Authors: Carol Rutz
Tags: #Law, #Constitutional Law, #Human Rights, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #Specific Topics, #Intelligence & Espionage
The actual number of patients on whom Cameron reported trying varieties of his experimental techniques is reported as 332; although as Anne Collins reports in:
In the Sleep Room
that in later years he took to reporting only the cases that had what he considered interesting or positive results.
In 1988 nine of these Canadian survivors agreed to an out-of-court settlement of $750,000 after an eight-year long battle with CIA lawyers.
John Gittinger, CIA agent and psychologist was Ewen Cameron’s project officer. In testimony before Congress on August 3, 1977, Gittinger responds to Senator Kennedy’s questions on his involvement.
Gittinger: “My responsibilities...was not directly related to drugs at all. I was a psychologist charged with the responsibility of trying to develop as much information as I could on various cultures, overseas cultures, anthropological type data, if you follow what I mean. I was also engaged in trying to work out ways and means of assessing people and understanding people. I originally became involved in this through working on Chinese culture, and over a series of time I was introduced to the problem of brainwashing, which is the thing that really was the most compelling thing in relationship to this, and became charged with the responsibility of trying to find out a little bit about interrogation techniques.”
In further testimony he said, “By 1962 and 1963, the general idea we were able to come up with is that brainwashing was largely a process of isolating a human being, keeping him out of contact, putting him out of control, putting him under long stress in relationship to interviewing and interrogation, and that they could produce any change that way without having to resort to an kind of esoteric means.”
On January 19, 1983 in an oral deposition, Gittinger testified concerning the CIA involvement with Cameron as follows:
“Now that was a foolish mistake. We shouldn’t have done it...As I said, I’m sorry we did it. Because it turned out to be a terrible mistake.”
Gittinger concluded that if he had it to do over again, “I would refuse to support him or be interested in him.”
One of the programs instilled in me by Ewen Cameron was to psychically kill Mao Tse-tung with a brain aneurysm. When my alter Guy remembered this programming in 1999, he thought Mao was still alive. Guy’s handler had never initiated his programming command, so when he was brought out of Shadowland where he was discovered, he was still awaiting orders to release the “Red Fire.” The cued words that were supposed to be spoken were, “When the Eagle Fly’s, Mao Tse-tung Must Die.” To find out Mao was dead and gone was truly a relief for my Guy alter, and the first step in integrating him into my total personality.
In 1964 at the age of 16, I was taken to an underground military facility to demonstrate these psychic abilities that had been perfected with these brainwashing techniques. I took an elevator ride deep below the earth, and then rode a golf cart down some very long hallways arriving in a cavern that was large enough to hold a missile upright and still have room overhead. I was placed in a chair and an intravenous drip was hooked up. I listened as the head of the demonstration told the others attending that if I were to get “out of control,” the man attending me would inject a sedative, and I would immediately be made unconscious. I have to admit I was feeling sorry for the poor man that had to stand by me with the syringe. He didn’t have much choice but to comply. There were mostly all old people present, the “Geritol” set.
One man was even in a wheelchair with oxygen tanks aboard. They went into a control room with glass windows for viewing, and watched as I was ordered to direct the “Red Fire” at something or someone behind a concrete barrier. I can’t tell you whether or not I was successful, as I don’t remember. Maybe that is for the best.
This does sound totally ridiculous in retrospect, but no more ridiculous than Sidney Gottlieb providing poison to kill Fidel Castro. As part of the CIA’s assassination plots, he developed a poison handkerchief to kill an Iraqi colonel, an array of toxic gifts to be delivered to Fidel Castro, and a poison dart to kill a leftist leader in the Congo.
In the Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour Hersh describes how this secret program of assassination became known as “Executive Action” when Kennedy was inaugurated.
William K. Harvey was put in charge of this secret program code named ZR/RIFLE. Burton describes the former FBI agent as “short and fat, with bulging eyes, a raspy voices and a serious drinking problem. He often walked around with two pearl-handled pistols tucked into his belt and bragged incessantly about his success with women.”
Gottlieb met with him in January 1961, five days after Kennedy’s inauguration. They discussed Castro, Lumumba, and Trujillo as potential targets. On the next day Harvey met with Arnold Silver, the CIA’s station chief in Luxembourg, and talked about recruiting agents for the ZR/RIFLE program. Hersh reports there was much talk of security and the need not to put anything in writing, “No other agencies. No project on paper...Never mention word assassination.”
Earlier in 1960, Gottlieb came up with the idea of infecting a handkerchief and mailing it to Iraq via the CIA station in New Delhi, India. They were trying to get rid of General Abdul Karim Kassem, the military strongman of Iraq. Sidney Gottlieb told Hersh, “It was not an assassination. They just wanted him to get sick for a long time. I went to Bissell and he said go ahead.”
Gottlieb also helped create a CIA assassination kit containing needles, rubber gloves, gauze masks, and lethal biological materials. Bissel ordered Gottlieb to the Congo with his kit in September 1960, to give the kit to Lawrence Devlin to poison Lumumba. Gottlieb told Hersh, “I did ask Bissell, ‘Was this our idea?’ The answer was that it came from ‘the highest source--President Eisenhower.”
Perhaps our government took this apparent use of the mind to a different level. It could explain the bizarre nature of the experiments they performed on me. Chris Bucholtz reports on the Air Force’s use of the brain in an article he wrote in 1995.
He says,
“Scientists at the Aeronautical Systems Centre (ASC) at the US Air Force’s Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio are studying the use of brain-actuated control techniques as a means of controlling aircraft.
In the past the problem with thought-control techniques has been discerning the faint electromagnetic brain signals which accompany voluntary thought, from the flurry of “background noise” in the brain caused by everyday activity. In the ASC experiments, pilots in a simulator face two fluorescent lights, which pulse at 13.25 Hz. This causes nerve cells in the subject’s visual cortex to fire at the same frequency. Electrodes on their heads detect the resulting brain-wave patterns, feeding them to an amplifier and a filter. The filter picks out the 13.25.Hz waves and measures their power. A bar scale displays a measurement of these waves, which allows the subjects to learn how to vary the intensity of their brain responses.”
The “Red Fire” sounds like the same thing that the British philosopher Herbert Spencer suggested more than 100 years ago. He believed that each child was born with an energy-producing machine of some kind inside it, and that this energy must be released in some fashion or the child would “explode.”
In a 1994 article from
Aviation Week and Space Technology
, William Scott reports on an interview with a retired colonel who confirmed that the Army conducted experiments in the 1960s aimed at controlling air defense missiles with brainwaves.
Some of this becomes clearer when you look at a declassified CIA document dated January 1, l965.
This document is an account of what types of things were discovered on a trip to Russia. The document talks about hypnotized patients and acupuncture, and the variation of conductivity between the network points according to the patient’s condition in hypnosis. It also talks about fastening electrodes to humans around the head with an open helmet that contains screw contact electrodes that can be moved about and brought into light but constant pressure contact. Many survivors besides me have drawn themselves with this helmet like device on. They go on to talk about a training device, which uses a cylindrical capacitor. This device can be used to study one’s ability to concentrate and focus the mind, and by practice, one should be able to increase the minds ability to control the energy body. One hand holds the cylinder and the thumb and the forefinger of the other hand touches a silver-plated contact. The imagination of stress or excitement during the experiment can be used to alter the results.
The documents also talks about Telekinesis (PK) and an individual named Nelya K who actually caused a frog’s heart to stop. She could influence the rhythm of other people and alter their skin condition, so as to produce burning feeling on contact. They also found that hypnosis could be used to enhance PK abilities and that autogenic training was used to help increase PK abilities. More than likely, Nelya K is Nina Kulagina mentioned earlier.
On May 26, 1995 The
(Glasgow) broke a story entitled “Brainwash Killers Still In Use.” They reported that A Top-Secret project in the former Soviet Union in the 1970s turned soldiers and security agents into programmable “human weapons.” They said the psychological weapon project relied on hypnosis and high-frequency radio waves to turn members of the Soviet security forces and military into fearless, conscienceless fighting machines. The Psychotronic Influence System relied on passwords and numbered codes to activate its subjects. After the KGB project’s existence was made public hundreds of former Soviet soldiers, police, and KGB members sought health damages. Not so different sounding from what the Agency was attempting to do to me.
In a 1964 report on MKULTRA programs and participants, the use of children is made quite clear in response to the following,
“Have CIA personnel conducted experiments involving human subjects other than the experiment that involved R Frank Olsen an at least three other persons?
ORD (Office of Research and Development):
The one instance in which ORD personnel have been directly involved in conducting experiments with human subjects occurred in Orlando, Florida during December 1964. The subject allegedly had transdermal optical perception. The tests were observed by a contractor under a classified association contract, which had been funded through the (deleted) Fund. In addition to the contractor, the subject’s father was present during all testing. No drugs were used. With this one exception, all ORD sponsored research involving human subjects has been conducted by contractors.”
Wasn’t that nice of them to contract most of the dirty work out? In a 1973 report prepared for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better know as ARPA, an assessment study on paranormal research in the United States and Soviet Union was conducted.
Derma-Optics was reported as being studied by the Soviets. It is described as a phenomenon where a subject could sense visual information through tactile skin receptors. They reported an experimental case early in 1960 with Rosa Kuleshova and several children in provincial villages who claimed they had the ability to read printed texts or to identify colors with skin surfaces while blindfolded.
This test in Orlando probably took place so that the U.S. could determine if there was any possibility that these reports were true. I allege they changed the name from Derma-Optics to transdermal for their own identification purposes. Transdermal optical perception could be translated in a couple of more ways. Across the skin of the eye, might mean remote viewing.
Joe McMoneagle, a retired US Army intelligence officer used remote viewing (RV) to go into the mind of Shaw Taylor to see through his eyes in an experiment carried out on The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna (ITV, UK). This method of using RV to enter the brains of other people is called remote sensing.
Remote sensing is another term that is used by the ORD when asked about its participation in experiments involving human subjects.
It may also mean ESP experiments, as in seeing through cards etc. In the same document it mentions an experiment that the CIA funded through the Office of Naval Research from 1966-1968 to determine whether unusual sensory processes could be used for intelligence purposes. They described this research as “Extrasensory research that involved the attachment of sensors for recording coincidence of brain waves in three subjects when only one of the three was stimulated by visual, auditory or tactal means.”
Another CIA declassified document from 1969 contains a photocopy of a Bulletin of the William C. Menninger Dream Laboratory at the Maimonides Medical Center. It discusses a research paper done by Dr. Stanley Krippner summarizing the results from 55 experimental nights and 79 pilot nights, in which a single subject and a single agent (who attempted to send a picture) were used in telepathy studies.
It also discusses studies to investigate the relationship between ESP and the alpha state, and announces “an alpha training device has now been built for additional experimentation and funded by the Society for Comparative Philosophy, Sausalito, California.”