A Seal Upon Your Heart (35 page)

Read A Seal Upon Your Heart Online

Authors: Pepper Pace


Martier was fine with her shaven legs but everyone exclaimed how much better it was to wax. When she exclaimed that she’d never been waxed one girl looked at her like she was an oddball.


“Not even a bikini wax?” And that is how she got talked into her first bikini wax.


The technician looked at the mound of curls between her legs with a raised brow.




“What?!” Martier covered her mouth in shock.


“Is this your first time receiving a bikini wax?”


“Oh…um, yes.” She stuttered.


“Well, we’ll need to trim this down.” She pulled out scissors and Martier stared at the ceiling in embarrassment. The woman gave her hand a pat and told her she’d leave some hair up top and then she began applying the warm wax. Martier tried to think about something pleasant until she felt a yank between her legs, heard the sound of ripping and then felt the almost unbearable sting of her hair being torn from her sensitive flesh.


“OWW!” She yelped and reached between her legs. But the technician had already placed a warm towel there and was applying pressure. “I have to use the bathroom…” She moaned as tears sprung to her eyes.


The technician just smiled. “Give it a minute.” She gave her after care instructions. “The swelling should go down in a day and so will the irritation. Just don’t scratch-”


“Uh?” Martier pressed her thighs together and tried to resist the urge to rub her injured area. “Swelling? Irritation?” But she wanted to make love to Tim tonight.


“You’ll be good as new tomorrow. Two days tops.”


Martier grit her teeth and joined her friends where they were marveling at their freshly waxed legs. Everyone decided to return to their room with plans to meet again the next day to shop. Martier hurried to her room and stripped out of her panties. She found a handheld mirror in the bedroom on the dressing table and used it to look at her new hairless vaginal lips. She reached down tentatively to touch the smooth flesh. It was a bit irritated but the feel of her fingertips created a rapid thrill. She rubbed them gently and shuddered when her labia twitched.


She heard the door to the front room opening and Martier quickly replaced the mirror.


“Martier? You here, hon?”


She moved quickly to pick up her panties but only had time to shove them into one of the drawers before Tim was in the bedroom.


“Wow. Hubba hubba!” He said. Martier patted her hair and grinned sheepishly. They had straightened it and it barely appeared that she had lost the inch or two that had been trimmed off. Now it flowed down her back like a sheet of silk. Her other hand moved to her crotch before remembering not to scratch and she quickly pretended to smooth down the material of her dress.


“Do you like it?”


He wouldn’t tell her that he preferred her wild curls. “I love it, honey. You look so beautiful.” He kissed her. “Let me change and then I’ll take you out on the town.” Martier retreated to the living area while Tim showered. She checked the time and then called Dhakiya.


“Sis, you are not going to believe what I just did...”


By the time they left, the sun had set and the lights outside of the Waldorf Astoria took Martier’s breath away. She slipped her hand into his as they walked to a waiting limo.


“Where are we going?” She asked excitedly.




“Katz? What’s that?”


He grinned. “Only the most famous deli in all of New York City and perhaps the world. I’m dying for a pastrami sandwich.” Martier grinned at him. They were going to take a limo for a simple pastrami sandwich?


However, once she took a bite of the incredible sandwich she realized her folly. This was no ordinary pastrami on rye. After the sandwiches they strolled hand in hand down the street. Martier was amazed at how the shops lined the street, hawkers standing in front of their stores yelling to them. Tim was good at ignoring them but, to his amusement, Martier always politely responded. He bought her a New York Yankees cap and an Italian Ice from a vender.


Martier understood what Claudette had meant about New York being a time for special bonding. She had never had so much fun in her life! When they returned to the hotel she had laughed a lot and walked until her feet were sore but could have continued walking for another hour as long as Tim was with her.


“Martier…” he said hesitantly as they entered the room. “Do you mind if I invite the Marx’s to dinner with us tomorrow?”


“I don’t mind.” Elaina had seemed honestly sorry and she knew that it would make Tim happy to spend time with his friends. Also, she felt somewhat bad about not inviting her to join them at the spa, though it really wasn’t her place to do so. Still she felt bad about it.


“Are you sure, because if you’re even a little bit uncomfortable-”


“No, I’m not.” She said honestly while slipping off her shoes and sinking onto one of the couches. She sighed in pleasure and Tim sat down next to her and lifted her foot into his lap and began to rub it. It’s not the first foot rub that he’d administered but it still sent a jolt of pleasure through her. He suddenly ran his hands over her feet and up her legs.


“So smooth…” he mumbled.




He kissed her toe and she giggled. “Did you enjoy the spa?”


“It was…decadent.” She murmured while giving him a sexy smile. His fingers ran along her soft skin while he watched the effect his touch had on her. Her eyes closed and she sighed and stretched along the sofa.


“Are you having fun, baby?”


“Mhmmm…” She purred. “The best time of my life.”


God…the sounds she made was having some effect on him. He glanced past her towards the bedroom. The turn down service had already been through and the bed looked very inviting. And then there seemed to be two Tim’s warring inside of him. One said, ‘I’ve been very patient. Why shouldn’t I? She wants me.’ The other Tim said, ‘Be the strong one. Don’t let her throw away her teachings with the first guy that is lucky enough to make her breathe heavy’


But even as he was thinking these thoughts, his hand continued to creep up along her leg until he was at the bend of her knee.


“Mmm…” She parted her lips, eyes still closed and nuzzled her head deeper into the couch pillow. He couldn’t resist the sight of her full lips. Tim leaned forward, half covering her body and he placed a light kiss on them.


Martier’s eyes opened partially as she watched Tim watching her. Her hand moved to his hair where she lazily stroked his salt and pepper strands. He had a five o’clock shadow and she ran the back of her hand over his rough jaw. Then she leaned forward and captured his chin between her full lips. Her tongue lightly flicked the stubbly flesh and Tim sighed as his eyes fluttered close. Martier’s lips continued over his jaw and down his neck. She couldn’t stop herself from gathering a bit of his tender flesh between her teeth and nipping him slightly.


Tim shivered and felt his penis thicken. He should get up he thought as he gently pushed his pelvis against her thigh. He felt her body twitch, her eyes closed again and a soft sigh emanated from her lips. When she looked at him again her eyes were black. Her body began to tremble and she stared at him while her chest rose and fell rapidly.


And suddenly it all became so clear that Tim couldn’t believe his stupidity. Martier needed to cum. For weeks she’d been showing him, telling him what she needed and he’d been so busy worrying about her virtue that he hadn’t realized that he had been cruelly pushing her to the brink and then withholding release.


“Do you want to cum? Is that what you want?”


It seemed that the darkness in her eyes expanded and her breath came out in a gust. Instead of answering her thighs parted beneath him until he was nuzzled between them.


For a moment, Tim forgot how to breathe. He could not have been harder as he pressed against her soft pelvis. So sorry…he wanted to say. How could he have made her wait for so long? Suddenly he pulled himself to his feet and he swooped down and picked her up carrying her into the bedroom where he placed her on her feet next to the bed. She came up on her tiptoes, as dainty and precise as a ballerina. She placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed him.


In that moment their roles were reversed and she was the one that took control as he shook with unspent desire. “I love you, Tim,” she murmured into his mouth.


“Oh…” he groaned his reply. “I love you…”


His hands roamed her body, down her side, lifting her dress so that he could cup her bottom. And then he felt it and pulled back in surprise. No panties. All this time she hadn’t been wearing panties. Tim groaned, nearly in pain.


There was no hint of a smile on her face when she took his hand and moved it to her front. He cupped her mound in the palm of his hands as he examined her dark eyes and then another groan fell from his lips as his fingers came into contact with her slick, hairless vaginal lips.


His cock ached, she wasn’t the only one that needed to cum. He stroked her gently and her mouth flew open, her head fell back and her knees buckled. He caught her with one arm feeling her body begin to shake uncontrollably.


She’d wanted him for so long, to feel his hands touching her like that. She also needed more. She wanted to see him. She’d fantasized about the hard length that hinted through swim trunks that were wet, or pants that had become too tight after they’d kissed and touched. But she had never seen him. She needed to.


She pulled out of his grasp and sat on the bed with a look of longing on her face. Wordlessly Tim kicked out of his shoes and socks. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on a chair. He unzipped his pants and pushed them down until he was just in boxers. They were tented obscenely.


Martier lightly nipped her lips. Tim’s lightly hairy chest and strong arms were more tanned from their time in the pool. Working out over the last few months had really caused a change in him. He wasn’t small by any stretch but his muscles were defined beneath his toned skin. Her eyes settled on the bulge in his shorts and Tim lowered them causing his cock to spring up and slap his belly.


Martier bit back a gasp. She met his eyes before lowering them to take in all of his nudity. She came to her feet and pulled her dress over her head. She was just in a pretty black bra and she quickly unhooked it and let it fall to the floor.


Tim couldn’t move. She was beyond anything that he had imagined. Her hips curved perfectly to her rounded bottom and narrow waist. Her breast were much fuller than her wardrobe had ever hinted to. Her nipples were tightly beaded and the color of a juicy sweet raisin atop her chocolate breast. He didn’t think he was capable of closing the space between them, but thankfully she was.


Martier walked to him with hips swaying slightly, her eyes focused on his completely. How had he ever thought that this woman wasn’t capable of making up her own mind? He gathered her into his arms, their bodies molding together, their lips met and when they kissed it was with the knowledge that there would be no turning back.


He palmed her lovely ass and sighed when her pelvis pressed against his straining cock. She pulled back enough to look down between them and then she reached down and ran her fingertips along his length. He cried out sharply and she looked at him quickly, halting the movement of her hand. A soft grin pulled at the corner of his lips and she smiled with him. Then she watched his expression as she allowed her fingers to circle his cockhead.


Tim had not been prepared for her teasing touch. He was again an inexperienced kid being touched for the first time. He fought for control, wanting to allow her exploration but also wanting to bury that part of his body deeply within her, pumping madly until he spilled himself inside of her. Tim groaned and stopped her hand. He lifted her again and placed her gently on the bed.


Martier felt him lean over her, his lips brushing hers before trailing down her neck and over her collarbone. She felt the wet tip of his tongue as it slipped over her breast to circle her nipple. Martier felt something like electrical shock waves engulf her limbs before settling into the center of her belly and spreading teasing fingers along her core. She arched slightly, spreading her legs to capture one of his thighs. Tim pulled one of her nipples into his mouth and she cried out in pleasure.

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