A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror (197 page)

in office
as president

Jackson, Caleb

Jackson, Helen Hunt

Jackson, Jesse

Jackson, Thomas J.

Jacksonian period/Jacksonianism

James I

James II

James, William


disease in

Jamieson, Perry

See also
Empire of Japan

economic impact of
and Hawaii
Philippines’ occupation by


Jay, John

treaty of
on Virginia Plan

Jay-Gardoqui Treaty

Jay’s Treaty

Jazz musicians
Jazz Singer, The

Jefferson, Thomas

in 1796 election
in 1800 election
BUS opposition of
children of
on common sense
on debt
Declaration of
Independence drafts by
description of
in drafting Ordinance of 1784
economic policy of
eloquence of
foreign policy of
Hamilton and
inaugural address of
on Louisiana Purchase
Madison and
military and
political career of
as president
on religion
on slavery
support for
Virginia sabbath law written by
at war

Jeffords, Jim

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jekyll Island proposal

Jellicoe, Sir John

Jenny couplers

Jensen, Merrill


Jewish immigrants

Jim Crow laws

Wages/jobs, increase in

Jobs, Steve

John II

John Paul II

Johnson, Andrew

impeachment process for
life of

Johnson, Hiram

Johnson, Hugh

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Lyndon B. and 1964 election

background of
federal programs of
Great Society of
as president
Vietnam War relating to

Johnson, Paul

Johnson, Reverdy

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert


Johnston, Albert Sidney

Johnston, Joseph E.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Committee on Reconstruction

Jolson, Al

Jones, Paula Corbin

Jones, William

Jones Act

Journalistic Progressives


Judges, Federal

Judiciary Act of 1789

Judiciary Act of 1801
Jungle, The

Justice Department




Kahn, Alfred

Kaiser, Henry

Kalakaua, David

Kamehameha III


Kansas-Nebraska Act

Kansas Pacific Railroad

Kansas Territorial Legislature

Kellogg-Briand pact

Kemp, Jack

Kemper, James L.

Kendall, Amos

Kennan, George

Kennealy, Mary

Kennedy, Edward “Ted”

Kennedy, John F. and 1960 election

assassination of
background of
presidency of
Vietnam War relating to

Kennedy, Joseph

Kennedy, Julian

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kent State University

Kentucky, secession of

Kentucky Resolution

Kerensky, Alexander

Kerry, John

Kettell, Thomas

Kettle Hill

Keynes, John Maynard

Keynesian policies

Keystone Bridge Company

Khobar Towers

Khomeini, Ruhollah

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kim Il Sung

Kimmel, Husband

King, Ernest

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King, Rodney

King, Rufus

in 1808 election

King George’s War

King of Kings

King Philip’s War

Kissinger, Henry

Kitty Hawk, N.C.

Kleindienst, Richard

Knickerbocker Trust Company

Knight, E.C.

Knights of Labor


Knox, Henry

Knox, Philander, C.

Korea, war in

Koresh, David


Kosovo Liberation Army

Kroc, Ray

Ku Klux Klan





Labor unions

Democratic party and
strikes by

Ladies Garment Workers

Laden, Osama bin

Lafayette, Marquis de

LaFollette, Robert

Lakota Sioux

Lamar, Charles A.L.

Lamar, Lucius Quincy


availability of
policy on
during Reconstruction
tariffs and
technology and
Tocqueville on

Landon, Alf

Land Ordinance of 1785

Lane, Charles

Langley, Samuel P.

Lansing-Ishii Agreement


La Salle, René de

Las Casas, Bartolomé de

Last of the Mohicans, The

Latin America

Law, constitutional

Lawrence, Charles

Lawrence, James

Lazio, Rick

League of Armed Neutrality

League of Nations

League of United Southerners

Leary, Timothy

Lease, Mary Elizabeth

Lecompton Constitution

Lee, Ann

Lee, Arthur

Lee, Fitzhugh

Lee, Jason

Lee, Richard Henry

Lee, Robert E.

strategies of
tactics of

Legal Tender Act of February 1862

Legislative system

Leisler, Jacob

Lend-Lease Act

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov

León, Juan Ponce de

Lesseps, Ferdinand de

Levant Company
Leviathan, The

Levin, Carl

Levy, Chandra

Lewinsky, Monica.

See also
Monicagate Lewis, John L.

Lewis, Meriwether

Lewis, Sinclair

Lewis, Terry

Lexington, MA, and Revolution

Liberal Republicans


in Confederacy
right to

Liberty Party

Liberty Ships


Liddy, G. Gordon


Limbaugh, Rush

Lincoln, Abraham

in 1860 election
in 1864 election
appearance of
assassination of
in Civil War
criticism of
Douglas and
Fort Sumter and
Grant and
life of
Lyceum Address
McClellan and
marriage of
on racial issues
in Reconstruction
Reconstruction speech of
religious beliefs of
in response to Bull Run
on slavery
speeches of

Lincoln, Mary Todd

Lindbergh, Charles

Lippmann, Walter

Little Bighorn

Little Rock, AR

Livingston, Robert

Livingstone, David

Lloyd, Henry Demarest

Lochner v. New York

Locke, John

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Logan, George

Logan Act of 1799

Lome, Dupuy de

London, Jack

London Company

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Lost cause theory


secession of

Louisiana Purchase

results of
slavery in

Louis XVI

Lovecraft, H.P.

Lovejoy, Elijah P.

Lowell, Francis Cabot

Lucy furnace

Ludendorff, Erich

Luhan, Mabel Dodge

sinking of

Lyceum Address





McAdoo, William Gibbs

MacArthur, Douglas

McAuliffe, Anthony

McCarthy, Eugene

McCarthy, Joseph

McClellan, George B.

in 1864 election
background of
Lincoln and

McClernand, John

McCormick, Cyrus

McCoy, Joseph G.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Macdonough, Thomas

McDougal, James

McDougal, Susan

McDowell, Irwin

McFadden Act

McFarlane, Robert S.

McGee, John S.

McGovern, George

McKinley, Ida

McKinley Tariff

McKinley, William

and 1896 election
and 1900 election
assassination of
Cuba and
foreign policies of
Hawaii and
Philippines and
Spanish-American War and
tariffs relating to

McLane, Louis

McLean, Wilmer

McNamara, Robert

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