A Perfect Fit (8 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary


You keep moving against me like that and you'll have your answer soon enough.” It sounded like a threat.


          Marissa took pleasure in her power over Beau. He didn't strike her as being weak in anything. She rolled onto her back and looked over at him. He was lying on his back with his hands linked beneath his head, staring up at the ceiling. Even doing nothing, the muscles in his arms were hard and defined. Her gaze traveled down his naked chest, six-pack abs, and stopped where the sheet covered the lower half of his body. Even in its deflated state, his cock provided a sizable bulge beneath the covering.


Is sex all you ever think about?” she asked with a touch of humor in her tone.


          A snort of laughter escaped Beau. He remained looking up at the ceiling. “I'm beginning to think so.” He turned his head slightly and met her eyes. “Where you're concerned, anyway.”


Well it's not my fault you can't control yourself.”


And you're so innocent,” he said half-jokingly. “I haven't heard the word ‘no’ pass between those pretty lips yet.”


          Marissa couldn't argue with him about that. The word no hadn't entered her head. Not when everything Beau did to her gave her pleasure to the highest degree.


Don't worry, cowboy. I won't tell Kirk to take any deductions for your, ah, unsolicited services.”


I think I deserve a bonus,” Beau surprised her by saying. “You take a lot out of a man. And speaking of Kirk, he called this morning.”


          Oh. Marissa had a feeling her time with Beau was coming to an end. “Good news?”


The police have determined there's nothing linking the two model's deaths. One of them left a suicide note. So after you get dressed, I'll take you home.”


He said it so matter of factly that disappointment replaced Marissa’s blissful state. Was he eager to get rid of her?

Oh. And just when I was starting to like you.” She had meant it teasingly, but was painfully aware that her tone sounded a little let down.


          Beau chuckled, turned so he could lean over her. “You have a mean mouth on you.”


          Then why was he kissing her? A moan escaped Marissa when she found herself forced deeper into the bed. Beau's kiss started out soft, almost tentative, but grew in strength and force the longer it continued. Then, without warning, he broke it off.


Kissing you turns your pretty mouth all soft and hungry.” He kissed her in between each word, leaving Marissa gasping and a little dizzy.


You don't play fair.” She met every touch of his lips eagerly, raising her face to try to maintain contact when he pulled away. She wanted so much more.


I’m not playing.” Beau kissed her long and hard, forcing his tongue inside her mouth.


          Her tongue met his with wild abandon. The taste of coffee on his breath fueled her desire to taste the heat of his passion, only Beau seemed to have other ideas. Once he was satisfied making love to her mouth, he pulled away, rolled to the other side of the bed, and sat up. Marissa's gaze followed his movements.


I'll go see if your clothes are dry.” He got to his feet.


What happened?
His abrupt change caught her off guard.
She admired his naked backside as he left the room. After everything, she really didn't want to leave. She wouldn't mind getting to know Beau a little better. It had been a long time since she'd met a man who peaked her interest enough that she wanted to spend more time with him. She wondered what his reaction would be if she broached the subject of staying a little longer.


          Marissa grabbed her borrowed shirt, slipped into it, and walked to the window. She glanced down into the yard to see two men unloading a horse trailer. Her gaze scanned the ranch, taking in what she hadn't been able to see the night before. Beau and his brothers had a big spread. There were two barns, a large stable, and acres and acres of fenced-in land.


          Further out, green pastures were dotted with Texas Longhorns. Closer to the house she saw horses, and in one fenced-in area, a huge black bull with massive horns. Marissa smiled.


What's so funny?”


          She started when Beau came into the room. He laid her clothes over the bedpost and continued to where she was.


Nothing really. I feel sorry for your bull. He looks so sad and lonely down there.” Marissa moved slightly to the side to give him room when he leaned in to look out the window.


          A knowing smile spread across his features. “He won't be lonely for long.” Beau turned his face her way. There was a glimmer of amusement in his smoky eyes. “He'll have all the females he can handle when he's turned out to the main pasture.”


You have a beautiful place here, Beau.”


          His only response was a nod. When his gaze dropped down the front of Marissa, she glanced down, seeing that she had forgotten to pull her shirt closed. A strip of flesh revealed the swells of her breast to Beau. Her belly button was also exposed, and further below that, her pussy. She moved to pull the material together, but Beau's hands caught hers, stilling her movements.


Don't,” he said in a soft voice. “I like the view.”


I don't know why I'm feeling shy all of a sudden. I'm used to being undressed around people.” Marissa tried to laugh it off. Maybe she was feeling that way because of the intimacy they'd shared.


          He was still naked. When he moved in closer, she shrank against the wall. She caught her breath. His smile grew, and so did the blaze of desire in his dark eyes. He reached forward, moved the shirt further apart, and placed his hands on her waist.


It's a shame to cover up such a beautiful body.” His tone was low and seductive.


          His compliment boosted Marissa's confidence like nothing else could. The smoldering glare in his eyes backed it up, and the way his hands said it when they caressed her made her weak.


          She felt her heart rate pick up speed. Her senses were on overload. The longer Beau stood there, doing nothing but eating her up with his gaze, the hotter she began to feel. Was he waiting for her to say or do something? Did he want a sign that she wanted him?


You're not so bad yourself, cowboy.” Was that her smoky voice? She hardly recognized it. Marissa put her hands against his chest. “I think I could get used to this.”
Crap! What did I just say?
It was lust that was all.


          “Oh yeah? Then why don't you stay the weekend? We can get to know one another better and see what develops.”


          Ohmygod! He's inviting me to stay!
Marissa couldn't believe her luck. And he wanted to get to know her? That didn’t sound like a man who was just in it for the sex.


There's a pool at the back of the house, and later we can do some riding.”


          Marissa thought about it for a moment. She didn’t want to seem too eager.

What about clothes?”


          His hands roamed slowly up her sides in a feather light caress. “You don’t need clothes for swimming.” Then her heavy breasts were in his hands and Marissa let out a little sigh of pleasure. His tender touch turned her knees weak.


          “What about riding?” She sounded breathless.


I'm afraid you'll have to make do with what little you have.” He continued to caress her breasts, pausing a little. “And since I can't seem to keep my hands off you, the less you have on the better.”


          Marissa swayed toward Beau with a husky laugh. The lower half of her body meshed with his. His flesh was hot, his dick was stiff and throbbing against her. “I've never met a man like you.” She felt compelled to be honest with him. “You're sexual appetite and stamina is, ah, amazing.”


It's been a while,” Beau admitted smiling. “And you have all the womanly traits I like in a lady, plenty of sweet meat on your bones.” His hands dropped to the cheeks of her butt, giving it a squeeze. “Right where it's needed.”


          Marissa knew since he'd had a hard-on since meeting her that he liked her abundant curves. Every time he looked at her, and touched her, told her he thought she was sexy. She acknowledged his compliment by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his head down for a kiss. His hands clenched onto her butt over the shirt, forcing her tighter against his cock. Moans escaped them both when his fleshy phallus slid between her legs and across her aching mound. The slightest touch on her clit caused a shiver of desire to cascade over her.


          Her wild movement pushed Beau to lose control. He groaned and opened her mouth with his tongue. Marissa became so drunk on his intoxicating kiss that she wasn't aware of moving until she felt the edge of the bed behind her knees. Then she was sitting with her legs dangling over the side, and the next thing she knew he was on his knees between her thighs, and his mouth was devouring her pussy. A wonderful feeling of déjà vu overwhelmed her.


Beau!” she cried, arching her hips. Her fingers clenching into the covers beneath her.


          Beau's hands clamped on her thighs as he buried his tongue deep inside her creaming pussy. It didn't take him long to get her worked up. Marissa twisted wildly against the covers, fighting to hold back a climax that she knew was going to surpass all others. But the pleasure was too unbearable, and his mouth was so talented. The next thing she knew he was sucking on her clit and she was racing toward the finish line.


Beau!” She shuddered. Her hands clenching his hair and trying to pull him up her body. “Oh! Please!” She couldn't fight it any longer. The powerful orgasm building held her prisoner and for a few seconds she couldn’t breathe, torn between letting go and prolonging the moment. Beau moved, flipping Marissa over onto her belly.


          She was vaguely aware of Beau moving behind her body. Then his arm snaked under her as he pulled her up until her butt was thrust into the air. Her heart was pounding and she was fairly certain she was going to explode into flames at any second, realizing his intentions. Marissa liked it doggy style. The position created a different angle that promised a tighter fit for his cock, and more pleasure for her. Panting, she waited impatiently for him to mount her.


          Marissa could feel his cock moving between her legs, but eagerness got the best of her. “Aren't you going to fuck me?” She wanted his large cock inside her.


Hell yes! I was just taking a second to enjoy the view.” He kissed both cheeks tenderly, and then penetrated her body with one even plunge. He started to move immediately, and it was obvious he was beyond finesse. He was hungry. He held nothing back, fucking Marissa fast and furious to bring them both to sweet release.


          His hands squeezed her hips and he ground his loins against her, groaning low. Marissa could feel his heavy balls slapping against her thighs. She arched her back and thrust her bottom backwards for deeper penetration, every time Beau entered her body. They were both breathing heavily now, moaning and groaning with pleasure.


          “Beau!” she cried out in a husky tone as an orgasm surged through her body like a firestorm.  


          “Hold on baby! Fuck!” His gravelly voice revealed the state of his arousal.


          He continued to ram his cock into her. Marissa could tell he was getting close, and then a series of grunts revealed when he had reached orgasm. He filled her so completely that she felt his powerful ejaculation deep inside her body. When he finally collapsed, she relaxed against the bed, and after a few breathless minutes, Beau rolled away. 


If I was too rough, I’m sorry.” He was still breathing heavy.


Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Marissa responded, blissfully fulfilled. “But don’t ask me to go riding anytime soon.”


          He chuckled. “I think an early morning swim will take care of any aches and pains. The pool is at the back of the house. Why don’t you head on out, I’ll stop by the kitchen and fix us something to eat.”


          “Sounds good, cowboy.” Marissa smiled, thinking about how wonderful it would feel to lay out in the sun. Her recent workload pretty much ate up any extracurricular activities that didn’t involve sleep.


          The last few weeks had been grueling. Right now, she couldn’t think of a better place to spend the next two days than relaxing on Beau’s ranch. It certainly beat the sparsely furnished, un-homey like condo Kirk had found for her use while she was in Texas.


          Something told Marissa that Beau was a special man, and worth getting to know.




Chapter 8



          Beau asked himself for the hundredth time what he thought he was hoping to accomplish by inviting Marissa to spend the weekend. There was no doubt the woman answered a powerful need in him, something he could honestly say went beyond sex. For that, he knew Marissa was special. She’d touched him where no others had, and plenty had tried.

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