A Million Tiny Pieces (12 page)

Read A Million Tiny Pieces Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

just gonna sit there and stare? Or you wanna join in, too?” the woman asked,
her shrill voice grating against Tarik’s ears like nails on a chalkboard.

name escaped him, or maybe Phoenix hadn’t even bothered to introduce them,
Tarik wasn’t really sure. What he was sure of was the blatant making out the
two of them were doing on the couch only a few feet away.

knew he should’ve gone back to his condo, given the couple some privacy, but
he’d been there when they’d come traipsing in a few minutes ago. He’d been
waiting for Phoenix, making sure he made it home safely. Both Phoenix and the
woman were drunk, he could tell that much. But that wasn’t surprising. Phoenix had
been drowning his emotions in liquor and pussy for nearly a month now, his way
of dealing with his grief over losing his father, Tarik figured.

kinda cute,” the woman said, peering over at him as she straddled Phoenix’s
lap, her short red skirt hiked up to her hips while Phoenix slipped his fingers
between her thighs.
“I wouldn’t mind if you came over here.”

didn’t move a muscle, merely watched. The suggestion was quite tempting, but
not for reasons the woman probably thought. No, if Tarik had his way, he’d be
on his knees, and his lips would be wrapped around Phoenix’s cock, making him
moan his name as he came down Tarik’s throat.

heard rumors about your wicked ways,” the woman told Phoenix. “I’ve heard you
like to do erotic things, crazy things.”

Phoenix asked, not bothering to deny the accusation.

know what would be really hot?” the woman asked, her hands sliding through
Phoenix’s disheveled hair as she ran her lips over Phoenix’s stubbled jaw.

that?” Phoenix slurred, his half-lidded eyes focused between the woman’s

be hot to see the two of you make out.”

watched as Phoenix’s eyes slowly roamed up the woman’s body, over her
impressive tits, and then met her eyes.

wanna see me make out with him?” Phoenix asked, the words garbled, thanks to
his intoxicated state. He didn’t sound bothered by the idea, which surprised

The woman giggled uncontrollably and then turned her attention to Tarik once
more. “Come over here, handsome. I wanna see you kiss him.”

again, Tarik knew he should’ve gotten up and headed home, but that wasn’t what
happened. No, when his body rose from the chair, he moved toward Phoenix rather
than away from him. He lowered himself to the sofa beside the pair, his eyes
never straying from Phoenix’s face.

he was seated, the woman gave them both a hand, palming the backs of their
heads and urging them closer. It seemed like a juvenile thing to do, but Tarik
wasn’t complaining. He’d wanted this for so damn long.

him,” the woman whispered loudly in Phoenix’s ear. “And then, I wanna see him
suck your dick.”

that admission, Tarik’s cock thickened, pulsing behind the zipper of his jeans,
a blaze of heat rocking him. He feared that Phoenix would be able to hear the
erratic pounding of his heart if he listened closely.

leaned in, whether on his own or because the woman was still encouraging him,
but it no longer mattered when Tarik’s mouth met Phoenix’s. In fact, everything
else disappeared except for the warmth of Phoenix’s lips, the taste of bourbon,
and the insistent thrust of Phoenix’s tongue against his own.

rumble erupted in Tarik’s chest as he reached for Phoenix, pulling him closer,
sliding his hands into Phoenix’s hair as he kissed him back, holding him, never
wanting to let him go.

shit, that’s hot. Two hot guys kissing. Oh, yeah.”

ignored her and her overuse of the word
, sliding his tongue against
Phoenix’s, searching his mouth, melding their lips together as the soft, silky
strands of Phoenix’s hair slipped through his fingers.

broke apart when the loss of air became too much, but Tarik didn’t want the
kiss to end. He hadn’t gotten his fill yet. He feared he might never get

locked his gaze with Phoenix’s, and what he saw there encouraged him. He
could’ve done without the woman being there, but at the moment, Tarik was going
to take what he could get.

wanna suck his dick?” the woman asked, giggling once more, another discordant
sound that made Tarik want to shove his fingers in his ears and burst his own

didn’t know who she was talking to, but he nodded his head anyway. When Phoenix
reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, Tarik’s breath lodged in his throat.

are you waiting for?” Phoenix asked, tossing the woman to the side as he lifted
his hips and pushed his jeans down to his thighs, his impressive erection
jutting up from between his legs.

woman wrapped her hand around Phoenix’s cock, eliciting a hiss from him while
Tarik wished he were the one touching him.

on your knees,” the woman commanded gleefully, chortling yet again.

slid to the floor and maneuvered between Phoenix’s legs, forcing Phoenix’s
jeans to his ankles, still watching him, his eyes never releasing Phoenix’s

put your mouth on him,” the woman stated, her words running together from the
alcohol that was flooding her system.

this what you want?” Tarik asked Phoenix.

didn’t hesitate before he said, “Yeah. For a long damn time, it’s what I’ve

nodded, understanding. They’d been doing the same dance for some time, but
Phoenix had never admitted anything remotely close to that in all the time
Tarik had known him, although he’d suspected.

your mouth on my cock,” Phoenix instructed firmly, leaning forward and cupping
the back of Tarik’s head, pulling him down.

both hands, Tarik circled Phoenix’s dick at the base, sliding up slowly, then
back down, stroking him easily as he relished the smooth length of him against
his palm, admired the way the thick head darkened even more.
His mouth watered
to taste him, to suck him deep, to make Phoenix beg him to finish what he was
about to start.

waited until Phoenix pulled his head toward him once more before opening his
mouth and taking Phoenix’s cock between his lips, skimming his tongue over the
swollen head, circling it before sliding all the way down his shaft and taking
him deep into his mouth.


it feel good?” the woman asked, her voice barely registering as Tarik focused
all his energy on sucking Phoenix’s dick, pleasuring him in ways he’d only
fantasized about.

yes,” Phoenix agreed. “So fucking good.”

hot,” the woman muttered.

yourself,” Phoenix instructed her. “Make yourself come while he sucks my dick.”

continued to lave Phoenix with his tongue while he used one hand to firmly grip
the base of Phoenix’s shaft, the other sliding down to fondle his balls.

fucking good,” Phoenix groaned. “Don’t stop sucking me. Take me deeper. All the
way. Fuck.”

rambling only spurred him on, made him wish they were both naked so he could
toss Phoenix onto the black leather and slide his dick into his ass, fucking
him until neither of them knew their own names.

God,” the woman moaned. “I’m gonna come.”

ignored her, sliding his tongue down the underside of Phoenix’s cock and then
sucking his balls into his mouth, teasing them, rolling them as he stroked
Phoenix’s hard length with his hand.

yes,” Phoenix groaned.

in his mouth,” the woman encouraged.

plan on it,” Phoenix said, his eyes meeting Tarik’s when he looked up. “It’s
too good.”

you like watching him?” the woman asked.

Phoenix said on an exhale. “Suck me harder, Tarik. Make me come in your mouth.”

you wanna fuck him?” the woman asked.

eyes darted up to Phoenix’s face, wondering how he would answer that question.

Phoenix said hoarsely. “I want
to fuck

released Phoenix’s balls and slid one hand into the front of his sweatpants,
stroking his own cock while he sucked Phoenix harder, closing his eyes and
imagining himself buried to the hilt in Phoenix’s tight ass.
He couldn’t
control the moan that escaped.

shit,” Phoenix cried out. “I’m gonna come, Tarik. Motherfucking hell. I’m gonna
come in your mouth.”

continued to jack both of their cocks, increasing the speed of his hands as
well as his mouth as he sucked Phoenix deeper, until Phoenix’s entire body
stilled, his hips thrusting up as he came with a roar.
Tarik let himself
go, coming in his own fucking hand as he swallowed every drop from Phoenix. All
while praying like hell that Phoenix would remember what had happened in the

as he stared back at Phoenix, he wondered what the other man remembered when
his memories cast images of that night. Had the alcohol obliterated it all, or
did Phoenix remember as clearly as Tarik did?

didn’t block it out,” Phoenix admitted roughly, taking a step back and bumping
into the glass table. “I relive that fucking night over and over again. It was
just as fucking real to me. Don’t pretend to know how I feel.”

the problem — I’m not pretending,” Tarik barked. “I don’t have a fucking clue
what you want. I don’t know whether I should let it go or take you hard and
fast against the fucking wall.”

eyes widened, his throat working as he swallowed hard. “Why now? Because I want
this woman? Why the hell do you have to fucking complicate things

didn’t know how to answer that question. And he feared that Phoenix was right.
There was something about Phoenix’s interest in Mia Cantrell that felt
different than any of the other women Phoenix had brought home. And for the
first time, Tarik feared losing that possibility of something with Phoenix that
had always been just out of his reach.

had no idea what to say, so he backed off, putting more distance between them
before turning to head to the door. Just when he thought the night was going to
end on a shitty note, Phoenix called out to him.

don’t know what this is, either.” Phoenix’s tone lacked the frustration it’d
had moments before. “But to answer your question, yeah, it feels just as
fucking real to me.”

turned and looked at Phoenix.

doesn’t mean I’m gonna do anything about it.”

past the lump that was quickly forming in his throat, Tarik nodded and turned
away. He had nothing else to say. That kiss had said it all.

the one thing he hoped Phoenix realized … Tarik’s patience was quickly wearing


THE ELEVATOR delivered Mia to the first floor early Monday morning, she gave
the lobby a quick once-over before stepping off.

it safe because she didn’t see Phoenix or Tarik anywhere, she made a beeline
for the front doors. Strangely, she would rather deal with the paparazzi than
their knowing smiles and flirtatious gazes this morning. As it was, she’d spent
all weekend locked in her condo, refusing to leave because she didn’t want to
chance running into either of them.

she’d also spent both days thinking about them more than she should have. Even
when she had tried to get in some last-minute studying, she’d found her
thoughts drifting to Friday night. Each time they did, she’d blushed to the
roots of her hair as she’d recalled what had happened in the limo. How could
she have not known that Phoenix was the same guy she’d seen before?

morning, Ms. Cantrell,” George greeted her as she approached the front doors.

morning, George,” she said in return.

hope you brought an umbrella this morning,” he told her as he pushed open the

pulled her small, handheld umbrella from her purse, showing him that, yes, she
had thought ahead before leaving her condo. Technically, she’d had to go back
to her condo to get her umbrella because she’d forgotten it. She’d also
forgotten her coat, her school books,
her purse, but she wasn’t
going to mention any of those things to George. He probably didn’t care that
she’d been so caught up in thoughts of running into Phoenix and Tarik that the
only thing she had remembered was her key.

a good day, Ms. Cantrell,” George said when Mia stepped outside. She
instinctively looked up at the sky, scanning for raindrops. There weren’t any,
which made her feel better. She didn’t mind a little rain, but she preferred
not to arrive at school looking like a drowned rat first thing in the morning.

she began walking, Mia felt eyes on her, and she figured the reporters were
lurking somewhere, but she pretended not to notice, keeping her eyes down and
her feet moving toward the college campus. It wasn’t until she came to the
corner that she got the distinct feeling that she was being followed. It was a
first for her. She’d been lucky that, so far, the paparazzi hadn’t been overly
persistent in their need for information and had generally let her be once she
left the building.

her luck had run out, she began moving faster, glancing over her shoulder. It
was because of her distracted state that she didn’t notice the man coming
toward her until she nearly ran right into him.

Everything all right?”

turned back around and looked up into those familiar green eyes. The ones she’d
been avoiding all weekend. “Yeah,” she said quickly, breathlessly, once more
glancing over her shoulder.

noticed Phoenix was studying their surroundings as well.

following you?”

don’t think so,” she said, but then opted to go for the truth. “Maybe. I kinda
felt like someone was watching me.”

you headed?”

the first time since he’d walked up, Mia gave him a once-over, noticing he was
wearing a hoodie and shorts, although his head was uncovered unlike the other
times she’d seen him in the lobby of her building and at the coffee shop.
Had he bothered
to keep his head visible either of those times, she wouldn’t have been left to
feel like a complete idiot a couple of nights ago.

off the thought, she met his gaze. “School,” she told him, pointing in the
direction of the campus.

me get my driver,” he said. “He’ll take you.”

that’s okay. I’d much rather walk.” Not to mention, she would much rather get
as far away from him as she could. The guy rocked a tuxedo like no man she’d
ever seen, but there was something distinctly sexy about the outfit he was
wearing now, the way his hair was slick with sweat, a fine sheen coating his
handsome face, and she had no idea why that was.

I’ll walk with you.”

met his eyes again. “No. That’s not necessary. Really.” She didn’t want him
walking her. That would mean she’d actually have to talk to him, and she didn’t
want to do that. Mostly because she
want to do that and she knew she

his hand touched her arm, Mia fought the tremor that threatened to wrack her
entire body. She liked the way his hand felt on her arm. Too much.

choices, Mia. Let my driver take you, or I’m walking you. Your choice.”

sure you’re busy,” she retorted, doing her best to appear unaffected as his
thumb casually grazed her forearm back and forth. She wasn’t even sure he was
aware he was doing it, but she sure as hell was. Hyperaware was the state she
was currently in, and it had nothing to do with someone following her and
everything to do with this sexy, sweaty man standing in front of her.

got time,” Phoenix informed her, and Mia realized that arguing with him was
going to get her nowhere. At this rate, she was going to be late for class if
she didn’t hurry.

than saying anything more, Mia simply nodded, then started walking, and Phoenix
fell into step beside her. They continued for a few minutes in silence. Of
course, Phoenix was the one to spark the conversation, because Mia would’ve
managed to go the entire way without saying a single word. It was enough just
to breathe while walking next to him.

time are your classes over today?”

be there until four thirty,” she answered easily. Too easily.

don’t I meet you at the same place I leave you then? I’ll walk you back.”

you have a job?” Mia asked, feeling stupid as soon as the words left her mouth.
She knew he had a job. He’d told her so.

merely grinned as he said, “I’ve got a job. But I can adjust my schedule to

charm that oozed from his pores set off warning flares in Mia’s head. Damien
had been that way, too. Always saying the right things, doing the right things.
But in the end, she had learned how little she’d meant to him. She didn’t have
any interest in repeating history, but she didn’t say anything.

was she going to say?
You remind me of my ex-husband?
Even Mia knew that
sounded absurd. Especially since he didn’t remind her anything of Damien. Not
in the least.

Mia gave in. She wanted to get to school, get the day over with, and then
snuggle up with a pint of ice cream. Maybe then she’d be able to relax.

minutes later, Mia stopped at the steps that led to the building where her
first class was. Turning to look at Phoenix, she offered her thanks.

welcome. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

She glanced over her shoulder at the building before meeting his beautiful
green gaze once more. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

smile that tilted the corners of Phoenix’s mouth had her insides breaking out
in song — a silent song, but a song nonetheless.

herself to turn around and walk away, Mia fought the urge to look back at him.
She hugged her bag closer to her body and made a beeline for the doors, just as
she felt the telling plop of water on her head as it began to rain. She could
feel Phoenix’s eyes on her, and that giddy feeling stirred in her belly.

was no way she was getting away from this man. Not even if she wanted to.

she was quickly realizing, she didn’t.




PHOENIX WATCHED Mia go inside the building, he remained where he was for a
moment, studying his surroundings until he felt raindrops on his head. Shit.
Just what he needed.

still didn’t bother to move as he looked at the people milling about, moving
toward the building, some heading in the opposite direction down the sidewalk.
Was someone watching her?

had spooked her, he just didn’t know what. Or who. As much as he wanted to find
out, he knew he had to get back to his condo or Tarik would be calling out a
search party soon. He was also hoping to avoid the downpour that the weatherman
had predicted. In order to prevent his bodyguard having an unnecessary panic
attack, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Tarik’s number.

the fuck are you?” Tarik asked by way of greeting.

my way back,” Phoenix answered. “And good fucking morning to you, too.”

you need something? Or were you simply calling to fuck with my mood?”

got cameras outside the building, right?” Phoenix asked, launching into the
reason he called.

Tarik stated, and Phoenix heard the clacking of a keyboard. Tarik was nothing
if not efficient, which meant he was already pulling up the cameras before
Phoenix even had to tell him the reason he was calling. “How far back do you
need me to go?”

an hour ago,” Phoenix instructed as he walked across the street, back in the
direction he’d come from. The rain was beginning to come down harder, the wind
picking up, and a rumble of thunder in the distance told him the storm was
headed their way.

it. What am I looking for?”

at the point I come around the corner in front of the building. Go back a
minute or two from there. See anyone around that looks suspicious?”

was silent for a moment, but when he came back, the information Phoenix was
hoping to get wasn’t forthcoming. “Nothing, man. Does it have something to do
with Mia?”

think so,” Phoenix answered. “She was spooked, but I didn’t see anyone around.”

reporters,” Tarik said. “They’re lurking outside more and more these days. Now
that Landry’s engaged, they’re probably hoping to get some dirt on him.”

I’d think she’d be used to the reporters.”

go back to an hour ago and watch to see if I see anyone. I’ll let you know. Did
you escort her to school?”

purposely ignored Tarik’s question. It was obvious, as far as Phoenix was
concerned. Not to mention, he wasn’t sure how to explain this protective
feeling he had toward Mia. Hell, he didn’t even understand it himself. “I’ll be
back in a minute,” he said instead, ending the call.

wasn’t sure what he’d expected Tarik to find on those cameras, but he was
disappointed that nothing had come up. He found it peculiar that Mia would’ve
been spooked by nothing.

off the thought, he ran through his list of things he needed to do. After he
showered and got ready for work, he would have to go into the office for a
little while. There was a meeting he couldn’t avoid, and he was anxious to get
it over with as soon as possible. From the instant he’d learned about the damn
thing, he’d been dreading it, but now he was actually looking forward to it.
Phoenix couldn’t help but think that fate had played a little part in his
stalling tactic this time.

now he knew exactly what he had to do. And he was more than happy to do it.


hours later, Phoenix had made it into the office, checked his emails, had two
cups of coffee, and was heading to the only meeting he had on his calendar for
the day. A rare occurrence, but one he wasn’t going to question.


Phoenix entered the executive boardroom that was generally reserved for larger
meetings than this one, he lifted his head and met the crude blue eyes of the
man he’d purposely been avoiding. “Landry.”

followed closely but moved to stand against the wall behind Phoenix, pretending
to be invisible as usual.

Damien held out his hand, Phoenix ignored it before pulling out the seat across
from him and meeting his gaze. “Lay off the niceties, Damien. We both know why
you’re here.”

I take it you’ve been updated on the most recent developments?” Damien asked,
pulling his hand back and extending a belittling grin, his eyes darting up to
Tarik and then back.

know just enough to be dangerous. But still not enough to be worried.” Phoenix
unbuttoned his suit coat before lowering himself into the chair across from

smile faltered slightly before widening, and Phoenix hated the man even more
now than he had before. Not only was Damien a cheat and a liar, he was a
first-rate asshole to boot.

don’t think you should be a little worried that your father backed out of a
deal that’s going to cost you millions?” Damien questioned, looking far too
cocky for a man who wasn’t going to get the answer he was hoping for.

that never happened, I’m not the least bit worried,” Phoenix stated, leaning
back in his chair, steepling his hands and resting them on his stomach. Two
could play this game.

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