my mouth.

“Baby, your mouth is amazing, shit baby stop, please not yet.”
I stopped but didn’t want to I was enjoying it. “Lie down please
baby this is going to be so nice. I’m lead to believe we will enjoy
this, then I want you to suck me dry Michelle with that naughty
mouth, are you ready baby?” Just him telling me what he wanted had
me so turned on. He kissed me and he placed his dick, between my
breasts, he smiled as he pushed them together, his hard and hot
length between them, he smiled as I watched what was he

Then all became apparent as he asked me to push my breast
around his erection, I did as I was asked, watching him. Then he
started moving up and down, it felt so amazing, he smiled biting
his lip as the rhythm picked up, and he started to enjoy himself.
It felt erotic, and extremely pleasurable just watching his face,
he bit his lip and groaned deeply, sliding between them, he moved
slightly, so the tip of his dick touched my mouth playing with and
toying with me as my tongue lapped the top he’d murmur his delight
as he continued to fuck my now sweaty and heaving

“Michelle, yes that’s so nice.” I enjoyed watching him as he
knelt, knees at my side moving rapidly and leaking his milk over
me. He suddenly stopped, offering up his dick to my mouth. He
smiled as I opened my mouth readily and sucked hard upon him,
licking the end and then his hand, began cupping my sex, his finger
played with the sensual nub pressing and probing with his fingers.
I sucked harder as he played with me, pleasing me and bringing me
to a fantastic end, I’m coming, but beating me to it he came in my
mouth, the salty warmth filling it. He let out a groan, deep yet

He leant down and kissed me, moving down to my still hard and
now so sensitive nipples he sucked on them and then bit

Me? I was having orgasm after orgasm shaking and whimpering,
as he made me climax time after time, as he kissed my nipples his
fingers continued their quest to make me come, this he did
repeatedly, I’m coming and harder than ever before. Oh my boy I so
wanted him, we were naked in my bed, it was then I wondered what
had messed him up so much, that even bare assed and fully ready to
fuck, he could stop himself? I pulled him down, on top of me, he
could stop himself I had need of him that need needed to be met and
soon, now would be perfect.

“Shit Sam, please I need you.” Head in pillow writhing in
ecstasy he continued, he was moving in quicker with his fingers my
sensitive area was sore with him continuing to pleasure me, I was
really close. I begged him to take me which he wouldn’t
surrendering to him I came, my body shaking. He smiled, as I
finished the never ending orgasm, I’m now exhausted and very sore.
Damn, what is sex going to be like with him? I pray to God that it
happens soon I can’t wait but shit this was awesome. I wanted more
much, so much more.

Todd, you are amazing and though that was great it wasn’t what I
wanted angel!”

“That was great, I love you, not under this roof with the
right hook in the next bedroom, and we are doing it, had I been in
Blackpool you would be mine now.”

already yours you idiot, and I have been for a while, I need that

“I need you too, can we get Mum out of hospital and book a
room for the weekend and not do it in secret I will tell your

“Umm, yes
it’s a deal, can I listen whilst you ask him, and you may need
medical help?”

“Cheers Girlfriend! Get in here and let me sleep your sort of
nice to sleep with!” He nuzzled the back of my neck and we fell
asleep, happy and exhausted.

Dad left early, the slam of the door woke me. Sam had me
pinned to the bed, with one arm over me. His legs wrapped around
me. He was asleep, yet he was ready for action, shit did it ever
sleep? I moved him off me. Put on my dressing gown and roughed up
Becky’s bed, unlocked the door and I went for a shower. I washed
the sex from me, scrubbed my teeth and tongue. I dried myself and
wrapped in the biggest fluffy towel, and went to wake sleeping
beauty. Locked my door Sam was already awake when I got

“Good morning you, last night was so fantastic Missy.” I
jumped on my bed and kissed him. I was still smiling remembering
having his, dick between my breasts who knew that, could that have
been so much fun?

“Umm it hit the spot, but not that spot Sam. Get a shower it’s
nice and hot jump in, lock the door we wouldn’t want you surprising
Mum.” I gave him a clean towel and looking for the smallest, I had
unfortunately to settle for another massive one. He disappeared and
I got dressed. Black jeans, tee shirt and a cream fluffy jumper and
wedges plain and simple underwear. I’d all but finished, when he
got back in. His body was dripping all over the floor and as the
water dripped from his hair and onto his chest; I watched as the
droplets raced down his body, I’m being turned on just watching a
wet from the shower hunk. I jumped on the bed and watched him as he
dried himself wow, all that was mine? He picked up his undies and
it was like a reverse strip, he moved over to Becky’s

“Enjoying the view Missy?” He put on the shirt he had
abandoned there last night.

“Yes thank you, you do a quite nice floor show.” Finally
putting his jeans on, with his socks and shoes in hand he opened
the door.

“Come on get that backside downstairs and make me coffee
Missy.” I did as I was asked. Something I don’t usually do. Last
night had been fantastic and I was putty in his hands. I got JJ
ready and his bag as mum was still asleep typical as he was still
tired, we were spared the moaning as I put him back in his pram. He
could walk, but got tired and I wasn’t having Sam carry him around
all day. Setting off armed with JJ’s bag full of stuff to keep him
occupied and changed, Sam laughed at the shear amount of things he
needed, and he had me tightly wrapped in his arm.

We looked at each other and smiled as we set off on our jolly
day out, stepping out into a surprisingly sunny day. Sam pushed JJ,
who slept until we got to Stockton Train Station, he was cute and
quiet as he slept, but getting there however was a whole different
thing, he was very excited for his first ride on a train. Then for
most of the train journey, he and Sam played and ran up and down
the train. The lady opposite laughed and said my husband and son
were very pleasant to watch. Umm, as in, he’s fit or that they were
getting on so well? Wait… Husband and son… As I watched my husband
and son at play, I think I had decided it was yes definitely a yes,
but instead of someday it was now when. That was now the question
running through my happy head.

After the occasional kiss and cuddle, I wasn’t totally
ignored, but then they were very nice to watch the pair of them. JJ
sat drawing his works of art he’d then very proudly show them to a
very attentive Sam. Me, I watched as they played, and as he did he
would glance in my direction, he mouthed he loved me. He linked my
fingers, kissing the fingers one by one. Shit, I need him and I’m
so turned on by all his touches, watching him as he listened to JJ
and his amazing tales I knew he’s be a perfect dad someday. Sam was
now pushing a grumpy JJ through the train station; he was a very
grumpy little boy, who didn’t now want to be in his pram. We’d
arrived in sunny Blackpool…

“Shush JJ, we are going to the funfair do you want to, or do
you want to go to the zoo?

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