A Russian Bear (10 page)

Read A Russian Bear Online

Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

“Good. Because it is in my opinion, too. Now, let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

Tom climbed out of bed, chuckling. “’Kay. I’ll just clean up that monstrous toy; it was gross.” He wrinkled his nose.

“Why was it gross?”

Tom looked at Mischa, incredulously. “Because it had been up my ass? You do know what’s up there, don’t you?”

“Don’t you clean your ass before you come here?”

Tom looked horrified. “You can’t ask me that!”

Mischa blinked. “I can’t? Why not?”

“Because it’s... private! It’s very private.”

Mischa pondered. “So, I can talk to you about kinky toys and my personal life, but I can’t talk about how you clean yourself?”


Huh. Mischa guessed it was time to exercise some authority. He straightened his back and crossed his arms. Yep, full cave man mode. He noticed how Tom registered it right away. Oh yes, the boy was into it. They only needed to find a balance, and Mischa was quite sure that he could do that. Very sure in fact. Because he wanted both the sub and the man. And that was a thought that he had to look more closely at later.

“I ask you this, and I expect you to answer: how do you clean yourself, boy?”

Tom hung his head. Finally, he managed to speak. “With a finger, in the shower, sir.”

Well, that explained it. Now Mischa knew what their next scene was going to be. He relaxed and nodded.

“Okay. Clean up the toy and come out to me in the kitchen, then we’ll make dinner.”


Tom put on clothes to make dinner with him; Mischa wasn’t sure how to react to that. He had envisioned having Tom naked the whole weekend. But it did change the atmosphere remarkably well, and Mischa found himself enjoying working alongside Tom, talking and teasing all the time.

After dinner, Mischa took Tom into the living room and stopped him in the middle of the floor when Tom went to sit down. Even if Tom was dressed, the boy needed to know that he could still let go, that Mischa was still there to exert his will over him.

Mischa sat down on the couch, eyes wandering slowly over Tom and letting the boy see him rubbing his cock through his pants. Tom had caught on at once, straightening up and staying still.

Then Mischa ordered him to undress. Tom did so, unhurriedly, but with a cock already starting to harden. Mischa told him to kneel, and the Dom saw that sweet moment when Tom fought with himself, trying to obey. Then the boy kneeled down in front of Mischa, opened Mischa’s pants, and sucked him off. Mischa came in his sub’s mouth with a shout, the sight of Tom bending to his will turning him on like nothing else.

He didn’t let Tom come, just pulled the boy up on the couch and snuggled with him for the rest of the evening. In the beginning, Tom tried to get release, pleading and rubbing his hard dick against Mischa’s hip. Mischa stopped him. “I want you to feel like this. I want you to be on edge, to know that you feel this way because of me. Understand?”

And Tom understood; he didn’t necessarily agree, but he did as he was told, relaxing into his role. It was lovely. Well, especially since Mischa wasn’t the one with the blue balls.

The poor boy even woke Mischa a couple of times during the night, moaning restlessly and trying to rub off on the sheet. Another time, Mischa would put him in chastity; for now, he managed to keep Tom from coming. Mischa wanted him on edge, eager to please for the next morning’s scene. Tom was going to need it.


Mischa fed Tom a light breakfast and took his boy into the playroom again where Tom stood, naked, facing the bathroom. It was time to play hard. This was probably going to be more difficult for Tom than anything else they had done so far.

He slowly walked around Tom, letting his hands brush lightly against his boy’s skin, giving Tom a chance to find that quiet, obedient frame of mind the boy would need to be able to do this. Mischa had no doubts that Tom could do it; his sub was already more than half hard.

Still circling, Mischa started talking in a low voice. “I told you that this was going to be an intense weekend, and this scene will be very difficult for you.” Mischa slid his hand over Tom’s stomach, brushed a nipple. Tom was quiet, only a slight gasp at Mischa’s touch and a twitching dick showing how much the boy liked this.

“I want you to remember that you do this because I tell you to. The sensations are there because I want you to feel that way. Bend to my will. Trust me to push you and to know what you can take. It’s a lot more than you think.”

Tom had closed his eyes, breathing evenly. He took so perfectly to this. Mischa took a firm grip on Tom’s arms and led him to the bathroom. Tom opened his eyes, but otherwise accepted Mischa’s directions.

“I’m going to give you an enema.”

Tom showed no sign of understanding. Mischa got out the bag and the tube. Still no sign of recognition. “I’m going to fill you with water, then let you hold it until I say you can expel it. Then I’ll do it again. It will make you nice and clean for when we play later.” Mischa leaned in, making his voice rasp. “And I’ll be so hard, watching you struggle to take the water, keep it in you.”

Tom looked horrified, taking a step back. “You’re going to fill my ass with water? In front of you?”

Mischa grabbed Tom’s shoulders, physically keeping him from fleeing. “I am.”

Tom shook his head. “No. No way. I can’t do that. I simply can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” Mischa kept his voice low, stern. “You are going to take what I give you, because I tell you to.”

Tom looked pleadingly at Mischa, tears starting to form in his eyes. “I can’t do this! It’s going to be so fucking humiliating. Why are you doing this to me?”

Mischa gently wiped Tom’s eyes, letting his hands soothe his boy. “I want you to surrender to me. I want you to be embarrassed and still do it. Give me your embarrassment as a gift. The harder it is for you, the better is it for me when you do it anyway. Give that to me.”

Tom looked at him for a long time, seeming to search for something in his face. Mischa didn’t move, just waited for his boy. Then Tom nodded, hesitantly. Mischa kissed him, hard, letting Tom find solace in the excitement it gave Mischa. Then Mischa stroked Tom’s cheek, smiling. “Let’s begin.”

He placed Tom next to the sink, and then started talking while he worked -- as much to give Tom something to focus on as to explain what was going to happen. “I’m putting a couple of towels on the floor. You’ll be on your left side; that position will make it easier for you to take the water. I won’t leave you. I’ll lie with you and talk you through it.”

Mischa started filling the bag. “I’m using warm water with a little salt added -- that way, the water doesn’t interfere with your body’s chemical balance. Cold water can feel good, too, but it makes you more likely to cramp and it can make you cold.” He showed Tom the nozzle. “This one isn’t difficult to take. I’ll push it inside you, and then I regulate the stream here.”

He put the bag on an IV stand and made everything ready. Then he took off his shirt; the body contact would calm his boy. He turned to Tom, putting his arms around the tense body and leading the sub to the towels. There was no way his boy would be able to do this by himself, obedient or not.

“Come on, lie down.” Mischa was coaxing Tom like one would a scared animal. Tom looked panicked, unable to move. Mischa kept his hands on Tom, gently pressing the boy down.

Then Tom made a strangled sound and let Mischa push him down. He lay on his side, moving a little restlessly, fingers clutching the towels.

Mischa lay down close behind him and hugged him. “Good boy. That was hard for you, wasn’t it?” Tom nodded, and Mischa stroked his belly. “You’re doing fine. Just relax and take it. I’m going to put the nozzle in you, and then your little belly is going to be all filled up with water.”

Mischa took a bit of lube and smeared it into Tom’s hole. Tom had stopped moving and waited patiently for what Mischa was about to do to him. His surrender made Mischa’s cock harden.

“Now you’re getting the nozzle. No water yet.” Tom took a sharp intake of breath as the slick plastic slid into him. Mischa smiled; he had never met someone with such a sensitive ass. He soothingly caressed Tom’s sides.

“Here comes the water.” Mischa reached for the valve and opened it.

“Oh!” Tom gasped when the water started running into his ass.

Mischa chuckled. “Yes, it feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. Oh, fuck.” Mischa put his arms around Tom; all he could do now was help his boy through it. His hand went to Tom’s dick. Tom had gone limp when Mischa told him about the enema, but now his cock was more than half hard again. Mischa started stroking it.

“Oh, yes. Oh, this is so good.” Tom moaned, moving a bit. Yes, it would be. It didn’t take long until Tom’s noises changed, though, and his breathing got a little labored.

“I think I’m full now.” Tom writhed a little.

Mischa smiled. “No, you’re not even close. It’s just your rectum filling up. Now the water starts flowing deeper inside you, into your bowels.”

Tom made a breathless little noise. “I have to take more?”

“Oh, yes. There’s two quarts in the bag. Just relax and let the water fill you up. Remember, take it for me.”

Tom was trying to take deep breaths. “I... I can’t breathe properly.” He sounded a little panicked.

“It’s just your belly filling up. Breathe around it.”

Tom took short breaths, obediently following Mischa’s order. Then Mischa felt him tense up. “Oh, it hurts. Ah!” Mischa let his hand slide up to Tom’s stomach, easing him through the cramp. Tom was panting now. “How... how much to go?”

Mischa looked at the bag. “You’re around halfway through.”

Tom moaned piteously. “Is it... Oh, fuck. Is it going to be like this the rest of the time?”

“No, you’re only cramping now and then. Just feel, it’s better now, isn’t it?” Mischa let his hand slide down to Tom’s cock again. It was hard; if it was because of the water putting pressure on Tom’s prostate or because this turned him on, Mischa didn’t know. He doubted that Tom knew, either.

“Yes. Yes, it is. I can do this.” Tom was breathing heavily, but otherwise, he was composed.

“Good boy! You’ve almost taken all of it. Just a little more.”

Then another cramp hit Tom. “Oh fuck! Ahhh, I can’t hold it in. Ow, fuck.” He writhed, trying to escape the pain.

Mischa put his leg over him, pinning him down and rubbing Tom’s stomach. “Squeeze your ass closed. You can do it. Just a little more, and this cramp will be over.”

Tom whimpered, but the cramp subsided, leaving him gasping

“You’re doing so well. You’ve taken all the water; now I want you to hold it in.”

“How... how long?” Tom was sweating now.

“How about we say through one more cramp? Then I’ll help you up. Will you give me that much pain yet?” Mischa held his breath; Tom could very well break down now, begging him to stop this.

“Yes.” Tom was staring straight ahead, panting around the fullness in his stomach. Mischa stroked his cock in reward.

They didn’t have to wait long; Tom soon whimpered through the next cramp. Then Mischa slid the nozzle out of him, helping him up. Tom could hardly make it the few steps to the toilet, but he managed. Then he looked at Mischa. “I... You’ll leave me now, right?”

“I’ll never leave you.”

Tom looked horrified. Mischa only stepped up to him and held Tom’s head close to Mischa’s stomach. Then Tom couldn’t hold back any longer, and the water gushed out of him, making him moan.

“Shh, you’re okay, I’m not leaving you.” At first, Tom had been trying to push Mischa away; now he was clinging to Mischa while he released the water. Mischa held him, helping him through it.

Finally, Tom was empty. Mischa cleaned him up and helped him stand up on slightly shaky legs. Mischa steadied him; then the Dom leaned in and kissed Tom until the boy was clinging to Mischa, fully surrendering to him.

“That was beautiful.” Mischa stroked the hair away from Tom’s face. “Do you remember what I said in the beginning?”

Tom shook his head, still breathing hard from the ordeal and the kiss.

“I said I would do this to you once -- and then I would do it again. You’re going to be filled one more time.”

Tom stared at him. Then he leaned in, putting his head in the curve of Mischa’s shoulder. The boy stood like that for a long time, just breathing. He then raised his head back up and looked into Mischa’s eyes. “Yes, sir.”

Oh, fuck. That went straight to Mischa’s balls.

Mischa helped the boy down, put the nozzle in him again, and started to let the second bag flow into him. It wasn’t much easier for Tom this time. He held out, though, letting Mischa help him through the pain and even through his release without fighting Mischa’s authority.

Then Mischa took off his own pants and took Tom to the shower. He washed his sub gently and thoroughly all over and even washed the boy’s hair. Tom just leaned in, letting Mischa do it. Mischa kissed Tom’s head, and then he pulled back and gave Tom a crooked smile. “Let me show you something.”

He got out a tube with a thin dildo head and attached it to the extra faucet. Tom looked worried. “This is mostly for fun. You remember that really nice feeling you got when the first water trickled into you?” Tom nodded hesitantly. “This is to play with that. Will you let me show you?”

It looked as if it took Tom almost as much willpower to do this as to get down on the towel. Then he turned toward the wall without a word, offering his ass.

Mischa moaned. He got some lube and gently daubed it into Tom’s ass. The boy writhed a little. “Yeah, the enemas make you sensitive, don’t they?” Then Mischa put the showerhead into Tom’s ass. Tom sighed and relaxed. Mischa turned on the water.

“Oh fuck!” Tom went up on tiptoes.

“Yes, it’s good, isn’t it?” Mischa let it run and then took it out. “Now let it out for me.” Tom moaned, but obeyed, spraying the clean water out.

Mischa did it a couple of times, and then turned the water in the douche hose to cold. “Oh shit! Oh, fuck, feel it, good, ahh...”

Mischa got on a condom and lubed up his dick, using the slippery lube that wouldn’t wash away. “Now, let it out, boy.”

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