Read A Soul Mate's Promise Online

Authors: Robin H Soprano

A Soul Mate's Promise (16 page)

“Holy mother of god!” I say as I look at the tree in my living room that certainly rivals the one in Rockefeller Center. Every time I come into the room I’m in awe of the largest tree I’ve ever had.
We had a blast picking it out and Sal only dropped it twice after we got the netting cut free and into the stand.
Sal battles with the lights while I went off to find my ornaments. When we are finished it really looks beautiful and the smell of fresh fir takes over the room, Pop is worn out by the time we’ve got the ornaments on, so he leaves Sal and me to finish the last touches. Sal hits the switch and we are basking in the glow of a million twinkling red, white and green lights.
“It’s beautiful, Sal, I love it. Thank you for this” Sal comes over to my side to get a better look.
“No need to thank me, Gracie-It’s ours together. I love you.”
We both take a seat on the couch to admire our work and snuggle. Sal takes my hand. “I called Dr. Brooks for you. They got you in on Monday afternoon 3pm.” I tense a little. I know I agreed to go, but I’m not feeling happy about it. He gives me a little squeeze. “It’ll be fine. Just talk to him” Feeling nervous I quickly change the subject.
“You all ready for the benefit tomorrow? Tuxedo and all?” He smiles big maybe understanding my apprehension. “Yesssss, I’m looking forward to a fancy evening with you on my arm.”
“Richard will be there too,” I remind him.
“I know,” he answers with a smile that reminds me of a cat that’s eaten a canary. “I can’t wait.”




















The night of the children’s Christmas benefit arrives and it’s a beautiful night–not too warm, not too cold.

Earlier in the day I’d made a trip to my bank so I could retrieve my diamond necklace from the safety deposit box. Now standing in my closet with my hair in rollers trying to decide on the strapless black velvet gown with the slit up the side to my mid thigh or the shimmery maroon gown with the sweetheart neckline that shows off my cleavage. I take both dresses out and hold them against me in front of the mirror.

“The maroon one,” Sal says in a soft voice. “I like the way it shimmers and lights up your face. It’s festive.” I glance over my shoulder Sal is half dressed and apparently spying on me.

“Funny, I was thinking the maroon one, too. I’ll save the black one for New Year’s Eve.”

Sal raises his eyebrows. “New Year’s? What are we doing for New Year’s?”

I turn and toss the dresses on the bed and pad my way over to him, reaching my arms around his muscular frame.

“Celine and her husband throw a big party at the club every year. It’s fantastic. She gets a D.J. and the best caterer in Jacksonville. Every year she comes up with something special at midnight–last year it was a fire works display. I go every year. Your father was my
plus one
last year.”

“Was he?” he says with a smile.

“Yes. I’m glad he didn’t stay home like an old fart–we had a ball!”

“Well, I guess you will have two Petroni men escorting you to the New Year’s bash this year.” He bent his head a little so he could gently brush his lips with mine.

I deepen the kiss and he pulls me in closer. Through his trousers I can feel his arousal, my body responds to him and I’m almost gasping for air. He pulls his lips from mine and gives me a searing gaze.

“Princess,” he growls, “I guess were gonna be a little late.”


*       *       *


I’m just putting the finishing touches on my make-up when Sal calls from down stairs.

“Gracie, you ready to go? Pop’s here and we’re running late.”

Grabbing my purse and slipping on my shoes, I check the mirror one last time. I’m happy with how I look and my face has a warm glow that has nothing to do with my make-up.

I start to make my way down the staircase and Antonio whistles. “Momma mia! Gracie, you look-a-like an angel!”

Sal walks over to the bottom of the stairs staring at me with an open mouth. “You look amazing. Like a Princess–you are absolutely beautiful.”

I take in the sight of Sal in his black tuxedo. He’s gelled back his hair and tied it in a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. The square of his jaw line and his broad shoulders make my stomach quiver.

“And you, are devastatingly handsome,” I whisper, touching his face.

“Okay, you two love birds, lets go. Si?”

“Oh Pop, one more thing before we go. Take my cell phone and get a quick picture of me and Sal right here on the stairs. I want to send it to my best friend, Maggie.”

Sal puts his arm around me and we pose, all smiles. I check the picture–it’s a good one. I scroll to Maggie’s name in my contacts and send her the picture.

When I get outside, there is an SUV limo waiting in my driveway. I stand in awe of the massive vehicle. “Which one of you ordered the limo?”

Sal and Pop point to each other. “We thought this would be a nice surprise.” Sal motions with his hand.

“Oh is it ever! You guys are amazing.”

The driver opens the car door for me and I slide in. Sal follows right behind and sits next to me in the back. The driver then helps Pop get in the front and secures his wheel chair in a special place designed just for that.

On the way to the Marriot, my cell buzzes and I glance to see who’s texting me.


Where you at baby girl? Oh I hope you’re late because you guys are doing the dance with no pants!


I burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny? Sal asks.

“Celine just sent me a text.”


“And here. Read it!”

Sal takes my phone and reads the message. He chuckles, too. “Are you going to answer her?”

“She’ll know the answer when she sees me.”

Sal taps like crazy at the phone.

“Huh?” I gasp. “Wait! What are you doing? What are you saying?”

He hands my cell back with a devilish smile playing across his face. “Read it.”


Can’t wait to meet you. You are right, but it was more of a tango than a dance. Almost there and your girlfriend looks beautiful. Don’t know how much longer I can control myself. We might not get out of the limo! ;-) Sal


“Oh my god! Sal!” I’m laughing and gasping at the same time and can barely get the words out. My cell buzzes again.

Excellent!! I hope you made her toes curl and I hope she made you take the lord’s name in vain! See ya soon!

“OH GOD!!” I shout, ‘I’m so mortified!” But I can’t stop laughing. My make-up is going to be a mess.

I show Sal what Celine sent back and we both roar with laughter until I’ve got tears streaming down my face.

“She sounds like a trip.”

“Oh, she’s a trip alright. Don’t be too shocked if she makes a pass at you. Remember I told you, she’s a big flirt, and a bit of a cougar, but, harmless. She’s like an older sister to me.”

Sal’s still smiling, then nods. “Duly noted.”

We finally arrive and locate our table number. The decorations are stunning just like most of the people attending and a D.J is playing some Christmas carols softly in the back round.

Celine spots us and bolts across the room like she’s been shot out of a cannon.

“Hey, you made it!” Looking me over she hugs me and whispers in my ear, “Oh baby girl you got that
I just got properly fucked
glow! She’s bouncing on her Manolo Blahniks’ heels.

“Yesss, I do. Thanks for noticing. Celine, this is Sal. Sal, my great friend and partner-in-crime, Celine.”

“Well hello, handsome!” Sal puts his hand out to shake hers and Celine pushes it away.

“Oh, you’re gonna give me a hug now, no formal handshake for me–no, sir. Now let me get a look at ya. Oh, you a handsome devil, no wonder Gracie was late. Probably can’t keep her hands off you.”

Sal smiles and reaches for me, putting his arm around me. “Correction, Celine. I’m the one who can’t keep my hands off of

We excuse ourselves to walk and mingle around. I introduce Sal to some of the ladies of the SWS. Mimi gives me a thumbs up. Sal spots Dr. Brooks and introduces us.

“Oh, Sal. Hey, how are you? This must be Gracie? Pleasure to meet you,” he says, shaking my hand.

“Hi, Dr. Brooks. I guess I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Oh yes, looking forward to it. You two have a good time, tonight.”

“You do the same,” I say back. I turn to Sal and whisper, “He seems very nice.”

He gives my hand a little squeeze. “He is. Don’t worry–you’ll like him–easy to talk to.”

Just then I spot Celine waving me over. Sal tells me to go ahead and promises to meet me back at the table.

“What’s up, Celine?” I say softly. The room is filling up with rich guests and I don’t want to be overheard. With Celine, there’s no telling what’s going on.

“Richard and the gold diggin’ whore just arrived.”

“Wonderful. It’s a party now,” I drawl sarcastically. I stand my ground and keep on eye out for Sal. It would be great if he’s standing next to me when Richard and Camille make their entrance.

The long table up front is where the SWS has their door prizes for the fifty/fifty raffle. Celine, Mimi and I are helping the rest of the members sell tickets. Barbra Dalton is schmoozing her way around the room and poor Chloe is following right behind her like a lost puppy.

As I stand at the table selling tickets, I see Camille and Richard making their way through the crowded area.

I spot Richard first, of course. He’s walked way ahead of Camille instead of beside her. He used to do that to me too, and never looked back to see where I was. I guess some things never change. From the looks of it she isn’t happy with that behavior, either.

Camille’s dress is a white sparkly high-collared gown. She has too much glitter around her eyes and looks like an evil snow queen from a Disney movie. 

Richard approaches the table and Mimi stutters asking him if he wants to buy a chance.

“Yes, I would, thank you. Hello, Grace. You’re looking well.”

I give him a tight smile, trying to calm the chill that comes over me because he’s spoken my name.

“Darling!” Camille calls coming up behind him, “there you are. Oh, hello, Gracie.”

I give a quick glance in her direction. “Camille.”

Out of nowhere an arm snakes around my waist. “Princess, how’s it going? Do you need some help?”

“How do you always know when I need you?” I whisper, leaning toward him.

“We’re soul mates, remember? I always have my eyes on you.”

Camille looks at us and smiles. “ I see you guys are still together.”

I ignore her but Sal looks at me and says, “I adore her.”

Richard ignores us both and Camille keeps smiling as they walk away to find their table.

After a wonderful meal, the D.J plays all kinds of music and people hit the dance floor with vigor. Sal gets up from the table and takes my hand.

“Shall we dance, Princess?”

I let him lead me to the dance floor and I can feel all eyes are upon us.

“Everyone is watching,” I whisper. I realize that for the first time in months I’m self-conscious of the attention.

Sal winks and shrugs and I laugh. I relax.

“Let them watch. Know how to tango?” he whispers as he puts his right hip against mine.

I nod and place my weight on my left toe so I’m ready for our first turn.

The D.J is playing “Save the Last Dance for Me, and Sal tangoes me all over the floor, twirling me out and into his side, leaning me down into dips. At one point I hear a little applause coming from the crowd and I chuckle. It wasn’t perfect but Sal is a good leader and we are having fun. We’re making quite a spectacle of ourselves and I can imagine Celine’s delighted reaction.

When the song stops, Sal spins me so that I end up cradled in his arms looking up into his eyes.

Everyone claps and cheers. I glance over at our table and Pop is all smiles while Celine’s hands cupped at her mouth, screams “BRAVO!!”

Laughing and breathless, we hold hands and take a bow.  “Well, Mr. Petroni, you never told me you could
tango,” I whisper out the side of my smile.

“You never asked, Princess.” Then he gives me a quick kiss.

Overwhelmed and panting, I need air and point to the balcony doors. Sal escorts me out into a star lit sky where a cool ocean breeze is blowing in from the north.

He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I look over my shoulder at him.

“You never cease to amaze me.”

“I’m amazed by
” he says, kissing the tip of my nose.

“Whew! My legs are a little shaky but that was fun. I haven’t danced like that in years! You dance like a pro–did you learn that or does it come naturally for you?”

Sal made a wagging motion with his hand. “A little of both, I suppose. Mom loved to dance, so she showed Joey and me some moves here and there when we were growing up.”

I shiver a little and Sal pulls me tighter against him and moves my hair over so he can nibble my neck. The music inside changes to a slower pace and the first few notes of Andrea Bocelli’s, “A Time to Say Goodbye” comes floating out of the ballroom.

I peek up at Sal. “They are playing our song.”

He turns me in his arms, lifts my chin, stealing a kiss “ Mmm, yes I hear it.”

We sway to our song under the moon lit sky. He caresses my face.

“Gracie, you look so beautiful tonight and everyone knows it, too. I’ve been watching. I notice things–I’ve heard some people say how happy you seem.”

“It’s because of you, Sal. You make me happy. You made me whole again–your love surrounds me.”

“You’re my everything, Gracie. I feel such desire when were together–and a longing when we’re not. He chuckles a little. “You’ve turned me upside down. Believe me when I tell you, you are all I think about.”

Our kiss is way too hot for being in public and he pulls back just a little.

“I can’t wait to get you home.”

I give him a shy smile. “Its almost over, maybe thirty more minutes–an hour tops.”

He gets a playful look on his face and takes my hand, leading me back to the doors. “Lets get you back inside before I do something we both regret.”

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