A Night in the Vampire's Embrace (Paranormal BDSM) (2 page)

“We’ll see,” he told me simply. “But for now, you need to stop worrying about your friends and consider your situation.”

“My situation?”

“You’re at a vampire’s mercy,” he said. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “I like you, Sarah. I think you’re quite beautiful.” His declaration should have repulsed me. After all, he was the enemy, an anathema to life. He defiled the universe’s natural order. Yet as hard as I tried, I couldn’t summon up anything close to disgust. Instead, I felt my body quiver with longing.

I buried those feelings and glared back at him with as much defiance and strength as I could muster. “I’ll fight you.”

“I’d expect nothing less,” he said, his eyes glittering with amusement.

His hands shot down, he gripped the neck of my blouse, and he tore the fabric. He ripped it down in one movement as though the silk were nothing but paper. With my abdomen and bra exposed, he cocked his head to one side and shrugged as if to suggest the universe were ironically unfair sometimes.

I scrambled away until my back ran up against the brick wall. Raymond came on again, sliding forward with the kind of grace no unaltered human could hope to match. “Make this easy on yourself,” he said.

Without giving me a chance to react, his hands moved again. I couldn’t follow his movements. They simply seemed to happen. For the first time, I realized how weak a human must have seemed in comparison to a creature such as him.

He grabbed my wrists and lifted them over my head. He pinned me against the wall. My shredded blouse parted to reveal the curves of my breasts and my stomach. I shivered, suddenly feeling very naked before this man even though I knew he wanted more. I couldn’t guess his end game, yet his intentions became clear when he pressed his body against mine.

His body seemed to exude a comforting chill. He held me, and I couldn’t help but notice his solidity and strength. I couldn’t help but lick my lower lip when I felt his cock press out from his pants and against my thigh.

Raymond whispered to me again, speaking in calmingly soft notes as though I were some wild animal he wished to tame. Although he had me bound, he didn’t want me to struggle. Or maybe he did and just wanted to play with me. I couldn’t tell as he spoke, “Sarah, I’m going to give you a night. On this night, you will be mine. I will possess you wholly. You are free to struggle, but know that I will punish defiance.” Each sound made my insides melt a little more. His raw charisma seemed to scratch at my resistance. “But don’t worry. You’ll learn to enjoy and savor every second.”

My mind blanked. I couldn’t think of some clever retort. I didn’t have a scathing comment on hand, and then I really couldn’t think as he bent down and kissed my neck. My nerves lit up as he ran his cool lips along my flesh. My temperature spiked, which only added to the deliciousness of his teasing mouth.

He ran his teeth along my skin. I could feel each one, each point, and edge. My heart jumped two beats, but I couldn’t speak. I lost my voice as he toyed with me. And when he flicked his tongue out and started to kiss my throat, I felt my excitement flare up.

“I can wrestle you down and strip you of your clothing one garment at a time,” Raymond told me as his hand moved down my wrist, my arm, down to my breast and lower still. He held my gaze and concentration locked in his stare. I couldn’t escape the haze of blue running around his pupils’ infinite black.

“Or,” he continued with those dulcet notes, “you can remove your clothes for me. Wouldn’t you like to maintain some dignity?”

I bristled at that final word, especially because he communicated something else. His hand stopped right over my belly button, yet some piece of me longed for him to continue about five inches south. I could practically feel his fingertips sliding along some of my most sensitive spots.

He released my other wrist, yet my arms remained over my head. I couldn’t think to move them as he raised his mouth and moved in to kiss me. Of course, a big part of me wanted to slap him or try to fight, but I couldn’t. I caught his scent, a mixture of cloves and vanilla, and my eyes slid shut. My lips parted to embrace him.

The coolness of his body came close. I could feel the air slide along my lips, making me tingle with a dozen different kinds of anticipation. The atmosphere shifted again, and disappointment rushed through me because he stepped back.

“Strip,” he ordered.

I wanted to resist. I wanted to defy him, but something stopped me. I couldn’t describe it exactly. He wielded an otherworldly influence. His every motion seduced me. The way he watched me and wanted me made it impossible for me to do anything but what he suggested.

And of course, there were the rationales. I told myself I didn’t want him to rip my clothes off. I promised myself that this way I got to retain some measure of control. But those silent remarks were all lies. I repeated them to keep myself calm as I pulled off my blouse, unhooked my bra, and stood before him, topless.

After a moment of allowing him to inspect me, I bowed down and started to work the clasp of my pants. Before I could undo them, he ordered me to stop. He nearly barked the command, and somehow, I obeyed.

I froze up and peeked back up at him. Raymond stared back at me with hunger. It wasn’t the primal, animalistic yearning of a beast who couldn’t control himself.

No, his look spoke a different kind of interest. He seemed like a man of refined tastes who had finally discovered something worth having. I felt nervous, small, and hopeful. Dread and frustration niggled behind my eyes as well. The compound of emotions made it even harder to focus on finding some way out of these circumstances.

In a saner state of mind, I could have resisted. I could have thrown up some line of defense, but his touch and his aura made my pulse quicken and my blood simmer. A hundred impulses darted throughout my body, and he seemed to be the source of them all.

Raymond approached again. “Hands behind your back,” he said to me. My chains clinked as I complied. I wove my fingers together at the small of my back and watched him as he inspected me. He glided his knuckles down my cheek to the crook of my neck and down to my breasts.

Before I could even attempt at some thought or effort to keep my body from responding, my nipples stiffened at his attention. He traced one finger in a set of figure-eight patterns around my breasts, then my nipples. I grabbed my chains, and my grip tightened until my skin turned white from the pressure.

“Would you like me to stroke you?”

“I’ll get you for this,” I managed to gasp from my gritted teeth. I didn’t want my body language or skin tone to betray his effect on me, yet I couldn’t help it. “I’ll get you for this!” I uttered right as he pinched my nipples. A burst of pleasurable pain ran through my torso and my knees threatened to buckle.

He leaned in and kissed me on the mouth, hard. He possessed me and took control of me with just his lips. I tried to retreat back, but again the wall made its presence obvious and held me there as Raymond took me. He pushed his body against mine until I couldn’t think or feel anything beyond the taste of his mouth and the feel of his erection pressing against me.

He broke away and placed his hands on my thighs. I gasped and pulled in another long draw of air when he started to move his mouth lower. He kissed my collarbones, teasing me with hints of touch and friction, just enough to make it impossible for me to ignore his progress.

He kissed my clavicles. My breathing turned ragged as he lowered his mouth several more inches. The tip of his nose trailed down until he started to lick at me. His tongue ran a teasing circle around my nipple. I lifted my chin, stared p into the ceiling, and felt my eyelids closed. The sensations heightened as he mouthed me, bringing his lips together and pinching the nipple.

Pulling the chains tight, I struggled to clear my thoughts. C’mon, I kept thinking, I should have been able to do this. I should have been able to regain control of my thoughts, yet they scattered with each flick of his tongue.

Raymond smiled up at me. It was a knowing grin, one designed to communicate nothing so much as his awareness of my dilemma and the futility of my struggles. His expression made it clear: I could struggle all I liked, but he was going to make sure I enjoyed this.

Then he moved to my other breast and started the process all over again. I suppressed a whimper even as pleas started to pummel at me. I could have tried to beg. Maybe if I asked very nicely, he would have stopped. No, that was stupid, and I knew it. I had to negotiate from a position of strength.

But when he pulled back, I groaned like a disappointed kid. I wanted more. My nipples puckered as the cool air washed over my dampened nipples. I tightened my grip on the chains as if that simple act of muscle control could help me reassert dominion over my own body.

“Now you may remove the rest of your clothes.”

“No,” I spat the word.

“Are you sure?” he asked and came closer again. He touched one hand to my cheek while his other fingers moved down between my legs. He lightly stroked the spot just above my slit. My clitoris throbbed for him as he worked me up. The desires swirled through me, and he asked again. “Are you sure?”

Fighting with every fiber of my being, I tried to resist him. At the same time, I could only arrive at one conclusion. He could be preternaturally seductive. It came with every motion and half-touch. I licked my lips and did everything I could say no, but then I nodded quickly, ashamed of how quickly I gave in.

Raymond withdrew back again and held his hands behind his back, obviously mocking the position I had been in only a few seconds before. Trying not to think about it, I reached down for my waistband and started to shimmy out of my clothes. He watched me the whole time, clearly enjoying the show.

Blush curled up along my skin. I couldn’t help it as I kicked off my pants, my socks, then I glanced up with my fingers along the elastic trim of my panties. “Must I?”

Raymond came closer again, only this time he placed his hands over mine and nudged them down. My panties fell away. I stepped out of them and peered up at him as I stood before him, naked.

“You’ve been behaving yourself very well. Can I remove the chains?” he asked.

“Yes,” I whispered back, bowing my head down.

A spark of defiance came to life because this might be my chance. My heart quickened again, beating faster than I thought possible. He touched the manacles around my wrists and spoke a word of magic. The chains released and he grabbed me up. He took me in his arms and kissed me again. I tilted my head back and let him explore my mouth with his.

In that moment, I lost myself to the heat and passion of desire. I felt the moisture and heat build at the apex of my legs. I started to rub myself against him. I did it without thinking. Somewhere deep down, I thought I heard him chuckle, but I couldn’t be sure. Right then, I couldn’t be certain of anything.

He pulled away, took my hand, and started to walk me back to the bed. We took several steps, and with each one, I couldn’t help but marvel at how quickly this was happening. He had kidnapped me. I had to get away. He couldn’t simply take me and turn me like this.

But as we approached the bed and I took in the sight of the plush sheets and soft pillows, I realized this would be my only chance.

I exhaled a word. I kept it low and quiet. This spell wasn’t my most powerful, but it was one that I had known for many years. In fact, it happened to be the first defensive spell I had ever learned. Anything else might have taken too long.

Arcane energy tingled through my body. It helped wake me up and break the spell his presence cast on me.

As the magic spread warmth through my skin, I spun around, jerked my wrist from his grasp, and watched its effect on my captor. His eyes widened as the spell’s energy strengthened around his muscles. The spell simply slowed him down. Any human would have been paralyzed. As a vampire, he had a decent chance of fighting it.

Naked, I darted back, grabbed my clothes and sprinted for the door. My bare feet hit the floor as hard as I could kick, running with everything I had. Frantic thoughts rushed through my head.

If I could get out into the public—preferably with clothes on—then I’d have a chance. Even if I could just get outside, then I might be able to call for help. Most of my circle would be on the other side of town, but it was better than nothing.

I made it five feet, ten. I didn’t glance back.

The vampire’s growl thrummed against my eardrums. I could hear his anger and rage as he battled the spell. Part of me wanted to turn back and try again. Maybe this time I would have enough time to complete a proper attack.


I figured I made my choice. Fight or flight, and I chose to flee. I made it to his loft’s entrance. I grabbed the knob, started to turn, and felt cold arms wrap around my waist.

Raymond hefted me up into the air. I slammed my elbow back into his shoulder, but I might as well have tried beating a statue. Flailing my legs, I kicked out. The balls of my feet connected with the door and I shoved with all of my strength. That threw Raymond off balance for a moment. He stumbled back, righted himself, all while holding me.

Another spell came to mind. I started the incantation, but he reached up and covered my mouth with his hand. I bit down, but he didn’t care. I couldn’t cause enough pain with just my teeth. Between the two of us, only Raymond had genuinely frightening incisors.

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