A Million Tiny Pieces (24 page)

Read A Million Tiny Pieces Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tarik groaned as his cock hardened completely.

like that?” Phoenix ground out through clenched teeth, his mouth only a whisper
away from Tarik’s. “You like when I take control? I know you do. Don’t deny it.
What would you do if I turned you around and buried my cock in your ass, Tarik?
Would you let me take you? Let me fuck you hard?”

yes,” he groaned. “Any way you want.” The admission was easy. He’d wanted
Phoenix for too long. His ass clenched, the need building as Phoenix continued
to stroke him harder, faster until Tarik’s eyes closed and the pleasure nearly
overwhelmed him.

your eyes,” Phoenix demanded.

forced his eyes open, meeting Phoenix’s determined gaze.

at me when I make you come.”

nodded, unable to do anything more as the pleasure gripped him.

want to watch you come.”

grip on Tarik’s wrists tightened; the slice of pain was the extra push he
needed. “Fuck,” he groaned. “I’m coming.”

cock pulsed as he came, but Phoenix didn’t release him. Phoenix kept a firm
grip on his softening dick, and the other on his wrists as he pressed his lips
to Tarik’s.

me time, Tarik. That’s all I ask. Just a little time.”

nodded. He wanted to tell Phoenix he would give him forever just to know that
he would eventually have him. But he didn’t say the words, unable to admit that
much. He wanted Phoenix to know, but he feared what might happen if Phoenix
panicked. And he would panic if Tarik told him exactly how he felt.

there was absolutely no doubt in his mind that Phoenix would retreat if Tarik
admitted that what he felt for Phoenix was the closest thing to love he’d ever

this, right here, right now, was so worth it.

fucking worth it.




ELUDED HIM. No matter how hard he tried, Phoenix couldn’t get his mind to shut
down. Lying in his bed with Mia curled up against his side, Tarik on the
opposite side of the bed, he was more content than he’d been in a long time,
but he couldn’t get his thoughts to settle.

room was silent except for the gentle hum of the heater and Mia’s soft, even
breaths. Tarik was quiet, and Phoenix wondered whether he was awake, but he
didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to talk.

been a whirlwind
of a day, both emotional and physical, and Phoenix felt wrung out, depleted.
Yet he wouldn’t have traded it for the world.

thought back to Mia’s admission that she had trust issues. He’d known that from
the first moment he’d asked her to dance. When he’d found out about Landry, it
all made sense. But tonight, when she’d come back to the penthouse, there
hadn’t been any mistrust there. There was an odd sensation in his chest when he
thought about how the two of them had taken over, guiding him into a situation
he’d been avoiding for so long he hadn’t even known how to make it happen.

then Tarik… The man didn’t push him, but Phoenix could sense his urgency, the
need to grab hold of whatever this was and tighten his grip, do something that
would keep them from drifting apart when they had seemingly made so much
progress. Phoenix couldn’t explain it, but that alone gave him a security he
hadn’t thought he’d needed.

always been the one in control, it was strange and comforting at the same time
to know that there were two people willing to catch him if he fell. Not that he
planned to, he was too sturdy for that, but he wasn’t invincible.

thinking.” The deep rumble of Tarik’s voice made him smile in the darkness, but
he didn’t respond.

hand slid over Phoenix’s stomach, and his body tensed. Her soft touch stirred
him to life, but he knew she wasn’t awake. If she were, there still wasn’t
anything he could do, because he knew she would be sore tomorrow. He’d known
the instant he’d burrowed inside her that she hadn’t been with anyone in a long
time. Her pussy had gripped him like a velvet vice, so fucking tight, so
fucking perfect.

groaned softly, and he felt the mattress move as Tarik shifted onto his side.
Another hand came to rest on his stomach, this one much bigger than Mia’s. Just
like her touch, Tarik’s soothed him. More than he’d expected. Laying his hand
atop theirs, Phoenix forced his eyes closed, wishing for sleep.

had no idea how much time passed, but he finally succumbed, for the first time
in forever, sleeping so deeply he didn’t even dream.

Chapter Twenty-Four

WIN! GO Arrows!”

heard the crowd cheering as the limo pulled out of the parking lot of the
Arrows Center. The Saturday night home game had gone off without a hitch,
thanks to some quick thinking by his team. They’d been spectacular, proving to
everyone what they were made of. If they kept up this pace, they would make the
playoffs for the first time in six years.

was a good game,” Mia said, pulling Phoenix’s attention back into the car.

issued the invitation for her to go to the game with them that morning. Her
agreement had ignited something inside him, something that still burned bright
and hot.

you enjoy it?” Tarik asked

don’t know much about hockey, but yeah. I had a good time,” Mia told Tarik. “I
didn’t know it was that … exciting.”

can be,” Tarik stated as he leaned forward and pressed a button that raised the
partition separating the back of the limo from the driver.

watched Mia’s eyes widen as she glanced back and forth between them. “What are
you doing?”

us a little privacy,” Tarik said easily.

would you do that?” she asked, a knowing smile forming on her lips.

reached for her, pulling her onto his lap without giving her a chance to
realize what he was doing. Once she was settled over him, straddling his hips
as he faced her, Tarik joined them, moving into the seat directly beside

the back of Mia’s head, Phoenix pulled her mouth to his, thrusting his tongue
past her lips. He was still riding the adrenaline high from the game and from
being close to the two of them for the last couple of hours. The trip back to
the condo wasn’t a long one, but he couldn’t wait.

didn’t want to wait.

felt Tarik’s hand as it eased between his body and Mia’s, sliding down to reach
between her legs. As he pressed his hand there, Phoenix couldn’t resist the
urge to grind his cock against Tarik’s fingers, wishing like fuck they weren’t in
the back of a limousine. He wanted them both naked, spread out before him so he
could feast on them.

moaned into his mouth before pulling away. “Oh, God,” she whispered softly.
“Oh, God, that feels good.”

reached for the button on her jeans, knowing they wouldn’t have much time.

are you doing?” she asked, wriggling over him as he flipped the button free and
lowered the zipper.

gonna make you come. And then we’re gonna go to my penthouse, and I’m gonna
make you come again. With my mouth.”

preamble, Tarik dropped to his knees on the floor, his chest pressing against
Mia’s back, his arms coming around her so he could slide his hand inside her

glanced down between their bodies, watching as Tarik’s tanned fingers
disappeared into her silky red panties.

leaned back against Tarik, giving Phoenix a better view as Tarik began teasing

God, yes,” Mia cried out.

ground his hand against the hard ridge of his cock as he watched the erotic

for us, Mia,” Phoenix urged as Tarik’s hand moved faster. “Come all over his

so wet, baby,” Tarik muttered. “That’s it. You like when I play with your

Oh, God, yes.”

he wouldn’t find relief in the next few minutes, Phoenix rested his hands on
Mia’s thighs, keeping his eyes glued to the spot between her legs where Tarik’s
hand was hidden in her jeans.
He wanted her to come. He wanted to hear her scream.

Mia cried out. “Oh, God. I’m … coming!”

few minutes later, after Phoenix had righted her clothes and then pulled her
against him, the limo arrived at the condos. The doorman opened the door, and
Phoenix hustled Mia out, keeping her close while Tarik offered their thanks to
the driver before joining them in the lobby.

in the elevator, Mia pulled away from Phoenix, turning her intent gaze on him
and making him smile. So they’d worked her up good, had they?

are you doing?” he asked when she reached for his belt.

playing,” she said softly.

gripped her wrist before she could do any more. As much as he wanted to have
his wicked way with her in the elevator, there were cameras, and he didn’t
figure she would be too happy about that.

they were in his penthouse within minutes, and he was more than ready to give
her free rein. Which she took, surprising them both when she reached for a belt
loop and pulled them both toward the sofa.

in the bedroom?” Phoenix asked.

time for that,” Mia said, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

hear me arguing,” Tarik said as he did the work for Mia, shrugging out of his
suit jacket before quickly shedding the rest of his clothes.

he would be left behind if he didn’t get with the program, Phoenix followed
suit, stripping down to nothing in less than a minute and then watching her.

sit,” Mia instructed, nodding toward the sofa as her eyes raked over them both.

lowered himself to the cushion, gripping his rigid cock, Tarik moving to sit
beside him, the hair on Tarik’s leg rubbing against him, making him achingly
aware of their nearness.

glanced behind her and then took a seat on the coffee table, apparently deeming
it stable enough to hold her.

leaned forward, taking one of Tarik’s hands and one of his, crossing them, and
carefully placing them on each other’s cocks.

hissed in a breath when Tarik’s rough fingers grazed the sensitive skin of his

each other,” she commanded.

eyes moved up to meet hers. He studied her for a moment, wondering who had
taken over Mia’s sweet, innocent body. Sure, she’d given in to them the other
night, but this…

was a pleasant surprise was what it was.

as she asked, Phoenix wrapped his hand around Tarik’s thick cock and began
stroking slowly as Tarik did the same. He was torn between watching Mia,
watching Tarik’s hand as it pleasured him, and watching his own hand as he
tugged the hard length of Tarik’s erection.

Tarik ordered, apparently talking to Mia since she was the only one still

didn’t balk at the command, simply stood and began stripping.


fucking slowly.

was no longer confused about what he wanted to pay attention to. She was the
only thing he could see as she peeled off the Arrows jersey he’d bought her
when they’d arrived at the game, tossing it to the side before unhooking the
silky red bra that matched the panties he’d gotten a glimpse of earlier. Once
she was topless, Mia kicked off her shoes and then shimmied out of her jeans as
she eyed them both, her gaze looming over their laps where they continued to
stroke one another.

that better?” she asked sweetly.

too,” Tarik commanded.

Mia hooked her fingers into her panties and slid them down her smooth legs,
Phoenix’s jaw damn near hit the floor.

Phoenix stated sternly, nodding to the coffee table.

primly lowered herself once again.

your legs apart,” he insisted when she tried to keep them closed.

blush crept up her neck and infused her cheeks as she sat there. He might’ve
been willing to let her lead, but she should’ve known she wasn’t going to
remain in control.

play a game,” Mia said, her eyes meeting Phoenix’s.

game?” he asked, trying to hide the intense interest that overcame him.

Ever heard of Simon Says?” she questioned.

chuckled, but his hand tightened around Phoenix’s cock, making Phoenix suck in
a breath, the pleasure-pain nearly too much.

heard of it. Remind me how to play,” Phoenix said through clenched teeth.

my version, we give each other things to do by prefacing it with Simon says.
Two of us will play at a time. If you don’t say Simon says, then the other
person isn’t supposed to do the command. But instead of saying Simon says stop,
we’ll use time limits.”

does the loser have to do?” Tarik asked, amusement reflected in his tone.

the person who isn’t playing wants them to.”

in,” Tarik said quickly.

wrapped his free hand around Tarik’s wrist, effectively stilling him. If he
kept that up, there wouldn’t be a need for any games. He’d be done.

pulled his hand back at the same time Phoenix did.

about you?” Mia asked. “You up for it?”

glanced down at his cock. “Baby, I’m up for anything right now.”

blushed again.

goes first?”

do,” she said confidently. “After all, it was my idea.”

might’ve been her idea, but Phoenix wasn’t about to tell her that there was no
way she could win. No matter how much she wanted to.

stakes were just way too high.




HAD ABSOLUTELY no idea what had come over her. What she’d been thinking when
she’d suggested they play Simon Says, of all things, she didn’t know. But it
sounded like fun. Especially since they were all three naked and she was having
too much fun watching them.

way, she’d get more time to admire them and have less time to spend thinking
about being naked. And maybe a chance to boss them around for a change. She
didn’t have the grand illusion that she would win, but she knew she could have
some fun with them in the process.

says, you have to kiss him for ten seconds,” she told Phoenix.

eyes darkened, but he didn’t balk at the request. He simply turned his head,
leaned over, and pulled Tarik’s mouth to his. Ten seconds wasn’t nearly long
enough, but Mia knew things would get out of hand if she allowed too much time.

they broke apart, she smiled.

she said, thinking about her next command as she watched them carefully. “Simon
says, for fifteen seconds, you have to suck his…” She felt foolish when she
couldn’t get the word out. She’d never been one for vulgar talk. The first word
that came to her mind was penis, but now that she thought about it, that didn’t
sound nearly as sexy.

have to finish the instruction, or I can’t do it.”

felt her face flame as she swallowed hard. “You have to suck his…” Taking a
deep breath, Mia spit out the next word, “Cock. For fifteen seconds.”

a smirk, Phoenix leaned over and placed his lips around Tarik’s cock, giving
her the perfect view of what he was doing. Her body ignited, and she had the
sudden urge to touch herself. She managed to keep her fingers curled firmly
around the edge of the thick glass tabletop instead.

moaned at the same time Phoenix pulled back. When Tarik’s hand slipped into
Phoenix’s hair and he pulled him back down, Mia laughed. “Nuh-uh. Time’s up.”

met her eyes, and she could see the disappointment there. “Now, you have to
kiss him again for ten more seconds.”

moved back up, his lips landing on Tarik’s. “You lose,” she said triumphantly,
trying not to sound as breathless as she felt. “I didn’t say Simon says.”

was a glimmer in Phoenix’s eyes, and Mia had to wonder whether or not he’d done
that on purpose. And now Tarik got to tell Phoenix what to do.

I have to put a time limit on it?” Tarik asked, his grin widening, that sexy
dimple forming on his smooth cheek. She loved that he’d shaved. He didn’t do it
daily, and there was usually at least two days’ worth of dark stubble lining
his jaw, but tonight it was smooth.

she said softly, trying not to fidget as she waited.

Simon says Phoenix has to lick your pussy. Until I say stop.”

flash of blazing heat streaked over her skin. Mia wouldn’t be surprised if she was

back on the table,” Phoenix instructed as he dropped to his knees on the rug
that covered the hardwood.

eased back on the glass table, praying it was strong enough to hold her.

strong enough. I promise,” Phoenix said, as though he could read her mind. “Now
spread your legs. Let me see your pretty pussy.”

her feet on the floor, Mia spread her legs as she stared at the ceiling. She
tried to focus on her breathing, but that wasn’t working, especially when she
felt Phoenix’s warm breath caress her most intimate place.

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