A Night of Secrets (27 page)

Read A Night of Secrets Online

Authors: Lori Brighton

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Historical, #Fantasy, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Adult

Taking her lower lip between her teeth, Meg wriggled beneath him as if trying to get closer.
, he’d comply.

His mouth went to her delicate collarbone, tasting her sweet skin. “Dear God, you taste wonderful.”

He wanted to rip the corset from her body and curse women’s confining fashion. He wanted to make her his. He pressed his lips to the tops of her breasts, his tongue darting out to slip across the satiny skin. Meg gasped, her fingers tightening in his hair. He jerked the material of her corset down just enough to expose a rose colored nipple. Before she could protest, his mouth covered the bud. With each flick of his tongue, she cried out. And with each cry, his arousal pulsed, pressing tightly against his trousers until he thought he could bear it no longer.

Meg squirmed under his touch, arching her back for more. A tremor of need coursed through his body, vibrating in his very soul. With a groan, he pulled away from her breast and moved back to her mouth. His lips pressed hungrily to hers as his knee wedged between her thighs, spreading her legs as much as her skirt would allow.

Exposed and waiting for him, he pressed his body into hers, his arousal hard against the junction of her thighs. He felt her tremble, and the ache in his groin intensified. She wanted him, even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself.

His hand moved to her knee, dragging her skirt up her legs. Her lips parted on a gasp and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Her gasp turned into a groan, and her hands moved down his back, her nails biting through his linen shirt.

Like a true expert, she lifted her hips, rocking her body against his arousal. Only another wiggle, another touch and he’d lose control. Even though he knew he had to stop, he couldn’t seem to move away from the tempting offer of her body. He wasn’t ready to give her up completely just yet.

With a groan, he tore his mouth from hers, her warm, harsh breath fanning his face. He stared into her eyes, looking for something… need, want, knowledge of what was about to happen. She looked confused, as if she hadn’t expected her body to react so. Like a frightened little sparrow, her heart beat against his chest.

“Grayson,” she said softly, the pleading in her voice almost his undoing. He closed his eyes and his honorable mind warred with his lust filled body.
, he should toss up her skirts and have his way, relieve the ache that had settled permanently in his groin from the moment he’d seen her. He lifted his lashes and his fingers curled into the floorboards, his body trembling. He knew in that moment he could no longer fight the feral beast inside. He had to taste her.

“Tell me to stop,” he urged.

She squirmed underneath him. “Please, don’t.”

He knew he’d regret it, but he couldn’t stop himself. Her blood thrummed in her veins, calling to him. Desire surged through him in a heated wave that left him breathless and trembling. Vaguely he was aware of his teeth lengthening. There was no going back now, no returning to what had been. He breathed in her scent, his lips hovering over that pulse in her neck.

“God save you,” he whispered, his teeth directly over that vein in her neck. His hand slid up her smooth thigh, finding her bloomers gone and her skin bare. Further, to the sleek folds. She gasped, arching her back as his finger slid into her tight sheath.

He knew if he drank from her, everything would change. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head. Then before he could truly think about the ramifications, before the human in him could regain control, he sank his sharp teeth into her neck. At the same time, his fingers found the bud between her folds. The points of his teeth pierced her skin easily. Immediately, warm blood flooded his mouth. The salty taste coursed through his body, filling his soul, giving him strength and renewing the demon within. He couldn’t get enough.

Meg gasped, arching her back. His fingers stroked her damp folds, urging her to come. He knew she didn’t hurt. He knew he was only prolonging her desire by drinking her blood. Her fingers bit into his back, urging him onward.

He had to stop, but he couldn’t pull back. The animal inside had taken control. She tasted so lovely. He needed more, more of all of her. His finger moved in and out of her tight sheath as he drank deeply. Her blood surged through his body, feeding him, warming him. He could practically feel his muscles tightening, his body growing stronger with each swallow. He knew he had to stop. Just a little longer… Meg tightened around him, crying out as she came. Her bliss was his, adding to the power surging through him. He was no longer in control of his body.

Her soft whimper as she floated back to earth entered his muddled mind. He
stop. With a groan, he pulled his teeth free. He didn’t dare look at her, but flung himself backwards, as far away from her as he could possibly get. Horrified and euphoric, he fell back against the wall. Slowly the human within regained control, the monster sedated. Meg lay curled upon the floor. Her glassy gaze found him as soft pants stirred the loose tendrils that hung around her face. For one long moment, she merely stared at him, her wide eyes horrified or confused, he wasn’t sure which.

Slowly, she sat up and lifted her fingers to her neck where only moments ago, he’d drank from her. “What are you?” she whispered.

Anger and horror rippled through him. He didn’t look away, but held her gaze. He wouldn’t lie, there was no point in lying any longer. She’d wanted to know what he was, what he was capable of. Now she knew. “You know. You’ve known all along, haven’t you? I’m a vampire.”



Chapter 14



Grayson grabbed Meg’s arm and yanked her from the carriage, his movements almost frantic. Meg refused to whimper when her feet hit the ground at an odd angle, her ankles twisting painfully. What was wrong with him?

He might be able to ignore her, but she couldn’t ignore the miserable dropping of her gut, nor the way her hands grew clammy in his hold. He was angry. With her? Nothing made sense! She bit her lower lip to keep the tears from falling. How could he be so cruel after what they had shared? Embarrassment gave way to despair.

She’d let him touch her, let him…bite her neck and…hadn’t he? Her fingers went to that area where he’d kissed, sucked, but there were no marks. Perhaps it hadn’t happened, her perhaps she was insane. Just as she’d imagined the Dowager in that marsh, she’d imagined Grayson sinking his teeth into her neck.

Grayson threw the front door wide and pulled her down the hall. He seemed intent on seeing her to her room and getting away from her as soon as possible when less than an hour ago he’d acted as if he couldn’t get enough. But no matter how much she’d begged him to explain in the carriage, he wouldn’t. He seemed to have left his body, as if he couldn’t hear a word she said. The Grayson she thought she knew was no longer there.

The marble floor seemed harder under her feet. The air seemed more chill. Each slight sound seemed like a shout. Her head pounded with each step she took, until she thought she could stand the pain no longer. Nelson appeared, wavering in and out of focus like a mirage.

“Is there anything you need, my Lord?” For once, the butler’s eyes betrayed his feelings. The man was worried, his gaze darting back and forth between the two of them. Was the dear man intercepting on her behalf?

How peculiar, she thought, wanting to reach out and tell him everything would be well. Certainly, everything would be well. Wouldn’t it? Grayson was merely annoyed with her once again for something she didn’t quite understand.

“Gray?” Millie called out, sweeping into the hall and looking as perfect as a bloody goddess in a gown of peach, a book in hand. Her finely arched brows pulled together in obvious confusion. “What’s happened?”

His finger’s tightened on Meg’s arm and this time she couldn’t help but gasp, more from surprise than pain. It was as if he hadn’t a clue what he did.

“Call for the Constable, I want him here as soon as possible.” He didn’t bother to glance Meg’s way as he made that bold statement.

“But why? What’s happened?”

Blimey, if Millie’s eyes didn’t match Nelson’s. They looked frightened for her. Didn’t they realize this nonsense would be cleared soon enough?

“I never should have brought her here.”

Meg frowned. His voiced sounded pained and the words so ominous. He jerked her up the stairs. She tripped, her shins hitting the edge of a step. Pain radiated up her bones, but he kept on, practically dragging her to the second floor. He tore open her bedroom door and pushed her inside as if she had the plague.

Meg stumbled across the room, grasping onto her bedpost to regain her balance.

“You will stay here until the Constable arrives.”

She leaned heavily against the post, her legs too weak to hold her, and turned to face him. Grayson stood in the doorway, his features haunted, his breathing shallow. A man she no longer knew.

A cold shiver raced down her spine and for the first time since the incident in the gaol, her worry escalated. Her hands curled as she resisted the urge to reach out to him, to beg him to be the Grayson she knew. How could a man who had kissed her so gently, frighten her so now?

“Grayson, please,” she whispered.

He slammed the door shut. She was alone.

With a sob, Meg fell back onto the bed. A cold ball of misery settled deep inside her body. She pulled the duvet around her, whimpering. She wanted to tell Grayson the truth about Beth. If she told him, perhaps he wouldn’t be angry any longer. God help her, for some reason she did and that frightened her more than she wanted to admit. How could she even contemplate betraying her best friend for a man she’d just met?

“Meg?” The soft voice entered her muddled mind, a voice that bespoke of kindness and compassion. She lifted her lashes to see Millie hovering over her. “What happened?”

Meg shook her head, her heart hurt too much to speak. Millie frowned and pressed a cool hand to Meg’s forehead. As if that wasn’t enough of an assault, she gripped Meg’s chin and tilted back her head.

Her gaze fastened on her neck and she sighed. “Oh dear.” With quick, efficient hands, she tucked the bedspread around Meg. “You might as well rest. You have a fever. I’ve seen it happen before. Usually the first time.”

Surprise had Meg struggling to sit up. “I do?” She pressed her hands to her cheeks. Her skin felt clammy, chill.

Millie pulled the bell cord as Meg collapsed back onto the bed. “What happened, Meg?”

“I don’t know,” she mumbled, confused. Was she truly ill? “The gaol had been so cold and then last night in the rain.”

“Oh Meg, this has nothing to do with the weather, I’m afraid.”

But Meg didn’t have time to think on her odd statement. The door opened and a maid stepped inside. “Yes, my lady?”

“Bring soup, tea and a bath. Hurry.”

She dipped into a curtsey and left.

“Come, I’ll help you.” Millie pulled Meg to her feet. “Blast, I don’t know what to do, I’ve never had to deal with this before. I have servants to take care of my humans.”

Humans? Meg wanted to hate the woman, dear God she did. She wanted to hate her, and Grayson and their wretched lives but Millie’s touch was so kind as she helped Meg undress.

“I’m fine, truly,” she said when Millie removed the stiff, dirty bodice from Meg’s body.

Millie frowned, staring hard at Meg’s neck. “Of course you’re not fine. You feel downright wretched, I’d say. One usually does.”

Meg flushed and looked away. “I don’t know what you think happened, but I assure you I’m still a virgin.”

Millie released a wry laugh. “I’m not speaking on the act of sex.”

The word only brought a deeper flush to Meg’s face. Surely the woman didn’t know what Grayson had truly done. Her fingers curled as she resisted the urge to touch her neck. “I’m not ill. You don’t have to lie to him. I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.”

“You are sick, Meg. Besides, where will you go? Back to prison? You’ll only get worse.” She helped Meg step from her skirt and then placed a blanket around her shoulders. “You have two choices. Stay here in relative splendor, or….”

Meg shook her head, tears burning her eyes. “I can’t stay here with him. Not when he looked at me with such…such hatred.”

How could things go so wrong in such a short period of time? She closed her eyes and thought back to the morning… Grayson’s body pressed to hers. The strength she’d felt there had made her ache with a desire she’d never known. Now, she ached for an altogether different reason. How stupid she’d been to think of trusting him!

“Did he…did he drink from you, Meg?”

Her bloody went cold. Meg jerked her head upright.

Millie’s gaze was soft and knowing. “You don’t have to answer. I could smell your blood in him when he entered.”

Meg didn’t move, barely breathed. Even though Millie’s statement shocked her, oddly, she felt as if she finally understood. Grayson was a vampire. Fear and panic settled like an icy blanket around her soul. How did Millie know what Grayson had done, unless…

“Yes, you can stay here.” Millie moved across the room. “You’ll barely see him in a house this large.” She picked up the night wrap she’d given Meg the other day. “We aren’t together, you know.”

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