A Secret Atlas (46 page)

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Authors: Michael A Stackpole

flesh in. The claws were tested and found to contain a venom thought to be similar to a

Viruk warrior’s. It caused paralysis in small animals, and the investigators suggested that

many of the crew had been felled by it before they had a chance to fight.

A study of its stomach contents yielded fishbones and fingers, suggesting strongly that the

rest of the
’s crew would never be found. Bits and pieces of its flesh were fed to cats and a few rats with no ill effect. The fact that cats ate it with relish did nothing to make any of the men want to partake.

But the effect of all the study proved less than satisfactory. The only thing the scholars

could agree on was that they’d never seen anything like it. The reasons for that abounded,

as well as stories of how the creature could have come to exist. Some decided the gods

were upset with Men in general and created these things to supplant them. Others spoke

of more sinister and salacious situations, in which lost sailors had committed unspeakable

acts with fishwomen. Jorim still favored the theory he had advanced to Anaeda; that they

were just a heretofore undiscovered race of creature. The utter lack of stories about them

did worry him, but since the only logical alternative was that they were a spontaneous

creation of the gods, he stuck with his theory. Divine intervention just did not sit well with


He did remember his conversation with Keles before they both departed. Keles had

suggested Empress Cyrsa still existed in Ixyll and was out there fighting something that

still threatened the old Empire. Keles had advanced the theory that perhaps the

Cataclysm had opened a rift to another world, letting in forces as yet unseen by man.

While Jorim considered that highly unlikely, it did serve to explain why there was no long-

standing tradition of these sea devils in folktales.

In the end, he just accepted that they were what they were. It wasn’t so important to know

where they had come from as it was to spot where they were and to determine where they

might be going. The fact that they had been able to attack a ship and denude it of crew,

leaving only the barest of signs of their passing, frightened him. He wasn’t so much

worried for the
as he was for a small island, or what would happen if the

creatures passed up a river delta and began to devour villages.

In the month of the Bear, the fleet located more of the islands from the Soth chart and

landed crews to examine them. They did find some signs of human habitation, but it had

been years since the villages were populated. On one island they were able to harvest a

lot of feral pigs to replenish their supply of fresh meat, and it provided ample feasting for

the New Year’s Festival. Even better, the pigs’ presence suggested the sea devils hadn’t

visited the islands, which made everyone feel somewhat at ease.

The New Year’s Festival passed without so much as a storm, which they all found

welcome yet unusual. No one complained, however, and the Festival carried on with an

exchange of gifts among the people of the fleet: nothing extravagant, and all of it the

product of labors undertaken in spare minutes here and there. Clothes newly decorated

with embroidery were exchanged, serenades were sung for the enjoyment of all, and even

the cooks outdid themselves by making the normal fare extraordinary through use of

spices that had been hoarded against such a time.

Shimik even provided a present to those on the
. Alotia, one of the concubines who had been apprenticed to the Lady of Jet and Jade, spent hours teaching the Fennych

a dance. Jorim had not quibbled over her constant requests for the Fenn’s company since

she kept him occupied during the dissections. It was only when she dressed the small

creature in a blue robe embroidered with golden tigers that he wondered what she’d been

doing with him all that time.

The traditional dance, which went by the formal name
was usually

performed to greet the new year by a young woman of marriageable age who sought a

mate. It had long been seen as dance of seduction, with the lithe and fluid movements

reflecting the dancer’s grace and sensuous nature. Jorim had seen it performed a number

of times through the years, in a variety of forms, all over the Nine Principalities and


But never had he seen it done the way Shimik did it. What for a girl were graceful and

delicate motions became strong and stalking. Where she was a tigress slipping through

the jungle eluding all those save for the mate she chose, Shimik became the hunting tiger.

His leaps tucked into rolls from which he emerged with a flash of claw and fang. He

became all muscle and sinew, his movements deliberate and menacing, his hunting turns

fearsome enough to make sailors scoot back and give him room.

And then, the music and dance would end and his demeanor would shift. He’d run to

Alotia and leap into her arms as people cheered. The vestiges of feline nature would

vanish into an infantile hug the concubine returned heartily, and growls became delighted

coos. The transformation brought another round of applause from the spectators,

prompting both performer and teacher to bow most humbly and wish the joy of the Festival

to all.

So well received was the performance that Captain Gryst ordered Shimik sent around the

fleet to entertain all the ships. Parties from each ship visited the
in the wake of his performances. Before the month of the Tiger dawned, Shimik had uniforms from each

ship as well as a variety of trinkets with which he filled a wooden box and gleefully pawed

whenever foul weather kept him in the cabin.

But where the Festival had given them respite from foul weather and ill omens, the month

of the Tiger lived up to its worst potential. Chado, the tiger god, moved through shadows

and visited misfortune on those who displeased him. Clouds and fog closed in with the

turn of the year, making it all but impossible to discern even the lamps burning fore and aft

on the nearest ships.

Information passed between ships through a laborious process of lantern signaling. Not

only did it take a long time to pass any messages, but many on the ships could read the

signals. Rumors based on these messages abounded, and the last remnants of joy from

the Festival evaporated.

The fleet was being stalked.

Everyone knew about the sea devil; there had been no keeping that news quiet. To

counteract the fear, the scholars had been charged to try to figure out what the thing

actually was. Captain Gryst had labored under the vain hope that someone might have

known, thereby ending all speculation. Absent that sort of victory, the plethora of

explanations could have split opinions and directed folks away from worrying too much.

Unfortunately, the sailors uniformly dismissed any scholarly speculation, assuming that

since the sea was their home, they knew best. And what they knew was that the sea

devils were nasty and had attacked a ship, hauling the crew away. This meant they would

be out there waiting to take the next ship that got careless, and would continue to do so

until they were all gone.

Jorim realized that, given the sailors and their opinions, there would have been stories

about the fleet being stalked whether or not there was anything to it. While he didn’t want

to believe in what they were saying, there was no way the stories couldn’t get into his

head. He felt ashamed of falling prey to superstitions, and said as much to Captain Gryst

as they sat over a game of chess in her cabin one evening.

She looked up from the board and frowned at him. “I need not lecture you on how strange

the ocean can be. If you think about it, water is but a thick fog over an incredible

landmass. As the air has birds, so the ocean has fish. What is down below the fish,

though, we have no way of knowing—any more than we can determine what is above the

clouds. If you think about it just for a moment, you might see that the sea devils have their

own empires down there, on the bottom of the ocean, and they have found a way to rise

into their sky, to find out what is skimming their clouds. What they have found is us.”

Jorim shifted his shoulders as a chill trickled down his spine. “You don’t actually believe

that, do you?”

“Believe? No.” She moved her Master of Shadows. “I would not waste the time or energy

believing in that. But I accept it is possible. What I want is an answer, because this not-

knowing is harming my crew.”

From somewhere on deck, a voice raised an alarm. Before the two of them had slid their

chairs back from the table, Lieutenant Minan opened the door to her cabin. “Begging your

pardon, Captain. Green lanterns off the port bow.”

“Out of the way, Lieutenant.” Anaeda pushed past him and led the way to the deck. “Keep

to your duties, all of you. Helm, steady the course.”

They raced along the deck and Jorim went down once on an icy patch. He got up and

sprinted up the ladder to join the captain in the bow. Cold wind cut at him, but it really

didn’t matter because nothing could have warmed him.

Above, a thin crack opened in the clouds and bled silver into the mist. The moon’s light

silhouetted a huge ship—one not nearly the length and breadth of the

equally suited to long voyages over deep ocean. It bore the customary nine masts, but

from them hung tattered sheets. Jorim could make out the crest on one of them and knew

it to be Naleni, but from a time before Prince Cyron ruled.

One of the older sailors in the bow pointed. “That’s the

Jorim’s flesh tightened. “The
was lost eighteen years ago. My father was on it.”

“No longer, Master Anturasi.”

The moonlight illuminated the creatures capering on the deck and clinging to the ratlines.

Sea devils, each and every one of them. The one they’d found on the

been a runt, for these creatures were half again the size of a normal man. The lanterns

fore, aft, and hanging from masts burned with a green light that shimmered from scales as

creatures spun through dances that had no accompaniment.

A million thoughts rioted through Jorim’s mind. He tried to recall what his father looked like

and could not. The image of the man he’d held in his mind had been created from dozens

of stories, but they all evaporated as he watched the shadowship keep pace with them.

His father had filled how many bellies over there? He couldn’t imagine what he would tell

his mother or grandfather, sister or brother.
Will I get the chance, or will I feed them as he

An urgent tug on his trousers brought him back to reality. He glanced down.

Shimik raised his bow. “Twanga twanga!”

Jorim wondered for a moment how the Fenn had managed to string the bow, but didn’t let

that stop him from bringing it to hand and pulling an arrow from the quiver Shimik had

dragged on deck. He drew, aimed, and let fly.

The arrow disappeared in the darkness. Jorim thought he’d missed his mark, then one of

the sea devils spasmed and fell from the rigging. The other sea devils paused in their

dancing as he flopped to the deck, then fell on him, clawing and biting. They tore limbs

free and several led merry chases over the deck as others sought to steal part of their


Jorim nocked another arrow, but Anaeda held a hand up. “It will do no good.”

“One more, Captain, please.” Jorim swallowed hard. “For my father?”

She nodded and stood back. He drew and aimed. He held his shot, measuring the

distance, letting the ships rise and fall. He let the rhythm move through him, and finally


The arrow hit its mark. A green lantern high on the main mast fell like a streaking star to

the main deck. It exploded when it hit, spraying burning oil over the decking and back up

the mast. Several of the capering sea devils became spinning torches. They careened

over the deck, igniting cable and sail while the ship’s rolling spread the liquid fire further.

Another lantern exploded, and another.

Whatever had been propelling the
forward stopped. The burning ship fell off the wind and the clouds closed. But even without moonlight, the ship remained visible. It

turned broadside to the ocean’s swells, rising and falling. One moment they could see the

whole of it ablaze, and the next the masts showed as distant candle flames. And then

even the candles went out and the

Anaeda Gryst turned to him. “Shall I congratulate you on your shooting?”

Jorim shook his head. “If I thought that was the last we’d see of the sea devils, I would

welcome it. I don’t think it is.”

“Nor do I.” She sighed. “In fact, I think it is highly likely that you’ve only made them


Chapter Forty-one

3rd day, Month of the Tiger, Year of the Rat

9th Year of Imperial Prince Cyron’s Court

163rd Year of the Komyr Dynasty

737th year since the Cataclysm


The disharmonious nature of Dolosan’s western reaches—including the approaches to

Ixyll—disturbed Moraven in ways he had not expected. In his life he had seen many

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