Read A Mate for Griffin Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

A Mate for Griffin (21 page)

She shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat.

“Just admit that you were in lust with me, little Prim, so that we can move on.”

“Yes, Lance. I was in lust with you. Happy?” She made sure that her voice sounded as bored as possible so as not to inflate his ego any more.

He grinned and nodded. “That wasn’t so hard now was it?” He didn’t wait for her reply. “You agreed to stay, and the two of you began working on a plan to get me to fall madly in love with you. During that time, you fell madly in love with Griff. At first you were in denial, and then when you realized that you were in over your head, you ran. How am I doing so far?”

She shook her head and sucked in a breath, intent on arguing.

“The two of you are complete fucking morons. You do realize that, don’t you?”

“What? No…what the…” Her mouth hung open and she struggled to answer him. “No…just no. We aren’t idiots or morons. Maybe you should go. You’re…wrong.”

“Wrong.” He rolled his eyes and snorted. “Like fuck I’m wrong. You asked how Griffin was doing, well…You understand us vampires right? We need to fuck and drink in order to heal from injuries like Griffin suffered.”

She felt like blocking her ears. Running away. “Maybe you should leave.” She practically shouted.

He leaned further back in the chair and even put his hands behind his head. “You do realize, that it is nothing short of a miracle, that Griffin survived a second time, especially considering those bullets were silver. Hell, even if they had been steel, he still should never have come fucking back. It was a miracle.”

“I know.” She whispered, not wanting to recall the horror they had went through that day. The deep-seated fear. The loss. The devastation. Being taken like that, nearly being raped, none of it had hurt her like seeing Griffin’s body. The pain she had felt when she thought he was dead. Not just pretend dead, but really dead. She wiped away a tear.

“Listen to me.” Lance leaned forward. His voice was softer. His eyes filled with concern. “He shouldn’t have come back in the first place. It should’ve taken longer than it did. He should have been unable to move for many hours…fucking days afterwards. You have no idea, the pain and the effort it would’ve taken him just to breathe, let alone to put one foot in front of the other. To fight. I don’t know anyone who could pull that off.” He shook his head slowly. “I’m in awe of him and have a newfound respect for the male. It’s a fucking miracle.”

“I know all of this. Are you trying to hurt me? Why are you telling me this?”

“Griffin loves you. He seriously fucking loves you, Sarah. He came back from the dead, for you. Did everything he did, for you. I think it’s sad that you haven’t realized it.”

She shook her head. “You’re wrong. He sees me as a friend.”

“A friend.” Lance snorted. “Not a fuck. He went into bloodlust mode and didn’t kill you. Another small fucking miracle.” He muttered the last.

“Griffin was fine. He’s a good person. He would never hurt me.” She felt anger at his words. “You shouldn’t speak about your friend in that way.”

“It’s a fact. He went into bloodlust…” He repeated unnecessarily with a frustrated shake of the head. “You are a weak human. He should have torn you limb from limb. Drank you dry, but he didn’t. Why? Because he loves you.”

“If he loves me so much, then why isn’t he here? Why did he let me leave?” She sniffed, suddenly realizing that tears were coursing down her cheeks. “Where is he if he loves me so damned much?”

“Back to my original point about the two of you being morons.” Lance narrowed his eyes. “The only reason I went along with the whole matchmaking bullshit, was to try and get the two of you together. Meeting you both every fucking day, the strip poker, pretending to take you back home with me, I touched the fuck out of those silver earrings so that I could use the TLC line on you…” He winked. “All of it.”

She had to smile through her tears. “You knew?”

He nodded. Sarah sniffed. “Calling me Prim? The way you looked at me? You were trying to get Griffin and I together?” She frowned. “I can’t believe it.”

“Well you had better damn well believe it.” Lance winked at her again. “For the record, I called you Prim, because you are prim. Prim and proper is a mouthful. I looked at you because you are one hot as fuck female.” His gaze tracked her body. “I’ll keep checking you out, Prim. Griffin can get fucked if he thinks I’ll stop.”

She had to laugh. “You’re a big softy and you do care about Griffin.”

He looked horrified. “You’ll destroy my reputation, and don’t you dare tell Griff that I care.” His whole demeanor softened.

“I think he knows.”

Lance shook his head. “Nope, I don’t think he does.” He swallowed hard. “Griffin is fucked up. He’s a mess. Looks like fucking shit. He hasn’t rutted anyone since you. He has barely taken any blood, and when he does, it’s from Eleanor.”

She shouldn’t feel so happy to hear him say that but she did.

“Don’t look so pleased with yourself. He is going to get booted from the elite team if he doesn’t sort his shit. I’ve tried not to intervene, but the two of you obviously need me to spell it out for you. If you give me a pen and paper I’ll write it down for you, he—”

There was a loud banging at the door, followed by a loud growl. Gooseflesh rose up on her arms. Her heart picked up speed. It was Griffin. He was here. She’d never been more happy or more afraid in her life.

Chapter 19


Griffin hit on the door for a second time. He would give it another ten seconds and then he was tearing it from its hinges. Lance was dead. If he had so much as put a finger on Sarah, he would find a way to kill the fucker despite being so damned weak.

The door opened and Sarah took his breath away. As in, he had to grab the door jamb to keep himself from falling over his own damn feet. Her sweet smile, her bright blue eyes, her silky…then he noticed Lance lazing on the couch in the living room behind her and his blood ignited in his veins.

“You!” he yelled, pointing at the fucker.

Lance had the audacity to smirk at him. “So glad you could join the party.”

He felt everything in him bristle. His jaw clenched and his hands curled to fists. Sarah put a hand on his chest to try and stop him. “No, don’t…”

He fucking lost it. On a low growl, he gently picked her up and positioned her out of his way. “Stay there.” he growled, as he ate up the short distance between himself and his best-fucking-friend. Make that his ex-best friend.

Lance raised his brows. “We need to talk.” He put his hands up and didn’t make a move to stand.

“Fuck talking.” Griffin punched him so hard that the entire couch flew back. Lance landed sprawled on his back.

Sarah gave a squeal from somewhere behind him.

“It’s not what you think. I—” Lance stayed on the floor. He didn’t even attempt to try and stand. His own fucking fault. Griffin felt his boot connect with the male’s side. Something gave a satisfying crack.

Ah, the sweet sound of a rib cracking.

Little arms slid around his waist. “No, don’t, please…no…” Sarah moved in front of him, shoving herself in his way. In harm’s way. Her eyes were wide and brimming with tears. “Stop, Griffin. You need to—”

“What the…? Sarah.” He picked her up. “How many times do I need to tell you not to get in between fighting males?” He couldn’t help but to stroke the hair from her face as he turned. Sure to put himself in the way of fire, even though Lance had yet to move.

“Please stop hurting him.” Her lip wobbled.

Griffin had to swallow hard as pain coursed through him. Sarah was in love with Lance, it stood to reason that she was trying to protect the male. “Stay behind me.” He felt a muscle tic in his jaw.

Griffin turned, he kept a hand on Sarah’s waist, forcing her to stay where he wanted her. Lance grimaced as he rose to his feet. He massaged his jaw. “Good to see that you can still throw a decent punch.”

“Cut the fucking bullshit. Sarah is in love with you. I’m not sure why but she is. You happen to be a colossal dickhead.” He pointed at the male. “If you hurt her. If you even think of using her in any way. If she sheds even one fucking tear…I’m coming after you. I will kill you.” His chest was heaving, but he couldn’t help it. “I will bury you myself, because there will be no coming back when I am done with you. Have I made myself clear?”

Lance crossed his arms on his chest. He ignored Griffin and cocked his head to the side, so that he could look at Sarah over Griffin’s shoulder.

Griffin couldn’t help but to growl. Low and deep. His chest vibrated. It was a sound that spoke of possession. It was a warning for the other male to stay away from what was his. It was bullshit and useless.

“See what I mean?” Lance raised his brows. “Everything I told you is true, especially the part about him being a moron and an idiot.”

“I will fucking…” Griffin stepped forward, wanting to knock the asshole’s smile right off his face. Wanting the motherfucker to choke on his own teeth.

“No, don’t.” Sarah grabbed his arm. The one he hadn’t even realized that he had raised. Ready to pound the fucker.

Lance just stood there. What the hell was wrong with the male? Why wasn’t he retaliating?

Sarah continued to tug on his elbow, trying to get him to lower his raised fist. Griffin sucked in a breath and forced himself to calm the fuck down. He turned to her. “I won’t hurt him.”

Her whole demeanor relaxed a whole hell of a lot and it killed him to see how worried she was for Lance. Shit! Why had he even come here? Sarah was an adult. She could take care of herself. As much as he hated to admit it, she didn’t need him.

He pointed at the male. “I meant everything I just said. As much as I would love to see you broken and fucking bleeding, I will spare
…” He half choked on the word. Griffin clenched his jaw for a second. “…your female the ordeal. I need to leave.” He turned back to Sarah. “I wish you all the—”

“Stop,” Lance growled. “You’re not going anywhere until we
. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term,
Such a young fucking pup…” he rolled his eyes. “Communication. It is the first rule of any relationship. Never assume anything. It is something I only just recently learned myself, so I will forgive you the oversight.”

What was this asshole on about?

“If the two of you had just spoken a little with one another. Hell, if you had come to me and talked things out, this whole thing could’ve been avoided but the two of you are clearly too stubborn.” He gave his jaw another rub and groaned. “Let me fill you in on the conversation so far.”

He could hear how Sarah’s heartbeat picked up. She moved to stand next to him. She looked nervous. Hell, he could scent fear on her.

“I know about the whole matchmaking scheme you two cooked up. In your endeavor to get Prim and I together…”

Despite himself, he growled at the use of Lance’s nickname for Sarah. Then he realized what Lance had just said. He knew. He fucking knew.

“Yeah, asshole.” Lance raised his brows. “Believe it or not, I’m not a total idiot. Where was I…oh yeah…while playing matchmaker, you fell head over fucking heels in love with Sarah only, you didn’t realize it. I was trying to get you to wise the fuck up when Sarah here realized that she was into you as well. It was a bit of a shock, hey Prim?” Lance locked eyes with Sarah, who made a strange noise in the back of her throat. “That’s why she cut and ran that night. She was afraid of her feelings for you and didn’t think you felt the same.” He rolled his eyes. “Idiots. Sarah here was just about to confess her undying fucking love for you when you showed up at the door.” He pointed to the door in question. “Now…” he clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Can the two of you just kiss and make up already? Talk to one another. It’s pretty simple. Stop running and hiding, and talk.”

It wasn’t simple. Not at all. Lance was talking the biggest load of bullshit. Sarah didn’t love him. She didn’t. She was in love with Lance.

He turned to face Sarah, but her gaze was somewhere on his feet. “Sarah.” He all but whispered. She made another little strangled sounding noise.

Using a finger under her chin, he tilted her head up. Her cheeks were red. Her eyes darted to Lance and then back to him. She had a pained expression on her face. Shit! How had he missed this? Shit! His heart soared for a second, but he didn’t allow himself to revel in the joy he felt at the knowledge. She loved him.

He cussed under his breath and pulled his hand back. This didn’t change anything. Not a damn thing. It made things worse. Fuck!

Lance cussed as well. “Idiotic, moronic, stubborn.” he muttered, while rolling his eyes so hard that Griffin was sure he would strain a muscle. “Will you please excuse us for a moment?” He squeezed Sarah’s hand. She sniffed and he realized that she was crying softly.

He cussed again. “Sarah I—”

“Shut your trap,” Lance growled. “Get in there.” He pulled Griffin and then shoved him into the adjacent room. It was Sarah’s bedroom. Her bed was neatly made. The room scented strongly of her.

Lance shut the door. “I swear,” the male muttered. “Next, I’ll be wiping your ass as well. Didn’t you hear a thing I said? Sarah is in love with you. I happen to know that you feel the same way, so what the fuck is your problem?”

Griffin folded his arms. “She’s not my female. As much as I…” He looked down at his feet. It hurt him. To say the words without being able to act on them. Tore him apart from the inside out. “As much as I love her, she can’t be mine.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“She was with you first, okay? Happy now?”

“No! I’m not fucking happy!” Lance bellowed. “When I said moron, I meant fucking, serious moron.” The male shoved a hand through his hair. “And did I mention stubborn?” He didn’t give Griffin a chance to answer. “Yeah, I rutted Sarah.”

Every muscle in his body clenched. He wanted to hit Lance just for saying the words but he held back. Only just.

“You were right when you said that she’s perfect. She is perfect.”

“Not helping right now.” Griffin groaned, frustration etched into every word. “I want to kill you for touching her. Take you the fuck out.” he snarled.

“Do whatever makes you feel better. If it means getting over it, then by all fucking means.” Lance spread his arms out in surrender.

Griffin paced to the other side of the room before turning to face Lance. “I can’t be with Sarah…not after you and her…”

“You can’t or you won’t? Fuck it!” Lance growled. “Sarah gave me her body.”

Griffin grit his jaw so fucking tight that his head hurt. He couldn’t seem to make himself unclench his fists.

“Big fucking deal. Don’t you realize that she gave you so much more? She gave you her heart and her soul. She wants you. With me”—he slapped his chest—“it was lust. With you, it’s love and if you can’t see that then I can’t help you.”

“She told you that she loves me?” He could hear how hopeful he sounded.

Lance shook his head. “She didn’t have to. I can see it by the way you look at one another. The small touches, that hot as fuck kiss.”

“That was all an act,” Griffin grumbled.

“Was it?” Lance raised his brows. “It didn’t look like it from where I was standing. Get over your shit. We’re best friends. I don’t ever want to lose you. The truth is…” His jaw worked. “I do care about you, okay? There I said it.” Lance smiled. “I’m thankful for all you have tried to do for me. I want to see you happy. Sarah is the one for you. Don’t let what happened between her and I stand in the way of the two of you. What you guys have is the real deal.”

Griffin didn’t know what to say.

“If you let her walk away. If you turn your back on her, you will regret it. Trust me on this one.” A look of hurt crossed his face.

Griffin nodded.

“You’d better get back in there and pray that she’s the understanding and forgiving type. You’re doing a great job of fucking things up.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Let’s go.” He gave Griffin a pat on the shoulder. “Fuck it.” His best friend said, just before throwing his arms around him.

Griffin couldn’t help but to smile as he returned the hug.

Almost as soon as Lance gripped him, he released Griffin. “Don’t you dare tell anyone I did that.” he growled, pretending to look angry.

“A man hug is perfectly acceptable.” Griffin smiled.

“Like fuck it is.” Lance grinned. “Good luck in there. You’re going to need it.” He all out chuckled.

Griffin frowned. He’d fucked up big time. Hopefully, Sarah could forgive him for being such an asshole. Lance was right, he was an idiot and a moron. He planned on doing everything in his power to make it up to her though.


“Go easy on him, Prim.” Lance shouted just as Griffin closed the door in the grinning vampire’s face.

Griffin turned, his dark eyes on her. He seemed to take up the whole hallway. Just like in one of her cheesy romance novels, her knees actually felt weak. He wore leather pants that clung to his thick thighs. His leather vest left his arms bare. His biceps were all over the place. Lance was right though, his five o’clock shadow was more of a scruffy beard and there were dark circles under his eyes, which were red rimmed. His hair was also too long.

He was still as sexy as sin and right now it pissed her off that she even noticed. He was acting like a total asshole. Make that, he was a total asshole. They stood there staring at one another for a few seconds.

“Is it true?” he finally asked before taking a step towards her.

“Is what true?” She decided to play dumb.

“Do you love me?” His voice had dropped several octaves and his eyes seemed to darken up.

She pursed her lips and stared at somewhere over his shoulder. His eyes were too intense right now. “I shouldn’t.” She finally blurted.

“You shouldn’t what?” he growled.

“I shouldn’t give a damn about you. I shouldn’t love you.”

“So you do love me?” He took another step forward which brought him smack into her personal space.

Sarah took a step back. “I shouldn’t.” She put her hands on her hips. “You wouldn’t see me after we got back. You called me once in the last ten days. An all of thirty seconds call.”

“I was checking in to make sure that you were okay.”

“Well…” She felt her eyes fill with tears. Damn her tear ducts. Damn them. Why didn’t they listen to her for once? She did not want to cry. “I’m not okay. You’re an asshole, do you know that?”

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