Read A Risk Worth Taking Online

Authors: Zoe Mullins

A Risk Worth Taking (4 page)

Chapter Four


Fiona was used to being the first one to wake up in the
morning. She was a lifelong early bird, much to her parents’ regret. She was
always up at six a.m. Weekends. Holidays. No exception.

So being awakened this morning by a hand snaking down her
hip and thigh was surprising, but not unpleasant. Someone else was an early

She was cuddled in the curve of Matt’s shoulder. One leg
draped over his thigh. The usual way she woke up in the morning. Feigning
sleep, she shifted her leg a little higher, turning toward Matt and giving
Travis unimpeded access to her core.

He chuckled behind her. “I know you are awake,” he
whispered, as his fingers traced the seam of her ass.

She smiled, but her only response was the catch in her
breath as his hand cupped her sex. One long finger sliding between her folds to
caress her clit.

“I think I should wake you up every morning this way.”

She shifted restlessly beneath him. She was getting wet,
allowing him to tease her harder, faster.

They had convinced Travis to stay last night, to share their
bed, but they hadn’t done anything but say good night. Having him wake up with
a hard-on was definitely a benefit to the sleepover.

He let her know with his fingers what he wanted to do. He
slid two inside her, twisting them, scissoring them. Stretching her for his hard
cock. She cried out as pleasure rushed through her, and her hand flexed
instinctively on Matt’s chest.

Matt suddenly twisted his hand in her hair and pulled her up
for a kiss as she came on Travis’ fingers. Matt smothered her moan, trapping
her face in his hands and kissing her hungrily. She sighed into his mouth and
her body melted against Matt.

Travis slid his fingers from her heated channel and from the
corner of her eye she saw him strip off his briefs. An unspoken agreement
passed between Matt and Travis. Travis grinned and was suddenly wrapping an arm
beneath her hips and pulling her on her knees as Matt scooched up the bed to
lean against the headboard. His cock was already hard as he kicked off his
boxers and spread his legs.

“You see what you squirming all over me does?” Matt asked
Fiona as he jacked his cock in his hands. “The feel of you grinding your pussy
against my leg, your knee teasing my balls. This is what you get for that.”

“If that’s my punishment, I will take it.” She laughed,
looking up at him through the tangled mass of her hair. She flipped it back
over her shoulder as she crawled between his legs.

The loud crack of Travis’ hand against her ass took them
both by surprise. She saw Matt raise a brow in question at Travis, even as she
instinctively stretched cat-like back toward Travis.

Travis spanked her again. “That’s your reward, sweetheart.”
He had grabbed a condom from the nightstand and now she felt his cock bumping
against her pussy. “This is your punishment.”

He sank inside her, hard and fast, taking her breath away. His
cock was thicker than Matt’s and he stretched her wide, hitting nerve endings
never tested before.

“Fuck.” She cursed under her breath, hot tears stinging her
eyes. It hurt but she was pressing back toward him. Needing more as the slow
burn burst into pleasure.

Matt stared at them with a mix of awe and lust. He had one
hand wrapped around his cock while the other pressed down on his balls, trying
to force back the orgasm she knew he needed. The head was already wet with his
own arousal.

“Look how turned-on he is to see you fucked.” Travis
groaned, burying himself deep inside her. “He can barely contain himself.”

She growled in agreement and rolled her hips against him.

“Suck him, sweetheart. Let him come in your hot mouth.”

She didn’t need Travis’ hand on the back of her neck to push
her down onto Matt’s pulsing erection. She couldn’t remember being so hungry
for a cock, and she loved deep-throating Matt. She wrapped her lips around his
head, her tongue sliding along the corona before taking him deep.

“I’m not going to fucking last in her mouth.” Matt growled,
wrapping his hand in her hair. It sounded desperate, in a way she had never heard
before, and it gave her a ripple of pleasure to know she could do that to him.

“You want me to go fast or slow.” Travis rumbled behind her.
He was seated deep inside her but she knew he wouldn’t move if that was what Matt

“You go slow.” Matt told him, and Fi hummed her approval
along his length. “After I come, I want to help prepare our girl to take the
two of us.”

Their conversation was a haze to Fiona, who concentrated on
Matt’s iron-hard erection. She could tell he was close. Could feel the little
vibrations beginning at the base of his cock. She flattened her lips over her
teeth and squeezed. Matt’s hips bucked off the bed with the force of his
orgasm. His fist pulled on her hair as jets of hot cum sprayed against the back
of her throat. She swallowed convulsively, taking all he had to give her.

His spent cock slid from her lips as he pulled her up by the
shoulders and kissed her. “That was fucking amazing.” His eyes were wide and
excited. His cock, still hard, bobbed in front of him. He rolled to his
nightstand and grabbed a small tube of lube. “Now we make it amazing for you.”

Fiona didn’t have time to ask what he meant by that as Travis
began moving in earnest inside her. She felt his balls slapping against her
clit, beating a steady tattoo against her. She bent her head lower, resting on
her hands as Travis plowed into her.

Matt knelt next to Travis, awed at how stretched Fi was
around his friend’s thick cock.


“If you think I have the patience of Job, you’re be wrong.” Travis
reminded him. Matt was kneeling next to him, watching as he stretched Fiona
with his thick cock. Between the tight clamping of Fi’s pussy and the
enraptured look on Matt’s face, Travis knew he wouldn’t last long.

Matt roused from his reverie and dribbled the lubricant
against her tight rosebud. It slid down to coat the base of Travis’ cock, and Travis
sighed at the relief. The moisture took the edge off a bit while Matt played.

He watched as Matt coated his fingers in the thick liquid. A
desperate moan escaped Fiona’s lips as Matt began circling a finger around the
delicate opening. He slid a finger inside and was rewarded when both Fiona and Travis
hissed. He pumped his finger a few times in rhythm to Travis’ own attack and
retreat, then added a second finger.

Fiona’s pussy clamped down on him as the pleasure-pain of
Matt’s double-digit exploration crested. Travis held her hips hard when she
would fuck herself back against him, and he forced himself to hold still as she
pulsed around him. He wasn’t going to let it end this soon. The brutal ecstasy
they would soon bring her would eclipse this.

As her contractions ended, Travis began thrusting his hips.
She was so tight around him, it wasn’t easy. He grabbed her hips and forced her
back onto his cock. “Just do it already, man,” he begged Matt.

On the outstroke, Matt grinned and dripped more lube on
Travis’ aching cock. Then a bit more on his own fingers. As Travis slammed into
her, Matt slid a third finger into her tight ass.

She growled at them over her shoulder, but she didn’t tell
them to stop. Travis pulled Fi back to him, feeling Matt’s fingers pump into
her roughly between them.

He couldn’t hold off. Fi was whimpering in his arms, begging
them to fuck her harder even as she came again. He canted his hips and lifted
her against him. He bucked into her once, twice, and on the third stroke he was
coming hard. The ragged shout surprised him because it was his own.

He held her in his arms, his breath uneven. Matt slid his
hand from between them and bounced off the bed toward the bathroom. Travis heard
him running water, and then saw him coming back with a washcloth.

Travis carefully collapsed to the side, cradling Fiona as he
withdrew from her sweat-slick body. He switched places with Matt as he gently
wiped the lubricant and her juices from her ass and thighs, and Travis went to
dispose of the condom.

As they settled in beside her on the bed, Fiona stretched.
“That was a great way to wake up. What time is it?”

Travis glanced at the clock. “Five-thirty.”

“In the morning! Are you insane?” Matt complained, throwing
a pillow at Travis’ head.

“You weren’t complaining fifteen minutes ago,” Travis
reminded him.

“I was thinking with the wrong head fifteen minutes ago.”

Fiona pulled a pillow over her face, as they bickered across
her body.

Chapter Five


They thought he was being naïve. Matt shook his head,
because they were right. He was naïve. He had never meant to fall for his best
friend. He couldn’t imagine life without Travis. And when he’d finally managed
to let him go, he had found Fiona.

And he wanted to shout from the rooftops how much he loved
her. It was true and it was strong, but when he thought of just her and him, it
didn’t feel right. No more right than thinking of just him and Travis. As much
as he loved them both, it was together that it worked for him.

He sighed. He may be naïve, but he knew the sacrifices he was
willing to make. His clients didn’t care who he dated. His reputation wouldn’t
suffer. Theirs would.

He had already made up his mind to take a backseat. Be the
best friend, the third wheel. He didn’t care who knew the truth. He could live
happily just knowing that at home, when the door was closed at the end of the
day, it was the three of them.

“You should take Travis,” he said finally.

Fiona looked up from the fresh mushrooms she was slicing.

He cleared his throat. “To the staff party this weekend. It
would establish him as your boyfriend.”

Fiona put down the knife. “I don’t want to establish him as
my boyfriend.”

Matt looked hurt. “I thought you were good with this

“I am. I mean. I care about Travis.” He could tell she was
trying to choose her words carefully. “I may even love him, but I thought I was…”
She shook her head and he saw tears beginning to slide down her cheeks. “Fuck
it. I’m going for a walk.”

She stormed out of the kitchen before Matt could stop her.
He ran his hands back through his hair.

“What gave Fiona a face like thunder?” Travis asked as he
walked into the kitchen, still pulling on his shirt. He was just coming off
nights and this was his first dinner at home in five days.

“I fucked up.” Matt grimaced.


“I thought…” He leaned his head into his hand, a sudden
headache pounding behind his eyes. “I’m sorry. I thought this was working. I
thought she was falling in love with you. I shouldn’t have pushed.”

Travis poured a glass of pineapple juice, his expression
grim. “What did you do?”

“She has a big work party coming up. I suggested she take
you as her boyfriend.”

“Is that really what you want?”

Matt didn’t like the look in Travis’ eyes, or the set of his

“Yes.” Matt returned his hard gaze.

Travis’ brows knit together in the middle as if to ask

“No. Fuck it, Trav, I love you both but I won’t let this
hurt either one of you.”

“And your solution is that you play the asexual best friend
who sponges off us for the rest of his life?”

“It could work,” Matt grumbled. “You are always saying I’m
naïve thinking that this isn’t going to have consequences. I’m not. I get that.
Forgive me for wanting to protect you both.”

“She was right to storm out.” Travis put down the glass of
juice and crossed the kitchen, backing Matt up against the counter. Matt
pressed his hands to Travis’ chest, but Travis ignored him, pressing his hands
to either side of Matt’s face, forcing him to look at him.

“You don’t get to make unilateral decisions for us. You
don’t get to make the sacrifices. Don’t you get it? This works when we love
each other, not when we pretend.”

“You have more to risk than I do.”

“You are worth the risk.” Matt was surprised when Travis’ voice
nearly broke. “You were always worth the risk. I wouldn’t fucking be back
otherwise.” Travis lowered his head, closing the distance between them, his
lips pressing roughly against Matt’s, forcing them to open beneath his own. Travis
conquered with that kiss; it was heated and ferocious. He pressed Matt against
the counter, grinding their pelvises together as he plundered his mouth. Matt
couldn’t keep up and was gasping for breath when Travis broke the kiss.

“I’m going to find our girl,” Travis told him gruffly.
“Where do I find her?”

“I’ll come with you.”

Travis shook his head. “You’ve said enough tonight. This is
between her and me.”


“No buts about this Matthew Thomas.” There had been few
occasions when Travis used his middle name. None of them had been good. “You
don’t want to press me on this,” he warned again. “If you’re still nattering on
when I get back, I’ll give your mouth something better to do.”

“It’s just…” He closed his eyes. “I’m scared she’s not as
into this as I thought she was.”

“Bullshit.” Travis shrugged as he grabbed his wallet and
keys. “She’s angry and scared. She’s not stupid.”

Matt didn’t share his confidence. “You’ll probably find her
at the playground on the corner. Bring Kleenex.”

A moment later the front door slammed for the second time
that night.

* * * * *

Matt’s plan to sacrifice was a good one, and it was one Travis
had considered. For about ten seconds until he realized he didn’t want half a
relationship. He wanted it all.

He was proud of both his lovers. They were strong and sexy
and successful and he was so lucky they wanted him in their lives. He wasn’t
going to deny that, or ask them to.

Travis waited for the condo elevator, trying to remember the
layout of the park on the corner, when he suddenly realized, that’s not where
she was. He rode the elevator down two floors to his condo. The front door was
unlocked, and he could hear Goldfrapp on the stereo inside.

He leaned his head against the doorframe a moment, thankful
she wasn’t running from them, she was just getting some space. He found her in
the kitchen, raiding his junk-food cabinet.

“Crying into your potato chips?”

“I would eat real food but you don’t have any fucking real
food,” she grumbled. “And you haven’t unpacked any dishes.”

“I don’t live here, remember.” He leaned against the far
wall, giving her space. “I live upstairs. I sleep in your bed. Matt makes me
breakfast, and I help with dinner. I wash your dishes and you make sure I have
a dry towel for my shower.”

She looked up from the bag of kettle chips.

“And when we all fall into bed at night,” he continued. “I’m
the one who is spooned against your back.”

“I’m there so he can be with you.”


“He doesn’t want to be my boyfriend. That’s what you are

“That’s not what he wants.” Travis uncrossed his legs and
held his arms out to her. He watched as she hesitantly put down the chips and
crossed the room. She fell into his arms, her shoulders shaking lightly as she
cried. “He’s an idiot but he didn’t mean to hurt you.” He stroked his hands
over her shoulders, his chin rubbing on the top of her head. “He knows how hard
this is going to be for some people and he wants to spare us that.”

“You’re right; he’s a fucking idiot.” She continued to press
against his chest.

“Anyone ever tell you that you have quite the potty mouth
when you’re pissed, O’Neill?” He laughed and breathed in the fresh scent of her
shampoo. He felt his cock stir. Shit. He was supposed to be soothing her.

“Everyone,” she confirmed as she looked up him. “He
questioned my feelings for you, for us.”

Travis quirked a brow at her. “Can’t blame him for that,
lover; you’ve been more understanding, accepting and even enthusiastic than we
deserved. But you’ve not exactly said what you want.”

“I was trying to get away with showing how I feel.” She
moved out of his arms, and he let her go. He knew she had to get there in her
own good time. He wasn’t going to push. Much.

“Even us idiots like to hear it once in a while.”

“I was in love with Matt before you showed up.”

She had her back to him, standing by the sink and looking
out on the back courtyard. If it had been dark, he would have been able to see
her reflection in the window. As it was, he had only her posture and her tone
to judge by. Luckily he had become good at reading her over the last couple of

“That was easy to see.”

“Everything in my life has led me to believe you fall in love
with one person. And Matt is sweet and funny. He is the calm to my storm. The
giggles in my grumbles. And I needed that. I love that he gets me to look on
the bright side, to chill out and relax when things get crazy.”

Travis didn’t disagree. That was Matt’s role in his life
too. He was always able to take him out of himself, on even his worst day. And
there had been some pretty bad days growing up.

“And then you come along, and even when you were just
staying with us, I felt like I could talk to you about anything. You would
listen and you didn’t try to fix, or cajole me into feeling better. You were
this impenetrable wall that could take my shit, and you would absorb it and
protect me from it.”

“You were attracted to me and it scared you shitless.”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Because I knew what you meant to him,
and what you could mean to me.”

Travis couldn’t stay still. He crossed the kitchen, pressing
up against her where she stood. She dropped her head back against his shoulder.
With one hand he stroked the long line of her neck as she pressed into him; the
other hand slid under her T-shirt, pulling it up.

“Do you know what I thought of you?” he asked, wrapping his hand
around her neck. Her eyes fluttered closed.

“I thought you were too good to be true. Beautiful, smart,
too smart for me. As happy at the pub as out on the trail. I started to think
what it would be like to have this strong and sexy woman shatter into a million
pieces in my arms. How it would be to have you beneath me in bed, giving
yourself to me.”

She whimpered.

He turned her in his arms and pulled off her T-shirt,
tossing it onto the counter before he picked her up. He lifted her and she wrapped
her legs around his waist. He carried her into his bedroom. He didn’t have much
unpacked but he had a bed.

He brought them crashing down onto the mattress, his body
over hers for a moment before he was kneeling over her. With her help, he had
her naked in record time. His own clothes, he took his time with, even when she
begged him to hurry.

“This way,” he said, standing next to the bed and pulling
his shirt off slowly. “I get to watch you. I get to see how eager you are to be

She growled. “I am eager and you are a tease.”

He laughed, deep and throaty. “One of these days I am going
to tie you to the bed and make you wait. I’ll make Matt eat your pussy all
afternoon, but not let you come.”

“Promises, promises.” She flipped back her hair. “You’ve
both said that before, but neither of you have that sort of patience.”

“That’s a challenge if I ever heard one.” His grin was
feral. “And I accept for the both of us. We will do this. Each time we have you
on the brink of climax I will pull him off you and make him suck my cock.” He
eased down his jeans and underwear as he said it, kicking them aside.

Fiona’s eyes flared as they raked over him. A look like that
did great things for his ego and his cock gave a little kick. He knew she was
excited about seeing Matt and him together. They’d been pretty conservative
around her to this point.

“So you will get to come and I won’t?”

“None of us will come until I give the order.” He joined her
on the bed, the thick shaft of his cock heavy against her belly as he held
himself over her. “When I finally let Matt feed my cock into your sweet pussy,
it will be Christmas and the Fourth of July all in one. I will have to fight
from exploding at the tight clasp of your cunt.”

“You know, Mr. Fletcher, you have a potty mouth.”

“Then teach me a lesson.” He taunted her, his eyes dark with
passion and challenge.

Her palm slapped tentatively against his cheek. Then she
quickly covered her mouth with her hands. She had surprised even herself with

“I am so glad you did that, darling.”

She squealed as he neatly flipped her over onto her stomach,
one hand grabbing her wrists and trapping them above her head, then delivering
three quick slaps to her ass. She screamed.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, cautious. He knew she liked
it a little rough but wasn’t sure she had experience with discipline games.

“Oh god, no. That felt,” she sighed, “juicy.”

He laughed at the word. That’s exactly what her pussy felt like
when he tested her now, his fingers sliding between her slick, bare folds. Yes,
their Fiona liked it a little rough. “You like being topped, don’t you?”

“Topped?” She shimmied her ass against his hand, rubbing her
thighs together.

“Having me and Matt tell you what to do, what you need from
us.” He drew his free hand down her spine, sliding along the crease of her ass.
“You like it when I tell Matt what to do to you.”

“Yes. I love that,” she confessed, burying her face in the
blankets, as her ass ground back against his hand. He lifted it and gave her
another three sharp blows. “Freak,” she muttered.

He heard her curse under her breath. “What was that, love?”
He pushed her legs apart and settled his knees between her thighs. He pressed
himself over her back, placing a light kiss on her shoulder. “Tell me what you

“I called myself a freak.”

“Because you liked your spanking?”

“Because I like all of it. I like what you and Matt do to
me. I like watching what you do to each other, even when I know you are both
holding back from what you really want.”

“We don’t want each other more than we want you.” He ground
his hard cock against her ass as proof.

“I want both of you too.” She stretched under him, rubbing her
ass back against his groin. “But I want times like this too, when it’s just the
two of us.”

She and Matt had their alone time, but this was the first time
he’d been alone with her.

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