A Memory Away (4 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lewis

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Gay Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Romantic Comedy

shook his head. “It’s marked on your son’s birth certificate.” He shrugged apologetically. “Matter of public record. Sorry.” He jerked a head at Lopez and explained, “After you were acting so screwy the other day over the kid’s picture I figured we might be missing something in your case so we ran a standard check on you.”
Kyle nodded faintly. “Right. Well, I think I should be getting home now.” He looked around himself in distractedly and then at Megan. “I need my keys.”
“I’ll drive you, honey.”
Megan shot Jonah and Lopez a poisonous look and said archly, “Unless you want to intimidate us some more?” She blinked and then smirked at Lopez. “Also, you gotta little something on your face.”
Lopez looked confused, swiped her hand over her cheek when
Megan gestured and scowled fearsomely when her hand came away streaked with congealed jelly. She returned the poisonous look with interest. “Nah, we’re good.” She nodded at Kyle. “We’ll be in touch if we have any more questions. Sorry for the, ah, upset. Jonah?”
Her partner dragged his eyes away from
Kyle’s still shocky expression and nodded. “Yeah, okay.” He looked between Megan and Kyle feeling he was still missing something but for the life of him he couldn’t think what it was. He gave a nod of his own. “Be seeing you.”
And swore to himself as he left and felt
Kyle’s stricken eyes boring into his back that one day he was going to leave the other man’s company without feeling like he had directly contributed to a nervous breakdown.
That night when Jonah woke gasping and sweating in his bed it wasn’t because he had been reliving his attack and subsequent beating. It was because he was back in an alley but this time he had Kyle Gerritsen pressed up against a damp wall and was shoving his hands up under the tailored shirt the other man wore and biting and licking at his neck as Kyle gasped out his pleasure to the night sky.
pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes and swore as the dream started to slip away. He could still feel Kyle’s cool, soft skin under his hands and his hot breath skating over his cheek and, most of all, the way his slender hands had felt as they had clutched at his hips and dragged Jonah in as close as he could to grind their hips together.
It was only when he took his hands away from his eyes and rolled over onto his stomach that he discovered he was as hard as a rock and his arousal was so acute as to be nearly painful. He rolled back onto his back abruptly and clapped a hand back over his eyes, muttering, “I think I liked getting my ass kicked better.”
The throbbing in his shorts begged to differ.
Chapter 5
Gerritsen was sitting behind his desk and staring unseeingly down at the pile of invoices he was meant to be sorting through and instead was trying to get his mind back on track and away from one Detective Jonah Goldman. Since the other man had come back into his life he had run the entire spectrum of human emotions – twice– and was starting to feel the effects of the distressingly frequent rushes of adrenalin even the mention of the man’s name seemed to garner.
He wasn’t sleeping well, barely two or
three hours uninterrupted a night. His appetite had dropped so profoundly that not even the combined efforts of Shea and Ga-Ga – normally undefeatable – managed to conquer the leftovers. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed a hand wearily over his eyes, sighing quietly to himself. He also wasn’t a big fan of the heavy feeling of guilt that seemed to weigh his every step since recognising Jonah again. Although still considerably annoyed that he was that forgettable, Kyle nevertheless was feeling more and more disquieted every time he saw the big detective that he was in effect lying to him with every breath he took.
His eyes drifted to
Shea’s picture on his desk and he reached for it, staring down with a small frown on his face. Even though Shea was the very definition of unplanned Kyle couldn’t imagine his life without him now and he likewise couldn’t imagine what he’d feel if the situation was reversed and Jonah had their child and hadn’t told him of his existence.
Anger, certainly, and there would be hurt too. Hurt that he had missed out on so much already and hurt that, with every day that passed in silence, more opportunities to see his son would be lost.
Kyle traced a finger over Shea’s image and bit his lip – he loved him so much and being denied the chance to see him grow up was pretty much his definition of hell. He tried to think what Jonah’s reaction would be if he told him of his son’s existence. It seemed unlikely that the older man would restrain himself to the icy anger that Kyle was sure he would display under similar circumstances. Jonah seemed much more the kind to let his emotions full rein and Kyle was more than a little afraid to find out what it would be like to be on the receiving end of a Jonah blinded by rage. 
His mind drifted again and he thought back to the night of
Shea’s conception and meeting Jonah in the club. He and Megan had been out with a group of friends from Kyle’s drama school and they were holding a joint celebration for one of their number scoring a part in the chorus line of an off-Broadway gig and Megan being hired as a session singer for a CD of classic R & B covers.  They had been young and riding high on success – the ones of the moment and the ones imagined in their futures – and Kyle had been on the dance floor lost to the music when he had first become aware he was being watched. He had looked around under his lashes He was cautious because since moving to New York he had become aware that his rather young looks attracted a certain...type...of admirers and he had no wish to fend off yet more unwanted advances from someone whose idea of a good time was to bend him over in tightie-whities and spank his butt while he called them daddy.
Fun though that might be on, mutually agreed, occasion.
He laughed when Carlos, one of his classmates, slipped behind him and began to gyrate against his ass, slipping his hands along Kyle’s arms until their hands laced together and then pulling his arms out to the side and up over their heads. Kyle was bowed backwards and almost on his toes with no choice but to follow the movements of Carlos’ body as they danced. With his mouth still stretched in a happy smile, Kyle had turned his head to say something to Carlos over the music and stared when his eyes connected with the heated gaze of a man dancing a few feet away. Built much bigger than Kyle, he stood a few inches taller with a thick strip of dark hair running centrally down his well sculpted head. Hooded eyes dragged blatantly down Kyle’s still stretched body and then came back up to fix with heated intensity on his face. Full lips parted slowly in a wide grin and the man’s eyes flickered to Carlos and then looked back before raising an eyebrow in question. Kyle blinked and then hesitantly shook his head to indicate he wasn’t with Carlos in that way – that was what the guy was asking, right?
The answer to that was apparently a resounding yes becau
se the man wasted no time in stalking across the few feet separating them and hooking a finger in the waistband of Kyle’s designer jeans. Kyle looked back and shook his head when he felt Carlos stiffen behind him. His friend looked startled and then amused before nodding and letting their hands separate to turn Kyle loose and into the arms of his new dance partner. The man hooked an arm around his waist and slipped one muscled, denim clad thigh between his legs to bring them flush together and started to move in time to the thump of the bass. Kyle curled one hand around a well-defined bicep and wrapped the other around the man’s neck, swinging his hips fluidly and feeling a punch of sheer lust in his belly when the man grinned and tugged him closer until they touched from torso to knees.
The night blurred after that.
Kyle was aware of his friends dancing around them, and Megan staring bug eyed as he wantonly ground against his buff partner, but primarily all his attention was fixed on the building heat in the fathomless dark eyes boring into his. The club was nearly closing for the night when the man had touched one hand to his face and confidently cupped his jaw to tilt his face and bring their mouths together. Kyle remembered gasping at the contact and then clinging on for dear life when the man had laughed low in his throat and had plundered his mouth so thoroughly that Kyle saw stars. Moaning at an almost painful rush of desire through his body Kyle threw caution to the winds and pressed closer, giving as good as he got. He shuddered when he felt an impressive hardness press against his lower belly and ground closer to the man making his own arousal evident.
“How old are you?”
Kyle jumped, startled, when the low rasp sounded in his ear and he  pulled back in confusion, slightly ashamed when he realised that this was the first time they had exchanged words. The man brushed the back of his fingers over his cheek and said again, “How old are you? Not really into the whole illegal thing.”
scowled – again with his damn age – but said firmly, “Old enough. I’m legal.”
The man stared at him intently for a moment and then nodded, his eyes drifting down to lock on
Kyle’s mouth. “You done this before?”
His scowl deepening and a betraying flush staining his skin,
Kyle tensed and said indignantly, “Yes!” He felt his flush deepen when the guy quirked an eyebrow and said irritably, “I’m not a virgin!” Looking ever more amused the guy waited until Kyle finished moodily, “But I don’t do this all the time either. I don’t...hook-up.”
The man treated him to another one of those intense stares and then a smile of pure sin curved his full mouth. “You wanna?” Both of his big hands slid around to cup
Kyle’s ass and he lifted him onto his toes and rubbed their crotches together teasingly. “You want to hook up with me?”
’s eyes fluttered closed as the heat from the man’s hands seemed to burn straight through the seat of his jeans and spoke the word that would change his life forever. “Yes.”
They were stopped twice before they made it to the bathroom
to get necessary supplies and then on to the alley out back of the club. Once by Megan – looking incredulously at Kyle and only reluctantly accepting his hot stranger’s word that he would be returned unharmed when Kyle glared and all but stomped his foot to make her disappear – and once by a slender Asian looking man who had a brief exchange with the stranger before looking at Kyle with a roll of his eyes and sending them on their way with a slap to his buddy’s shoulder. 
No more words were spoken between them and
Kyle found himself pressed up against the wall outside the back of the club very shortly after. Although definitely more inexperienced than his partner in this area Kyle wasn’t one to let that hold him back. He was a firm believer in grasping every opportunity life had to offer and he wasn’t about to let anything get the way of taking full advantage of it. His hands were just as active as his partner’s and they raced to undo each other’s pants and delve inside. Kyle gasped when he shoved his hand inside damp heat first and found that his partner hadn’t bothered with underwear. He gasped again when a large hand shoved inside his own soft cotton boxers and wrapped around him. They licked and bit at each other’s skin and mouths, trading bitten off curses and words until finally the bigger man pulled back and said, “Can I fuck you?”
blinked up at him and tilted his head back on a moan when the guy pulled his hand out of Kyle’s pants and shoved up the tails of his fitted shirt, looking down in satisfaction when his big hands all but spanned Kyle’s waist. He swallowed hard when he felt teeth graze his throat and his mouth fell open when a wet stripe was licked from the base of his neck to the lobe of one ear.
The guy spoke again. “Can I fuck you? I got what we need. It’ll be safe.” He pressed his mouth directly to
Kyle’s ear and promised temptingly, “It’ll be good.”
Kyle brought his hands up to the man’s head and forced it back until he could look him in the eye. “Yes.” He sucked in a breath when his mouth was taken in a hard and fast kiss and then the world spun as he was flipped to face the wall and his jeans and underwear yanked down to mid-thigh. The man behind him wasted no time in ripping open the small tube of lube he had gotten along with a condom in the bathroom and Kyle stifled a yelp when a warm, slippery finger thrust unerringly between his cheeks and slid inside. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, breathing deep because although he wasn’t a virgin he wasn’t exactly an old hand at this either and then his whole body felt like it had been struck by lightning when the broad finger hit that place inside and the world went away.
One finger became two and then became three and then
Kyle was left panting for air and spread-eagled against the wall when the man pulled his hand away and took hold of Kyle’s hips to pull him back and tilt his ass up. He felt his shirt being pushed to midway up his back and then the feel of soft lips pressing gently down where he had a strawberry birthmark just to the left of his spine. He shivered and the man straightened and took one of his hands to guide it back and touch his now latex sheathed cock. “We good?”
nodded and tried to speak to ease his dry throat, something inside him melting a little at the unasked for reassurance that he was safe and protected through what was going to happen next. “Yes.” He nodded, becoming more aware of their surroundings and the cool night air stroking the bared skin of his buttocks. “Yes. Thank you. Can you...can you just....?”
The man laughed low and intimate and then suddenly
Kyle’s entire backside was covered with heat, bared skin and rough denim against his lower thighs. “Don’t worry, hot stuff, I’ll get you there.” His hands cupped Kyle’s ass, spread his cheeks and he tilted his pelvis until the tip of his cock snubbed into Kyle’s entrance. “You want this? You want me to....fuck!”
“That was the plan!”
Kyle gasped, after pushing his hips back and taking Jonah inside with a determined shove. “If I’d have wanted to stand around talking all night I’d have stayed with my friends.” He shoved backwards once more, groaning when more of the solid cock slid deeper inside. “Now, are you going to get on with it or do I have to do all the work here?”
The man let go of
Kyle’s ass and gripped the back of his hands, flattening them against the wall. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” He pulled back and slid back in with a relentless push not stopping until he’d bottomed out and every inch of him was inside. “You’re gonna feel this for weeks.”
had time to feel a single moment of worry before the man began a steady rhythm of in and out that lifted him up onto his toes with every forward move. “Oh my God!” He shook as the man adjusted his stance and pushed his cock back in with a little more intent and touched inside where his fingers had reduced Kyle to incoherency just a short while before. He met his partner thrust for thrust, gasping and moaning in concert to the punched out noises pouring into his ear and then nearly screamed when one of his hands was let go and a large hand gripped his cock. A thumb rubbed over his tip and then the hand slipped up and down his length in perfect counterpoint to the thrusts behind him.
He gasped again when his other hand
was released and the stranger’s other arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him up against a hard chest, balancing him on his toes.  “You ready?”
nodded wildly and braced his hands hard on the wall, feeling the coil of heat deep inside that signalled the onset of release. He clenched his muscles inside, laughing when a breathless curse exploded in his ear. “Give it your best shot.” He clenched again and his head fell back onto a broad shoulder when another powerful push rocked him dangerously on his toes and his palms scraping against the brick wall. He was lost to everything after that except rocking back to meet every powerful push and concentrating on the clever hand working his cock in front. He cried out when he came, bucking wildly and feeling almost every muscle he had spasm in helpless pleasure.
“Oh.” The breathless moan in his ear was the only indication he had that the man who had reduced him to jelly had reached his own finish and he closed his eyes as the arm around his waist tightened and a series of several staccato thrusts slammed hard hips into the soft f
lesh of his ass. An open mouthed kiss was pressed to the side of his neck as the man shuddered through the last of the aftershocks and then a low raspy voice asked, “You okay?”

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