A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (30 page)


I grabbed his hand to stop
him. He licked his lips nervously. He looked at me intensely and then
suddenly he hauled me into his arms and kissed me desperately. I
instantly froze. What was he doing? Had he forgotten we were at
school? But then I kissed him back feverishly responding to his
passionate kiss. My arms curved around his neck and I pushed myself
into him, curling into his warm body. It lasted a few seconds but it
left me out of breath and yearning for more.

this is enough to persuade you that you're the only one I will ever
lay eyes on.” His voice had dropped to a husky tone. “I
have to go now. Bye Cassidy see you later.”

He didn't give me time to
reply back as he was already striding over to the door. I leaned
against the desk as he slammed the door shut. I sighed as I tasted my
mouth. His kiss had been so passionate. My nostrils flared at the
sensual scent he had left on my face. I loved the scent of his
aftershave. There were still aspects of David that I didn't know. He
could be sweet and gentle and at the same time he could be wild and
passionate. My heart was still racing when I saw the door opening
again. Had he returned? To my disappointment I saw Lexie coming in.



you coming?” She asked eyeing me suspiciously.

you waited for me. Thank you.”

course. So what's happening? What did you tell Mr Bayne?” She

nothing.” I lied.

true. What happened? You're so blushed, are you sure you're OK?”

I sighed again. I was
feeling all jumbled up. Too many emotions and revelations to bear at

Cassidy trust me what's going on? You said you knew him.”

I glanced at Lexie, she
looked trustworthy yet I was afraid. What would happen if she told to
someone that I had a relationship with David? Yet I needed a friend.
I needed to talk with someone.

you have to promise me not to tell anyone about this.”

Promise,”she said eagerly.

know you like Mr Bayne and..”

he's a nice guy, he has beautiful eyes and a sexy body but I'm not in
love with him so don't worry.” She dismissed reassuring me.

am.” I confessed.


love with him. He's my boyfriend.”

Her jaw dropped, and it took
her a few seconds to manage to talk. She looked at me astonished.


I knew he was a teacher, but I didn't know he was a teaching here, in
this college. My God I visited at least other four colleges, and I
had to choose the one he teaches in.” I said in disbelief.

my God and now?”

don't know. This is going to be difficult. I know there shouldn't be
any relationships between a teacher and a student but..”

it's better if you change class at least,”she suggested.

I thought about that.”

maybe no.” She said looking at me with narrowed eyes. What was
she thinking?

don't understand how come you changed your mind all of a sudden?"

do it.. if you do she will win.”


Morrison. She doesn't accept a no, and she's determined to have him.
She already told him her feelings in a secret letter, but he rejected

How do you know?” I felt my stomach aching. She had told him
her feelings. So he knew. This made me feel really bad.

"I was in the toilet
when she came in crying and telling a friend of hers what happened.
She doesn't know I know, please don't tell anyone. But If I were in
you I wouldn't leave this class if you truly love your boyfriend.”

I looked at her confused. I
thought about it and then decided that she was right. No one will
take David away from me he's only mine.


I enjoyed a lot my first day
in College; the lessons of Art and design were really interesting.
During the break I went to the English room, David was there waiting
for me. His eyes lit when he saw me. He smiled and invited me to take
a seat near him. I did as he requested. I sat down and put my hands
on the desk. I looked up at my handsome man and smiled.

try to concentrate. I'll try to be as professional as possible. I'm
Mr Bayne now not David,” he said in a serious tone.

Sir, I'll do my best to follow,” I said in teasing voice.

serious,”he warned.


He smiled and then turned
his gaze on the papers he had in front of him. He began to explain
which books I needed to read and what exercises they had done from
the beginning of the school till now. He showed me all the work I had
to do to catch up. My God, it was a lot of work. I looked a little
worried at him.

don't look at me like that, I know it's a lot of work but you don't
have to finish it by tomorrow, take your time.”

He kept talking, and I kept
gazing at him, my chin rested lazily on my hands while I daydreamed
that we weren't at school but still at Sunny Island. I imagined being
in his arms, kissing his sensual lips. Oh, David no wonder I had fell
for him 7 years before. Probably I hand't changed much. I have have
forgotten everything, but it seemed that I had still the same tastes.

know that look,” he said interrupting my thoughts.


miles away right now. It's the same look you gave me in class in the
past. I can't believe we're in the same situation again,” he
said putting down his pen.

it isn't the same David,” I corrected.

He looked at me

time the ending will be different. I'm not that stupid girl anymore.
I must have been really stupid to have let you go.”

I grabbed his hand into mine
and squeezed it. His gazed softened, I knew that look; he was going
to kiss me. He always had that sweet look which made me feel special.
I had already closed my eyes waiting for him to press his lips on
mine when....

Hearing that voice, I opened my eyes and let go his hand immediately
while we both turned around to see Claire at the door looking at us
angrily. My heart heaved as my stomach contracted. Had she seen my
hand in his? Had she noticed what he was going to do? Even David had

Claire?” he stuttered nervously.

Jacobs is looking for you, she needs to see you in her office,”
she said still looking at me.

OK thanks.”

He looked at me and
whispered, “Wait for me outside after school.” Then with
a loud voice so that Claire could listen he said, “Cassidy I
have to go, we'll continue another time.” He grabbed all his
things and stuffed them in his briefcase and left. I grabbed my
notebook and pen and was going to put them in my bag when a pair of
hands slammed down on the desk. I rose my head to look up and found
Claire looking at me with anger. She seemed very annoyed.

you, and listen very well. Don't you dare doing what you did today in
class again!” She barked.

I looked at her angrily.
What did she think? That she was going to frighten me?

did I do in class? Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.”
I said cooly, infuriating her even more.

sure you do. Listen honey Mr Bayne is mine, no one will take him from
me. It's only a matter of time, probably he's waiting for me to stop
being his student.” She seemed very sure of herself. But she
was dead wrong she'll never have David.

I began to laugh; her eyes
lit with anger...

to delude you Claire, but he will never be yours. Looking at him with
puppy eyes won't take you anywhere. And erm... Claire, I don't
usually let anyone tell me what to do especially someone who is much
younger than me.” Saying this, I stood up.

what are you saying that you want Mr Bayne? You're admitting?”

I shrugged. “Well, you
are saying that not me. I guess we have to let him choose.” I
said confidently.

you are sure he will choose you aren't you?”

I smiled. I was sorry for
her, but he had already done that. Just that she didn't know. I felt

knows.” I said then in a playful tone. I liked to make fun of

get on my nerves Cassidy, you'll be sorry for this. You're playing
with fire. I can make your life miserable here at school if I decide
to.” She threatened. “I can do whatever I want.”

really who are you? A Goddess?” I said challenging her.

Who did she think she was?
She smiled with her perfect white teeth; her hand went in her perfect
hair while her hands rested on her hips. She looked in my eyes and..

much more powerful than any other student in here so be careful. I'll
keep my eyes on you. Stay away from Mr Bayne, this is a warning.”

won't do anything of the sort.” I retorted.

if it's war you want then war you'll have. You'll be sorry, I promise
you that.”

that, she went away. I held my breath, although I had stood up to her
she was quite intimidating, and I knew  that from now on things
weren't going to be easy, but I didn't care. I grabbed my bag and
went out; the bell was going to ring soon. I had the last two lessons
for the day. When at three the bell rang, I ran outside. I walked a
little far from school grounds and waited for David. The students had
nearly all gone when he came out. He  gestured with his hand
inviting me to follow him, and I did. We entered the parking; there
wasn't anyone left, no cars, no people around. He grabbed my hand and
pulled me in a dark area and kissed me.

no one will see us,” he said before his lips claimed mine
again. Then he broke the kiss. “So how was your day?”

Now even better.” I replied with a smile.

Cassidy. I wish I can take you home, but I have to go for Kylie

worry David, my house is not far from here as you know.” His
hand was caressing my back.

we meet tonight?” He asked me again while he planted kisses on
my face.

don't know, I have to work.”

His eyes widened.

Where? When?”

I know that I used to work as an accountant at the Grand Hotel.”

He looked surprised.

seems that I had a contract with them, and I can't just leave so I'll
be working part-time three days a week in the evenings.”

His face darkened a little
and I could see his lips compressing. Was it anger?

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