A Million Tiny Pieces (37 page)

Read A Million Tiny Pieces Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

next thing Phoenix knew, Tarik was forcing him toward his bedroom, tugging Mia
behind him. Her soft laughter made something loosen in Phoenix’s chest, and
when she came over to him, he kissed her, trying to be gentle. She took his
control from him instantly with the way she captured his mouth, her hands
cradling his head.

stripped her completely while her mouth was locked with Phoenix’s.

the bed,” Tarik growled.

smiled against Phoenix’s lips, pulling him with her as she settled onto the mattress.
“He’s awfully bossy, isn’t he?” she said in a mock whisper.

grinned but resumed kissing her, delving into her mouth, letting her consume
him with her sweetness, her eagerness. He wanted to be inside her, and he
didn’t want to wait.

his fingers trail down between her legs, he teased her gently. “You’re ready
for me.”

she answered, her hands sliding to his hips and forcing his boxers down.

assisted, pulling his boxers off, and the next thing Phoenix knew, he was sliding
into Mia’s warm, wet heat.

he growled, realizing instantly that he wasn’t wearing a condom. “Oh, fuck,
Mia. Baby, we need a condom.”

didn’t seem to hear him. That or she was ignoring him completely. He didn’t
know. He wasn’t sure he cared, except he wanted to make sure she was okay with
this before he proceeded.

okay,” she told him. “I’m on the pill.”

met her gaze. There was more to it than just the risk of pregnancy, but he
could see in her eyes that she trusted them. The same as they trusted her.
Nodding, he pressed his mouth to hers and closed his eyes as he pushed inside

fucking shit. Without the latex barrier, the sensations were intense, blasting
him from all directions.

move,” Tarik instructed from somewhere behind him.

tore his mouth from Mia’s. “What?”

heard me,” Tarik replied with a rasping laugh. “Stay right there.”

smile distracted him momentarily, but Phoenix focused on the shift of the bed
behind him, on Tarik’s rough hands sliding over his ass, separating him.

Phoenix growled as the most exquisite pleasure, aside from the feel of Mia’s
smooth cunt sheathing him, ripped through him.

Oh, fuck.

tongue was rimming his asshole, awakening nerve endings that had never been
awakened before. It was… “Oh, God. Don’t stop.” Phoenix wasn’t above begging.
He wasn’t above anything if that pleasure would remain. He managed to hold
himself above Mia, his cock buried inside her, skin to skin, her legs wrapped around
his hips as Tarik fucked his ass with his tongue.

you like that?” Mia asked, her voice as soft as her hands when they caressed
his jaw.

momentarily wondered how she knew what Tarik was doing, but then he looked
over, seeing Tarik’s reflection in the mirror above the dresser. Mia would have
a perfect view of all that Tarik was doing to him.

he groaned. “Oh, fuck.”

pussy clenched around his cock as he retreated and then pushed into her, trying
to force Tarik where he wanted him.



mouth disappeared, and his hand came to rest on Phoenix’s back. He found
himself sandwiched between Mia and Tarik as cool liquid dribbled over his ass
moments before Tarik… “Oh, fuck, yes.”

pressed the head of his cock against Phoenix’s hole. He wasn’t gentle, but
Phoenix didn’t need gentle. As it was, his cock was pulsing, his balls drawing
up against his body. He was going to come without even moving, with the
phenomenal heat of Mia’s pussy hugging him tightly.

me do the work,” Tarik whispered against his ear as he pushed into him.

shifted, forcing her hips upward, changing the angle as Tarik began fucking
Phoenix’s ass. He fought the urge to move at first, allowing Tarik to control
the pace, forcing him into Mia, deeper, deeper still, until he couldn’t hold
back. He began pumping his hips, fucking Mia with shallow strokes while Tarik
fucked his ass.

too much,” Phoenix said. “I can’t… Shit. I’m gonna come.”

thrusts increased in speed and intensity until Phoenix was pounding into Mia,
then driving back to meet Tarik’s cock.

cried out, and Phoenix let go, letting Tarik finish them off until all movement
stopped, Tarik’s fingers digging into his hips as he came with a rush, filling
Phoenix’s ass. It was then that he realized Tarik hadn’t worn a condom, either,
which explained the exquisite sensations that had ripped through him.

taken the next step. A step Phoenix had been wanting but not sure how to ask
for. Now he didn’t have to, and the only thing he could think about was how
they got to the next step from here. And the one after that. Whatever that
might be.

matter what, Phoenix knew without a doubt that this was it for him. These two
were his future.

he damn sure wasn’t going to let anyone take them from him.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

THE FOLLOWING Monday, Mia rapped her knuckles on the front door, a nervous
flutter coursing through her as she realized just what she was doing. She had
accepted the invite without question, not wanting to spend the evening alone
while Tarik and Phoenix were both out of town for a round of away games. They
had tried to convince her to come along, but after missing two of her classes
last week when having lunch with Harrison, she knew she couldn’t miss any more.
It was a tempting invitation, but she had declined, only to accept this one.
Dinner with Ellen Pierce on a Monday night.

Ellen greeted her kindly as she opened the front door.

woman looked as elegantly put together as she always did. Her hair was glossy
and straight, her makeup subtle yet perfect, her green eyes keen and bright.
There was no denying the fact that she was Phoenix’s mother. They looked so
much alike, yet so different at the same time.

you for inviting me,” Mia said as she made her way inside Ellen’s condo.

looked similar to her own in layout, however the decor was vastly different
than what she’d expected. It was very … homey. For some reason, she’d expected
something significantly different, something that reflected Ellen’s
all-business personality.

so glad you could make it. Dinner’s almost ready.”

followed Ellen into the living room, noting the pictures that sat on every
available surface. There were dozens of Phoenix now, even more of a young boy
she assumed was also him.

pictures told a story over time as Phoenix grew up. There were pictures of him
in school — from grade school to what she assumed was his college graduation.
There were even pictures of Tarik and Phoenix together.

been close for a while, huh?” Mia asked, referring to one of the images of
Tarik and Phoenix together.

never been solely a working relationship between those two. They met when
Phoenix was working with a local boy’s club, creating a hockey program. Tarik
was the volunteer who took over the program. They’d become friends somewhere at
that point.”

thought about Tarik volunteering at a boy’s home, and her heart turned over.
The man seemed so unsure about his feelings, yet … he did things such as volunteer,
which only proved how incredible he was. And that was a trait at his core,
obviously not something he’d learned.

heart swelled with even more love for him.

to another picture, Mia’s eyes instantly watered at the sight of Phoenix with his
father. They were at a hockey game, and based on the way Phoenix appeared, it
hadn’t been that long ago.

Phoenix’s father, Sid,” Ellen said, coming to stand beside Mia when she moved
in to get a closer look.

And I thought Phoenix looked like you,” Mia said absently. They had the same
black hair, the same prominent nose. The only difference was Sid’s eyes were
green, although not nearly as dark as Phoenix’s.

chuckled. “He’s the spitting image of his father when he was Phoenix’s age. Take
your time looking around. I’ll be in the kitchen finishing up.”

nodded, unable to look away from all the pictures. They were everywhere. Not
only on surfaces; they also decorated the walls of the hallways. They were
likely Ellen’s daily reminder of the two men she’d built her life around. Mia
felt a pang in her heart as she thought about what Ellen had gone through
losing her husband.

quite handsome, don’t you think?” Ellen asked when Mia joined her in the

think that’s an understatement,” Mia said honestly. “Can I help you with

can set the table if you’d like.”

busied herself setting the table while Ellen pulled something out of the oven
and then moved on to stir a pot on the stove. A few minutes later, they were
sitting at the table, a delicious aroma surrounding them.

is one of Phoenix’s favorites, although he’ll claim he doesn’t have one.
Homemade shepherd’s pie. Peas, carrots, ground beef, and mashed potatoes.
Simple. So very unlike him,” Ellen explained.

laughed. “He certainly is rather complex,” she agreed. “This looks wonderful.”

Ellen served herself, Mia did the same, hoping she didn’t look as nervous as
she felt. Sitting down to dinner with Ellen was … unexpected. Dating Phoenix
and Tarik was one thing; spending time with their parents was something else.

informed Phoenix that I stole you for the evening,” Ellen informed her as they

smiled. “What did he say?”

told me to go easy on you.”

that right?”

always worried, that one. I think he spends so much time worrying about
everyone else that he forgets to think about himself sometimes.”

understood what Ellen was saying. From the day she’d met him, Phoenix had been
worried about one thing or another. He wasn’t just complex, he was intense.
Although he did know how to have a good time, it seemed to take quite a bit of
work to get his mind to clear. It seemed to her that she and Tarik balanced him
out well.

least the Arrows are doing well this season,” Ellen said. “That should be one
less worry he has.”

heard they may make the playoffs,” Mia said. “For the record, I don’t know
anything about hockey. I’ve been to one game in my life, and that was with
Phoenix and Tarik.”

entire life has been about hockey. His father got him into it when he was very
young. Oh, he was so good. That’s ultimately how Sid ended up going down the
path he was on, purchasing the Arrows. It kept the two of them close.”

remembered the conversation she’d had with Phoenix about the same subject.
“Could he have played professionally?”

But he didn’t want to. His mind has always been on business. He’s a lot like
his grandfather — Sid’s father — was in that sense. We never discouraged him
from doing what he wanted to do. When he decided he wanted to be part of the
team from a business perspective, Sid was delighted. They made a good team.”

noticed the sadness that distorted Ellen’s features. Reaching across the table,
Mia touched her hand softly. “I’m so sorry for your loss. That’ll never make it
better, I know.”

smiled, but it was sad. “Thank you. I miss him every day. It pains me all that
Phoenix has had to deal with since Sid died. He hasn’t had much time to grieve

nodded. “You’re referring to the lawsuit,” Mia said, swallowing hard. She was
suddenly no longer hungry. Thinking about what Damien was doing to Phoenix made
her blood boil. The idea that Damien was using her to get at Phoenix made her
chest hurt and her stomach churn.

you dare take that on yourself, young lady,” Ellen stated firmly, shocking Mia
with the authority in her tone. “I see your mind working in that pretty little
head of yours. This isn’t your fault. I know that. Phoenix and Tarik know that.
They’ll fix this. I know they will.”

hope so,” Mia said. She wanted it all to go away. Things were going so well
between her and Tarik and Phoenix, she didn’t want anything to interfere,
certainly not Damien.

will. The three of you need to keep doing what you’re doing. Lean on one
another. That’s all anyone can ask for.”

couldn’t hide the surprise on her face as her eyes rose to meet Ellen’s.
Phoenix’s mother answered with a laugh.

if you think I don’t see everything that goes on, you’re just as oblivious as
my son.”

didn’t know what to say to that. She took a sip of her water, hoping not to
choke. “So you know about…”

Tarik and Phoenix? Or about the three of you? I see more than he gives me
credit for. I’ve known for a very long time how Tarik feels about Phoenix. I
also know that Phoenix has been confused a long time, too. Until you.”

me?” Mia was confused.

don’t know what it is about you, but when you came along, Phoenix changed. And
don’t take that the wrong way. It’s definitely a good thing. It’s like his
guard came down. He let you in. He let Tarik in. He’s evolving. I thought for a
while he was going to regress. He’s always been … adventurous,” Ellen stated,
smiling. “This little triad you have going with them isn’t the norm, but … it
seems to be working. I hope you aren’t questioning that.”

couldn’t believe that Ellen was freely telling her that she approved of their
“triad,” as she had called it. Mia hadn’t even considered how her own mother
would react when she found out — which no doubt she would. Eventually.

probably the only thing I’m
questioning,” Mia said softly.

good,” Ellen said. “There are some things in life you fight for, and there are
some things in life you don’t fight against. This is one of those times that
you do both.” Ellen pointed at Mia’s plate with her fork. “Now, finish eating.
We’ve got a game to watch.”




A DAMN good thing the team wasn’t depending on you for that W tonight,” Tarik
joked as he and Phoenix made their way into their hotel room after the game.
The room they were sharing this time — something they’d never done before.

been preoccupied with so many things, one of which was the fact that his
girlfriend was having dinner with this mother. As soon as the game was over,
Phoenix had texted Mia to check in. She’d congratulated him on the win and
assured him that dinner had been fantastic. He’d breathed a little easier at
that point.

glared back at him but didn’t say a word. It was the truth; he couldn’t deny
that. He’d been so preoccupied with his thoughts, his team could’ve put on
fucking tutus and danced around the ice for all he knew.

you at?” Tarik asked, his tone softer, the teasing tone absent. “You’re lost in
your own head.”

off his suit coat, Phoenix folded it and laid it over the back of the chair
before dropping to the bed. He proceeded to remove his shoes, socks, tie, belt.
All while watching Tarik watching him. When he started to unbutton his shirt,
he saw the glimmer of heat that sparked in Tarik’s eyes. It was something
Phoenix had seen more often than not these last few weeks. For the longest
time, he’d pretended not to notice Tarik, pretended he wasn’t drawn to him in
ways he’d never imagined. He couldn’t deny any of that anymore.

removing his cuff links on his shirt, Phoenix crooked his finger at Tarik,
loving how the big man moved closer without a word being spoken. It was
empowering to know the sort of control he had over Tarik. But it wasn’t a power
trip. There was something deeper, more complex than anything Phoenix had ever

reached for Tarik’s belt, unhooking it while he kept his eyes locked with
Tarik’s as Tarik stood above him. Without a word, he proceeded to undress Tarik
until he was standing in front of him, his erection bobbing out from between
his thighs. Leaning forward, Phoenix sucked Tarik into his mouth, tearing his
eyes away from Tarik’s so he could focus.

yes,” Tarik groaned softly, his fingers sliding into Phoenix’s hair. “God,
that’s good. Your mouth… So fucking good.”

swept his tongue along Tarik’s thick shaft, curling around the head, swiping
over the tip, tasting him. He took his time, savoring the salty taste, the
musky scent, the way Tarik groaned when Phoenix focused on the vein that ran
the length of Tarik’s cock.

Tarik pulled his hair, effectively dislodging his cock from Phoenix’s mouth,
Phoenix didn’t complain. He looked up as Tarik moved over him, pushing him to
the bed as their mouths met, their tongues dueled. No words were necessary as
they came together. Phoenix knew what Tarik would give him. Security, peace of
mind… It was all there. And he craved it like a fucking drug.

lips left his mouth but trailed down his neck, his chest, his nipple. While
Tarik pleasured him with his lips, tongue, and teeth, he worked to remove the
rest of Phoenix’s clothes, and Phoenix did his best to help him. When they were
both naked, Tarik reached for something in one of the bags on the chair and
returned with a bottle of lubricant.

reached for it. It was his turn this time. His turn to claim Tarik.

your back,” Phoenix instructed as he squirted lube into his hand, coating his
cock as he watched Tarik’s impressive body sprawl out on the bed before him.

Tarik propped up on the pillows, Phoenix knelt between his thighs, adding more
lube to his hand, then working two fingers into Tarik’s asshole.

eyes closed, and his head tilted back, his corded neck too much of a temptation
for Phoenix to resist. He sucked on Tarik’s skin while he finger fucked him,
working him open, getting him ready for him. When Tarik began rocking on the
bed, Phoenix removed his fingers and replaced them with the head of his cock.
He grabbed Tarik’s right leg and bent it, forcing Tarik’s knee up near his
chest as he pushed his way in, his eyes locked on Tarik’s face.

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