A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (6 page)

I'm leaving, and you're coming with me,” he miffed.

he is going to start the performance, we can't leave now. Kylie...”

well, I'll go outside and as soon as he's ready you come out, and
we'll go away OK?” I nodded. Kylie looked at me with pleading

I don't want to go away. I want to see if Dad will win.”

let's just hear his song and then we'll see OK?” I said trying
not to cry. Tyler had left. I looked at David, who had sat down on
the stool and began to play. The melody was beautiful but so... sad.
He played with such passion; I looked at him in awe as his hands
danced on the keys. The music was so sweet, yet painful at the same
time. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about anything. I knew
that as soon as this beautiful song ended I had to face reality
again. I let the music flow in me until it really reached my soul.


As soon as he finished the
people did a standing ovation for him. Everyone clapped and shouted
in approval. That piece of music was amazing. David stood up and
took a bow and then went inside. Kylie jumped excitedly.

they like it! I'm so happy; Daddy will surely win,” she said
hugging me.

hope so honey. But now we have to go,”I told her as I tried to
grab her hand.

No, mum I want to stay until they say who has won. Please.” She
said on the verge of crying. I wanted to wait for the results as
well, but I couldn't stay.

I can't. Tyler is waiting outside.”

him wait. Mum you promised.” Her eyes welled up with tears, and
I felt mine mirror the action. I felt bad for her, for David and
Tyler. This situation was getting unbearable. Whatever I did someone

Kylie I'll take you to Dad OK? You'll stay with him in the green
room. I really have to go.”

Kylie's face saddened, but
she nodded. "OK, mum let's go.”

I didn't want to do this,
but I didn't have a choice. I walked with Kylie to the green room and
saw that lady again. I explained that I had to go, and she accepted
to go and call David. After few minutes, he came out.

what's wrong?” he asked as soon as he met my gaze.

have to leave, can you keep Kylie with you? She said you were taking
her out after the competition.” I said quickly as I fought back
my tears.

yes. But why are you leaving? Why don't you come with us?” I
shook my head.

Tyler is waiting for me outside. I can't. I'm sorry.”

He came?” He asked stunned. I nodded.“I didn't know that,
I thought you were alone. Hope that what I said on stage didn't cause
you any trouble. Cassidy that song was for you,” He told me.

know,” I said looking down, I couldn't stand his gaze.“And
it was amazing David. You're so talented. I really wish you win

He smiled.

but that's not the prize that I want.”

He looked at me deeply. His
eyes so beautiful made my heart race.

have to go. Take care of Kylie OK. I'll call you tomorrow to know
what the result was.”

"OK, thanks for

I kissed my daughter and
looked at David again. He looked as if he wanted to say something
else, but he didn't. Instead, he just looked at me and smiled sadly.
I said goodbye and left. My heart beat increased in its speed with
every step I took as I strolled towards the exit, my stomach was
aching. I knew what was expecting me. There was going to be another
scene of jealousy, another fight, another sleepless night. I couldn't
stand this anymore. I reached the exit and saw him waiting for me in
the car. I walked slowly to him and entered the car. He started the
engine without saying anything, staring straight ahead of him all the
time. I could feel that he was feeling tense and extremely angry. His
lips were tightly pressed, and his jaw was rigid. He kept quiet. We
had arrived nearly half way when he finally broke the silence.

is all of this going to finish?” He asked harshly.

are you talking about?” I asked although I knew exactly what he

know damn well what I'm talking about! Stop pretending! You
kissed him! Damned Cassidy you kissed him. I saw you with my eyes!”
He cried.

My heart missed a beat. I
had suspected that he had seen me, but I wasn't sure.

I don't know what you saw, but it was just a kiss on the cheek.”
I said as I swallowed.

really!? That's not what I saw. You had promised to stay away from
him. Is that how you intend to keep your promise? By kissing him?!
You're a married woman for God's sake!! You're married to me.”
He shouted.

know that. Please stop being jealous.”

You think I'm overreacting that's what you're saying? He wants you.
My God, he even wrote that damned song for you and you ask me to stop
being jealous! You must be crazy! Cassidy either you tell him to
leave this city, or we'll have to change city again. I don't want him
near you ever again!” He yelled looking at me with resentment.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

No! Kylie...”

don't give a damn. Kylie can stay with him.”

I looked horrified at him.
Was he saying that I had to leave my daughter?

"No. She's my daughter;
I will never leave her behind me. How can you not understand this?!”
I shouted.

don't care anymore. Either you do what I say or-”

else what? You leave me?” I screamed looking at him with tears
in my eyes. He didn't continue. “Is this an ultimatum Tyler?
How can you ever tell me to decide between you and my daughter, this
is not fair!”

I want you to choose between me and David. Cassidy I'm fed up! That
damned bastard is trying to take you away from me.”He shouted
breathlessly. I knew he was making an effort to refrain his fury.

talk like this about David.” I said coldly.

He looked at me startled and

God, you love him!” He shouted. It's wasn't a question. I felt
a lump in my throat. I couldn't stand his gaze. “Cassidy why
the hell did you chose me if you have always loved him?” He

it, this is not true,” I said trying not to cry. This was a
never ending story, and I was fed up as much as him.

denying the evidence. Admit it that you love him! Damn it!” He
said slamming his hand on the steering.


kill him!!” Saying this, he braked the car sharply and made a
U-turn to go back.

What the hell do you think you're doing? Let's go home.” I
shouted desperately.

this has to end now and I will be the one to end it! He is destroying
our lives!” I had never seen him so angry. He accelerated, and
we were going really fast, too fast. I was frightened to death.

down Tyler, please!” I begged. He didn't; he wasn't reasoning
anymore. He looked at me crossly. “Please Ty.. let's go home,
please!” I cried.

said no. No one takes what's mine and stop crying!”

stop this damned car!” I shouted. “I don't want you to
hurt him, please!” I was sobbing now. He looked at me.

me the fucking truth. Do you love him yes or no!”

Just at that moment I saw a
blinding light coming towards us.

" Tyler!!!” I

But it was too late. He was
going too fast to be able to brake in time.

In the next few moments, I
felt the huge impact hit my body with full force. I was lost in the
confusion of the accident. I could hear the screeching sound of the
brakes and feel the shattered glass raining on my face. I could feel
the tearing pain in my head and the blood streaming down my head. I
couldn’t stand it; it was excruciating. I couldn't move; my
body was hurting so much that it was like being in another dimension.
I was screaming hysterically; my hands were trembling, all covered in

Tyler!” I screamed.

are... are you all right?” He asked weakly.

I moved my mouth to speak,
but I couldn't. I was feeling numb; all my strength was abandoning me
and I could feel my heart beat slowing down. My vision got blurred,
and I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open, they had got so

I heard him ask again.

I thought about Kylie and
David and tears welled up in my eyes. I knew I was never going to see
them again.

And then I closed my eyes.


David's POV

I opened my eyes startled by
the ring tone of my phone. It had woken me up from my sleep and the
shrill noise had made me jump out of my skin. I looked at my watch;
it was 4 in the morning. My God who could it be? I answered the phone
and heard a person crying on the other end. My heart missed a beat.
Who was it?

I said.

a feminine voice said sobbing. I froze.

is it?” I asked worried.


My stomach ached, why would Cassidy's mum call me in the middle of
the night? Oh my God Cassidy. “Angela what's wrong? Why are you
crying? What happened?” I asked already panicking and fearing
the worst.

had an accident!”

I held my breath, my knees
trembling so much that I couldn't even stand up. As the news began to
sink in I felt like a choking sensation. It was as if my world was
already crumbling down at the thought of anything bad happening to

my God... how is she? When did this happen?” I asked as I
struggled to find my voice.

around 7 o'clock, she was in the car with Tyler and they crashed in a

I stood rigid with horror as
nausea clawed at my stomach.

is she? Angela is she all right? Please tell me!”

She didn't respond and
instead she began to sob even more. No! She couldn't be dead, no!! My
heart was breaking into pieces. I felt my mouth dry up with fear and
I was going to throw up. My God, the pain I was feeling was tearing
me apart. “Angela!!”

yet but she's in critical condition,” She finally managed to
say “At least that's what they told me. She's in coma David!”

God no!!” I screamed. “And Tyler?”

okay, he just broke an arm.” I felt anger flush into my veins.

are you Angela?”

at the airport, I’ve just arrived. Luckily I found a flight
immediately and could leave.”

you want me to come for you? So that we'll go straight to hospital?”

Dave, I'll catch a taxi but maybe it's better if you stay home. Tyler
didn't want me to tell you but I couldn't. I know how much you still
love her. And then there's Kylie. Oh poor Kylie.” She began to
cry again. I felt my blood boiling. Suddenly my weakness disappeared.

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