Read A Secret Fate Online

Authors: Susan Griscom

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal

A Secret Fate (35 page)


“Are you sure those tests are accurate?” Addie asked, nibbling on a saltine cracker Maia had given her along with a small glass of ginger ale.

“Positive.” She chuckled. “Oh sorry, that’s probably the wrong phrase to use.”

“Maia, what am I going to do now?”

“Well, sweetie, I guess you’d better let Cael know.”

“But what if he doesn’t want kids anymore? He’s different now. He doesn’t remember how much he wanted a baby and all the talking we’d done about it.” The arguments, Addie corrected silently, remembering how they disagreed on the subject.

“Addie, Cael may be five years younger in his mind, but he’s still the same man. I’m sure once you tell him you’re pregnant, he’ll be very happy about it.”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t even mentioned anything about being engaged. What if he no longer wants that?”

“He’s told you he loves you, right?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be strapped down with a wife and a kid.”

“Addie, give yourself and him some credit. You’ve seen him over here holding the twins, talking to them. You see how he is with Breena. Even if he hasn’t come to realize it himself yet, he wants kids. Tell him, Addie. The sooner the better.”

“Shouldn’t I wait to see Red first? You know, just to make sure the test is correct?”

“You could, but how are you going to see Red without causing suspicion? You can’t get to him without Cael or Siana.”

“I could see a local doctor.”


Chapter 35



Cael waited in the dimly lit living room of the beach house for Addison to get home from the Bar and Grill. She’d been called in at the last minute to work for Darcy who had been taking over most of Addison’s shifts lately until tonight when she’d come down with a head cold and fever. Cael had everything just about the way he wanted it. Tonight was the night. He wanted Addison to put the ring back on and he decided since he didn’t remember asking her to marry him in the first place, the best thing to do was to ask her again. Well it would be the first time as far as he was concerned. He studied the room. The fire was lit, candles glowed from various places in the room. A bottle of red wine sat on the table, open and breathing. He had steaks seasoned and ready for the grill. “The salad! Damn it.” He hurried into the kitchen and quickly chopped up the lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and even added in a little avocado. He was mixing in the honey Dijon dressing as he heard the front door open. God, he was nervous. What if she didn’t want to marry him anymore?

“Hi,” she said. “Wow. This is unexpected, and nice. What’s the occasion?”

“I just wanted to spend a romantic evening together. That’s all.” Christ, his hands shook as he helped Addison take off her coat. He took in her work outfit, jeans and an old, nearly worn-out black T-shirt. Even dressed like that and stinking of spilled beer, she still got him riled up. Had her breasts suddenly gotten larger?

“Well, this is certainly romantic.”

“I’ve got some steaks ready for the grill, but would you like a glass of wine first?”

“Um … no. I don’t think I’m up for it tonight. I’m a little tired.” She did look weary he thought, taking in the dark circles under her eyes. He hoped she didn’t have to work so many hours much longer. He’d been under the impression that she was thinking about quitting that job now that Darcy was fully trained. There wasn’t any need for her to work, not that there had ever been, but now she had more things in her life, like him. He smiled at that last thought and hoped he’d still be smiling after he proposed. But he had to admit, her decline of the wine and complaining of being tired sort of dampened his mood.

“Okay, I guess I can hold the steaks until tomorrow night.”

“I’m sorry. It looks like you went to a lot of trouble. You know, I think I could probably eat a little. Go ahead and pour the wine. I’ll be back in a minute. I just want to wash up a bit.”




Addie splashed water over her face and studied her eyes in the mirror.
Come on, wake up
. This could be a good sign. He went to a lot of trouble to be romantic. Especially greeting her shirtless like that with nothing on but his jeans with the button undone, exposing the sexy ripped V-cut shape of his obliques. The patch of soft hairs he teasingly revealed always led to a wonderful surprise. God, she had a hard time resisting him dressed that way. So, maybe tonight would be a good time to tell him. 

She closed her eyes and clasped her hand around the crystal now circling her neck once again. She thought back to what her father had told her the other night; the crystal would give her extra abilities if she only learned how to tap into them. If that was at all possible, perhaps the crystal could give her some much needed energy. She concentrated on its strength and thought hard about how she wanted to please Cael tonight. Addie opened her eyes as the bathroom illuminated with a purplish glow instead of the bright white one the crystal usually released and her body filled with a new sense of power and energy. Excitement exuded from her soul and she breathed deeply until she became wide awake. Now she had energy to eat at least a little bit of dinner with Cael, even make love to him. She wasn’t sure what to do about the wine yet. How long would it take him to realize she wasn’t drinking it?
Oh well.
She shrugged.
I have to tell him anyway.




Addie barely nibbled at the steak he’d grilled to perfection and he had to remember how tired she’d looked when she walked in the door. When she came-down the stairs no longer wearing the old black T-shirt and jeans but a pretty, pink, low cut nightgown, he had a renewed surge of hope. But she didn’t seem to have much of an appetite and hardly touched her glass of wine, but that was okay with him. Having her sober and thinking clearly when he popped the question was better than having her agree to be his wife while intoxicated. He, on the other hand, downed the rest of the wine in his glass because he needed the extra help to battle the jitters. The knot in his stomach grew tighter as he considered just how he would ask her.

They ate the steaks in the living room in front of the fire, sitting on the floor at the coffee table. It was something they did frequently after she’d mentioned they’d always liked to eat there before. He had to agree, it was enjoyable. A soft tune drifted out from the speakers and he took her hand in his, pulling her up from the floor. She giggled and placed her hand on his shoulder as he twirled her slowly around the room. He stopped dancing in the middle of the song and held her close against him. It was now or never. “Addison.”

“Hmmm …” she responded with a lazy hum.

“I love you,” he whispered against her ear.

“I love you too.”

“There’s something I want to discuss …” they both said at the same time.

“You first,” he said.

“No, you go first, mine can wait. After all, you are the one who planned this romantic evening. It’s your show.”

His show. Okay, he’d give her a show if that’s what it took. He sank down on one knee in front of her. Taking both her hands in his, he said, “We were once engaged, but I don’t remember that time. Even though I can’t recall asking you to marry me, I want you to know that I am hopelessly in love with you and truly want to marry you still.” He swallowed when she didn’t say anything. Was this a mistake?
Carry on, play it out,
he silently prompted himself
“Addison, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Her mouth hung open, but nothing came out. “Addison, will you marry me?” he asked, after reaching into his pocket to pull out the ring she’d once worn, the ring she’d said he’d given her. “Please?”

She let out a puff of air as though she’d been holding her breath and nodded. “Yes. I will.”

He slid the ring on her finger, scooped her up in his arms, then carried her over to the sofa and placed her gently on her back before pressing his lips on hers. For the first time since he could remember, he felt whole.

“You have no idea how happy you just made me.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me again, wondering if you would. I never wanted to assume you still wanted to marry me.”

“I love you,” he said, kissing her again. Slowly, gently, softly, until her fingers tickled the hairs on the inside of his pants’ zipper, then the kiss turned urgent, demanding, taking, needing. The jeans slid down his legs with no help from him. She’d used her mind, a very handy talent, he mused. As his hands slid up the sides of her thighs, the nightgown floated over her head and found its way to the floor beside his pants. With the clothing gone, he couldn’t resist; he suckled first one breast, then the other. She moaned, flexing her hips up against him, her hands cupping each cheek of his behind, pulling him closer. His cock had nowhere to go but in and together they rocked each other’s world. An involuntary grin affixed itself to his face as he reveled in her essence. He was getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world.




On the floor in front of the dying fire, Cael lay next to Addison, his legs tangled in hers. “I wish I could remember the first time I asked you to marry me.”

“Well, you didn’t. Not really.”

“What? You said we were engaged.”

“We were, but you never actually asked me. You just sort of told me to marry you. I believe your words were somewhere along the lines of ‘You still have a lot to learn, but as my wife you would want to help protect the Sectorium.’ And I responded with, ‘Your wife?’ At which point you said ‘If you’ll have me. Will you?’”

“And what did you say?”

“Well, I then asked, ‘Marry you?’ And you replied, ‘Yes, marry me.’ So you see, you never officially asked me to marry you. You told me.”

He threw his head back and placed his arm over his forehead. “What a tool.”

She laughed. “I didn’t mind. But now that you’ve asked me so wonderfully this time, it does seem to make the other time less romantic.”

“Ahhh … I do wish I could remember.”

“Let’s try something.” She got to her feet and held out her hand. “Stand up.” He did and stood in front of her. His erection pointed right at her. She sighed. “You’re insatiable.”

“I thought you loved that about me.”

She laughed. “I do, but this needs concentration.” She glanced around the room and saw the shirt he must have been wearing earlier that day. She snatched it off the back of the chair he’d draped it over and shrugged into it.


“Put your pants on, stud. I need your mind completely clear for this.”

“For what? What are you going to do?” He was suddenly apprehensive.

“You don’t remember this, but you and I used to have this special bond.”

“What sort of bond?” He bit his bottom lip, overwhelmed with curiosity.

“You know how you and your mother can sort of read other’s thoughts?”

“Well, we can’t read thoughts exactly. It’s more like an intuitive feeling.”

“Yeah, a mighty strong one.”

He gave an easy shrug.

“Whatever. Anyway, you and I used to be able to communicate telepathically.”

“Seriously?” Even more intrigued, he pulled up his jeans and zipped them, leaving the button undone.

“Yeah, full conversations.” She eyed the spot above the zipper and raised her eyebrows. “Nice. But you might be way too sexy for me to concentrate.”

He started to fasten his pants but she shook her head. “Don’t bother. Just you standing there without a shirt is enough. Buttoning your jeans isn’t going to help.”

He grinned. “Why Ms. MacKenna, you are blushing.”

“Because I can sense that you are reading my thoughts.”

“Hell, woman, you don’t need to be a damn psychic to figure out what’s on your mind right now.”

“Okay. Let’s
and be serious here.” She opened the new locket that hung from the chain around her neck and took out the crystal, holding the stone in the palm of her hand. “Step closer to me and place your hand in mine, over the crystal. Now give me your other hand.” She took a deep cleansing breath and exhaled. “I want you to concentrate on what I’m thinking.”

“That’s not going to be very difficult, as I am always wondering what you are thinking since you seem to be the only one I can’t figure out. Your mind is always so jumbled with convoluted thoughts.”

“So it’s just like before.”


“Yeah. When we first met, you had the same problem.”

“Right. You mentioned that.”

“But we overcame it.”


“I’m not sure. We made love on the beach in Bora Bora after confessing our feelings for one another and it just happened.”

“Bora Bora?” It dawned on him now why he and Finn landed there. Out of all the places he could have gone, he materialized in Bora Bora. It hadn’t been Stefan and Claire having been there that brought him to that island, it was Addison. She was his last thought before he’d lost his memory. He looked into her beautiful brown almond-shaped eyes and saw a flicker of gold as he studied them. Unwavering, she stared back into his and they stood silent for a long minute. “I think we should go to Bora Bora and try to reenact that event.”

“Yes, I think you’re right!”

Her voice was high with excitement and he had to laugh. “Where exactly were we?”

“I’m not sure. We materialized on a little motu surrounded by a beautiful lagoon with a view of twin peaks across the water.”

“I know the place.” He let go of her hands and blew out the candles around the room before taking her in his arms. “Hold on and don’t drop the crystal.”


Chapter 36



Addie opened her eyes after the familiar feeling of air slicing through her bones subsided.

She blinked and looked around at palm trees swaying in the soft warm breeze. “This is it! How did you know this place? Do you remember?”

“Not the way you want me to, but this is where Finn and I first appeared after Gerry wiped my memory.

“Accidentally,” she reminded him, recognizing the slight twinge of animosity in his voice.

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