Read A Little Harmless Fantasy Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

A Little Harmless Fantasy (13 page)

“You liked watching Zee and me, didn’t you?” Rory

More than she could ever express in words. “Yes.”

“I know you’ve played a bit on D/s, but I want to leave
some of the…rougher stuff until we do a few sessions. Is that
all right with you?”

She nodded. He smiled and kissed her. It wasn’t that sensual,
but his lips felt cool against hers. She understood it was a reward
for following his instructions. He pulled back.

“Then, let’s get started.”

She turned to grab up her clothes, but he laughed.

Zeke smiled as he tossed the towel on the floor. “You aren’t
going to need them, love.”

He bent at the waist and picked her up to carry her into the room.
The windows were open but they were in a private area so she didn’t
have to worry about that. She wanted to play in public, but she
didn’t want to get arrested.

“Put her on the bed, Zee.”

She swallowed as excitement rushed through her every cell. She wanted
to know what he had planned but part of her didn’t. Not knowing
heightened the anticipation.

“Stop thinking,” Rory ordered as Zeke put her on the bed.
“Spread those legs and let us see our pussy.”

Oh, God, Rory was such a talker. With that thick Irish accent, she
was ready to come right then. She did as he ordered. Cold air hit her
pussy and she shivered. Fuck.

“Hmm. All pink and wet. What you think, Zee?”

“Yeah, I like that almost as much as I like eating our pussy.”

Shit. He had turned Zeke into a talker somehow. She heard the
excitement in Zeke’s voice. The combination of both men talking
about her cunt like that was almost too much to bear. Even now her
labia was damp, her pussy aching to be touched.

“Yeah, she likes that. Look how fucking wet she is. Damn,”
Rory ground out. He let his gaze travel up her body and it was if he
had touched her. Her skin tingled. “From now on, no talking
from you. You can say your safe word. You can answer my questions.
And, you can moan our names as we fuck you. Never hide your pleasure.
But, you are now under my control, you understand.”


He stepped forward and slapped her pussy. She was unable to control
the gasp. The sting shocked her at first and any other time she would
have been pissed. No one had ever done that not even Sebastian, the
Dom who had trained her. She shifted her bottom on the mattress and
he slapped her again. The sting hurt just as much, but now pleasure
rolled over her.

“Yes, what?”

She looked at him and he slapped her one more time.

“Maura,” he said, a warning threading his voice.

Then, she realized what he was waiting for. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” He stepped back. “She said that fast enough
give her a little reward, Zee.”

Zeke smiled and bent down. Placing a hand on each of her thighs,
spreading her legs even wider, he licked her sensitive pussy, three
times. The slight brush of his goatee against her labia heightened
her arousal. He slipped his tongue in before pulling back.

He stood up and licked his lips then looked at Rory. “Yeah,
that’s good. You should have a taste.”

He smiled and stepped closer to Zeke. Rory kissed him, slipping his
hand down to Zeke’s crotch. He stroked him through his pants.
Zeke leaned his head back and moaned. Rory attacked his throat,
nipping at Zeke’s skin. When he pulled back, all three of them
were breathing heavy.

“Hmmm, our pussy does taste good.” He gave Zeke another
little kiss, they both looked at her. Rory’s gaze dipped down
to between her legs. She fought the urge to close her legs to relieve
the pressure. “Oh, she is going to be a joy to play with.”

“Maura’s always fun in the bedroom.”

Okay, she shouldn’t be so turned on that they were talking
about her this way, but for some reason, it was making her hotter.
She always did like a man who liked to talk dirty. Zeke had never
been big into it. Rory apparently brought it out in him.

“Really?” Rory asked as he approached her. “I know
she likes to suck cock, doncha, love?”

She nodded unable to speak. Rory squatted in front of her and set his
hands on her thighs.

“What other kinds of things does she like, Zee?”

She couldn’t look away from Rory. She knew he wouldn’t
like it, and she knew enough about the D/s relationship to follow his
orders. He had specifically told her to keep her attention on him. Of
course, that made it harder to accomplish. Zeke chuckled and she
glanced at him. Rory smacked her pussy. The slight sting filtered out
over her skin. Maura looked down at him.

“Eyes on me, Maura, or you will regret it. Do you understand?”


“What was that?”

She swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

Zeke climbed on the bed behind her but she didn’t dare look at
him. Rory’s mouth twitched.

“Apparently you do.”

He pressed his hand against her pussy, slipping a finger inside her.
She sighed but the relief was short. He removed his hand just a few
seconds later.

“Now, I want to make sure you understand all the rules. You are
in control of how far we go. You can say your safe word at any point
if it gets intense.”

She shook her head but he frowned.

“I’m not kidding here, Maura. If you cannot understand
your boundaries, we can’t go any further. You are new to the
life and I don’t want you to be hurt because of something I
did. And don’t just agree with me because I’m a Dom. In
this, I have to have a promise you take it seriously.”

For a moment she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. The
sincerity she read in his expression had her nodding.

“What are you agreeing to?”

“I will use my safe word. I promise.”

He smiled then. Again she was struck on how much younger he looked
when he did. For some reason, she felt she won an award.

Zeke had moved closer and started to nuzzle her neck. She shivered.

“Good,” Rory said.

He rose but not before giving her a brief but passionate kiss. It was
just a few seconds, but the effect it had on her was substantial. He
moved away and walked to the dresser. He picked something up, but she
didn’t know what it was. Zeke slipped one hand through her hair
and pulled her face around to face him. He kissed her then, a little
more aggressively than he ever had before. She didn’t know if
it was because he thought he was competing with Rory or if being here
with Rory made him more forceful. Maura really didn’t care. By
the time he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily.

“Such a pretty picture,” Rory said as he approached them.
She didn’t hear any cynicism or jealousy in his voice. She
looked at him and saw the intensity in Rory’s gaze. It struck
her then that he was as aroused by watching her byplay with Zeke as
she was when she watched them.

“I have something special for you. As I said, we are going to
start slowly, and one of the things I want to do is take away one of
your senses. Easiest is sight.”

Rory was holding a red slip of material in his hands.

He approached her and she was struck again by both men being fully
clothed and she was bare assed naked. Apparently, that didn’t
bother either of them. For her, it added another level of naughtiness
to the play. She knew Rory probably planned it this way. It was all
about control, especially in the beginning of the D/s relationship.
Testing boundaries…and this was one. Rory wanted to establish
who was in charge.

Without saying a word, he slipped the silky fabric over her eyes. She
thought she would be able to see a little bit, but instead, she was
thrown completely into darkness. Immediately all her other senses
went on alert.

“Now, I’m ready to play. How about you, Zee?”

“Yeah, babe. And I think Maura is too.” She could hear
the smile in his voice.

“I have a few more toys I brought with me, love.”

Because she couldn’t see who Rory was looking at, she didn’t
know whom he was talking to.

“What do you think of spanking, Maura?”

She shivered as Zeke started to kiss her neck. “I like it.”

There was a beat of silence as she assumed the men were digesting
that information.

“So you did this in your training?” Rory asked.

She hesitated, not because she didn’t want to tell him. She
didn’t want Zeke to hear. She wasn’t ashamed of her
needs, but she didn’t want to hurt him. Another swift swat to
her sex had her gasping.

“Answer me.”


“What was your favorite item?”

She sighed. “The paddle.”


“And the bare hand.”

There was another pause of silence. She didn’t know what Zeke
was thinking but he continued to kiss her neck.

“I think it’s time for a little spanking.”

“Hmm,” Zeke said. He gave her neck one last nip then
slipped off the bed.

Rory approached her and took her hands. She could tell it was him
because of his footsteps against the wooden floor and the scent of
his aftershave. He eased her off the bed then turned her to face it.
She really didn’t like not being able to see what was going on
around her. It was something that made her feel…out of

He placed her hands on the mattress and situated her so that her ass
was sticking up. Lord, now she was happy she couldn’t see
herself. Totally naked, her ass up for both of them to look at. Of
course, from the hum in his voice, Rory apparently liked the position
he put her in.

“I think that is a position you will be in a lot,” Rory
said. He spread his hands over her ass, rubbing it then squeezing it.
“I do like a woman with a nice full ass. I have never liked
skinny women.”

He stepped away and she felt another set of hands on her. Zeke, of
course, but she would have known by the touch. It wasn’t that
he was softer than Rory but he was a bit more gentle.

“Now, move away love. Our girl likes to be spanked, and I want
to see how she reacts.”

Zeke gave her one last long caress and stepped away. She had no
warning before Rory’s hand came down hard on her flesh. The
smack was loud in the room, the pain of it slipped over her skin. She
drew in a deep breath in reaction.

“Oh, she likes that.”

“Yeah, she does,” Zeke said. “Smack her again.”

The arousal had deepened his voice and there was an element in it
that she had never heard before.

“First, though, Maura spread those legs further apart.”

It took some effort, but she did as ordered. He wasted no time. His
hand came down on the fullest part of her butt cheek. Again the sting
hurt, but there was a bit of pleasure because of it.

“Zee, why don’t you get up there on the bed...give her a
little stroking while I paddle.” There was a pause as she felt
the mattress dip under Zeke’s weight. “You like that
idea, Maura?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Zeke’s fingers spread her labia as he caressed her. “You
look so beautiful, babe. You should see yourself. And fuck, you’re

She shivered as she listened to Rory’s feet retreat then
return. In the next instant, the paddle smacked her hard.

“Fuck,” she muttered. Zeke chuckled as he continued to
tease her. Rory started to paddle her in earnest. In a series of hard
and soft swats, he spanked her, not allowing any part of her ass to
be left untouched. Her flesh stung, her pussy was so fucking wet she
was embarrassed, and Zeke continued to torment her.

Rory’s hand went to the small of her back before he hit her one
last time. It was such a hard smack that tears welled up in her eyes.
Oh, damn. She wanted to come. Her whole body was electric with need;
pulsing and she thought she would go insane.

“Hey, Zee,” Rory said, his voice rougher than usual
telling her he had been just as effected as she had been by the
spanking. “Give her another little taste.”

“Gladly,” Zee said as he slid his head between her legs.
The touch of his tongue against her labia almost had her coming. She
was so fucking aroused she didn’t know if she could hold back.
Of course, Rory hadn’t ordered her not to come.

Zeke moved away taking away any chance of that.

“Your ass gets so damned pink,” Rory said, admiration
threading the words. She didn’t have time to bask in the glow.
He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her away from the
bed. She gasped then laughed when the tossed her back on the bed. She
bounced twice before he was on top of her. Rory didn’t
hesitate. He set a hand on each of her thighs and pushed them apart.
He set his mouth on her pussy and slipped his tongue inside her. Over
and over he thrust inside her. She was unbearably wet, already
shaking with her need for release, but he never let her have one.

He gave her one long lick then pulled back and moved off the bed. In
the next instant the blindfold was removed. She blinked at the sudden
light that almost blinded her. Rory must have sensed it stunned her.

“Sorry, love,” he said leaning down.

When her eyes finally adjusted to the light again, she noticed that
Zeke was standing by the bed and he was totally naked.

Oh, lordy. His cock was long and hard, already bobbing up against his
stomach as he crawled onto the bed. She licked her lips and Rory

“I will never doubt Zeke again.” She glanced up at him
frowning. “He said there was never a woman who liked a cock in
her mouth as much as you, and I have to say he was right.”

He leaned down as he cupped the back of her head and kissed her. She
could taste herself there, the muskiness of her arousal and the
unique taste of Rory. He pulled back and nodded to Zeke. She watched
as he came up to his knees and took his cock in his hand. He kept
looking at her as he stroked himself.

She sighed.

“Wanna taste, love?” Rory asked her. She looked at him.

“Yes, Sir.”

He smiled at her, then looked up at Zeke. “You heard the woman,

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